Night Changes (Soon To Be ED...

By ChasingMadness24

314K 11.4K 2.1K

"One night stands are supposed to end in sex. Not a baby left on the bed." More

AN/COPYRIGHT/Full Description
Not A Party Girl In A Party World
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes Mark's Baby In A Baby Carriage
I Hate That I Love You
When We Were Young and Didn't Care
If You're An Ass and You Know It Clap Your Hands
My Best Friend's Brother
Childhood Dreams
It's 3am and I Can't Sleep
Somebody Told Me
I Need Sex and I Know It
Everybody Makes Mistakes
I Want To Be A Cool Kid
I Still Love You
Tell Me You Love Me, Come Back to Haunt Me
It's Just You and Me
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
Trick or Treat, You've Got Me Beat
I Love You Paige Banner
Baby, I Just Need You Now
Tell Me Your Secrets, Ask Me Your Questions
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Little Things


10.9K 372 231
By ChasingMadness24


Before you read, know that I am aware that this story was short and to the point and it will be rewritten eventually. I already have an idea on how to extend it, but if you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in a comment below.


"I can't believe you aren't attending graduation." McKenna's quiet voice broke through the receiver, followed by a loud crashing sound. "Sorry, Leo keeps tripping over his gown."

I pushed down the last of Liam's clothes, casting a long look at the diploma I had picked up early this morning resting on top of my computer desk. "It's okay. Remember to send me some pictures, alright?"

I heard quiet chatter on the other end before McKenna spoke up again.

"Yeah, of course. I love you, Pai. Have a safe flight, see you in a couple weeks!" the line went dead before I could respond. Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I fell back on the bed and stared down at the picture frames I'd taken down from my walls and laid across my bed to pack.

I stared at an old one-it had been taken at McKenna's thirteenth birthday party. She was still wearing the blindfold after hitting her pinata as I collapsed with laughter beside the big oak that resided in front of her old house. At the time, we had been inseparable and had even gone long periods sleeping at the others house.

As much as I'd like to blame her for us drifting over the last few months, it wasn't her fault and she definitely wasn't to blame. It had been close to seven months since I'd really been all there. My mind had taken trip after trip and drifted to faraway lands as I tried to prepare myself for today-the day I was finally going to leave this place.

The day I was going to say goodbye to the people that had harassed me for years, had believed every rumor Marcus spread about me. I was ready to leave everything behind, especially the Dryer's.

I had taken Marcus' request into consideration after his plead in the hallway outside my brother's hospital room, but I hadn't ever been able to feel a connection with Zane again, not like the one we had. He had abused my trust and lied, and it was going to take a lot longer than six and a half months for me to open my heart back up to him.

The six months hadn't been long, they had rushed by in a blur of exams and college essays and applications, as well as acceptances. I had offered to take my brother to physical therapy the last few months as well, even though I knew it would make it even harder on him when I left.

There just wasn't any part of me that wanted to see my brother struggling and feeling as if I had my hands tied behind my back. He deserved the world and here he was, never being able to walk normally again and I was the root cause of it all. That was something that caused far more pain than anyone else could ever throw my way.

"Do you have everything packed, sweetheart?" my dad asked from the hall, peeking his head into my bedroom. Even trying to shield his emotions, I could see the tears he was fighting back as he took in the reality of the entire situation.

"Yeah, just finishing up with Liam's stuff." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. I had wanted to escape this town so bad I hadn't ever really considered how much I'd miss my family. They had been here through it all, and even if we had our arguments and disagreements, they were still the ones that were going to be here when I needed them the most.

My dad cleared his throat. "I think it's time, baby girl."

I zipped up the last of my bags and suitcases and threw Liam's baby bag over my shoulder.

"Okay." I let out a shaky breath. "Where's Pete?"

My dad made a gesture with his thumb over his shoulder. "Playing with Liam in the living room."

I nodded and watched in silence as my dad took half of my luggage and carried it out. I followed, keeping my head down so my emotions didn't show on my face.

The second I stepped into the living room, Peter looked up from where he sat on the couch with Liam on his lap.

Both of them had grown a bit in the last six months. My brother had sprouted up a couple inches and had allowed his hair to grow out a bit more so it curled around the back of his ears. Liam was nearly a year old and had a head of blonde locks. I knew it couldn't possibly be from Marcus, so his mother must have had blonde hair or it was something he would grow out of.

"Hi!" I greeted them, scooping Liam into my arms as Petey laughed quietly.

"You're leaving already?" he asked.

I kissed the top of Liam's head before dropping my gaze to my brother.

