Twins of kalos (5th place in...

By Frozenbeenie

7.8K 605 52

Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... More

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 8: Skates.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 40: Punk*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 42: War*
Chapter 43: Sundile*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 45: Labs*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 49: Sinnoh*

106 8 1
By Frozenbeenie

"So you didn't leave Sinnoh because you didn't want to leave dad's grave?" Serena asked on the plane with me and mom on the same isle of seats. Serena got Calem, who I didn't even see that night, to carry me home. So she told mom everything, saving me from exhausting myself even more. Serena had called her therapist to see what happened to me when I passed out. The bundle of emotions burst out so much that it can effect the heart to a point where it's like you're jogging. I got exhausted quickly and fell asleep right there in her arms. I was told that I didn't wake all that night and day, and Serena took care of mom while Calem took care of me... seriously, how is he showing up and I'm not even aware?

I didn't answer Serena's question. I simply nodded and stared out at the sky, thinking back at the dream I had. All I was doing was dancing around in a white ballerina dress with swan feathers on the side of my head and my hair tied up in a high bun. I danced and danced, spinning around and throw my arms in the air, following every heart beat that my heart created. I'm... happy now that I get to feel something in my heart, and it's like my dreams were showing me my happiness

"I think there's really more to it than that" Mom said "the house is still there" Serena gave that ah ha moment

"Oh right! I'm... pretty nervous to go back there" I can feel her looking at me "But I know it'll make dad happy that we now know the truth and visiting him" I closed my eyes, knowing all this would never happen if I just told mom that I believed in dad. My silence was my enemy... and for some reason I don't have the will to fully use my voice anymore. I knew this would happen. Once I poured my heart out to Serena, I would go back to being a silent person who leaked out every bit of pain she had in her heart and now there's nothing left in there. Though it was empty, it was free to fill in positive energy from those I love

"Will you come back?" I faced Calem in my dream world, watching the event of us leaving to Sinnoh earlier

"I can't promise anything..." I said. He looked down "but now that things are straightened out, I'll be able to visit more often" I smiled and took his cheeks "don't worry" he took my hand

"What if I do something again..? I'm not... really over it" I put my finger on his lips

"Can you hold it until I come back? When I do, you won't have the desire anymore" he nodded

"Yeah... okay, I can do that. I think. I promise!" I giggled and kissed his cheek, already saying good bye to the others. I headed to the plane before Diantha stopped me

"This decision... are you sure this is what you want?" I nodded

"I'm sure..." I looked down "I'm not sure I'll change my mind, I'm going to stay in Sinnoh" Calem looked down and ran off "Calem!"

"Leave him" Sina held her hips "as long as he keeps his promise, there shouldn't be a problem" Professor Sycamore nodded

"Don't worry about him too much. You were the one who changed him this much. Be confident that he'll be okay" I sighed and nodded, not wanting to talk anymore

"Serenity- I mean... Sophia?" Romeo called. I looked at him, not sure how I feel about him calling me by my name "here" he handed me a plane ticket "it's your ticket back home!" I took the ticket, staring at the date for next week. That's how long Mom and Serena were going to stay. I chuckled and gave it back, waving without saying a thing

I opened my eyes, seeing the sky again. I held my keystone and leaned on the window, actually wishing I didn't have to leave him. I still need time to myself... wait for me, Calem

It's been a long time taking plane by plane, but we finally made it back to Sinnoh. Serena looked around so amazed with mom looking pretty surprised

"It looks so different now!" Serena gasped

"Time really flew... I can't believe it's been almost 9 years" mom looked around. I picked B up to see that it was sleeping... since it was carrying mom and Serena's things, along with my millions of clothing. Eventually it's going to spit it all out once I get to the penthouse "I wonder what the house looks like now" I didn't respond at all to anyone and lead them through Hearthome city to catch a bus all the way back to Jubilife city, where we decided to take a taxi to Sandgem Town to find our abandoned house

It almost looked the same as when I first left it. Plants were still fully grown and it even looked lively "has someone been taking care of this place?" Serena asked in awe. It shouldn't be like this from how long I've avoided it.

Walking pass the gate, mom walked in to drop off her carry on. I saw someone in the garden, planting. When I take a better look at who it was, it was the girl who I protected when she was getting bullied like in the city

"Dawn" she flinched and stood up immediately when hearing me "what are you doing here?"

