Moonlight and Chocolate (A Yo...

By hp_flash

328K 9.2K 16.4K

Y/n l/n is a muggle-born sixth year Gryffindor who is best friends with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Ever sinc... More

Chapter 1: The Sorting
Chapter 2: Sixth Year
Chapter 3: Potions
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Hogsmeade (Quick A/N)
Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: After All This Time
Chapter 9: Together
Chapter 10: Halloween
Chapter 11: Living a Nightmare
Chapter 12: Remus' Condition
Chapter 13: Notes
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Revenge Plan
Chapter 16: Crucio
Chapter 17: Explanation
Chapter 18: Why You?
Chapter 19: Hear Me
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 22: He Wouldn't Want This
Chapter 23: Missing You
Chapter 24: The Lupin Household
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: Work It Out
Chapter 27: The Holidays
Chapter 28: January 1st
Chapter 29: Seventh Year
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pick-Up Line Source
Chapter 31: Valentine's Day, 1978
Chapter 32: Spider-Remus?
Chapter 33: Quidditch & Lockhart
Chapter 34: Cliche
Chapter 35: The Beginning of the Prank Wars
Chapter 36: Smooth
Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter 38: The Last Game
Chapter 39: Sketchy
Chapter 40: The End of an Era
A/N: Reflections and Looking Ahead

Chapter 21: I Solemnly Swear

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By hp_flash


~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

When I woke up, Remus was back in his human form. He was groaning, although he didn't have any new scars since he can't move, it's still painful to transform. I was still in my wolf form, so I licked his face.

"Darling," he groaned, "is that you? Sirius if that's not Y/n I'm going to kill you when I can finally move and see again."

I turned back into my human form before laughing and hugging him lightly, "it's me, Y/n, not Sirius. He's still asleep."

"Darling," he sighed, "I wish I could see you."

"Rem, you'll be able to see me soon, but right now we have to get you back to the Hospital Wing... well we'll get you there once Sirius wakes his lazy arse up."

"I heard that," Sirius yawned.

"Sirius," I began, "when the bloody hell did you wake up?"

He yawned again, "a few minutes ago actually."

"You're such a git."

"Someone is sassy this morning," Remus joked.

"Well," I giggled, "then you're going to have to learn to deal with it."

Sirius began to pretend to throw up for emphasis, "are you flirting? What a horrible attempt!"

"Shut up Padfoot," Remus joked, "no one needs to hear you barking so early in the morning."

"Well," Sirius smiled, "no one needs to hear you howling so late at night."

Remus then dangerously smirked, "I heard about what happened yesterday, did you have a nice shag with Marlene?"

"Moony," Sirius smirked, "you know I did."

"OKAY," I interrupted, "that's enough for today, as much as I'll miss him, let's carry Remus back!"

It was difficult to carry Remus back but we did. I stayed in the Hospital Wing for a while before leaving back to the Common Room with Sirius.

"You really do love him," Sirius smirked, "don't you Mrs. Lupin?"

I stared at him wide eyed for a minute before answering, "I wouldn't say love...."

He smirked before mumbling a simple "sure." I started staring at him again.

"Take a picture dear Y/n," he smirked, "it will last longer, trust me." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Y/n," he began, "serious question, are you going to do it with Remus?"

I turned red, "Sirius, not even I ask questions like that in a serious way, I don't know to be honest. Why the bloody hell would you even ask me that?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I'm bored."

It was silent for a little while before Sirius spoke again. "You and Remus are a really good match to be honest," he smiled, "you make him so happy... well except that small period of time. He really does care for you, I hope you don't hurt him or anything like that."

