Broken World

By T1NightHunter

421 3 1

Year after The destruction of Earth, a powerful race known as the Scattered, have attacked Humanity's remaini... More

Daniel Norway
Hive Fleet
Relics Part 1
Relics Part 2
The Hunt
Destiny 1
Old Memories Part 1
Old Memories Part 2
On the Run
The Greater Enemy
Immortal Hands
New Earth
Civil Unrest
Battle of Jupiter Part 1
Battle of Jupiter Part 2
Growing Empire
New Regime
Battle over Aurora
The Second Grand War
New Alliance
Occupation of Olympia
Siege of Olympia
Beginning of The End
Cruel Judgement
The Map Part 1
Battle of Enclave
The Map Part 2
Rapture Part 1
Rapture Part 2
Rapture Part 3
The Truth
Coming Battle
Final Battle of Aurora Part 1
Final Battle of Aurora Part 2
Final Battle of Aurora Part 3
Final Battle of Aurora Part 4
Salvalation v.s Extinction


5 0 0
By T1NightHunter

Isia and I finally got aboard the Destiny to regroup with Hanzo, he was surprised to see me injured and rushed to help out.
"What happened? Hanzo asked laying me on the ship's floor.
"Vexa's super soldier got him." Isia replied. "Didn't catch his name."
"Deathseeker." I interrupted. "He called himself Deathseeker, and I'm gonna kill him when I get the chance."
I then tried to get up, but fell down, still weak from the fight.
"Your in no condition to fight, we have to get you healed up first." Hanzo said. "We'll rethink our plan while we do."
I didn't like it, but I had no choice, I decided to just lay down and let them patch up my wounds, but I knew one thing, Vexa was scared of him, scared of his power, I just had to push her enough and she'd end him. As my wounds were finally patched up, the Avalon's intercoms went off.
"Attention, approaching Florence, report to combat stations."
We were at Florence, I knew we had to get out of here, I looked out the open hangar and saw massive 51st and Scattered fleets locked in combat ahead of us, we were at the edge of destruction, an officer then approached the Destiny 1, I had forgotten we were transporting the machine to the surface. He entered the ship as me and Hanzo hid inside a small hatch and listened in to make sure Isia was okay.

Isia saluted to the officer, he gestured and Isia ran to the cockpit, Vexa and Deathseeker followed shortly, with their machine behind them.
"You seem troubled, ma'am." Deathseeker asked Vexa.
"I'm not troubled, just guard the Project and don't disobey me." Vexa replied annoyed. "We shall see about that." He said before Vexa left for the cockpit, I navigated through the small vents behind me to get near the cockpit and listen some more.
"Pilot, take off." Vexa ordered.
Isia nodded and flew the ship out of the Avalon, she drove the ship towards the massive 51st fleet. I was a bit confused before Isia activated the ship's intercom. "Destiny 1 to Gladiator, Project ready for drop off." Vexa said over the intercom. "Understood, we'll be ready." A 51st admiral replied.
We then piloted towards a massive 51st capital ship, one I knew by heart, the Gladiator, the ship that destroyed Enclave 2, a civilian safe havens years ago, I felt ready to get revenge for them, the Destiny soon landed within the Gladiator. Vexa, Deathseeker, and the officer then left the ship with their machine, me and Hanzo exited the vents and talked with Isia.
"Okay, we have a chance to flee and run." Isia explained. "We can run or we can trap ourselves trying to get something we don't need."
"I have a new plan, one you may not like." I replied.
"Let's hear it, капитан." Hanzo said. "We can't let that machine or Deathseeker stay intact, I plan to destroy this warship." I replied.
Isia looked at me like I was insane. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you plan to detonate a massive capital ship, think for a second." Isia exclaimed.
"We can use the machine and turn the relic into a bomb." Hanzo said liking my idea. "That will be enough power to destroy it."
"Okay, you two mercenary numskulls can try your plan, I'm waiting on this safe transport." Isia said walking away. me and Hanzo then grabbed a couple detonators from the ship and ran towards the machine.

We eventually found where the machine was being kept, Vexa and the Gladiator's admiral were talking, I listened in hoping it was useful info.
"Project immortal is my creation, I will prove that it will useful to the 51st." Vexa said to him.
"I would hope so, the Grand General is awaiting results, and awaiting his first wave of special troops." He said disappointed.
"War Admiral Chorus, this will not fail, I swear it." Vexa exclaimed
"Then show me your warriors abilities." Chorus ordered.
Just as he said that, Deathseeker appeared behind us, I dodged his attack and came into view, Hanzo dodged too, but away from us.
"You relentless fool!" Vexa yelled. "Kill him, now!"
Deathseeker then attacked me some more, I blocked his attacks quickly, but he was faster than before, Deathseeker then backed away from me.
"I suppose your relentless behavior means you wish to die." Deathseeker told me.
"As if, your going down, along with this whole ship." I explained.
"Such a fool indeed, prepare to die." He said, he then continued attacking me, I continued to fight back.

Meanwhile, Hanzo was continuing with the detonators towards his new target, the Gladiator's main reactor. He knew that an explosion in that, compared to the force of an ancient nuclear bomb, he threw the detonators in and ran back to the Destiny 1 before it exploded with the whole ship.

As my fight with Deathseeker continued, Vexa and Chorus left as Deathseeker finally knocked me back and slashed me with his sword, I was still standing luckily.
"You refuse to die, yet you always go towards it." Deathseeker said.
"Because, you missed something." I said smiling.
The warship then rumbled as the intercom went off. "Reactor breached, self-destruction imminent."
Deathseeker looked at me with disappointment. "You really are foolish, I'll let your arrogance kill you instead."
He then ran and locked me in the hangar with the relic, I decided to grab it and wait as the ship began to collapse, then I saw a familiar sight, the Destiny 1 flew into the hangar I was in, I ran and jumped onboard before the ship left the hangar as the Gladiator was about to blow, we continued to flee from the scene, the ship erupted into a massive burst of light. We got the relic, now to find out what it truly did...

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