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped amazed "Sophia-senpai!" Her eyes filled with hearts "you're back! I can't believe it!" She ran to jump me with a hug, but I moved away just on time, making her fall on the floor flat. Now that I think about it, she reminds me a lot of Shauna, or Shauna reminds me of her "you're so mean!" I crossed my arms

"Might explaining to me on how you knew where I lived?" She stood up, cleaning her face

"You like what I did to the place? It's pretty, huh?" I looked around, seeing that there were added flowers and the house was even painted "I made sure to dust everything and keep everything in good condition!"

"You didn't answer my question" she giggled, dusting herself off

"Well... I actually live near by. Before we started being friends-" I don't remember making her my friend "-I notice you often walking by the town and staring at this house often before you head off to the cemetery" I glanced away "I always watch you doing the same thing almost everyday until you stopped about a year later. I actually always knew this was your house... and since you hardly come, I thought I'd always clean up for you!"

"For all these years? Are you kidding me?" She just smiled. Serena came over and gasped when taking a good look at her

"Oh! I know you! You're Dawn!" Dawn gasped

"Oh! I didn't see you there! It's been so long!" I sighed "it's still hard to believe Sophia-senpai has a twin, since you two were completely different no matter what!"

"My mom and I moved to Kalos"

"I heard! I wish you didn't have to leave before training school was over!" They held hands and whined together

"Am I missing something here?" I asked

"Don't you remember, Sophia-chan? We went to the same school together!" I closed my eyes

"No wonder I didn't know what you were talking about. I never paid attention to any of my classmates"

"Right, you were always quiet back at school. That's why I was a bit surprised and confused about you when you rescued me! You changed a lot during the years"

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like I wanted to help you. I was just annoyed at those guys were trying to hurt a innocent person just trying to fill her Pokédex" Her eyes sparkled while Serena nervously laughed

"Senpai noticed me!"

"How about we set our things down in the house and go see dad's grave?" Serena suggested. Dawn frowned at me, like she was remembering something

"His grave..." Dawn looked down

"Were you there at his funeral?" Serena asked

"I was... and it was very beautiful. Even if this was a very old memory, I can clearly remember the look on Sophia-senpai's face back then" I looked at her confused

"What did I look like?" Since back then I was incapable of feeling emotions, how ever my stone heart made me look was different than how I thought about the situation

"You just looked very grim, you became pale and wouldn't stop crying. Even if your face didn't seem that way, the tears never stopped" I looked up at the sky "you didn't move a muscle, nor did you say your last words" my heart started beating fast "it's like you were frozen in time. You didn't let anyone touch you, and you stayed there for so long until it started raining. Lucas and I came to get you out of there and took you to the professor. By the time we came back with food, you were gone"

"I..." tears started flowing "I don't remember this..." I began crying, looking at her staring in shock "why can't I remember this?" Serena came to hug me

"Probably because you couldn't feel anything" I sobbed on her shoulder "it's okay..." she rubbed my head "we're going to see him, together" she moved away to take my shoulder "will you play your harp?"


"Remember when dad loved when we played our instruments? Will you play your harp and I play my ocarina?" I stared at her hopeful eyes before nodding

"Sure..." I looked down "I... I want to wait a little. Going to the graveyard immediately feels too forward since we just got here. How about... we go there tomorrow?" She nodded

"No problem!" She faced Dawn "Dawn-chan, you've been taking care of this house for so many years now. Thank you so much. I'm sure my mom will be so happy and will cook something up to thank you!" Dawn blushed

"Oh! No thank you! I only started doing this after Sophia-senpai saved me. I owe her my life" her being almost attacked got really bad to a point where she couldn't move. I was walking around the city when I spotted her and a group trying to take her Pokédex for its valuably

Anyways, a few guys surrounded her in the city and threatened her. I didn't know what made me throw myself in there since they were a open crowd, but I did it anyways and saved Dawn with a bit of first aid for a few injuries she was trying to hide

"You don't owe me anything. Just get inside and eat already" I sassed. Dawn nodded happily and jogged with Serena into the house. I followed behind and froze at the open door outside. Serena noticed me and pulled me inside

"So many years..." She looked around the place  "you've done a excellent job in cleaning" Dawn chuckled

"No problem" they went over to where mom was in the kitchen. I looked around and eventually made it to where my room was. It was empty as I expected... the only thing that remained in there was my small bed and desk

Z came out its ball and looked around "look Z, this is where I use to live before I left" I walked the hallway to find my parent's room "this is where my dad use to sleep with my mom" Z floated in and looked around

"Poe..." I smiled and pet it's head. I still know that no matter how long I had Z, it still belongs to my dad

"It's okay, we'll see him tomorrow" I flinched when mom put her hand on my shoulder "mom?"

