Sparks ✔️ EDITING

By RosaRay2

165K 7.4K 1.2K

"I'm not stuck up, I'm a gentleman," he replied, smirking. "Isn't it a dying breed?," I asked, picturing Maso... More

C H A P T E R 1 | Beyonce Wanna Be Girl
C H A P T E R 2 | Saving the Best To Last
C H A P T E R 3 | Third Wheeling
C H A P T E R 4 | What Are The Odds?
C H A P T E R 5 | Elephant Ears
C H A P T E R 6 | Gentleman
C H A P T E R 7 | Trust
C H A P T E R 9 | Pathetic
C H A P T E R 10 | He Broke Me
C H A P T E R 11
C H A P T E R 12
C H A P T E R 13
C H A P T E R 14
C H A P T E R 15
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C H A P T E R 8 | I Felt Perfect

4.4K 192 59
By RosaRay2

Running down the stairs towards the back door, I opened the door and saw his face in the light. He must have noticed that I was crying because he wrapped his arms around me, which made a few more tears fall.

"I don't get it," I stated, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"They are stupid enough to be mad at you," he explained, prying me off.

"Why are you here?" I asked, slowly backing a way.

"What, you don't want me here?" He teased.

"Shut up," I laughed, slightly pushing him.

"I wanted to see how you have been holding up since last night," he smiled, sadly.

"Well, I haven't been holding up that well." I replied, inviting him in and walking up into my room.

"Leave the door open!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Sorry," I blushed and flopped onto my bed.

"It's fine, but I wouldn't think your the type to be told that," he smirked.

"I mean you barely know me," I winked, as I broke out in laughter.

"And you barely know how to wink, it looked like you had something in your eye," he laughed as he grabbed a random object off my dresser.

"Since I barely know you, lets play 21 questions but I mean we might not do all of them cause come on who actually answers all 21?" he stated and I smiled.

"Alright be ready to be amazed," I laughed.

"What's you favorite...color?" Mason asked, putting the object back on my dress. "Mine is green, like leaf green."

"Well.. mine is purple, like lavender purple," I answered, still laying on the bed. "Favorite dessert?"

"Elephant ears, definitely," he smiled.

"Yup same."

"Favorite season?" Mason asked, making his way towards my bed. "Mine is winter, definitely prefer the cold."

"Autumn, it's not too cold or too hot and the leaves are soo beautiful," I close my eyes to imagine the scenery. "Tv show?"

"The walking dead. By far," he extended the 'far'.

"Eh, I prefer Teen Wolf. I mean have you seen the guys in it?" I sat up, fanning myself. Mason laughed.

"So how many kids do you want? Not right now of course but in seven years let's say," Mason questioned, crossing his legs.

"Maybe three," I curled my hair. "Dream vacation?"

"Oh come on! Greece of course," he said in a "duh" voice. "Favourite drink?"

"Water, of course."

"Boo, you're boring. Soda is the way to go," he cheered.

"Biggest fear?" I said slowly.

"Rejection, I guess," Mason sighed.

"What school do you go to?" I asked to lighten the mood.


"I go Edgewood, but half of my friends go to Oakleaf."

"Ahh I just love being surrounded by people who caused you pain," he stated.

"Ever been in love?"

"Nope. You?" Mason asked.

"No, not yet"

"Sibling?" Mason asked.

"One named Caden."

"Oh I have a whole lot," He laughed "Five, actually. Abigail, Josephine, Noah, Sierra, Chace. Chace and I are twins."

"Identical?" I said surprised.

"Yep he's my best friend."

"Birthday?" I asked, hoping it's sort of close as I haven't been to a birthday party in a while.

"October 23, 1998. That's why I like the winter."

"Well I'm a spring baby. April 10, 1999," I said proudly. "Can I ask you another question?"

"I guess." Mason smiled. Now we were both facing each other, both our legs crossed, on my bed.

"What would you say if I invited you to come to Florida with me and my family? I can invite one person and Jasmine can't come. Caden is taking Casey so wou-"

"Slow down, don't start rambling," he held his hand up. "I would be honored to join you on your trip," he said, smiling to himself.

"Oh my god thank goodness, I though you were gonna say no," I sighed.

"Why would I say no?" He teased.

"Shut up," I laughed, pushing his shoulder, playfully.

"Now that you know the basics about your favorite person," Mason started.

