Twins of kalos (5th place in...

By Frozenbeenie

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Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... More

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 8: Skates.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 40: Punk*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 42: War*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 45: Labs*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 49: Sinnoh*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 43: Sundile*

93 5 1
By Frozenbeenie

"We're finally here!" Rebecca cheered as we arrived to Anistar city "this is where I live! I would love it for you two to meet my parents! They'll be grateful to know you saved me!"

"You're not a princess... if these parents of yours are not royalty, who aren't going to reward us gold for our troubles, forget about it" Calem said, trying to act funny and serious at the same time. I had told him back in the Pokémon center that I removed her memories, so he's not as cautious anymore around her, but he noticed how much I'm trying to not talk or even look at him. I just can't get over what he did that morning. I can feel that my face was still beat red, looking the other way. Calem was staring at me, but didn't make the effort to say anything and turned away as well. Rebecca stared at us before coming my way and poked my nose. I jumped and glared at her

"Do you mind? You're invading my private thoughts again"

"Again?" I looked away "I'm sorry, it's honestly a habit of mine. Let's go get something to eat! My treat!" She smiled. I sighed, knowing I had no control over her movements and sudden touches to get info out of me... even if I have nothing against her, she really needs to learn when to stay in her own business

"If you put it that way" I snapped out of it, knowing I wasn't this shy person. I lifted my chin and thought about it "how about a healthy breakfast? We need to start staying in fit" I looked at Calem "right?" His eyes lit up and he smiled wide

"Yeah! Anything for you, my princess!" I blushed and looked away again. It's hard being confident when he makes me feel like this. He kissed me...

Remembering that exact moment a few days ago, I cupped my face and moved around all embarrassed. Rebecca looked confused with her dotted eyes and later giggled at my embarrassment

"I would love a healthy breakfast! Even if it's about dinner time" she nervously laughed "we haven't ate in a while since traveling here, so let us go to my parents house right now! Our servants make the best food!" She clapped her hands together, put her gloves on, and took both our hands and walk us through the city. I don't know what her deal was, since she was all happy for some reason, she gave us a tour and continued to drag us before stopping all of a sudden. Calem glared and took out a Pokéball. I looked up ahead to see Sina and Dexio standing there with their mask on

"Really? And this was going to be a nice day too" Calem glared. I frowned at him

"Relax, we are only doing our job" his mom is still paying them to look after Calem? I thought she trusted me to take care of him "although... it's not a job taken from your mother anymore" did she just read my mind? "We are still on the job as the defenders of Kalos!" I rolled my eyes and looked behind me to see Z floating there

"Shut up, will you? I'm starving right now! We don't have time for your stupid speech"

"What she said... leave us alone..." he pulled out his knife that already stained in blood. When I got out the shower that day he kissed me, Rebecca said he went out on a walk... I don't even want to know if he decided to kill a Pokémon or a human. I lifted my hand to make him stop, making him put the knife back

"What are you going to do about it?" Sina crossed her arms. Dexio raised his arms

"It's okay, we only want to know how your adventure is going" Dexio smiled

"It's great" I crossed my arms

"We heard Serena has returned, but nobody had seen where she went"

"All is well" I wanted to drop this conversation as fast as I could. Rebecca released our hands and faced us

"I don't want to interrupt your time with your friends... I'll meet you near the pink crystal! Okay?" She ran off before I got the chance to tell her they weren't friends. I groaned and looked back at Dexio, not Sina... since she's wearing that bitch face she never takes off

"Since you're no longer working for my mother, I don't think it's necessary to continue being fake and pretend like I'm friends with you, Sina" the pair's eyes widened

"How did you find out?! Did Sophia tell you?" She glared

"She didn't have too... I always knew" Dexio looked around and removed his mask

"So the disguise is unnecessary... and since no one is looking. How about we talk about this? First off, it's perfect timing that you're here. Professor Sycamore is at the park where that pink crystal lies"

"That's good to know" I said

"Second!" Sina said, taking off her mask and fixing her hair "what have you been up to this entire time? Causing trouble?! Don't think I didn't see you try to take out your weapon! Spit it out! What were you going to do?!"

"You really suck at your job, you little bitch" Calem darkened his eyes "if you're really wondering what I've been up to, how about you do your fucking job right?"

"What did you say-?!" I snapped my finger at Z and had it levitate Sina into the water "hey!" She spat out water "what was that for?!"

