
By 2_salty_2_be_faulty

14.1K 394 115

I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hur... More

Death, death and more death (EDITED)
Alpha Black (EDITED)
So close! (EDITED)
'I'll come back for you!'(EDITED)
Busted (EDITED)
The cells (EDITED)
The 'Alpha' (EDITED)
The pack doctor (EDITED)
Losing control (EDITED)
Special (EDITED)
Pizza (EDITED)
My first cupcake (EDITED)
Yes.... more films (EDITED)
The decision (EDITED)
Clothes shopping (EDITED)
Permission (EDITED)
Surprise! (EDITED)
Edward (EDITED)
Scars (EDITED)
Running (EDITED)
Croissant (EDITED)
Xavier, my 5 year old bestie (EDITED)
Chocolate waffles (EDITED)
A lot to take in (EDITED)
The Truth is out (EDITED)
Goodbye bed (EDITED)
Black (EDITED)
Eh what? (EDITED)
Forgiven (EDITED)
Mating (EDITED)
The Pack (EDITED)
Phone (EDITED)
Gym day (EDITED)
Salty pancakes(EDITED)
Chicken nuggets (EDITED)
Seeds (EDITED)
Family (EDITED)
Epilogue (EDITED)

Hi Ash! (EDITED)

302 14 1
By 2_salty_2_be_faulty

Previously on Runaway...

Jake's P.O.V

"He's coming, in about a minute. So let's pick a film!" I say diving towards the pile.

She crawls towards me and sifts through a pile, I have it narrowed down between a romance, comedy or horror.

She shrugs her shoulders, she doesn't really care. "Have you seen any of these before?" I ask her reading the backs. She grimaces, then shakes her head.

"Well none of us have seen the horror, so we'll watch that. It's called 'it' sounds good!" I say to her putting the others back, it will also make her cuddle into Kai with fear. Sounds sadistic, I know. But desperate times, call for desperate measures.

When he comes in, please don't freak out!" I beg her. I can't deal with that shit right now!

We both sit down on the sofa, me at the end her in the middle. Kai soon to be at the other end.

Lunas P.O.V

I swear I'm shitting myself, I wish I would have never said yes. I didn't know he was gonna be sat next to me, what if he hits me?

At least we're watching a horror film, none of them films scare me. I've been abused for 10 years, WATCH OUT SHE'S BEHIND YOU!!! Don't scare me.

It could've been worse a comedy, I would have to laugh then. I don't know if I could force a laugh out though.

"Sorry, I'm late," Kai is standing in the doorway, looking out of breath. Breathe Luna breathe, I can't help it he scares the crap outta me.

Breathe Luna breathe, I'm gonna be okay. Jake's here he wouldn't let him do anything to me, would he?

"You're fine Luna, give him a chance!" Jake whispers in my ear, just quiet enough for Kai to not be able to hear.

"Dieeeee you dumbass twat monkey, no one disrespects us and gets away with it! Let me take control Luna, I'll show him not to mess with us!" Yeah, Hope is still mad at him...

Kai's P.O.V

As soon as I walk into the room, I sense her emotions. She feels fear, sadness and anger. Because of me, just gotta be nice to her. Which won't be hard, but why is Jake so close to her? And whispering in her ear?

I can't hear what they're saying, I can't go all full Alpha on him. Because I don't wanna scare Luna away, I'll just mind link him.

Mind link

Kai: you better get your dirty lips away from her ear, or I'm telling Sarah you're hitting on my mate!

Jake: I'm calming her down, because if you haven't noticed. Your presence doesn't exactly calm her!

Kai: that will all change by the time the movie ends.

Jake: sit down in the space I left you, next to Luna! Thank me later.

End of mind link

She's trying to calm herself, they're both on the sofa wrapped in blankets. Jake already eating the popcorn, no surprise there.

She looks so cute, I walk over to the sofa. Slowly so I don't scare her, more...

She inches away from where I'm going to sit, so she's upright not brushing against anyone.

I sit down and cover myself with a blanket, what? It's cold!

Jake turns the movie on, and soon we're all watching quietly. Sort of, Jake is still shoving popcorn down his throat.

I can hear Jake whispering to her, but I can't make out what he's saying. It's pissing me off, I just wanna cuddle into her.

Lunas P.O.V

I inch away from him slowly, and closer to Jake. Though I'm trying to stay away from both of them, I could make up an excuse. Like I'm not feeling very well, or I'm tired or scared of the film and have to leave.

But I'm not going to say that, I don't want to be thought of as weak.

"I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you, just check if he's your mate okay?" Jake whispers in my ear.

I give him a small nod, okay I can do this. But for me to sniff and touch him, I have to get closer. Great (note the sarcasm)

I'll just slowly inch closer, he won't even notice. Please don't notice!

Kai's P.O.V

Mates getting closer to us!!! Yayyyyyy! If you ruin this for us, you're dead! To say Ash is excited is an understatement.

