Your Crucible | Peaky Blinders

By mphee_bs

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Y O U R C R U C I B L E "May you be in heaven a full half hour before the devil knows you're dead... More

The Thornes
Part I
Chapter One ~ 1919
Chapter Two ~ The Specials
Chapter Three ~ Singing
Chapter Four ~ Plans
Chapter Five ~ Who
Chapter Six ~ Billy Kimber
Chapter Seven ~ The Races
Chapter Eight ~ Right And Wrong
Chapter Ten ~ The Wedding
Chapter Eleven ~ Betrayal
Chapter Twelve ~ Hurt
Chapter Thirteen ~ Punches
Chapter Fourteen ~ To Be A Blinder
Chapter Fifteen ~ Intuition
Chapter Sixteen ~ Kimber's Men
Part II
Chapter Seventeen ~ 1921
Chapter Eighteen ~ London
Chapter Nineteen ~ The Reopening
Chapter Twenty ~ Michael Gray
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Complicated
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Absence of Common Sense
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ To Act Accordingly
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ May
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Collateral Damage
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Arrests
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Confessions
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Completely
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ The Derby Races
Chapter Thirty ~ Surprise
Part III
Chapter Thirty-One ~ 1924
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Snow
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ The Changretta's
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Taken
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Cursed
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ The Trophy Wives
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Separation
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ The Escape
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Reunited
Chapter Forty ~ Reconciliation
Chapter Forty-One ~ Isolation
Chapter Forty-Two ~ Confessions
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Picnic in the Park

Chapter Nine ~ Love

6.4K 183 9
By mphee_bs

Chapter Nine

"I don't know if she loves me back"

Polly's eyes widened and flickered to Lottie, but she didn't look up. "Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her, or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?"

"I've already proposed and she said, 'Yes'."

"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang," murmured Tommy, lighting a cigarette.

John took a gulp of his drink. "It's, er... It's Lizzie Stark."

"Bang," whispered Lottie, popping her lips and immediately, the Shelby's began to laugh in unison, snorting. The hurt she felt turned into anger inside of her. They had kissed. She thought that had at least meant something to him. Surely, he must know about her feelings for him. She clenched her jaw, finally looking up at John with cold eyes.

"John, Lizzie Stark is a strong woman," said Polly, giggling, trying to find the right words. "And I'm sure she provides a fine service for her customers."

"I won't hear the word," snapped John. "Understand? Do not use that word."

"And what word is that, John?" Said Lottie. John looked at her for the first time since the meeting began, but she did not waver. She just looked at him void of emotion, but her sharp blue eyes had a hint of cruelty in them. "Whore?"

He just stared back at her hurt, but she would not shake.

"Everybody bloody knows that she is," chuckled Arthur.

"Everybody can go to hell," snapped John, glad to look away from her.

"Prostitute?" Suggested Tommy. "How about that one?"

"Right," spat John, his voice shaking. "I want it known. If anyone calls her a whore again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats, and blow the word back down into their hearts."

Polly shook her head in disbelief. "Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me. John, Lizzie Stark has never did a day's work vertical."

"She's changed!" He shouted, not thinking of Lizzie, but of Lottie.

Something had happened since she had got back from the races. She had never treated him that way. He remembered he was going to ask her to marry him that day - that's why he wanted to find her, but her reaction when they spoke broke his heart before he even got to ask the question. He had gone to the pub, hoping she'd be there so he could try and talk to her again, not knowing that she was in the office. He got drunk and found himself with Lizzie. The next couple days he was with her and finally asked Lizzie the question, believing that she was what he deserved - not Lottie. "All right. People change. Like with religion."

"Lizzie Stark has got religion, eh?" Questioned Tommy.

"No, no, she doesn't have religion," he stammered. "But she loves me. Now listen, Tommy. I won't do it without your blessing. But of all the people in the world, I want you to see it... as brave."

"Oh, it's brave, all right," muttered Arthur.

"Brave is going where no man has gone before," argued Polly.

Lottie nodded. "And with Lizzie Stark that is not what you'll be doing," she added. She didn't smile or laugh with the others; she only stared, her eyes like ice.

The other's snorted and chuckled, despite trying to stop themselves.

John ignored them. "Listen, Tommy. Welcome her to the family. As someone who's had a hard life. All right? Because I need someone. The kids need someone."

The door to the adjoining room opened. They all turned to see Finn. "Tommy!" He gasped. "We've been done over!"

