In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 |...

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Follow the trials and tribulations of the up and coming generation of the new girls on the block. Meet Victor... Daha Fazla

In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Part 1)
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28?
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Team Name!!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36?
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Book 5
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 -The End

Chapter 1

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I crossed my legs under the table and tapped my fingers impatiently as I watched all of the old club owners mingle amongst the room of their peers. Daddy was out of town, so Mama and I had to attend his annual Club Owner's Gala tonight in his absence. I always hated coming to these things but tonight was extra boring since Daddy wasn't here.

I leaned across the table so I was near Mama. "Can we please go?" I whispered. "This is so boring."

She waved me off as she continued listening to some old guy speak about the first club he opened up a million years ago. I could really care less about what was coming out of his mouth so I just zoned out on my phone like I always do at these things. I knew Mama would be mad by the time we got back home but I really didn't care at this point.

All I wanted to do was head home so I can get the rest of my things together for my birthday party tomorrow night. Daddy, being generous like always, allowed me to have my 17th birthday party at his club but only in exchange for a few of the hard household chores to be done by me. It wasn't a bad bargain since I could do and have anyone I wanted over.

Teddy: Come out to the entrance with me.

I looked up from my phone and turned around to the table Teddy was previously sitting at but was now gone. Instead, he was walking out of the dinning hall waiting on me to do the exact same thing. Teddy was my best friend and had been for as long as I can remember. 

Teddy was one of those rough-neck guys that every girl wanted to be with. He slung girls left and right and would sometimes give a few of them a chance unless I disapproved. I wasn't one of those best friends who didn't want to see him happy, I just wanted him to make the right decision. And some of those girls like Tasha, Keisha and Alize' just weren't the right ones for him. I knew he could do better.

Aside from Teddy being rough on the outside, I knew he was a big teddy bear on the inside. That's why I called him Teddy instead of Theodore like everyone else. He was my big, huge Teddy Bear that was always there protecting me. He's been protecting me all of my life, especially when we were in the seventh grade. 

Teddy convinced his Dad to drive him all of the way up to my private school just so he could beat this boy up for me. Of course Teddy gave him a good butt whooping but he got in trouble with his Dad for not telling him the real reason why he came up there. It was worth it though. The little boy stopped bothering me.

Yet again, I leaned over to Mama. "I'm going to step out for some air," I whispered.

"Just don't make too much noise when you leave out," She said as she turned her attention back to the old guy speaking.

I quietly slid from under the table and jolted out of the dining hall. Once I got out of the room, I felt so relieved from all of those old people. Who knew club owners could be so boring year after year?

"My God, you are the finest girl in that room."

I turned around only to see Teddy leaned against the wall near the entrance of the dining hall. I smiled and walked over to him. "I can say the same thing about you," I said. "You cleaned up pretty good too Teddy."

Teddy wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at my body in the dress I had on. I could tell just by the way he was looking that he was checking me out, like he always did. Instead of keeping his hands on my waist, he did the unthinkable and grabbed my chest through my dress. I laughed and tried moving away from him but he held a tight grip on my chest.

"I just want to see what you're hiding under that tight dress," He said pulling the top of the dress back so he could look down it just as a smirk danced across his face. "And those big ole titties of yours look so good too."

I laughed. "Stop it. You're acting like you haven't seen all of me before. You know what's under this dress boy."

I smiled. "I know but I just needed some type of reminder since you won't let me hit."

I rolled my eyes before moving away from him. Teddy was always like this. He played girls hearts but did right when it came to me. He knew I was a virgin and he'd probably be one too if his hormones weren't always raging. Teddy has been asking me to sleep with him since seventh grade, when he lost his virginity, but I told him no. He always has a flock of girls down to sleep with him and sometimes he does go after them but he always uses the excuse, "I wish they were you."

"I told you to stop that freaky stuff Teddy."

He laughed. "Why? I know you like it."

"What if my Mama came out here and saw you looking down my dress?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Then she'd join in with us. Your Mama is fine as hell."

I smacked my lips. "You're disgusting. She doesn't want you. She has a husband, so she doesn't want anybody younger than her, especially you. And you know if my Daddy heard you saying something like that about her he'd beat your ass."


