Descendants x Reader One Shots

By DaisyErina

66.3K 934 165

My new guilty pleasure... I tripped and fell straight down the rabbit hole More

Harry - Under the Moonlight
Harry - Under the Moonlight SMUT
Gil - True Intentions
Harry - Into the Woods
Carlos - A Whole New World
Harry - First Mate
Jay - The Princely Type

Ben - You Stole My Heart

8.5K 109 17
By DaisyErina

You Stole My Heart
Request for Lyra Tagline
A/N: I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted, but I've had this idea ever since I made my own OC the daughter of the Queen of Hearts. It's fluffy, I promise. It's also long and angsty and sooo much fun to write.
"May I request? 😄
Y/n is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, who is sent to Auradon with her best friend(s): Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Ben starts to notice her, and they decide to see how things will turn out. (Basically, everything that happened between Mal and Ben but with Y/n and Ben instead.)"

You blew out a breath as the limo slowed to a stop in front of Auradon Prep. Through the tinted window, you could see a flock of people in brightly colored clothes, excitement etched onto their faces as they waited for you and the others to exit the vehicle.
The door opened and a gloved hand was extended to assist you. You ignored it, stepping out of the car on your own. The five of you stepped up on the curb that lined the grassy courtyard, your unimpressed eyes scanning the goody-goodies whose faces all seemed to blend together.
"I'm Ben," a tall boy with short brown hair greeted. "Welcome to Auradon Prep."
You let out a snort as he stood before you. He was handsome, with the way his hazel green eyes  sparkled with excitement and his honey brown bangs swept to the side of his face.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. No. You are not attracted to a prince!
A tan brunette in a oink sweater stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Ben. "Prince Ben," she stated. "My boyfriend. I'm Audrey."
A smirk crossed your lips. As the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, you were known for stealing and breaking the hearts of any boy who tried to court you. You enjoyed your reputation, and that wasn't going to change just because you finally got off the Isle.
Once you were escorted inside, you were introduced to Doug. While he explained your schedules, you noticed Ben's gaze lingering on you, much to Audrey's frustration. You offered the prince a smirk before turning to your friends, wondering where your dorm was.
"Two students per dorm," Doug explained. "Mal and Evie have already been roomed together. (Y/n), the only person left without a roommate is Jane."
You exhaled a breath of relief. At least it wasn't Audrey.
"That's fine," you shrugged. Doug nodded, pleased by your acceptance, and pointed you down the correct hallway. You shuffled down beside Mal and Evie, eying each door until you saw your name on a plaque beneath Jane's. You bid your friends goodbye before turning the handle and slipping into the dorm room.
"Hey," you greeted the brunette nonchalantly. "I'm (Y/n). I guess we're roommates?"
Jane spun on her heel to look at you, freezing in place as her baby blue eyes widened in fear. You raised a brow, waving your hand in front of her face to try and entice some reaction.
"Cat got your tongue?" you teased, but she remained still. The way she was visibly shaking triggered realization in your brain. "I get it. You're afraid of me. With good reason, I'm sure."
Her brow furrowed as you spoke to her. She'd expected to already be cursed just for standing in your way.
You raised your hands defensively. "Look, I'm not gonna hurt you. I didn't pick you. You were the only person left with a vacancy."
She managed a frozen nod. You rolled your eyes and sauntered into the room, setting your bags down beside the empty bed. Auradon was going to be interesting.

Over the next few months, several boys were drawn to you. You played them all like lovesick fiddles. It was always one at a time, of course. You were many things, but you weren't a cheater. It was always the same - one boy would profess his attraction to you, you would agree to a date, and within a week, they would be completely infatuated with you. And then you would break it off and leave them pining for you.
The rest of the girls at Auradon hated you. Once a boy had you, he couldn't get over you.
And it was about time Prince Ben himself fell hard for the daughter of the Queen of Hearts.