"Don't worry Sirius," I grinned, "I'm not planning on it."

~~~~~•Sirius POV•~~~~~

I can tell why Remus is so fond of her. I've only thought about her and like as a friend of course, nothing more. But I could just see why, you know? Just like how I can see how Y/n is so fond of Remus. They're bloody perfect for each other.

"Hey Sirius," Y/n began, "what are you going to do after Hogwarts?"

"I've never given it much thought," I admitted, "but I'm definitely going to find a way to fight off You-Know-Who and other Death Eaters."

"I haven't given it much thought either," she admitted, "but I've also been thinking of fighting him and Death Eaters off. That'd be fun."

I laughed and thought to myself, 'they should just get married already.'


~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

The next morning we visited Remus again. I was once again worried he wouldn't live and broke down.

"Y/n," Remus demanded, "come here." I sat on his bed. "Y/n," he began, "would it make you feel better if I promised you I'll be fine. If so, Y/n, I solemnly swear that I, Remus John Lupin, will live."

"Rem," I sighed while wiping away a tear, "you shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

"Darling," he smiled, "I know that, that's why I made the promise, because I know I can and will keep it. I'm staying alive for you."

I couldn't help but smile and kiss him. It was a short kiss. He opened his eyes and I began crying tears of joy.

"Rem," I gasped, "you can open your eyes."

"Finally," he smirked, "you have no idea how long I've been waiting to see you darling, now I just wish I could move every other part of my body so I could hug you."

Sirius made a gagging sound before saying "get a room," making Remus and I turn red.

"You're one to talk," I smirked, "especially judging by the fact that you and Marlene couldn't get one yourselves."

Sirius turned red and Remus started laughing really hard.

"You got me Mrs. Lupin. When are you going to let that go?"


"I hate you both," Sirius laughed, "so bloody much."


It was about a week later, the day Remus would be proclaimed dead if he didn't improve. Fortunately, Madame Pomfrey said that he would be sent to St. Mungo's. I was talking to Lily when James ran in.

"Y/n... Lily, come with me, both of you." James looked worried and there were a few tears in his eyes.

I began to worry as we walked to the destination, because I realized this was the way to the Hospital Wing. When we arrived, Madame Pomfrey was checking Remus's pulse. She stopped and slowly pulled her hand away. She looked at all of us, and then looked me straight in the eye.

"Dear... I'm so sorry... Y/n, he's gone...."

I felt my knees grow weak as I collapsed on my knees crying.

I then leaned over to him, "Rem... come back please... come back!" I began to sob harder. "It's all my fault," I whispered, "Remus I'm so sorry...."

My heart shattered into two, he's not coming back and it's all my fault.... It's my fault he was here in the first place. My fault he became an absolute mess after the incident on Halloween. All my fault he's dead now, gone. One by one everyone left, Sirius and James weren't taking it well, Peter was currently in detention, they'd have to tell him later. I've never seen James or Sirius cry until now. Lily was crying too.

James and Lily left, it was only me and Sirius left in the Hospital Wing.

Madame Pomfrey passed me a journal and gave me a solemn look, "I think Remus would've wanted you to have this."

I put it on my chest and nodded at her. I'll check it out later. I walked back with Sirius to the Common Room. None of us wanted to talk about the subject.

We were silent until Sirius said, "how are Hope and Lyall going to take the news?"

I began to sob into Sirius's shoulder, because of me their son is dead.

"Apparently," Sirius began, "Remus was able to move his upper body about three days ago." I simply nodded at him.

We made it back to the Common Room, I went straight to my dorm. I looked at the cover of the journal. It had Remus's name on it. It was his journal. I opened it up, he really needs to learn to put a locking charm on this.

I began to silently read it.

It's my first day of Hogwarts ever, I was sorted into Gryffindor and I already have friends! Those friends are Peter, James, Sirius, and Y/n. I can already tell they're quite amazing people. What bothers me is that I want to tell them about my lycanthropy, but I can't because they'd probably think I'm a monster, and I wouldn't blame them.