I don't know what Jake said to her, but I'm grateful. She looks nervous but is slowly approaching me. Like she thinks I won't notice her moving, oh my god she smells so goooooood!

Lunas P.O.V

I think he noticed I am getting closer, but that's not gonna stop me.

I just have to sniff him, nothing weird there. His head is facing the screen, now is perfect timing.

I lean my head closer to his neck because that's all I can reach. We're still not touching, because he'd notice that.

Okay, he's close enough now to smell, breathe in his scent. I quietly take in a deep breath of his scent, he smells like rain and cinnamon.

I love it! I really want to keep sniffing him now, his scent is alluring. I want more of it, now I've smelt it I don't know how I didn't before.

I guess that means we're mates, but I want to be sure first. I'll see if he gives me sparks, if he does, what do I do?

I look over at Jake, my eyes tell him everything. He grins at me but doesn't make it obvious to Kai.

I don't know what to feel, happy? I did find my mate. Scared? What if he's like how my dad was to my mum? Sad? How am I supposed to leave, if my mates here?

Kai's P.O.V

What the fuck just happened?!

One minute she was edging towards me, the next she was trying to discreetly sniff me. And then her emotions go haywire, happy, sad, scared.

Mind link

Kai: what just happened?

Jake: Luna realised you as her mate!

Kai: she didn't before?

Jake: can't you ever just say, yay that's great?

Kai: anything else you need to warn me about?

Jake: yeah actually, I'm guessing next she's gonna see if you give her sparks when she touches you. Don't scare her off!

Kai: if she touches me, I can't promise anything. Ash will try and break free, but I'm gonna try.

Jake: just pretend you don't notice when she does, don't scare her away!

End of mind link

Luna's P.O.V

Maybe I should wait a few minutes, before touching him?

"Luna sweetie, please do it for me. I want to know if he's our mate!" Hope really wants to know. I can't deprive her of that.

I look at Jake scared, he silently encourages me. I can do it.

Get a bit closer, bit more, bit more. Perfect!

I'll just brush my hand against his stomach, he's wearing a tight fitting shirt. I should be able to feel the sparks, through that right?

Okay, I'm close enough to make it look like an accident, here we go.

Kai's P.O.V

Mates getting close to us! Mate loves us! She's gonna be the Luna! We're gonna have some pups! We're gonna be goals!! Yep Ash got excited once he heard our mates going to touch us.

So he's singing that out the corner of my eye I can see her talking to her wolf. She looks scared like I'll hurt her if she comes close to me.

She comes closer, fear still evident in her eyes. She comes close enough so that it would seem like an accident, too cute.

She looks me up and down, checking which place would be considered an accident. Her eyes land on my chest, ok I need to brace myself.

Lunas P.O.V

I'm ready! I slowly take my hand out the blanket and pretend I'm brushing a hair back. But 'accidentally' brush my hand against Kai's chest.

There is a spark, it feels nice. But I take my hand off his chest sharpish, so it looks like it was an accident.

I'd be a great actor.

I guess it's official, he's my mate.

Kai's P.O.V

MATE TOUCHED US!!!!! It felt amazing the brief second it was on there.

I look through the corner of her eye, she's deep in thought. I look down at her, she doesn't meet my gaze. But looks towards my chin, which is quite good for her!

I give her a loving smile, then turn away. I don't want her to feel awkward, I want her to feel comfortable around me.

Lunas P.O.V

He gives me the most loving smile, I ever thought was possible. I look over to Jake, he can tell what just happened. It looks like he's trying to contain a group hug.

Now that I know he's my mate what do I do? Do I accept him and give up on my dream? Or reject him and live my dream?

There's only one hour of the film left, we've been doing this awkward thing for an hour.

I'll just take a leap of faith and see what happens when I do this, and with that, I lean on Kai's shoulder.

He looks at me confused, but just slightly adjusts my head. And that's how we watch the film for the last hour!

Kai's P.O.V

I did not expect that. She looked nervous. But breathed in and lent on my shoulder, I gave her a confused look. This is really big for her, but I let it go.

I adjusted her head so that we're both comfortable. All the way through the end of the movie, all I feel is sparks. Covering all the places she's leaning on me, and I know she feels them too.

Ash is beyond happy, he tried to break free. Just so he could have her in his arms, we share a body! Is he serious? But I managed to push him back down.

The film has finished now, I jumped a few times. Which made her bounce off me, but we always went back to the same position. She never looked scared, throughout the entire film.

Apart from the times when she, was checking I was her mate. How could she not know? I'll ask Jake later, but right now all I want to do is spend time with her.

She carefully lifts herself off me, thinking I'm asleep. As she tries to creep out, I wrap my arms around her waist.

She freezes, I pull her back towards me. She thinks I'm pulling her back on to the sofa, but really I want her to sit on my lap.

She falls on to my knee with a scared look, she struggles to get off my lap and on to the sofa. But I hold her tighter, that doesn't stop her from trying though.

