Neighbors A Lauren Cimorelli...

By twoloners

10.2K 97 15


Church and Brunch
First Day of School
Lauren Has A Boyfriend?
Birthday Day
Lauren's Leaving
Trick or Treat
She's Worth It

Let Me Practice In Peace

793 8 0
By twoloners

Lia Marie Johnson as Kaitlyn

Lit, I'm single again.


Well you should be.

As it turns out, dear Rachel, never broke up with Brady. See, the girl thought it would be cool to have two boyfriends. And yeah, nobody gets hurt.

Well wrong, because I don't get the girl, and walk off into the sunset.

So now, I was stuck in Study Hall, checking the girl next to me out. Can I just say that she's gorgeous? Even prettier than Rachel.

She had light, blonde hair, hazelish eyes, wore a pair of jean shorts, sandals, and some pink flowy shirt.

The bell rang, and I waited around the corner to see her turning.

"Ah, hey, I'm JC." I introduced myself, with a little grin.

"Yeah, I know. I'm friends with Taylor." The gorgeous girl said, a little smile tugging at the corners of her lips. They were so pink, and looked so soft. I officially like this girl.

"So, um, do you have a name?" I asked, getting a little nervous. I had never really been nervous around girls, at least until now.

"Kaitlyn Schneider. Look, I'm really sorry about what went down between you and Rachel. I swear if I'd known I would've done something." Kaitlyn started to ramble on, and to be honest, it was adorable.

"Kaitlyn, it's alright. She doesn't matter to me." I reassured her. Cause you do, and I obviously don't have the balls to tell her that.

"I have to get to home ec, I'll see you later." Kaitlyn said,

"Yeah, I've got it too. I'll uh, I'll walk with you."

"Alright," Kaitlyn walked sorta close to me, and it just felt right to put my arm around her. So I did.

Kaitlyn blushed a little, but then, smiled at me.

"Right on time, Mr. Carmichael, Ms. Schneider, you two will be paired up for this assignment." Mrs. Wash, the home ec teacher said pointing to us.

I put my stuff down on an island and plopped down next to Kaitlyn.

"As you all should know, we are in the family unit right now. So you couples will be parents to these high tech babies. You will be given a certain gender, obliged to name the child, and properly care for it." The teacher explained,

"So I guess you're my wife, girlfriend thing." I said awkwardly. Yeah, real smart JC, wife girlfriend thing!

Kaitlyn laughed, "I guess so,"

"Shall we pick up our child Mrs. Carmichael?" I asked jokingly.

"We shall," Kaitlyn smiled, and then laughed a little.

"As many of you know, there's a big football game coming up, if you are in band, play for the varsity team, or are a cheerleader; you will be exempt from this." Ms. Collins, the home ec teacher announced,

"You wanna know the best part of that game?" I asked Kaitlyn with a wild grin on my face,

"What?" Kaitlyn asked me,

"That's my birthday." I smiled at her,

"Aww, my bae is turning sixteen." Kaitlyn cooed, hugging me.

"I'm gonna be a big boy." I joked,

Ms. Collins came around with our electric baby, and it turned out to be a boy. We decided to name it Keegan, I was swinging  for "Thing", but Kaitlyn said it had to be a REAL, name.


I was just grateful that it was Thursday. Football practice, and the cheerleaders just so happened to practice on our game field. Our school, was a huge, major football school. Some guys who went here played for D1 schools and then went to the NFL.

I put on my shoulder pads, practice jersey, helmet, and a pair of shorts.

As you can tell, we didn't wear much pads when practicing. We have reasons people, it's too hot to wear everything. Well, I guess we only have one reason.

"Alright, this is our last practice before our first game boys. I don't want you to play your best today, but I want you to at least give me 90%. Derek, I want you sit bench until I call break." Coach T, shouted.

Derek opened his mouth in protest, but was ignored.

"Jimmy, I want you to go in for Derek,"

Jimmy was a tall, wiry, Irish freshman. And it was completely obvious that he had a crush on Dani. That is exactly why I didn't like the kid.