"You're really annoying... I would love to stay and chat, but I don't want to stay and chat" I waved my hand "see yah, losers" I nodded at Dexio trying to stand still, and walked pass him with Calem

"Thank goodness we're away from those two... I don't think I can take much more of this" he groaned "but what did she mean when she said she's not working for my mom anymore?" I looked away

"I... might have promised her to take care of you" his cheeks turned rosy "d-don't get the wrong idea! I just thought it would get rid of those two faster!" He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, making me go in a quick panic

"Thanks for thinking of me!"

"D-don't even mention it!" He let go of me and took my hand

"Let's go meet up with the professor and Rebecca!" I nodded and rushed to the area where the pink crystal I can see from far away and ended up seeing only Rebecca standing close to the crystal by herself

"Hey you two" Rebecca smiled "you just missed the professor. Apparently he got a call saying that Sina fell into the ocean by accident and he ran to assist her" I smirked, amused

"That's funny" Calem laughed. Rebecca giggled

"I suppose it is!" She turned to me "this crystal is known to be a sundile. Something amazing happens around 8 P.m, so how about we stay here until the show begins? It's really beautiful"

"I guess I don't mind seeing it" I said

"A rumor says that if you touch the crystal with your keystone, you'll gain magic powers" she laughed "though it's only a rumor for some, it's not like many people are able to make a keystone! I believe in this fact of gaining magical powers. You should try it with yours!"

"This keystone had already touched the sundile" Calem said "the keystone belonged to my father who found it in Sinnoh. My dad never got the changed to use it, thus, it's been passed down to me, as a engagement gift for the lover" blood build up on my face immediately. Rebecca gasped amazed

"Oh my goodness! I didn't know you two were engaged!" I waved my hands quickly

"W-we're not!" She looked confused

"Then why do you still wear your necklace..? It's the first thing you looked for back in the lost hotel!" Calem looked at me surprised

"Really?" He asked "you were so mad too... you looked like you wanted to murder someone"

"N-none of your business!"

"Then I'm sure you don't mind giving it back?" I knew he was lying about wanting it back, but I felt my heart drop when I heard that

"N-no..." I hugged my stone close "It's mine... my heart" I looked down "not only that, but it's the most precious gift I've ever received that wasn't from Serena. I honestly never thought I'd have someone who would give back my heart and have that be a good thing" I looked at Calem in the eyes "to give me something as rare as a keystone... it's precious to me. And I... I really like being with you, Calem. I know I can be mean and abusive, but being with you makes me feel very comfortable and I know I can be myself without having you judge me" he smiled, actually starting to tear up

"I love you... Sophia. More than anything in the world. I want to be part of your world and always make sure you feel like your worth something, because you gave my life meaning... I want to give yours everything as much as I can" we stared at each other in the eyes, lost in our gazes. Rebecca stared for a long moment before going into a panic

"Y-you may now kiss the bride!" I flinched and looked at her like she had two heads "what? Weren't you two giving your vows?"

"W-what?! No!" I blushed hard "what are you talking about?!"

"But you're wearing a white dress and everything!" I looked at my fluffy dress down to my ankles

"It's a winter dress!" I looked at Calem scratching the side of his face, looking a bit shy. I looked at the area for us to be staring at us in awe. I was about to make a run for it before the sundial started spinning and suddenly shined the city, spreading balls of light from the sky like it was snowing. Rebecca was right... this is beautiful

"We're definitely getting married here!" Calem laughed. I reached out to catch a ball of light, but it was only light "I'm starving... let's go to our after wedding party!"

"We're not married!!" I pushed him off his feet and took Rebecca's glove to drag her away from the stupidity. She just laughed at me and lead me to where her house was. Calem eventually caught up and we faced a very large home that was way bigger than expected, and with a gate! What should have I expected? The girl is rich

"Here is where I live!" Rebecca cheered "it feels like I haven't been here in weeks! Which was actually true" she went to press on the intercom, leaving me with Calem standing next to me. He took my hand without warning. I just let him do it as I stared at the lights falling from the sky. I stared at many as I could before noticing they started forming into rainbow colors with holographic memory feathers attached to them. I let go of Calem to catch them, only for them to disappear. I lowered my arm before seeing the red eyed reflection of mine from the first strange dream, standing in front of me

"You're..." it turned to look at Rebecca talking on the intercom all excitedly. With a light blocking my vision for a quick second, my reflection appeared right on my face

"What she said was true. About the rumor? She holds a keystone as well, and she gained her own special ability. It's that power of knowledge by the touch" I looked at Rebecca again, but she was nowhere in sight. In fact... I don't think I'm even in Anistar City. Calem wasn't even around... I even looked down at myself to see me wearing the same crop top outfit and cloak from last time. I stood in the middle of the route filled with gravestones of the Pokémon who died in the war

"Special ability?" I asked. She nodded and started walking deeper into the route. I quickly followed and froze when I saw a gigantic cocoon in front of us "what is this?"

