A Beautiful Mistake

By _letmekissyounialler

74.1K 1K 131

Katherine Carter was your average 16 year old. Except for the fact that her parents died when she was 12 and... More

Pinky Promise
New Home
One Direction Are Vacationing Where?
The Five Boys Next Door
The Box of Carrots
Better Luck Next Time
Best Friends?
Getting Their Numbers
Going for a Swim
That's One For Twitter
The Not So Girls Day
Bring It, Curly
Disneyland with the Boys
Under the Castle
He's Said What???
Singing and Sluts
Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Beach
The Truth Comes Out
Killer Spiders
Ass of Holes
He'll Keep You Safe
Stupid Ex Boyfriend
Hospital on Fourth of July
Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever
Niall's Grand Slam
Heart to Heart with Zayn Malik
Niall Makes Me Fall
Good Night Kiss
Destructive Cookie Sheets
And So It Begins
What Are You Doing Here?
Can't Breathe
Goodbyes and New Beginnings?
Shopping Spree pt. 1
Shopping Spree pt. 2
Last Day
The Fun and Only
Down Right Cruel
A Fish Without Eyes
Zayn gets his Trousers Twisted
Annoying Buzz
Three Days
Payback is a Bitch

Movie Premiere

1.3K 23 2
By _letmekissyounialler

Harry let go of my face, “Come on. Let’s go back inside.” I nodded. He took my hand; we turned around to find Niall standing there on the porch with a small box in his hand. Niall stared at me and Harry for minute before he turned around to walk back inside. I let go off Harry’s hand and ran after my best friend.

When I entered the living room, the boys (minus Niall), Kody, Josh, and Erika were sitting on the couch. They pointed outside, indicating that Niall was out there.

“Thanks.” I nodded. I jogged outside. I found Niall lying on a lounge chair holding the box. I walked up to him and sat on the chair next to his. “Niall…”

“Come here.” He patted the space next him. I laid next to him. His blue eyes met mine, “I, um, got you something...” He handed me the small box. I took it and stared at for a minute.

''Open it!” He smiled. I began to tear off the paper. Inside the box was a beautiful shamrock necklace. I looked up at him and smiled, “Why?”

Niall’s smile dropped a little, “I was going to ask you to go with me to the movie as my date… but Harry asked first…”

Shit. Now I’m starting to feel bad. “I am so sorry! I had no idea…”

Niall gave me a small smile, “It’s okay. Here let me help you put on the necklace.” I turned around and picked up my hair off my neck. After he clasped it, I turned back around to face him. Niall placed my hair back on my shoulders, “Perfect.”

I felt my cheeks heating up. I looked down trying to hide it. What’s wrong with me?? 

“Come on, we better get back inside. We got a big day tomorrow.”  He said while standing up. Niall offered his hand for me to help me up. I took it. Once I was up, Niall didn’t let go right away, we locked eyes for a few seconds. He looked away and dropped my hand. We walked back in the living room to see Erika chasing Kody around.

“GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE, YOU FUCKING FUCKER!” Erika screamed. Kody continued to run while laughing his butt off.  Niall turned to me with an eyebrow raised.

I shook my head, “Don’t take her phone. Ever.”

Right after I finished that sentence a huge THUMP echoed through the house.

“oooooowwwwwwww….” Kody whined. I walked over to them, Erika was sitting on Kody’s back.


“NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.” Kody chanted while waving his hand with the phone, back and forth.  Niall and I sat on the floor in front of the couch being entertained. Erika stood on her knees and smacked Kody’s hand down while taking her phone with her free hand. She immediately got off of his back and sprinted up the stairs screaming. Kody got up and ran after her. At that same moment, Josh came down the stairs with a confused look on his face. The boys laughed as Josh continued to walk in the living room. Two seconds later, all you hear is a huge slam.



The boys doubled over in laughter. Kody walked back downstairs with his head hanging in shame. He let out a dramatic sigh as he flopped on the floor, sitting criss cross applesauce.