"Who's my favorite person?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Who came all this way to your house and threw rocks at your window?" He asked, offended.

"I stalker, that's who," I laughed, a pointed at him.

"Alright, I guess I should just leave," he smirked and grabbed my phone off my bed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Chill your horses, I am putting my number in your phone."

"Chill your horses." I laughed.

"I don't need sarcasm missy. Try not to text me right when I leave the house,"he teased, winking.

"Don't get your hopes up bud," I laughed and grabbed my phone from his hands.

"Yeah, yeah, see you later Isabella," he smirked and patted my head on the way out.

When I heard the front door close, my mum walked in the room.

"A guy, huh?" she smiled, leaning against my dresser.

"He's just a friend," I assured, waving my hand.

"Is he coming to Florida with us?"

"If that's okay with you," I shrugged.

"Of course, a friend of yours is a friend of mine but remember your promise with grandma, no boys until you are positive he's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with."

"Mum, he's just a friend," I stated.

"Tell that to your phone that keeps buzzing,"she smiled, winking and exiting my room.

Confused, I waited until my mother closed her bedroom door so I can sneak out through the back door. Whenever Jasmine needs to talk to me, she goes to the river at night and we meet by the tire swing with our flashlights. I quietly walked down the pebbles until I hit the black rubbery object. Jasmine was already there and I have never seen a bigger grin on her face.

"Hello miss rainbows and sunshine," I teased, leaning again the tree.

"Care to explain?"she asked.

"Explain, what?"

"Why was a guy throwing rocks at your your window, at night," she crossed her arms.

"How, wait why-"

"I came round to talk about girly stuff, but hid behind a tree when a saw a good-looking guy throwing pebbles at your window," she interrupted me, raising and eyebrow.

"His name is Mason," I stated.

"Ohhh, hot name for a hot guy," she winked.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I smirked.

"Doesn't mean that a girl can't look at something," she drooled.

"Shut up," I laughed.

"So, spill the beans how do you know him?"

"Did Payton explain to you what happened?"

"Yeah, really low of her to say that,"she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Well that day I went over to the Ring Toss and was severely confused about how to play. So I guess Mason saw me look so confused and came over to help me.He won me a panda and we just hung out for the rest of the night," I explained as I leaned against the try.

"Ferris Wheel?" she smirked.

"Maybe," I blushed while pulling up a picture that Mason took of us on the Ferris Wheel.

"Awhhh, that's soo cute," she gushed, zooming in on Mason's face. "He's even hotter up close,"she stated.

"Hey, I saw him first," I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, so are you guys going out?"

"No, but I did invite him to Florida," I smiled.

"You did what!" She girly screamed.

"Shhhh, not a big deal," I shrugged.

"You invite a guy to a trip with your family for three weeks and it's not a big deal?" She replied in shock.

"He's just a friend."

"Try telling yourself that," she laughed. "Anyways, I thought you were going to ask Mike to Florida with you," she said, playing with a plaster on her finger.

"I didn't think you were going to let me," I replied.

"You're my best friend,I trust you with my life and boyfriend," she explained.

"I appreciate that but Mason told me that he will go,"I smiled.

"I am sooo happy for you," She giggled, hugging me.

"Once again he's just a friend," I assured.

After Jasmine and I talked for what seemed like like hours, she left in her her, and I walked home. We talked about everything. Her and Mike are doing everything together. Shopping, seeing movies, parties, getting kicked out of shops, that's the kind of relationship I desire to have.

We talked about vacations and how parents are difficult. I told her everything that happened with Payton and Jake. I told her everything Mason and I did that night. It was nice and it was needed, she's like my therapist, that's why we are best friends.

Once I snuck back in my room it was about 2 o'clock. I usually go bed at like three. My brother goes to bed at around five, and I barely can get to sleep cause he's always screaming at his video games, but I try to get my sleeping schedule straight.I wake up at around ten so I get eight hours of sleep. Math!

I continued to read the book that I started reading until I was rudely interrupted by Mason throwing rocks at my window. I was interrupted by my phone buzzing, again.

I smiled to myself and turned my phone off, setting it on my side table. I slipped my pajamas on, brushed my teeth and hair, then I slipped under my covers and threw my brown hair into a ponytail.Turning off the lights, I turned towards my window to see the moon piercing through the glass into my room.

For ones, I felt amazing.

I felt perfect.

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