"What?" Said Arthur sitting up straight. The five of them rushed out the room, running back to the house.

When they arrived, they saw that the entire betting shop was a mess. "Jesus Christ," spat John, kicking a chair in frustration.

"What the bloody hell happened here?" Arthur demanded Scudboat.

"The Lees," he mumbled. "All of them. Cousins, nephews, even their bastards..."

"They've taken anything they can lay their hands on," observed Polly.

"Four cash boxes," counted Lottie.

Tommy walked around the room looking at his hand. A pair of wire cutters lay on his palm. "They left these."

"Wire cutters?" Questioned Polly. "Why would they leave that?"

"Nobody move," Arthur suddenly warned.

Everyone froze where they stood.

"I think our friends are playing the game," nodded Tommy.

"What game?" Asked Lottie, confused.

Polly began walking towards the office, but John held out his arm. "Aunt Poll, don't touch anything."

"Erasmus Lee was in France," explained Tommy.

"Shit," swore Scudboat, carefully standing.

"When we gave up ground to the Germans, we'd leave behind booby traps, set up with wires. And we'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke."

John looked around the room. "Somewhere in here there's a hand grenade."

"Holy Jesus," muttered Polly as Lottie swore.

"Attached to a wire," said Arthur. "Don't move any chairs or open any doors. Go easy, John Boy. Go easy."

Tommy shook his head. "No," he said. "Boys, no. It's not in here. If it was in here, it would have blown by now. It was my name on that bullet Erasmus sent. He set up a trap all right. But he set it up just for me." Realisation washed over him and he ran out of the room, leaving the others still too afraid to move.

Once they heard the grenade going off in the distance and Tommy returned with Finn holding his hand, they all relaxed. John stepped towards where Lottie stood, but she turned her back on him and walked out, not wanting to talk to him. The anger and betrayal she felt was boiling inside of her, and she knew she'd snap if she spoke to him.

That evening, Lottie shut the door to her bedroom, putting her chair against it so that no one could surprise her by suddenly entering. With shaking hands and a trembling breath, she pushed her metal framed bed to the side slightly, and lifted one of the floorboards, revealing a secret compartment. Inside were small items, all with incredible importance to her. There was a photo of her mother, letters from Freddie and Maxim tied up in string from the war, a tintype photograph of her from a couple years back and something else... Lottie's hands shook as she reached in to pull it out, a small, delicate golden ring in her grasp.


Tommy stood waiting in the garage for Campbell's arrival. The rain was pouring out side like bullets, bringing back repressed memories. Finally, he arrived. "Your message said, you have an address for me," said the Inspector.

Tommy walked over to him and held out a piece of paper. "An anonymous tip-off," he confirmed. "The address of Stanley Chapman."

"You promised me Freddie Thorne."

"This is instead of Freddie Thorne," he corrected.

Campbell turned away. "No deal."

"Inspector, Stanley Chapman is a bigger fish than Freddie Thorne," Tommy explained. "He's currently holding two-hundred pounds in cash. Given to the Communist party by the Russian Government. That's right. Chapman has snow on his boots, and all you need is a shovel. If he talks, you'll have proof. You might even get that medal. Now, before I give you the address," he said. "I want your word that you will let Freddie Thorne and my sister leave the city."

After a pause, Campbell agreed. "Very well. You have my word."

"I'd say, our little truce is proving quite productive for both of us, Inspector," sighed Tommy. "I get information and protection and you... Well, you get Bolsheviks."

"But on a more pressing matter," said the Inspector. "I'm afraid that Mr Churchill is becoming impatient. And I fear that if you don't get back those stolen weapons soon, I will be replaced. It would be the finish of me. That's for sure."

Tommy, rolled his eyes slightly. "When my business with Kimber is done, the guns will be returned. That was the deal."

"Then I am in your hands, completely," he muttered. "You hold all the cards. But I hope to God, that my dismissal doesn't come before your decision to hand back those guns. And I say this for your sake. Because, if I were to be fired and it were your fault, I would do things that would shame the devil." He chuckled. "My fury is a thing to behold. On my last day in power, for example, I would see to it that you and your scum brothers have your heads stoved in with mallets and spades. Thorne's sister and your's, too. That baby inside her would be of no consequence to me. The only one to be spared would be your little brother, Finn. He would however be lifted as a juvenile and dumped into that part of the adult prison, where men have the most appetite for boys like him. Oh, that would be a dark day indeed, Mr Shelby. If my dismissal comes before you decision. Do you understand? And know this... The clock is ticking."

