Darkest Dawn

By moonkeeper

4.6K 429 14

Briana has travelled back in time and woken up in the body of a princess. She needs to adapt to her new life... More

Chosen by the Storm
Lunch with the Royals
Her Handsome Guard
Life as a Princess
Trapped Little Dove
Westferry Riots
Prince Charming
A Carpet of Flowers
52 Souls
The Cuckold
A Pheasant named Alan
A Terrible Job
Lion Cubs
Too Young to Die
240 Bedrooms
The Church Bells
An Erebus Hostage
So Cold
Scarlet Dawn
Let's Play Pretend
Elias, The Mask
Cowards and Monsters
The Tower
Rich Kids
Strangle the Cubs
The Slaying of the Beast
The Heirs
Monkey Boy
The Interview
Treading on Diamonds
The Girl in the Mirror
Emily's World
Sweet Dreams

Abel's Fool

76 8 0
By moonkeeper

Victoria's sharp eyes followed Abel as he marched distractedly passed her and into his study. He paced the room, apparently on the cusp of saying something before rapidly shifting the direction of his steps. He lurched suddenly toward the window, groaned, retracted and paced some more. Getting quietly to her feet, Victoria walked around her desk and toward his study. Her heels clacked against the floorboards.

She'd come a long way from the girl Briana had first met. Before she'd looked very immature - hair tied up carelessly in a bobble with rips in her skinny jeans and green fingers from the cheap jewellery she wore. She'd been overworked but energised, running after Abel and the others – getting a front row seat of the revolution. But these last couple of months had changed her. She was successful, she was valued – gaining recognition for her loyalty and brains.

Now she dressed like an adult – conscious of the image she was projecting. Her hair was cut short and jelled neatly back. She still wore jeans but they were new, black and dressed up to make her look more formal. Her jacket was fitted, extenuating her slim waist. She looked good – modern, slightly intimidating – but men noticed. Just not the one man she wanted.

She shut the office door behind her.

"What's happened?" She asked, her tone forceful. She didn't want to keep running after Abel – she wanted to be by his side – she wanted him to recognise her as his equal. Abel looked at her, surprised to find her with him.

"Queen," he retreated to the window and gazed gloomily out at the grey day, "oh, Queen..."

"What is it?"

"I overheard Bassett and the others talking - they want to put Emily on trial. They seem to think Briana's on the verge of being persuaded."

Victoria's lips pursed.

"Maybe that's ok."

"Queen?" He turned to her, aghast at her attitude. "She's...she's..." he spluttered. Victoria raised a brow at him. Surely he knew, deep down, that this was the right thing?

"She's only sixteen." He managed lamely. Victoria rolled her eyes at him.

"Nice that you still remember that." She retorted dryly. "Abel, you and I both know that she's no child. She's old enough to take responsibility for her actions."


"She was in a position of power. She could have made a positive difference. If she's guilty of nothing else – then she's at least guilty of doing nothing."


"Abel, you're so blind when it comes to her." Victoria snapped irritably. His lost expression was grating on her patience. "She lied to you." She spoke slowly, as if to a small child. Abel's gaze was unwavering and Victoria ground her teeth in frustration. "Now she's just using you for her own survival."

"She's not like that." Abel protested quickly. "Back when we dated – I was nobody- I couldn't be of any use to her. Just when that was changing – she broke up with me. She could've used me then or-or she could've betrayed me and handed me over to the authorities – but she didn't. She broke up with me and has kept my secret ever since. She's not the bad person you think she is."

Victoria turned from him sharply, so he wouldn't see the mortified tears in her eyes.

"You can't tell them," she cleared her throat, hoping he hadn't detected the tremble, "– at her trial – you can't tell them about you and her."

Abel didn't immediately answer and dread sunk deep in Victoria's stomach.

"It would clear her name." He replied at last, his voice resigned. "I could prove that she knew about our plans - that she knew about me and what I was doing and that she didn't turn us in."

"They won't believe you. They'll think you've fallen for her and are lying to save her."

Abel moved quickly, darting in front of Victoria so that she could see his pleading expression.

"You could tell them-"

"No!" Victoria shouted crossly. She nearly struck Abel in that moment. He blinked in surprise at her hand, raised in the space between them.

"Queen...?" He seemed bewildered by her anger.

Victoria was breathing heavily. She'd never gotten angry at Abel before. Like an idiot, she'd hung around him – stupidly happy to do anything he asked.

"No, Abel! I won't do that for her. I won't do anything for her."

"For me?" He asked, his soft tone matching his earnest expression. Victoria's face crumpled. She just wanted to curl up and cry but instead, she struggled for composure. She wouldn't be Abel's fool any longer. She'd be his woman and she'd settle for nothing else.

"I've already done so much for you-you know that."

"You're the best friend I've ever had," Abel offered. When he smiled his eyes creased fondly and he looked so cute and young.
"And that's why I'm saying no." Victoria replied clearly, "I won't implicate you. I won't ruin all you've worked for. Not when I truly think you'll regret it. One day you're going to realise that Emily Erebus isn't who she pretends to be."

Abel surprised her by sighing heavily and pulling her into a hug.

"I understand, Queen." He patted her back and Victoria's heart ran riot in her chest. He was so warm – his chest seemed to radiate heat and it felt good to embrace that warmth.

"You-you're not angry?"

"No. You're my friend," he pulled away – ending the hug – "and always will be." Victoria looked quickly away.

"I get that you're looking out for me. But please understand – that – that I can't let them kill her."

"B-but..."She stammered weakly.

"You're right – even if I speak at her trial – it won't be enough."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I know I can trust you, Queen. You're the only person I can trust with this. Help me," he put his hands on her shoulders, "help me break Emily free."


Dalton looked fearfully up at Nolan Gale's friends. They were scowling at him.

"Is this it?" One of them asked, "We just sit here and watch him?" He gestured at Dalton who was huddled in the corner. Dalton quickly dropped his gaze – not wanting to make eye contact.

"I guess."

"This blows."

"Do we have to do this every day? I'll go insane."

"Lucky Nolan – he's probably having a right laugh about now."

Dalton squeaked nervously at the mention of Nolan's name.

"Don't crap yourself Monkey Boy – Nolan won't be up here again. Not unless he misses you." The boys laughed at that.

"You did well for him. You're little performance got him recognition. He's in the True Hearts now. Smarming up to Barleysworn and his cronies."

Dalton sniffed, smearing the tears on his dirty face with the back of his hand.

"Why can't we go out?" One of the lads whined.

"We have to make sure it's secure." Again gesturing to Dalton.

"Well then," the young man got to his feet, "let's secure him and then fuck off for a bit."

Dalton didn't struggle as they tied him up. He bit his tongue when they jostled him roughly but he made no sound of complaint. None of them were very skilled at knots so they just used lots of ties and tape to make up for it. By the end, he was so secure that his hands weren't even visible. They put a pillowcase over his head as a finishing touch.

They left, sharing jokes between them and cursing Nolan's good luck. Dalton heard their footsteps descend the stairs. When all was quiet – and he was almost certain that he was alone - he strained – moving so that his back was no longer in contact with the radiator. He murmured softly, his blistered skin relieved at least.    

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