"Forgive me for never opening my eyes..." I faced her confused "I never believed in your father even after he was being honest. It was me being lonely and insecure that I accused him of doing anything else but working. Turned out that he died from overworking, was that right?" I looked down. She wrapped me around her arms and held me close "I'm so sorry... I left you here. Because I left, even if I didn't know, you had to be alone and deal with everything by yourself at the hospital and funeral. My only question is... why didn't you call..? Why did you abandon this house..?" I tried holding in my tears, but it was impossible now

"I knew you hated him... I couldn't had told you. I thought that it was fine to not tell you at all. It wouldn't matter to you. You said it yourself... you wish he was dead" she flinched and became stiff "that's why... I didn't say anything. I didn't leave... I couldn't leave Sinnoh because I couldn't leave dad. Staying in Sinnoh was a way to keep me from ever telling you what happened to him, And I... I couldn't stay in this house, so I resulted in the streets"

"My baby... I didn't think you listen to our arguments"

"Every last one of them.." she broke down in my arms "even if I was quiet, I heard everything and kept it to myself" I held her up. Her heart probably broke at that moment "I'm sorry I was never the best daughter, but I promise I always loved you. I don't blame you for anything"

"I love you too baby girl" for that day, Serena and mom stayed at the house while I went on my own way back to Jubilife city to my penthouse in the building where the design company operated.

Back when wondering these streets, I would always try to avoid the crowd and even the daylight. It was dangerous to make a scene and the best time to be noticed is at night, where no one can see my face and I can get away with anything. I never took pride in what I do, I just did what I had to. Often refusing to take jobs, the only jobs I would take was pickpocketing and other little things like beat people up who double cross us, try to turn us in, owe us money, or just annoyed us in general

Now I'm walking casually through these streets like that life never happened. Everyone glanced at me probably because of my fashion choices, but other than that... walking is relaxing now

I looked up ahead to find the alleyway where the base would be. I stared at the entrance, remembering Romeo trying to talk to me and Gregory taking me in... out of curiosity, which I never knew I had, I walked through the alley to face the door in the middle of the darkness where no one could see

I reached out to open it, seeing memories of times when I would enter this place completely tired or ready to go to bed after a long day on the job. My hands made it to the point where they almost touched the door knob before suddenly hearing something inside

Confused, I made sure Z was close to me before I forced the door open with my foot. Inside was as dark as night. I searched for the light switch, but I almost forgot this place relied on candlelight.

A sudden growl came from the distance. I send out Delphox to use her stick to light up the place, revealing what was in front of us a very angry Luxray looking like it was ready to attack. I screamed above my lungs and slammed into the door I forgot I closed behind me by accident

Luxray... it's the very Pokémon that was responsible for my fear of all Pokémon. I held my fast beating heart as Delphox stand in guard for me with a lit up stick. I glanced over to the side, hearing cries of younglings Z pointed out for me

"Delphox! Levitate!" Delphox obeyed and levitated Luxray in the air and I took this opportunity to run pass the angry Pokémon and make my way to find twin Shinxs in a old blanket crying

Luxray got angry for me getting closer and aimed a thunderbolt. Z flew by to absorb every attack it tried making as I put my attention on the twins. One of them had a injured bloody leg, like it got attacked by another wild Pokémon

"That looks bad..." I looked back at Luxray, comparing to how big it was compared to how I met it when I was little "I wonder how you guys got all the way here" I sighed and took out a Ultraball "don't worry, trust in me. I will take care of your children" I threw out B to put it to sleep to make the capture more easy. With a click, it was taken by Delphox while I took care of the twins with food and first aid.

To be scared of Pokémon for so long... and now captured the Pokémon responsible for all that fear, it doesn't seem real... it's like my life suddenly turned upside down


Have you guessed that her cause of fearing Pokémon was a over territorial Luxray? She captured it! But is she going to keep it?

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