As soon as his back was turned, Tommy immediately pulled out his gun ready to shoot, his breathing heavy. But he couldn't fire it.


Lottie and Freddie walked together through the graveyard towards their's mother, Irene's, headstone, flowers in their hands. Maxim already was there, his head bowed. As they bent down to place the flowers on the mound, Lottie wiped away her tears, sniffing.

Suddenly, a voice spoke. "Today's her birthday," she said.

They turned to see Polly. "Polly," gasped Lottie. "What are you doing here?"

"I know none of you ever miss it," she explained.

"Then I'm lucky you're not a copper," said Freddie.

Maxim sighed. "What do you want?"

"I came to warn you," she replied. "They've lifted Stanley Chapman."

Freddie narrowed his eyes. "How do you know? The police don't spill that kind of information."

"Well..." muttered Lottie thinking of Hill who had spilled plenty of confidential information to her.

"I know because it was me and Tommy who tipped them off," Polly said simply. "Tommy did a deal in return for safe passage for you and Ada. He's given them Stanley and the money."

Lottie looked up at her brother. "Money? What money?"

"I don't know what she's talking about," he lied, but when he saw she didn't believe him, he then said, "Who told you about the money?"

"Who do you think?" Polly questioned. "Yeah. It was Ada's idea. That's how desperate she is to get out of that rat hole you're keeping her in."

Freddie and Ada were staying in a separate apartment for Lottie and Ada's safety.

"She didn't mind if you knew, she just didn't want to be here when you found out," explained Polly. "Sometimes the women have to take over. Like in the war."

"Who the hell do you think you are," hissed Freddie. "You fucking Shelby's."

"Don't swear over Mum's grave," Lottie argued.

He shook his head. "You play your tune and expect the whole world to dance to it."

"You don't have time for this, Freddie," Polly snapped.

Freddie walked towards her. "You did a deal? For me?"

"Don't flatter yourself," she scoffed. "For Ada."

"And you think this copper will keep his word."

"If he doesn't, Chapman will give you up," said Polly. "You'll still have to leave town. Same result."

"So neat," he mocked.

"So leave."

He shook his head. "Except there's one thing that you got wrong," he said. "Stanley won't be able to give up my address because he doesn't know it. That's how it works. Hell, even Lottie doesn't know to protect her. None of us know each other's addresses. So you've wasted your fucking time. And they'll keep beating him and beating him for information he doesn't have. So, all you've done is sign the death warrant of a good man."

"So you won't leave?" Asked Polly.

"No," he snapped. "I won't fucking leave! And if you want me out of Birmingham, it'll have to be in a wooden box."

Maxim stepped towards him. "Don't give us any ideas, Freddie, or I might put you in one myself."

He smiled and scoffed slightly at him. He nodded, walking past his cousin, before kissing Lottie on the head and leaving the them.

Lottie sighed and hung her head. "I'm sorry, Poll, about Freddie, I... I don't even know. I can't talk any sense into him these days."

Polly nodded and looked at Irene's grave. "You raised a stubborn one there, Irene."

"I'll leave you two," said Maxim. "I've paid my respects to Irene and I know you'll be wanting to go back to the Betting shop."

"Oh, Maxim, why don't you just join them already?" She sighed.

"Because I don't want to do any killing - I did enough of that in the war. No more," he explained. "I'll see you later."

Lottie watched him leave as Polly took her arm in her own, leading her back to the betting shop as Maxim had predicted. They remained there for a while, keeping busy until Finn burst into the room.

"Kimber's outside," Finn called out.

"What?" Snapped Lottie, her eyes wide, her body tensing.

Polly looked at her, her brow creasing. "Lottie, what's the matter?"

"Nothing," she lied. "I just need to, uh, go... somewhere." She was too panicked to come up with a good lie and rushed out the room, Polly looking confused behind her.

The fear inside her didn't fade for the rest of the day. She hated feeling that way - hated it. She didn't like being weak. But she couldn't help it. Tears stung at her eyes as she relived the memories at Kimber's house. She shut the door to her apartment and cried. She just cried. She couldn't stop herself. She thought she was getting better. Clearly not. She wanted to talk to someone about it, but at the same time, she hated that even Tommy and Grace knew. Polly probably would soon figure it out, but even still.

