Twins of kalos (5th place in...

By Frozenbeenie

7.8K 605 52

Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... More

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 8: Skates.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 40: Punk*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 42: War*
Chapter 43: Sundile*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 49: Sinnoh*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 45: Labs*

81 5 0
By Frozenbeenie

"Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within my heart!" I kept thinking back at what Lysandre told me as I ran through the building to find Serena "you are here to stop me, but I ask you to wait" the man dares to talk about his actions of wanting to change the world, but no results were taken.

He's insane... to take the world for himself and kill away the others? I know there are bad people in the world, but he's planning on killing off everyone I know. Soto, Diantha, Romeo, Aria, my friends, Greg, my family... and Calem

I can't let this happen... if I can just find the person in this building who has the card to have access to that elevator Lysandre walked into. Fennie, who had evolved after a battle with a random grunt, becoming a Braixen, who I nicknamed Bailey, followed me through the building until we ran into a room I wish I didn't run into

"No sign of him here either..." Sina crossed her arm. Dexio was the first to notice me... and I walked out without wanting any part of them or them talking to me

"Miss Sophia" he called. I sighed and looked over my shoulder, knowing he wasn't as bad as Sina was "I was hoping you'd be here. Looks like you heard the news... we came here on the professor's request to stop Team Flare" I nodded

"Well, it'll be handy to get as much help as we need... but I'm more concern about Serena right now. Don't fuck shit up, idiots" I walked out without wanting to hear anything Sina would say if I stayed any longer

"For once, they're being helpful" I sighed, trying to sense Serena's Aura "while they take care of a few grunts and possibly find Lysandre, I can focus on Serena" I send out Lucario "let's get this search on faster. Find Serena!" It nodded and ran off to a room filled with large computers and desk. At the end of the room was Serena tied together in front of that blue haired scientist from Frost Cavern

"Let go of me!" Serena shouted "you really think you're going to get away with this? My sister and my friends are going to save this world! I've been double crossing you this whole time! How does it feel to be looked down upon by someone who was never part of your little gang" I blinked my eyes a few times, amazed that she's being sassy right now. This is a whole side to her I didn't think she'd have! And she's not even in disguise anymore! Aside the uniform

"Shut up!" I snapped my fingers low enough so she wouldn't hear, making her break the spell B cast on her. Serena quickly noticed "I knew somewhere in my mind that you weren't one of us! If I just thought clearly, I could had kicked you out before! Why have I never done it!?" I cleared my throat, making her face me, then at Serena and back at me again "twins... hm" she crossed her arms

"Sorry for casting that forgetting spell on you, but we had to make sure the secret stays hidden. Otherwise it wouldn't be a secret"

"Cut the crap. Even if I don't know what spell you're talking about, we gather data about all the trainers in the region through the holo caster, so we know all about you guys"

"I don't own a holo caster, and I'm not a ordinary trainer. I'm still in training to be honest"

"In training?" Serena sounded surprise

"Now that you mention it" the scientist held her chin "we didn't get much information out of you at all! It's like you don't exist!"

"Just the way I like it" I popped my knuckles together. She send out her Pokémon as a immediate need of protection

"But I see you're wearing a keystone... did you know it is used to awaken a Pokémon's power? It's just like how the ultimate weapon can max out a Pokémon's power" so what my mirror self said was correct. They are going to use Yveltal!

"Look, Mabel!" I held my hips "the ultimate weapon is much more than you think! How can you promise you'll survive the attack when your leader is controlling the machine! You can't trust everyone in this world!" Ciro suddenly came to mind "even if there's some people who you think are beneficial to your life, it turns out to be a lie!" Lucario looked at me "Bailey! Use Flamethrower!" Braixen waved its wand around and attacked her Pokémon. Because I wasn't that good of a trainer, we nearly lost. Her last Pokémon fell down, knocked out from the psychic attack Braixen learned

"You're really strong..." Mabel returned her Pokémon "I don't know what it is about you, but from what I knew about Miss Serena, you are far different than she is" I closed my eyes, agreeing to it

"Don't try to compare us just because we look alike. The both of us have our own special personalities that can beat your ass like a whip. Talk is cheap. Hand over the elevator key" she nodded

"Since I'm all out of Pokémon, how can I refuse?" She tossed the key at me and walked pass me and my Pokémon "that legendary Pokémon... the ultimate weapon. It seems you know something that even us scientists can't figure out. Go on, let's see what you can even do for this region" I shook my head and untied Serena out those ropes, having her quickly jump in my arms