I quickly turned around. When I saw that it was my Mama I really wanted to run out of the building but I knew she'd just give me hell when we got home. I pushed past Teddy and slowly walked over to her, expecting the worse since she heard me curse. See, this is all Teddy's fault. He's the one causing trouble but I'm always the one to get in trouble because of his actions.

"Hey Mama," I smiled, trying to hug her but she pushed me off of her.

"You better watch that dirty mouth of yours before I beat your ass," She said before looking back at Teddy. "You two get in here and come dance with the rest of the kids. And you two better behave yourselves too."

Mama pushed me into the dining hall, where everybody was dancing even the older people. I was making my way to the dance floor when Teddy slipped his arm around my waist. Of course, nobody was dancing raunchy like they'll be tomorrow at my party. They were slow dancing, so Teddy and I had to do the exact same thing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he slipped his arms around my waist, purposely keeping his hands low. "Stop it," I'd tell him every time he pinched my butt, but he wasn't listening so I did exactly like him and pinched his neck every time he pinched me. 

I looked behind Teddy at Mama, who was intently watching us and shaking her head. Since Daddy wasn't here she was dancing with his little twin and my brother Effrin Jr., but we called him E.J. I remember the day Mama told Deonte and I she was pregnant, all throughout her pregnancy and seeing how big she was even up until the day she gave birth to him. E.J. and Deonte were constantly going at each other but I got along with both of them. Maybe it's because I'm the only girl and Daddy's Princess but I'm never arguing with them, only Deonte sometimes.

I turned my attention back to Teddy. "I invited a couple of my homies to come through your party tomorrow. Is that good?" He asked, twirling me around.

"Yeah that's fine but they need to bring me a gift and don't you even think about bringing any of those dirty hoes you mess around with. I don't want any drama at my party."

He laughed. "I know. They're going to leave the drama with their Mama tomorrow girl. Don't even worry about them, that's just more money for you so we can go out," He replied.

"No," I corrected him. "That's more money for me."

"You can't leave me hanging though."

"You better wait until your birthday next year and what happened to all of the money from your birthday?" I asked. "Did you spend it all on those cheap dates you take your girlfriends on?"

He laughed. "No. I make them buy their own food but I still have it. I spent a lot of it on your gift though, so it's only fair that you share with me."

"I guess it's fair," I replied. Instead of him pinching my butt he reached down and smacked it as hard as he can. "Ouch!" I yelped. I jumped away from him, causing some people to look at us, well me. He stood there laughing like he didn't know what was going on and I could see Mama shaking her head out of the corner of my eye. I knew I was going to get it by the time we got home.


"I can't believe you'd embarrass your father like that tonight!" Mama yelled to me once we got inside of the house. 

Deonte, who somehow got to stay home, walked around the corner in his boxers and a t shirt. "What did she do this time?" He asked, taking E.J. out of Mama's arms.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed. 

Mama sucked her teeth. "Stop yelling little girl. You and Teddy made fools out of yourself tonight. You better be glad your birthday is tomorrow or else you'd be on punishment without a party. You better start growing up Tori. I'm tired of constantly babying you."

I rolled my eyes. "You always baby me Mama. Gosh! I just wish Daddy would come back," I mumbled, trying to walk up the steps but she yanked me back to her.

"When he comes back you're going to get in trouble. I'm going to make sure of it."

"Whatever," I mumbled, snatching my arm away from her grasp as I began my walk up the steps again.

"And I hope you know you're on punishment once tomorrow is over!" She yelled to me.

I rolled my eyes and slammed my bedroom door close again. I was already on punishment, so what more could slamming my door do to me? I can't get into anymore trouble than I'm already in, so I might as well get on her last nerve until Daddy comes back.

I stripped down to my pajamas and climbed in my bed, just leaving my dress on the floor. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and dialed Teddy's number. I wanted him to know just how much trouble he got me in tonight.

"What's good?" He answered, like he could hardly speak straight.

"What are you doing?" I asked once I heard the sound of something wet smacking together.

"Nothing man, what are you doing?"

"Just talking to you," I replied. "I just got into a fight with my Mama because of what you did tonight."

He tried laughing but it came out as more of a grunt. "Damn," He moaned.

I rolled my eyes. "Teddy if you were too busy getting head then you shouldn't have answered your phone. I told you before that's rude."

"My bad Tori. Look, I'm all ears now. Let me come through."