“See you tomorrow!” The boys chorused as they walked out the door.

They boys finally left and the house was silent. 

“Well I’m going to bed!” I announced.

Erika nodded, “Me too!”

“Wait, where am I supposed to sleep???” Kody asked frantically looking around.

Erika pointed to the couch, “On the fucking couch.”


“NIGHT KODY!” Erika shouted while pulling me upstairs.

I shut the door behind me and changed into my PJ’s. I climbed into bed, right when I was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed. Really!? I rolled over and grabbed my phone.

                From: My Best Friend<3xx

                Be ready by 4:45! We have to be there by 6pm and it takes a while to get there. See ya then! :)

                -Niall xx

I typed back, “Sounds good! Night Nialler :)” I set my phone back down on the nightstand, letting myself slowly drift off to sleep.


I groaned and opened my eyes. Standing above me was Erika and Kody.

“What time is it…….?” I asked while rubbing my eyes.

“1:00” Erika stated.

“Morning or afternoon!?” I sat up right

“Afternoon.” Kody said as if it was no big deal.

“SHIT. And your just now waking me up!?” I threw my covers off and ran to the bathroom.  I jumped in the shower. I was out within 10 minutes. I walked back out with gym shorts and a loose t-shirt.  I found Erika walking into her room.

“ERIKA! Can you- What the fuck happened to your hair!? Did you rub hot Cheetos on it or something??” I asked.

She laughed, “I dip-dyed it! Want me to do yours?”

“Okay.” I shrugged.

“YAY. Yours will be blue so it will match your dress. What were you gonna ask me?” She said it like it was all one sentence.

“Can you help me with my hair and make-up?” I asked

“Suuuuuure.” She walked into my room and pulled my chair out, “Sit.”

I did as told and let her work her magic. I glanced at the clock, it read 2:15.

“Okay, close your eyes and do not move a muscle!” She threatened. I nodded and closed my eyes. About fifteen minutes later, Erika told me she was done and that she is now going to work on my hair.

“But you can’t look till I’m all finished!” She plugged in the straightener and curling iron. I felt her run a brush through my hair and the straightener run down to the middle of my hair. Then Erika started wrapping my hair around the curling iron.

“Okay, now you can look!” She spun around in the chair so I could see in the mirror. Wow. All I could think was that the girl looking back was not me at all. Erika dip dyed the ends of my hair a light blue color. The top of my hair was straight and went into soft waves down my back. My make-up was amazing. She did a smokey eye with blue eye shadow. It made my eyes pop!

“THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!” I shouted while squeezing her into a tight hug.

“No prob. Can I go get myself ready now?” She asked.

 I let go. I looked at the clock, it read 3:20. I pushed her out of my room, “GOOOOOOOOOOO!”

I closed the door and ran to my closet. I slipped out of my gym shorts and pulled on the blue dress. I pulled out my hair carefully not wanting to mess it up. I walked around my closet trying to decide what shoes to wear. I must have been in here for a while because Erika came back in with her dress on, her hair up in a curly half up half down do, her make-up was perfect, and she even did  little swirling designs on her arms.

“You look beautiful!” I gushed

“Thanks and what are you doing!? It’s 4:30 and the boys are coming soon!” She said super fast.

“4:30!?!?!?! I was just trying to find some shoes!” I said pointing behind me. Erika sighed and walked to the shelf with my shoes on it. She grabbed a pair of silver high heels.

“Here.” She shoved the shoes to me.

“I could have done that.” I muttered. I bent down, putting one shoe on. I stepped down and slipped the other one on.

“ERIKA, KATHERINE! YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE HERE.” Kody shouted from downstairs.

Erika sighed while rolling her eyes, “ONE MINUTE. AND THEY ARE NOT OUR BOYFRIENDS.” She turned to me, “You ready?”

“WAAAAAAIT.” I ran to my nightstand and grabbed the shamrock necklace and the necklace that Jacob gave me. I took the heart off the chain and put it on the chain with the shamrock. I clasped it around my neck.