You were outside, sitting on a bench in the courtyard, when the brunet approached you. You'd wanted a break from Jane's incessant questions about Carlos. You found her crush on him to be rather innocent and adorable, but you could only answer "Are you sure Carlos isn't seeing anyone?" so many times without ripping your hair out.
"Having some time to yourself?" a gentle voice called out. A smirk tugged at your lips as you lifted your head, turning to look at the honey haired prince.
"I was," you replied. "But I certainly wouldn't oppose your company."
He flashed you a toothy smile, sitting on the bench beside you. "How are you adjusting? I hear you have a lot of, uh, suitors."
A chuckle escaped your throat. "You could say that."
His brows furrowed and he glanced down at his lap. You couldn't help the amused smile that claimed your lips. You'd never seen the prince nervous before.
"I was wondering..." He exhaled a sigh before inhaling a deep breath, steeling himself and gazing into your eyes. "Would you want to go on a date with me?"
Your amused smirk morphed into a triumphant grin. "I'd love to."

That following Friday, you stood before your full body mirror, admiring your outfit. It included your regular color scheme, but in the form of a dress and leggings rather than tattered leather. After slipping on boots and a jacket, you were ready to go.
You met Ben in the courtyard, as you guys had previously agreed. You couldn't suppress the gasp that escaped your lips at the sight that met you under the gazebo.
Ben had moved one of the picnic tables and set up a full picnic lunch atop it. As you sauntered closer, you discovered that all of your favorite snacks had been prepared and laid out. In the back of your mind you wondered how Ben knew of your weakness for (f/dessert).
He smiled at you, beckoning you closer with his hand. He then bowed, to which you responded with a half-hearted curtsy. You accepted the hand he extended towards you, taking a seat on one side of the table. He sat across from you, that sweet, dopey smile never leaving his lips.
"I can't believe you did all of this," you murmured. None of your previous "suitors" had ever tried to win your heart. "How did you even know?"
He let out a sheepish laugh. "I might have asked your other Isle friends what kind of foods you like. I just wanted our date to be perfect."
A warm, genuine smile spread across your lips. No one had ever tried to woo you, and you couldn't deny that you loved it. Your heart melted at the gesture, and you wondered if Ben's attraction to you might be more than just the magnetic pull you had over boys.
The butterflies flapping in your belly surely meant that you had a genuine attraction to him.

Since your first date, you continued to go on dates with Ben. You even found yourself looking forward to them. Several people had asked you to when you were going to cut him loose, as you'd been dating him for over a month. You never responded to them, only offering a shrug in return. You didn't want to end what you had with Ben. You weren't entirely sure what it was, but it left you feeling warm and fuzzy and... loved.
The shock hit you like a ton of bricks. Was this what love felt like?

Ben shuffled down the halls, a lovestruck smile on his lips. He was humming to himself, so lost in his daydream that he collided straight on with another student. He snapped back to reality with a string of apologies flowing from his mouth, offering a hand to the person he'd knocked over.
It was Chad, but in place  his usual confident smile, he wore furrowed brows and a frown.
"Ben," Chad greeted quietly. "Are you still dating... (Y/n)?"
Ben nodded. "Of course. Why do you ask?"
"She's bad news," Chad whispered. "Ask any of the guys in school. She's used all of them. She dates them for a week, then discards them like old toys. Break it off before she breaks you, man."
The brunet shook his head. "Chad, what are you talking about? (Y/n) isn't like that. We've been dating for a month and she's never done anything to hurt me."
"I'm serious!" Chad exclaimed. He nodded towards Jay, who had been walking by the pair. The Dark haired boy stopped to join the conversation.
"Just ask Jay," Chad stated. "He grew up with (Y/n). I'm sure he knows."
Jay's eyes widened. He knew what this was about.
Ben's heart hammered in his chest. "Jay, does (Y/n) really use people like Chad thinks?"
Jay let out a sigh. "I'm sorry man. It started when she hit puberty. Guys were always hitting on her, but they just thought she was hot. They never liked her for her. So she used her alluring nature to her advantage and decided to dump guys before they could dump her."
Ben's heart shattered in his chest. "I... I have to find her. I have to talk te her." He bid the two a bitter goodbye before sprinting down the hall in search of you.