The next day, Lottie went to the shops and brought a basket full of food, but she stopped when she saw Tommy and Lizzie sitting in the car together. What was going on? She walked slowly forwards, analysing the situation. They were arguing - well, Tommy remained looking calm, but she looked panicked, almost frightened. Tommy then reached up and caressed her cheek, but then she slapped his hand away before exiting the car and slamming the door shut behind her. Lizzie rushed passed where Lottie stood, her head down.

Lottie strode towards the car. "What the hell was that, Tommy?" She snapped.

"The past is not the past," he muttered.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Get in," he said.

Lottie climbed in the car and looked at him expectantly. "Tell me."

"Lizzie took the money," he explained. "I had been visiting her on occasion for the last two years and she took the money for one last time."

"But she loves him, apparently," she argued.

Tommy shrugged. "Not enough, it seems. I have to tell John so he can make a decision with all the facts."

Lottie slowly nodded as Tommy pulled away and dropped her off at her apartment. "We've got a big day in two days time, all right? Remember that. Ten o'clock."

"What will be happening?" She asked.

"You'll see," he said.

She thanked him and watched him leave, hoping that John wouldn't be too hurt when Tommy tells him.

The next evening, there was a loud banging at the door. Sighing, Lottie pulled herself off the armchair she had curled up on and opened the door. There John stood, leaning against the door frame, his head bowed. "Can I come in?" He murmured in a low voice.

"Of course," nodded Lottie stepping to the side.

He walked in and sat down on the sofa. "What is it?" She asked cautiously.

"Tommy spoke to me today," he explained, his head in his hands. "I was at Tommy's just now. I couldn't even get it to work."

"Get what to work?" She said softly, walking towards him.

"She denies it - says Tommy's a lying bastard, but I spoke to her cousins and they say 'just a few regulars'... God, I'm such a fucking idiot."

"I'm sorry about Lizzie, John," she said softly. "I guess some people can't change."

He sighed frustrated, running his hands through his hair before he looked up at her. "I'm not upset about that," he stated.

"Then what?" She asked.

He scoffed weakly, shaking his head. "I only wanted to marry her because I don't deserve the one I want to marry."

Lottie swallowed, sadness swelling up inside her. He didn't love her. This was cruel. First he wants to marry a whore and now another woman. "If she thinks she's too good for you, then you're better off without her."

"No, I'm the one who thinks she's too good for me," he murmured. "I don't know if she loves me back."

"Maybe if you just tell her," Lottie offered, still avoiding his gaze so he wouldn't see her eyes filling with tears.

John shuffled forward in his seat so they were close. "Lottie..." he whispered.

The vulnerability in his voice made her look up to see that his eyes matched her scared expression full of unshed tears.

"I don't deserve you, I never have and I probably never will..."

She looked at him confused. "John, what-" she began, but he cut her off and took her hands in his.

"You see, my kids need a mother, but I thought that it was only in my dreams it would be you... so I settled for less with Lizzie. It's you I love, Lottie."

Lottie wrapped her arms around him, her shoulders shaking, now crying for a different reason. He loved her. Her loved her! John hugged her back, burying his face in her neck. When she finally let go, she rested her hands on his cheeks. "I love you, too, you idiot," she chuckled.

John's lips grew into a large smile before he crashed his lips to hers which she instantly responded to.

He pushed her back onto the sofa, his kisses passionate as they trailed down her neck. She grabbed at his shirt and began to pull it off. Noticing what she was trying to do, he sat up over her and pulled off his shirt before leaning back down and kissing her once more, his hands reaching for the bottom of her skirt. Lottie suddenly grabbed his hand to stop him. Pushing him off, she stood, took his hand and led him to her room. She didn't want to have sex with him on the sofa due to a bad experience when Freddie walked in on her and one of her earliest boyfriends. Despite Freddie not even living in the apartment anymore, she didn't want to risk it.

Understanding, he smiled at her and began kissing her as they walked. She giggled against his lips as she stumbled. Somehow, they managed to make it to the bed despite their kissing. Lottie sat John down and took off her clothing until she was only wearing her slip, then she climbed on top of him, her hands on his cheeks, his on her waist, before she crashed her lips against his...


Aw. This chapter makes me happy, a lot happens. Is everyone happy about Jottie getting together? I'd love to hear your thoughts - but who's wedding ring was that at the beginning?? Dun dun dunnn! Please do vote and comment as I'd love to hear your theories about who the ring belongs to and why it's so important to Lottie? Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a nice day

published : 04/03/2018

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