"S-Serena..." that caught me by surprise

"Big sister!" She cried "I knew you'd come to my rescue!" I chuckled and hugged her back

"Of course I would... I'm not letting them keep my little sister" she laughed and continued to keep me in her arms, wobbling around on purpose until her eyes laid on Lucario wanting to see her after so long

"Lucario..." she smiled and hugged it closely "I miss you, and everyone else so much... I'm sorry I left you all, but I had to keep a well disguise" she came back up and faced me "big sister, we have to hurry and put a stop to this evil plan! They've been using the electricity they stole in the power plants to get everything prepared to activate the ultimate weapon" I nodded "there's much more they're trying to do. They'll also need energy to absorb from Pokémon to power the device. Those stones on route 10. They're actually grave stones!"

"I've figure that out long before" she smiled, happy to hear that

"They're going to steal the energy of those stones to power the ultimate weapon. Do you know what happened 3000 years ago?"

"A horrible war happened and the ultimate weapon was the one that ended the war. I've seen it with my own eyes"

"Huh?" I shook my head

"Let's head out right now. I don't want to run into anyone else" she agreed and took my hand to run along side me to the elevator, dodging some scientist walking around, and finally made our way to the elevator

"That was a close one... you have no idea how long I just wanted to teach these people a lesson or two! They were really annoying" Serena pouted

"Tell me about it" I looked back at Serena staring above the elevator. Seeing her in front of me now... it made me wonder if Floette really existed, Floette, not my mirror image. My red eyed self was someone completely different from that Pokémon who tried looking like her mostly. Serena giggled and hugged my arm, just like old times

"I'm so happy to be with you again... you coming to Kalo's was very unexpected, but I guess my disappearance made you worry. You were someone that didn't have to worry about the plan, so I could had continued talking to you, but..." I rested my head on hers

"That's behind us now..." I looked at the door, seeing Floette as me facing it. As the elevator stopped at the bottom floor, she slowly looked at me with her sad blue eyes

"He's there..." she disappeared. I reopened my eyes to see that I fell asleep standing up. Serena was trying to get my attention the whole time

"Sophie-chan..?" She frowned. I smiled and took her hand again

"Sorry... I haven't been myself lately. Let's hurry" with a worried look in her eyes, she nodded and follow me through the long hallway that seem endless at first, just until we turned the corner, and see Lysandre facing who looked like AZ

"You..." I stood next to Lysandre to face the massive tall man "you are AZ..." he looked down at my eyes and gulped, shaking a bit. Lysandre said something to me, but I continued to stare at AZ, thinking back on what Floette wanted me to do...

"Princess Sakura..." Floette's voice echoed in my head "life is good" it's words remained in my head since the day she told me that

"And for some unknown reason, he had the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck" Lysandre snorted and looked at me and Serena staring at him "I was very shocked when discovering both your appearances. At first, I honestly thought the spy was Miss Sophia, but I was wrong" he closed his eyes "I underestimated the Twins of Kalos. It's finally time... come and follow me to my chambers" he walked pass us, waiting for me to finish with AZ

"You must get the key back... do you want to feel unending pain... like I have?" AZ asked

"You should had destroyed the key when you could had... what reason did you have to keep that key?!" I shouted "You've wronged her before by lying, and yet you did this again. You selfish..." His eyes widened. Not caring how he felt, I took Serena's hand again and followed Lysandre to the elevator again, taking us down to a lower level of the building

"Sophia-chan... what were you talking about before? Who is she?" Serena frowned

"Nothing" I looked up at Lysandre staring at the door until we made it to our destination. He walked over to some man checking on his clipboard

"Status update" Lysandre demanded

"The Pokéballs we gathered and the Pokémon we've received are where they need to be. Add it all up, and it means all preparations complete!" Lysandre nodded

"All we need to do now is to put the plan in motion" I glared, angrily "one push of a button, and we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room" he glanced at us "I believe being a chosen one means you have the potential to change the future"

"And here I thought I kept them from stealing too much Pokéballs..." Serena said "I've failed that task"

"It's okay, little sister" B gave me my knife, catching Serena off guard and gasp "I seem to realize from what you just said. You? As the chosen one? If anyone is the chosen one, it's not anyone who has that stupid fire like haircut like yours" he wasn't impressed by my insult

"Whether we activate the ultimate weapon or leave it safely underground, the rest is upon if you actually had this potential or not" he walked pass me and leave without looking into my eyes. Serena stared at him as I moved my eyes to the weird man in the white face mask having the access to turn on the weapon. I narrowed my eyes and lifted the knife

"Oh ho ho!" He laughed "I have heard a bit from you from the other grunts. You are quite the violent one, aren'tcha?"