Her eyes glaze over, I think she's remembering something.

Lunas P.O.V


I was 9 years old and...

Alpha Black pulled me on to his lap, not caring that I was struggling to get off. "You are mine, so stop struggling you bitch!" He shouted at me. I started to cry.

He held on to me tighter, making sure I can't move my arms or legs.

He then started rocking me on his lap, I desperately tried to get off him. But every time I tried to get off, he'd slap me across the face.

Until I gave up struggling, it was no use. He would always get his way, no matter what!

He started kissing at my neck, one of his favourite things to do. I shivered in disgust, he kept on kissing and sucking on my neck.

I couldn't do anything about it I was trapped, as he sucked my neck he took one of his hands off my waist. But wrapped his arm all the way, around my waist so I was still stuck.

With his free hand, he pulled at my hair roughly, so that more of my neck was available for him.

I just cried I couldn't even protect myself. Just his little dummy to play with, he slowly released my hair.

Making me sigh in relief, but not for long. Soon after he was feeling my body up and down, roughly so that I would cry more. He loved it when I cried, it was something he made sure I did every day.

He put both arms around my waist tightly, making sure once again I couldn't move. He started making me jump up and down on his lap, which made him groan in pleasure.

I cried knowing what he was doing to me, that went on for half an hour. I cried for the entire time, and he laughed knowing I couldn't stop him.

End of flashback

As the flashback fades from my eyes, I realise the situation I'm in all over again.

I push against his arms, tears threatening to spill out my eyes.

He gathers me up in his arms and stands up. He carries me bridal style all the way to the corridor, that the room I've been staying in.

But he doesn't go in there, he goes into the room to the right. I still try and break out of his hold, but his grip is firm yet still welcoming.

He nudges open the door and walks in then closes it behind him. Then he lowers me down on to the bed, I back up away from him.

I just need to find an exit, there's a window a few feet away. I could do a runner through that, he catches where I'm looking and locks his window.

How many days do I have left of being here?!

I curl up into a protective ball, against the wall. I don't mean to but, I tremble with fear of what he's going to do.

"Luna?" He says coming towards the bed. "Luna I'm not gonna hurt you, please just talk to me!" He pleads.


"Please talk to mate, he won't hurt us. I know it, and his wolf Ash is super nice!" Hope says.
"You talked to his wolf without my permission?!" I shout at her. She whimpers in response.

"I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to Ash!" I say to Kai, he looks surprised. But also hurt, I don't care He is just as bad as Alpha Black!

"Umm okay, you can talk to Ash." He says warily.

Suddenly his eyes go red, but I'm not scared. "Hi, Luna and Hope! I'm sorry about Kai, he's being an asshole." Wow, that's not how I expected Ash to be.

"Hi Ash," I say cautiously. At this point I'm sat upright against the wall, he smiles a wolfy smile at me.

"Why are you scared of me and Kai, I know Kai is an ass but we are really nice if you get know us!" He says sitting on the bed half a metre away, is it that obvious?

"Prove to me that you're nice then, unlock your door and let me out," I say slyly.

Ash looks sad, he moves closer. Out of reflex I move back and hit my back against the wall.

Ash whimpers, that whimper breaks my heart.

He gently takes hold of my hands, I ignore the sparks that go off in my hands.

"Please unlock the door, I'm tired and want to go to sleep," I whisper to him, it was 9 O'clock.

He nods and gently pulls me up, he keeps hold of one of my hands and walks to the door. He unlocks the door and walks with me to the room, I get my pyjamas and walk towards the bathroom.

But a hand holds on to mine pulling me back, Ash is there sat on the bed looking at me with love in his eyes.

"You can stay there, I'll be back in a few minutes," I promise him. I go into the bathroom and put on my pyjamas, then brush my teeth. Then my hair.

Ash is whimpering from the bed to come out, I get hold of my clothes and unlock the door.

He comes rushing to me and slams me into his chest. Then hugs me, I awkwardly stand there waiting for him to finish.

He looks apologetically at me and sits back down on the bed. I put my clothes back in the wardrobe, then wander over to the bed.

I sit down on the opposite side of the bed to him, he whimpers and looks at me. Motioning me to come closer, I don't know...

Meh, what have I got to lose? Only my life.

I slowly crawl towards him, until we're arm's length away. He pulls me closer to him, so our knees are touching. Because we're both cross-legged.

"Can I give Kai control back, he wants to talk to you." I think about it for a minute. "Can't you just tell me?" I don't want to talk to Kai, he should know I hate being touched!

And he scared me, I can't forgive him yet. "I'll tell you," Ash says sadly, "Well Kai wants to know how he can make it up to you?" I think for a minute.

"I don't want him to make it up to me! I just want some time." I say quickly.

He nods, "I have to go. Is that okay?" I nod at him. But take him by surprise and kiss him on the cheek, he smiles and walks out the room.

Now I desperately need to sleep...

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