It appears he always had a tough time with his condition. I turned the page. I kept turning until I got to an entry that was written at the beginning of fourth year.

Bloody hell I think I'm catching feelings for Y/n. It's horrible, she probably only thinks of me as a friend and I'm a bloody monster. I have no chance. I haven't even told Lily about it, I'll probably tell her about it tomorrow.

I turned some more pages until I found an entry from his fifth year.

Prefect duties are difficult, especially when the people you're supposed to be keeping track of the most are your friends. The good and bad thing is, The Marauders became unregistered animagi and now they can stop me from harming myself on full moons. I've also learned how to conjure a Patronus, mine unfortunately takes the form of a wolf. I feel like everything I do and see is just a reminder of my condition. What's worse is that I can't stop thinking about Y/n, it's terrible.

Tears began streaming down my face as I got to his sixth year journal entries.

It's the first day of our sixth year, I still have feelings for Y/n. James has toned down flirting with Lily a tad bit. It'd be nice if they got together, but James needs to be a little more mature, not too mature though, because then he wouldn't be James.

I turned the page.

Severus used this strange spell on me and Y/n today. It was quite painful. Y/n is still sleeping, I feel bad, muggleborns don't deserve this type of treatment. I wish the world was different.

I was crying more as I turned a few more pages.

Hogsmeade was fun today, I was going to ask Y/n a question, but I forgot what. We also almost kissed in the Room of Requirement today. It was pretty awkward after that, I wish I had made a move but I was too shy.

Another page.

Y/n shoved me against a wall and kissed me today. I kissed back, it lasted a nice few seconds until she pulled away and ran. Apparently she thought it was just the heat of the moment. I should push her against a wall and kiss her sometime this week. It was amazing.

I smiled a little as I turned to the next page.

I shoved her against a wall and kissed her. I know I have a shot with her now. I'm going to ask her out to Hogsmeade.

I continued to smile through the tears as I turned a few more pages.

We just had our first date at Hogsmeade. We caught Sirius and Marlene snogging outside, that was fun. What's even better is that she agreed to go to the Halloween Dance with me. I'd call myself a hopeless romantic, but I guess there's hope after all. The only thing I'm really having problems with is that I can't tell her I'm a lycanthrope. That'd be disastrous.

If only he knew. I turned the page and there was a sketch of me at the Quidditch game against Ravenclaw. It was rather nice. I turned a few more pages.

The Halloween Dance was yesterday. I have no idea what to do. Y/n is mad at me because I ran out on her, she doesn't even want to talk to me. She refuses to even look at me and it hurts every part of my soul. I feel so bad for leaving her, she looked amazing. But not only did I leave her, I almost killed her! I'm a monster!

I continued to cry. It was all my fault.

I sent Y/n this note to meet me in the Astronomy Tower a few days ago. A few days later Severus, Avery, and Mulciber used spells on me with Y/n's help. I sent her another note to push the date up, it appears I have to tell her the truth sooner. I want to die. I packed some Felix Felicus I got from an unknown person in case it goes wrong. I'll take it afterwards if she runs away, because I'll get lucky and she'll come right back.

That last line stuck with me. That's why he drank that....

I've been in the Hospital Wing for a few weeks. Y/n and Sirius stayed with me during my recent transformation. I'm so lucky to have Y/n. She even gave me a painting and it's beautiful. Oh it appears Lily came with a drink. I'll drink it after she leaves. Update: I feel like I'm dying, but I can't make a sound. I have to stay alive for Y/n. I swore to her. I solemnly swear I will stay alive for Y/n. I solemnly swear I will stay alive for Y/n. I solemnly swear I will stay alive for Y/n. I think I'm actually going to die. She was right, I shouldn't have kept a promise like that. Y/n if you ever find this... I'm so sorry, I love you dear. I solemnly swore...

I read the last line and began to sob as I clutched his journal to my chest. I couldn't hear anything except his voice saying "I solemnly swear." I wanted to die. The Marauders really have a thing for solemnly swearing, don't they? Lily gave him a drink before he died... why would she kill Remus?

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