"Violent?" Serena questioned "what is he talking about? I know you're a bit aggressive, but..."

"We can talk about that later"

"Yes yes! I need to do a little research on you, pretty girl" I moved back, a bit weirded out "come, let us begin" I threw the knife at his face, making him move but ended up getting cut on the cheek. His blood leaked down to his neck. All he did was smile "yes... yes! You have tremendous skill and bravery"

"What's up with this guy?" I asked

"He's the weird one of this gang... his name is Xerosic. He likes studying people by being a pervert" Serena hid behind me. Braixen used its psychic ability to point the knife at his direction towards the back of his neck where he wasn't looking. It's sad to know such innocent Pokémon such as mine had taken up on what I'm actually like. When the Pokémon stay with its trainer longer, they start becoming like them more...

"I will tell you something very interesting" Xerosic said, laughing "it happened 3000 years ago-" I rolled my eyes and walked away. Braixen gave me back my knife and I was on my way out to the elevator "wait! Don't you want to hear about the history of the ultimate weapon?! You have a choice here! Behind me you'll find a red and blue button. One of them is the button for activing the ultimate weapon! Push one now! Come on! Push one!" Serena pulled me back a bit

"It's a trick..." I nodded and turned back to the man

"I'll give you a choice as well... how about you push the button. If you activate the ultimate weapon, this knife will end up taking your life before the ultimate weapon will..." he flinched "you really think you have a chance to survive the attack..? You don't... you and the other grunts along with the rest of the region will drop one by one. Xerneas won't be able to revive for another 200 years. You have no chance of surviving. We will put a stop to you whether you choose the right button or not. Go ahead"

"S-Sophia..." Serena cupped her mouth

"You will kill me before the ultimate weapon? How fascinating to see the differences between twins. You two made a name for yourself, but to spot something like this is amazing. Very well..." he walked up to a random button and pressed it. Our eyes looked at the screen on the wall, showing the above sight of Geosenge town and the largest stones down the middle. They raised above the ground, and immediately sunk underground. For what felt like forever, single point came from down the middle, crashing large rocks into a few houses around. The single pointed object floated in the air and opened its sides to releasing bright light, creating a flower that looked like Floette's fairy flower

The ultimate weapon had revived, and crashed down to the ground, pushing away a few houses standing close to it. Serena screamed, horrified at the shot. I didn't know what to think. The knife in my hands became incredibly slippery in my fingers. My hands were shaking hard and fast

"The ultimate weapon is reborn" Xerosic faced us "the poisonous flower has bloomed! Look at Geosenge! It has bloomed in Geosenge town! The boss's dream of creating a beautiful world will come true!" I look Serena's hand and brought her into the elevator with me. She was so shaken up that she stayed close to my body, trying to put together what just happened. I rested my arm on her shoulder, keeping my knife in the other hand as I stared directly at the insane man laughing at the thought of death "Add it all up, and it equals... a victory for our SCIENCE-" I swiftly threw the knife at his chest, making sure Serena stayed in place so she wouldn't look back at the man groaning in pain. Braixen quickly gave back my knife as the elevator doors closed, leaving the man dead

"Sophia..." Serena cried "I'm sorry... I really tried doing my best. I think now I shouldn't have broadcasted that meeting. Everyone is scared... what have I done?"

"Everyone has the right to know... it's going to be okay. We'll overcome this and save Kalos" she nodded, sighing in relief

"Let's head to Geosenge town! That's where we can fix everything!" We made it back outside and notice the clouds above us was darkening the region. I looked around for Calem, but he wasn't anywhere in sight "what are you looking for?" I checked my phone, seeing I had a few missed calls from him and got a message, saying that Sina and Dexio told him what was going on when running into him in the labs trying to find me and the plans of the ultimate weapon being used. He wanted to meet in Geosenge town

"Nothing... let's get out of here" she nodded

"First... I want to get my Pokémon!"

"Right..." Serena nodded and send out a Flygon. I smirked, crossing my arms amused and returned my Pokémon

"Huh. You had a flygon?"

"Yes... I actually caught it as I was training to be a admin! Flygon! We need a lift! The pretending is over! Time to be the good guys!" It cheered and noticed me later, looking at us over and over "I know! Isn't it cool?! Let's go before time runs out!" I agreed and send out Salamence and had Z levitate me onboard once Serena was safely on Flygon "I'll be right next to you!"

"Got it!" And with that, we left Lumiose to obtain Serena's Pokémon who've been waiting months for her arrival

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