kiss me * wwe fan fic

By Ilove1D1237

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"kiss me." I whisper softly. "Please, just kiss me." More

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621 31 14
By Ilove1D1237

"You're wearing that?"

I stop and look at my outfit. "Yeah?"

"Aj, we're going on a boat and you do realize we're getting splashed and stuff, right?" Nikki asks.

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"We came to the beach. I thought bringing a bathing suit would be a duh." Brie says.

"Well I didn't."

"It's okay I brought several extra because you know I didn't know what mood I'd be in. And yes, I do have bathing suits for my moods." Nikki says.

"I probably won't be able to fit your chest size." I reply staring at her.

"It's okay I have one extra I'm sure you can fit mine." Brie adds pulling out a vibrant red bathing suit from her bag.

"Great." I reply grabbing it.

"Come on at least try to have fun."

"Have fun? You do realize that I'm here because I was forced to, right? How can I have fun when I have to see Layla rub all over Dean? Put yourself in my shoes. It's like if Roman was here with another girl and you were forced to watch. Or if Seth was here with another girl and you were forced to watch."

"I'm sorry." Nikki apologizes. "We're both sorry." Brie says.

I sit on the bed sighing. "It's okay. I'm sorry maybe I'm overreacting."

"You're not. I would feel like shit if I was in your shoes."

"I do feel like it. I feel like I'm loosing my mind."

"Maybe I can ask Roman for us to leave earlier."

"Don't. It's okay. Let's just get this over with."


"You're not wearing a bathing suit?" Layla asks as soon as we step out of the car.

"I am."

"Let me see." She says staring at me. I look at her and her bathing suit which is similar to mine.

Except she makes it work way better than I.


Without asking she pulls my oversized shirt up revealing the bathing suit. Dean notices this and I quickly pull away.

"Looks like mine." She points out.

"Layla, stop it." Dean whispers pulling her away.

She winces and let's go harshly. "I wasn't doing anything wrong."

I awkwardly walk away not wanting to hear their discussion about me. "You okay?" Randy asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"You don't look like you're having fun."

"I've told you before I'm antisocial. Plus, I hate boats."

"What? Why?"

"They make me dizzy and nauseous." like being here.

"Did you take a motion sickness pill?"

"Of course."

"Then you should be good." He says. I glance at Dean who looks slightly annoyed while taking out a cooler from his truck.


After gathering our bags we walk to where the boat is at. It's quite big and fancy looking. "Come on guys this is going to be great!" Layla squeals.

She gets on then Dean, then I'm next. Dean stretches his hand out and at first I hesitate in taking it.

But then Brie who's behind me slightly nudges me bringing me back to reality. I take his hand and he squeezes it lightly helping me up.

We look at each other for a while until Layla pulls Dean. "Honey, help me get this."

I stand on the side waiting for everyone else to get in. Layla notices I'm looking at her and Dean and she purposely kisses his cheek while grabbing his arm.

Once again I have to swallow my pride and the knot that's in my throat and watch. That's all I can ever do.

Just watch.

I can't say anything or do anything I just have to watch. But why do I allow myself to hurt over this is the real question?

Do I not love myself enough?

Do I think I'm not worth?

"Aj?" Seth says. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him who's sitting beside me.


"If you need to talk you know I'm still available."

"You're not going to start the conversation by asking me if I'm okay?" I joke laughing.

"No because I know the answer. I can see it."

I stop laughing and give him a look I hope doesn't spill my emotions.

"You still want to be my psychologist huh?"

"No. I want to be your friend." He says giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"Gather up! Gather up!" Layla screams. The boat has barely started to move and I already feel sick.

I don't know if it's the boat itself or if it's my intoxicated feelings that are slowly poisoning me.

Maybe it's both.

I stay seated where I am because I honestly don't want to be a part of whatever she's planning on doing.

"You too." She says looking directly at me.

"I'll rather not."

"You're going to say no? We're trying to have fun aren't we?" There's a hint of bitterness in her voice making me uncomfortable.

I get up and approach the circle where everyone is at. "Let's play truth or dare!"

This never ends well.

"But a couple truth or dare." She adds wiggling her eyebrows. She pulls out her phone, "I have this app that's for couples."

"Layla let's not-"

"Dean it's for fun."

I look at Randy who's already looking at me. We both know we're not a couple but before we can protest Layla starts the game.

"Let me click shuffle and ... ooh! Brie and Roman are first. Truth or dare?"

"You pick." Roman tells Brie.

"Mmmm.. truth."

"That's so boring." Nikki comments.

"Shut up, Nicole."

"Okay, the question says what was the first impression of your partner?"

"I'll go first. Well when I landed eyes on Brie my heart completely swelled. My first impression was wow. I was instantly captivated by her beauty and her smile." Roman says lightly squeezing Bries blushed cheeks.

I look down at my hands feeling awkward. This whole game makes me feel this way.

"When I saw Roman my first impression was wow those arms and that face and basically everything! I was so shook." She laughs.

"Awww!" Layla says grabbing Dean's arm and pulling him closer. He glances at me and my gaze stays fixed on her arm wrapped around his.

"Okay next."

Layla clicks her phone and seconds later looks up a smile on her lips. Please don't be me, please don't be me, please don't -

"Aj and Randy."

"Actually, we aren't a couple. We're just friends and I don't think we should do it."

I sigh relieved when Randy speaks up. "So? Nikki and Seth aren't a couple and they're still playing." Layla points out.

"Well yeah but-"

"Just do it."

"Dare." I speak up.

Layla and everyone else looks at me shocked when I speak up. "Aj, we don't have to do it." Randy whispers.

"Dare." I repeat.

Layla smiles satisfied. "Okay dare it is." Dean gives me a stern look that I decide to ignore.

"Oh! Would you look at that. The dare says remove an article of clothing from your partner. No jewelry included."

Everyone is looking at us. I turn to Randy who looks slightly shy. "I'll go first." I say grabbing his shirt.

From the corner of my eye I can see Dean looking at me as I pull up Randy's shirt. When I remove it I hand it to him avoiding eye contact.

"Ooh la la. Now your turn Randy." Layla says. She's clearly enjoying this. Randy looks at me and the only thing I'm wearing that he can remove is my oversized shirt.

"May I?" He whispers.

I nod my head slowly as I get up from where I'm sitting. He grabs the bottoms of my shirt and slowly removes it.

We stare looking at each other until Dean gets up abruptly. "Where are you going?" Layla asks confused.

"I don't want to play this game anymore. It's so stupid."

"But we're having so much fun."

"You are but I'm not. I'm done."

Layla gets up frustrated and walks over to where Dean is at. He's standing by a cooler grabbing a beer can.

"Babe don't be this way."

"I said no."

"Why the hell are you being so dramatic?"

"I'm not. I just don't want to play this fucking game anymore."

She looks at me and then at Dean. "Seriously, Dean. Don't tell me it's because of that."

"I don't want to play that's it." He takes a sip of his beer and turns around to walk away. She doesn't give up though.

She grabs his arm making him face her. "Why are you acting this way huh?"

"Layla drop it."

"Why?" She screams.



"Because I don't want to be with you anymore okay! I love you but I'm not in love with you! That's what it is! I'm in love with someone else. Is that what you wanted to hear?"


im soOooo sorry it's been so long guys. ive been super busy lately :c also the story is in its final chapters yayayaya. thnx for the support and for voting, reading, and commenting. luv yallll xoxoxo ;*

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