“Kay. Now I’m ready.” I smiled. We walked together to the top of the stairs. Erika and I looked at each other, “You first.” I motioned her down the stairs. She sighed and slowly made her way down the stairs. When Erika was about 6 steps down, I started walking down too. I had to walk extra slow ‘cause I was scared I would fall and eat shit. When I was half way down, all eyes were on me. I found Erika standing next to Louis. He had his arm around Erika’s shoulder. Kris and Kody were sitting on the couch. The boys were standing in front of the door, staring at me. They boys were wearing tux’s. They looked pretty hot, if I do say so myself.

When I finally made it to the bottom, Harry walked over to me, “You look amazing.” I smiled and looked down to hide my blush.

“Group photo!!!” Kris shouted.

We huddled close to each other. Harry pulled me close to him.

“1….2….3!!!” She counted as she snapped the picture. “One more!”

“Mooooooom! My cheeks hurt!” Erika complained

Kris ignored her and counted again. “Got it! Okay, you kids have fun! Don’t do anything stupid.” She pointed to me and Erika. We laughed and walked outside.  A huge stretch limo was waiting for us.

“You guys ready?” Liam asked.

We nodded, the driver opened our door, and we piled out. Harry offered his hand to help me out. I took it and right when I stood up flashes from the cameras were going crazy.





So many questions were being shot at us.

“Just ignore them.” Harry whispered. The other boys and Erika were not too far behind us.  We stopped for a minutes to take pictures. Then we were finally inside the theatre. In the theater Erika sat at the end next to some random lady, next to her was Louis, Kody,  me, Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn.

“What’s just happened?” Zayn asked

“Stop throwing popcorn, Niall!” Louis shouted

“I didn’t do it! Liam started it!” Niall shouted

The lady next to Erika leaned over to Erika and asked, “Can you tell her friends to be quiet?”

Erika shook her head, “No, they’ll just get louder.”

I laughed quietly to myself and tried to pay attention to the movie. It was very hard considering the boys were still throwing popcorn.

We were at the part were the mutations were hunting down Katniss and Peeta. Peeta was looking in the bushes, right when he took a step closer a giant mutation jumped out, barking super loud.

“OH SHIT.” I jumped almost five feet in the air.

“It’s okay, love.” Harry giggled


When the movie finished we walked back down the red carpet. We stopped to take a few more a pictures.

“Katherine! Katherine! Can I have your autograph??”

I smiled, “Sure!” I walked over to the girl and she stuck out a piece of paper and a sharpie.  I took it and looked around trying to find a flat surface. “Ahhhhhhhh…” Right when I turned to my left I saw Harry face plant into the floor. My mouth fell wide open. I turned back to the girl, trying to hold back my laughter. Her mouth was hanging open as well. “Is he okay???” She asked.

“He’ll be fine.” I smiled as I signed the piece of paper in my knees. “Here you go!” I chirped.

“Oh my god! Thank you so much! I love your voice!” She sounded like she was about to go into shock.

I laughed, “Thanks! Well I better get back to the boys... Oh what’s your twitter? I’ll follow you.” Her eyes widened as she wrote it down and ripped it off. I took the paper and waved good bye.

We piled in to the limo and drove away.

“THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!” Erika screamed. “I signed my first autograph!!!!” She squealed.

“Me too!!!!” We high fived while the boys laughed. About ten minutes later, Niall tapped my shoulder. I turned to him and his cheeks were slowly turning pink.

“You look beautiful, Katie.”

I smiled and pushed some of my hair out of my face, “Thanks.”

“What are we doing tomorrow???” Zayn asked.

“Let’s go to the Orange County Fair!” I shouted

Everyone agreed and went off into their conversations. My eyes started slowly drooping closed.

“I can wake you when we get there.” Harry whispered. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.


Wooooooo! super long chapter :D this took me forever and right at the end the computer shut down -.- i started freaking out, but its okaay 'cause my friend fixed it :D Enjoy!

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