"This? This is the creature who kills the area around it after its lifespan and force itself to sleep within this cocoon" I stared at the large object that contained what I put together as the legendary Pokémon of Kalos "Do you remember the legendary Pokémon Lysandre was talking about?" She asked

"Huh? Of course not. Why would I listen to anything that freak says?" She giggled, nothing from what I expect myself to do in that way...

"That Pokémon is called Yveltal. Its the Pokémon sleeping within this cocoon. It's overwhelmed with power... the most you hear about it is that it's resemblance to the letter Y... it is also a dangerous Pokémon who absorbs energy... its lifespan is said to be a longer than your life time. When it reaches the end of its life, it steals all the spirits around it"

"I've heard much about the legend already. Yveltal is the Pokémon of destruction" she nodded

"These dreams of yours... they're very informational. We've been using your dreams to get to you" we? "Even if it doesn't seem like it, I'm trying my hardest to inform you as much as I can. 800 years ago, the legendary Pokémon spread its ominous wings, engulfing the land of Kalos in darkness. At that moment, people and Pokémon throughout the land began to fall one by one" I cupped my mouth "Yveltal let out a piercing cry and took to the sky, vanishing to an unknown location" she closed her eyes "though eventually when this happens, the legendary Pokémon that resembles the letter X appears and purified the land, giving it life again. Yveltal absorbs the life force of the living things around it in order to charge its own energy. as you seen before, back 3000 years ago, the Kalos region was engulfed in a terrible war. The legendary Pokémon appeared and stole the life force of countless living beings... It's handy to have a legendary Pokémon of life, who does the opposite"

"I'll say" she smiled at me and made us appear above the canyon like I stood on before.

"Xerneas is its name..." she held her heart in pain "800 years ago, Xerneas used its shining horns to illuminate the lands of Kalos. At that very moment, people and Pokémon throughout the land felt great energy vitality surge through their bodies. At the same time, a vast forest springs up, with Xerneas at its center. Xerneas has the same life span, and at its peak, it released all of its remaining energy, sharing it with all with living things near by. After releasing its energy, it becomes a dried up tree. It remains hiding deep within the forest. If Yveltal were to take life, Xerneas will give it. The order in these fates are leveled out... the order is absolute. Thus, if Xerneas were to not gain enough energy to come back, Yveltal will kill everything and everyone"

"It can't be that time where it awakens, right?" She shook her head

"Sadly, there is still a 200 years left for Xerneas to reawaken... Yveltal will have a force awaken thanks to Team Flare giving the energy they stole to give to it and awaken. Their selfish wish of destroying this world and only having it to themselves... they are planning on using the ultimate weapon" the world around me changed. The large field slowly formed Geosenge town with the ultimate weapon looking like the large stones I saw before "and they're planning on using Yveltal to expand the power of that weapon..." I narrowed my eyes to see who was standing in front of it. Floette in it's true form stood there and looked at me, showing me it was Lysandre standing before it

"Him..." Floette pointed "you must stop him... he is over Team Flare" I glared

"I knew there was something not right about that guy... I never trusted him"

"As you shouldn't..." Mirror me said. I looked back at her

"Why am I able to see these things anyways? Who are you two?"

"the ability I spoke of... it's within your keystone" Mirror me said. I grabbed my keystone "those who are worthy to even have the special heart to create such a precious thing... a special ability is given to you when you become one with it by the sundial at 8PM. It's a form of your heart, a part of your physical being, connected by the soul and heart like the heart and ring finger... the bond you create with your Pokémon, that's what helps the keystone work. You are 1 in 1000 to be able to make a keystone... and you were gifted with dreams that can foresee your past and future"

"No way that can be true..." she floated to my face

"We're here, aren't we? Don't you agree that you are now attached to that stone? Even before Calem gave it to you, you felt connected to it. Not only do you keep it because it's a special gift, but you keep it because it is the heart you've longed for, for a long time. Although... you never used it with one of your Pokémon. Give it a try" she handed me the box Rebecca gave me before "you never know what it may grant you" I slowly took the box as she disappeared. Floette floated over to me and turned into my reflection with the same black and white uniform as before

"There is one more thing I still want to say... as I said before. I don't want you turning out like my old master. I've seen your deadly eyes... anger fills them. Princess Sakura" I looked into her sad eyes "I am here... in your heart, to remind you that life is good... "

I can say this much that the last quote is one of my favorites that I just thought in my head

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