"No, I'm in trouble," I replied.

"I don't care. Your Mama loves me, so she doesn't care."

"You don't understand how upset she is right now and it's late."

"Then she doesn't have to know I'm coming over. Just make sure your window is open," He said. 

I sighed. "Fine but don't make any noise either. She's really going to be upset if she hears you trying to sneak in."

He smacked his lips. "I know, just make sure your window's open," He said, hanging up the phone.

I knew if Teddy was getting head from some girl right now there's no telling how long he's going to be off messing around with her, so I knew I had enough time to clean myself up some. I knew he wouldn't care about what I looked like but last time he came over like this and I didn't freshen up he was trying to sleep with me again, so I can't look bad this time.

I pulled open my bedroom door to complete darkness. Everybody must have went to sleep. I quietly sneaked across the hall to the bathroom and closed the door behind myself. I brushed my teeth and took off the makeup that was covering my face. I left my hair braided down in the french braids on each side of my head before freshening up the rest of my body.

I made my way back to my room and made sure I locked my door behind myself. I couldn't have anybody coming in here and finding him in bed with me. I sprayed on a little bit of perfume before lifting my window up so he could be able to come in once he ever got here. I laid back on my bed and just starred at my bedroom walls, that were full of celebrities. My walls ranged from Chris and Rihanna down to the Hemsowrth brothers and James Franco and even pictures of me and my friends.

I quickly sat up in bed when I heard rustling outside of my window. I looked out of the window and saw Teddy climbing up the tree so he could come inside. Once he got close enough I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside of my room. I closed the window just as he began making himself at home like always. He kicked off his shoes and sat them in front of the closet beside mine. He took off his chains, earrings and bracelets and sat them on my dresser next to mine and he took off his clothes and put them in the hamper with mine.

I got comfortable in bed and watched as he dug around in the draw I had in my dresser full of his clothes for something to wear to bed. He pulled up a pair of pajama pants and climbed into bed with me. "You smell good," He said, pulling the covers over both of us. "Do you smell good for me?"

I laughed and shook my head. "You wish. Did you wash off your little guy from that dirty girl you were getting head from?"

He sarcastically laughed. "Little?" He asked.

"Yeah, little."

"I'm not little."

"Just answer my question," I replied.

"I'm not little though," He said again.

"I don't care. Did you clean yourself because if you didn't you're going to have to get out of my bed."

He smacked his lips. "Of course I showered before I came over here but I'm not little Tori. You want me to prove it?" He asked.

"I don't care and I've seen you already."

"That was a few years ago on mistake but I've grown."

"That's good," I replied. "Just save that for your hoes."

He smiled, that gorgeous smile that had every girl soaking their panties. "I've grown seriously. Don't you wonder why I have so many girls?" He asked.

"I know why you have so many hoes but the D isn't the reason. You're a smooth talker Teddy, so you get these girls wrapped around your finger just by looking at them."

"What about you? My smooth talking hasn't worked on you all of these years."

"Because you don't act like that around me. You don't treat me how you treat your hoes," I replied.

"Because you're special."

"How?" I asked.

He turned over so he was laying on his side and leaning over me. "You know why you're special to me. You know I've liked you all of my life. I get every girl I want but then there's you. After almost 17 years of chasing you, you still won't give me a chance. But if you were just any other girl I would have had you in bed a long time ago."

"I'm not like every other girl."

"I know you're not but damn. How long are you going to make me wait?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. What if things don't go well for us when we're together? We're just going to throw 17 years of friendship away? I'd rather stay friends instead of ruining our friendship," I explained.

"So, you'd rather push your feelings aside because you're scared?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my waist but it only stayed there for a moment before it made it's way down my stomach and to the top of my panties. "I know you like me too Victoria."

"I've always liked you Teddy."

He smiled and pushed his hands down in my panties. His warm fingers rubbed up against me but it wasn't long before he stuck a finger into my wet cave. Things were always like this with us. I was a virgin but he did anything he could to make me less of a virgin every chance he got. When things weren't going his way he always tried seducing me like his other hoes but it never worked.

"Then let me be your boyfriend and stop chasing after you."

"I like it when you chase after me."

He chuckled before pushing another finger inside of me. I bit my lip and tried moving away from him but he held a tight grip on my body. "Don't go anywhere Tori. Give me an answer."