"Yeah, kiddo. I'll be back soon for a visit though." I responded. When I spun on my heel, my parents had already walked outside and shoved my things into the back of the car. By the time my dad had finished, he looked fairly winded as he stepped back into the house.

"You're Aunt is going to have a field day with helping you with those bags." my mom joked, pulling me into a hug. I felt her lips press against the side of my head. "Please be careful, sweetie."

My dad opened his mouth to say something, but it never really escaped. A familiar blue Ferarri pulled up along the curb, the window slowly rolling down. I didn't have to look into it to know it was Zane and he had no intent of heading over to the graduation ceremony either. Before I could say anything, my mom plucked Liam from my arms and nodded. "Go talk to him."

I headed down the driveway at as slow of a pace as possible. I didn't have any words for Zane. We hadn't done any more than speak a few times at lunch here and there over the last few months, it was as if we'd become strangers all over again. What he was doing in front of my house was beyond me.

"Hey." I waved shyly, tucking a strand of my dark hair behind my ear with my free hand.

He swallowed. "Get in."

"I can't do that. I've got to be at the airport in an hour." I answered. He gave me a long, exhausted look until I caved and climbed into the warm car. He waited until I shut the passenger's side door to turn my way.

"I'm not letting you leave without getting this off my chest." he said. "I love you, Paige. I know you're already well aware of this and probably have been for years. I know you don't trust me anymore or love me the way I love you, and that's okay. I just want to be a part of your life, I need to be. I don't have anyone, Paige. I never have had anyone except you."

I pried my chapped lips apart and met his blue eyes. "I. . ."

"I know, Paige. I know what I did was wrong, I know you think I played you. But that was never my intention, I swear. I love you, you're my best friend. I want to be a part of your life, of Liam's. And it doesn't have to be a relationship, I'm okay with just being your friend. I just. . . I can't lose you."

I leaned back into the seat, my eyes on my parents standing on the front porch. "I'll think about it, Zane. I have to leave, I'm sorry."

I reached for the handle, but his hand caught my wrist and grasped it tightly.

"Please be careful, Paige. I'll see you soon, yeah?"

I shook his hand off and stepped out of the car, my eyes stinging with tears as I leaned in to stare at him through the open window. He was staring at me with the same desperation I had seen in his brother's eyes months ago as he pleaded for the exact same thing.

"Yeah." I reached in and squeezed his hand. "Take care of yourself, Zane."


Leaving my little brother at the airport was almost as heartbreaking as seeing him in that hospital room in November. Before I had even stepped into the building, he had started crying and burying his face against my mom's side like he had when he was a toddler. I knew he was going to hate himself in a few hours for acting like such a baby, but I thought it was actually proving how strong he had been about this for so long. He had known I was leaving for months and had been as supportive as possible, not allowing his own emotions to get the best of him even know we both knew he was feeling it.

"You'll be okay, right?" I asked, crouching down in front of the ten year old now. He nodded, swiping his sleeve under his nose with a tight smile.

"I'll be okay. You will be too, right?" he responded.

I laughed. "Yeah, kiddo. I'll be okay. Take care of Mom and Dad for me, alright?"

He nodded, reaching over and squeezing Liam's hand. " I will. You take care of Liam, alright?"

We laughed for a few seconds before I pulled him tightly against my chest, careful not to force too much weight on his bad leg. After hugging my parents and watching them say goodbye to Liam, I headed for the plane. Once on board and settled after going through all the crap in the airport, I relaxed into my seat and started going through old pictures on my phone. Just as I was about to shut it off, a flood of photos from McKenna came through and sent a smile across my face.

"Is this seat taken?" a quiet voice asked. I was too distracted to look up and waved my hand.

"No, I do-" my words died in my mouth when I lifted my head from my phone.

The boy standing before me was a mess. A red USC sweatshirt stretched across his chest, a little too tight around the shoulder blades. He had one carry on, a small duffel bag. His hair was a tousled, dark mess, his cheeks a flushed red as if he had been running for miles.

This is is, I thought to myself, my new beginning.

"Paige." he whispered.

Who's bright idea was it to attend a college with one of the best football scholarships in the country?



SO THAT'S IT!! Please don't kill me xD I know the ending was kind of messed up, but I wanted to leave it up to you guys and what you wanted. If you wanted a sequel, I can go off of this, if you don't, then it can be left up to your guys' minds what happens next. 

So. . . do you want a sequel? What are your thoughts on what it should be about if you do? 

How did you guys feel about Zane's apology? Do you think Paige will forgive him? If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask them! 

Let me know what you guys thought/think! 


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