Your ears perked up at the sound of Ben's voice. A smile graced your lips as you lifted your head, but it just as quickly melted away when you saw the heartbroken expression etched into his features.
"Ben? What's wrong?"
"Is it true?" he inquired, not caring that Evie, Mal, and Carlos were sitting beside you.
"Is what true?" you countered. "What's going on?"
"I just ran into Chad," the brunet replied. "He told me that you don't really care about the guys you date, that you 'use them and then discard them.' Is that true?"
You could hear your friends' murmurs of concern.
"Ben, I-"
He choked out a humorless laugh. "I should have known. I should have been more suspicious of why none of your relationships lasted more than a week. Why me, (Y/n)? Why did I last so long? Was it more fun to lead me on because I'm a prince? Had you already gone through the rest of the boys and I was the only one left? Tell me! Why did I last so long?"
His voice had raised significantly by the end of his confrontation, and every head knows the cafeteria was turned towards you. Tears were pouring down your face, smearing your mascara as you stared up at the honey brunet.
"You can't even give me an explanation?" he scoffed. "Don't I deserve at least that?"
"Ben..." Mal tried to warn him.
"Did I mean nothing at all?" he continued, though his heart crumbled more at the sight of your tears.
"You mean everything to me!" you finally blurted. "That's why you lasted so long! No one has ever wanted to know me, wanted to court me, until you! I fell for you, Ben! I genuinely fell for you, and I never wanted to hurt you. I know I'll never be good enough for you, but I didn't want to hurt you by breaking it off, and I didn't have the heart to lose the only person who's ever cared about me! I love you, Ben!"
Gasps rang out through the cafeteria. Ben simply stared at you in shock. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for a response. When none came, you let out a choked sob and pushed past him, running out of the room and down the hall.
All Ben could do was stare at the spot where you'd been standing. "She... loves me?"
Evie nodded. "That's what we were just talking about. We asked her why she was so different around you. She's happy with you, Ben. She's never been this happy."
"But... I just passed Jay. He said she was using me just like the other guys."
Mal shook her head. "Jay's dense, and he doesn't like girl talk. He's never around when we talk about feelings and whatnot."
Ben exhaled an exasperated sigh. "What do I do?"
Carlos rolled his eyes. "Go after her!"
Ben nodded, spinning on his heel and running after you.

He knew exactly where to find you. He made his way out to the gazebo in the courtyard, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw you sitting at the table there.
Your gaze was cast down at your lap, but the stillness of your shoulders meant your sobs had ceased. A stray tear slid down your cheek every now and then, but for the most part, you just felt numb and broken.
"(Y/n)?" Ben greeted softly.
"What do you want?" you managed, your voice raw from crying.
He grinned at the sound. "Can I sit?"
You shrugged. "You can do what you want."
He dropped down beside you, taking your hand in his. "I'm so sorry. I just... I didn't believe Chad when he told me about the other guys. I didn't think you were that type of girl. But when Jay confirmed it... I got so confused and worried. I figured Jay would know, since you guys grew up together. I should have just asked instead of blowing up at you. I'm sorry."
You shrugged weakly. "It's okay. Chad was right, about the other guys. I treated them how they used to always treat me. I expected it to be the same way with you..."
"What changed?"
You glanced up at him, mascara tracks smeared down your cheeks. "Our first date. You set up that picnic... You even asked my friends what my favorite foods were. You actually liked me, as a person. I fell for you then. Everything after that has been real."
He lifted a hand to brush a lock of (h/c) strands behind your ear. "Let me make it up to you. (Y/n), would you please forgive my stupidity and do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"
A soft giggle escaped your lips and you nodded. "Yes, I absolutely will."
He leaned in close, resting his other hand on your cheek. He closed the gap between you, his lips melding perfectly against yours. You leaned into his touch, your hands resting on top of his.
He pulled back for a breath, nudging your nose with his. "I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Ben."

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