I sighed and grabbed his hand that was pumping in and out of me. I looked up into his eyes as he began to smirk because he knew he was about to get his way. "If I say yes and things don't go well you've got to promise we'll stay friends. I can't lose my best friend and I can't have you cheating on me."

"I've chased you for 17 years, I'm not going to mess anything up. I promise," He smiled.

"Be serious Theodore."

"Aight. I promise I won't screw this up. So you're my girlfriend?" He asked.

I nodded my head, yes, unsure if I was making the right decision. I wasn't trying to lose my best friend but then I didn't want to be cheated on. I've been with a couple of guys in the past but nothing serious and nobody I really cared about but I really care about Teddy. I swear if I didn't have standards like the rest of these girls I would have let him hit years ago and I'd still be letting him hit to this day. I've like Teddy for as long as I can remember, I was just too afraid to admit it unlike him, even though he knew I liked him too.

Every time I see Teddy I get massive butterflies in my stomach. Every time he smiles I swear I go weak in the knees. I love it when he's annoying and getting me in trouble because he's the only person who can constantly make me laugh but I love how protective he is. He protects me like a big brother but loves me like a boyfriend.

He leaned over and kissed my lips, something he hasn't done in an extremely long time. He removed his hands from in my panties and climbed on top of me as he continued kissing me, this time adding tongue. Our tongues danced around each others each time they connected. My arms made their way up to his bare back where I held my firm grip. Every position he tried moving in, I was going in the same direction. I wasn't trying to pull away from this amazing kiss.

No wonder why he keeps pulling these hoes in. Teddy's fine, a smooth talker and a good kisser. Actually he's the one who taught me how to kiss a boy back in seventh grade. Now that I think about it, seventh grade is where a lot of things happened but Teddy taught me how to kiss a boy and he was my first kiss. He was the first guy to do a lot of things to me and possibly take my virginity. It wasn't going to happen anytime soon but he was the only person I trusted to take it. He's the only genuine guy I know that'll be gentle with me throughout the entire process.

When Teddy tried pulling away this time I just let him since I was out of breath myself. "I hope you know I love chasing after you," He said grabbing on to my panties but I stopped him.

"Another time Theodore." 

He smacked his lips. "Seriously? I'm hard as hell."

I looked down and saw him just beginning to poke out of the pajama pants he had on. I smirked. "You get turned on just from kissing?" I asked.

He smacks his lips again. "I didn't get hard just from the kissing."

"Sure," I laughed pushing him back on the bed. "And don't be loud either," I whispered climbing on top of his legs. I pulled down his pants and his boxer briefs before I grabbed a hold of his tall manhood. I wrapped my hands around him and took him into my mouth. This was something else Teddy taught me how to do, not in seventh grade but last year when his hormones really began to rage.

I felt bad that he was always hard and was always asking me to fix it for him until I finally gave in. He taught me what to do and how to do it the entire time I did it. He's the only guy I'd ever do this to though. I know he just got doing this with another girl but I'm sure he didn't bust because I called and he had to go, so it was partially my fault he didn't finish.

My mouth ran up and down him, sucking and licking all over him until he began throbbing against my lips. "Damn," He mumbled, throwing his head back against my pillows. I sped up the hand job I was giving him and licked his tip before he busted. Usually I would have swallowed but I knew I wouldn't be able to leave my room to brush my teeth without my Mama hearing me and wondering what I was still doing up. 

I quickly climbed off of him and grabbed a towel before he got anything on my bed. "Damn. You're not going to finish?" He asked, sitting up.

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to sleep with your kids in my mouth. Just lay back down and shut up."

He shook his head and laid back down as I cleaned the rest of everything up before shoving the towel back under my bed. I climbed back in bed with Teddy and fell asleep in his strong embrace. 


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50+ Comments.

How do you guys like this so far? Because I kind of like it in Victoria's POV. I think her and Teddy's relationship is cute. How do you guys feel about that? By the way this is 10 years in the future so Sincere's 38, Effrin's 39, Deonte's 18, Victoria's about to be 17 and E.J. is 10 years old. Do you guys like how the story is going so far? Do you guys like how Teddy's character is displayed? By the way more characters will be introduced.

Victoria is on the side.

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