All of the Cimorelli girls, I was extremely protective of, even Christina. But, Christina could be scary when she wanted to, I speak from experience.

Jimmy snapped the ball to me, and I caught it perfectly. I noticed a dark haired beauty, as I shook off defenders.

She was by the end zone. It was Lauren, and she was with Ryan.

180 spin, jump over defender going at my feet.

10 more yards.

5 more yards.

Come on JC, you got this.

I hit the endzone, and triumphantly held up the ball. If only we were in a game.

"See, magnificent play by Carmichael and O'Doherty." Coach screamed into his megaphone, "That's it for practice tonight, don't stay up late Friday night, we've got a game Saturday afternoon. Be at Sun Ridge at 11, so we can run some plays really quickly."

I took my helmet off, and beads of sweat dripped from my hair, " Eww, JC! You're all sweaty and gross." Lauren fake shivered in disgust,

"Well, I am THE Sweaty Football Guy." I smirked,

"Hey, I'm Ryan. That thing where you caught the ball, was, um, cool." Ryan said awkwardly,

"Yeah, I know, you're sorta dating my best friend." I blurted out randomly,

"JC, are we still on for lunch on Sunday?" Lauren asked me,

"Yeah-" I started and Kaitlyn ran into me, she looked pretty hot in her cheerleading uniform. Emphasis on hot.

"JC, get your butt down to the stadium, Derek's breaking up with Taylor." Kaitlyn said breathlessly.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him, nobody messes with my sister." I muttered under my breath, while sprinting.

"Wait, so who's Taylor?" I heard Ryan ask,

"Sorry Taylor, you're just not pretty enough," Derek said, and my sister was on the verge of tears.

"Do everybody a favor and leave," I said, walking over to him.

Derek shoved me, " What's it to you, hotshot?"

I stood stock still, " That's my sister, you don't mess with her."

Derek shoved me again," You're the reason I got benched, right now, it's just me and you." Taylor stepped back a little towards Kaitlyn.

"I haven't done a single thing, we don't even play the same position. But I do know, that you've been taking steroids." I said, circling Derek. He threw a punch at me, a punch that Coach T saw.

"Derek, you're suspended from the team, I want your stuff in by Friday night. Now if you do not leave the premises immediately, you will be escorted by a police officer." Coach T boomed through his megaphone,

Derek punched me in the stomach, got me in the jaw, and then pushed me to the ground. He kicked me in the leg, grunted and left.

The last thing I saw, were three figures, hovering over me.

"Taylor, get him into his bed, Lauren, Kaitlyn, get his shirt off, Taylor get the first aid kit." That voice had to have been my mom's.

I felt two pairs of soft hands graze up my chest, then I was cold. Yup, I was shirtless in front of both of the girls I liked.

"So, how did you meet JC?" Lauren asked Kaitlyn,

"I was in Study Hall, and either his eye was frozen in place, or he was checking me out." Kaitlyn laughed, her laugh was pretty. I can't even describe it.

"But isn't he dating Rachel?" Lauren asked,

"He didn't tell you?" Kaitlyn asked,

"Guess he didn't want lots of people knowing." Lauren said, no Lauren. Don't sound sad, please don't sound sad.

"Rachel was still going out with her ex, Brady. While she was with JC, and JC really liked her." Kaitlyn explained,

"So do you like him?" Lauren asked,

"Yeah, he's cute, he's sweet, he's funny. And he's the most adorable guy I've ever met." Kaitlyn gushed. I think my blushing gave away the fact that I wasn't asleep.

"You can stop pretending now." Lauren and Kaitlyn giggled,

"Gahhh, what's with all this on me?" I asked, looking down at my chest. It was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Derek kicked your butt." Lauren snorted,

"So, Katie, I hear that you like me," I chuckle,

"Yeah," Kaitlyn said slowly,

"Well there's good news, cause there's this guy I know, his name is JC, he recently got into a fight. And he likes this girl named Kaitlyn Schneider." I smirked,

Kaitlyn kissed me slowly, it seems like lots of girls have been kissing me lately. Weird.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow." Kaitlyn stood at the doorway,

"Night princess." I smiled at her.

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