Mutes Don't Stay Silent Forev...

By Shara_G_Glenn

68.6K 2.4K 1.3K

Peter Parker was always a quiet boy after his parents died. He's been taken care of by his Aunt, & Uncle, & h... More

A Normal Day (RW)
Short Squad (RW)
Next Encounter(RW)
'Long' Day (RW)
Problems at SHIELD (RW)
Meeting PT 2
Talking Pt 2 (Short)
Day at Home
The Beast
Closed Doors
Watched (really short)
Brother Satan(really short)
Meeting Pt 3
Changes of Another
All I want is You Pt 1
Question for all
Ao3 and
God damnit.

Meeting (RW)

9.4K 270 293
By Shara_G_Glenn


Today was more, or so a day off.

 Tony, & Bruce are working on they're science stuff while, Natasha, & Clint are on a small mission. Thor himself is still in Asgard as far as we know. Infact, I think it's about time Tony, Bruce, & the others at SHIELD made some kind of communicator for Thor, so we could talk to him while he's away. It'll be helpful for when something goes wrong, & we need as much fighting power we need. I'm surprised Toy hasn't came up with it yet..

 Anyway. I'm just about finished with training when I hear the door open from behind me. Thinking it could've been Clint, or Natasha I ignore it, & continue punching a couple bags.

"Hey. I may be loud, but that doesn't mean you should ignore we ALL the time." Realizing it was Tony who came in I roll my eyes, & grab the punching bag before turning to face him with a smile.

"Ah. Hey Tony sorry I thought you would've been Clint, or Natasha coming back from yet another mission." I say truthfully. He smiles as well, though it's more of a smirk than a smile. We both walk over to the changing room as he begins talking.

"Fury called in a while ago after we had defeated Reindeer games. He simply demanded we be at SHIELD as soon as possible. To be honest with you I really don't care. I have better things to do than listen to Period Pirate bitch left, & right." He said now laughing a bit, & falling on top of the bench. I laugh a bit too.

"Oh come on Tones. He isn't THAT bad. Plus we could all have a mission to do for today that might be fun if he wants us there soon. Sure I kinda just want to relax for today since it's going easy, but I guess when Fury calls there's really nothing we can do." I say taking off my shirt, & throwing it in the basket hanging on the wall.

"When is it ever fun Caps? Anyway we have about half an hour before we leave, so I'm go see if I can bug Brucey a little more before going up to my floor, & getting ready to be fashionably late. I'll see you when I see you! Bu-bye!" Tony says now leaving the room. Sigh. Tony was normally someone to complain about Fury's meetings, but I guess somethings making him be in a joyful mood today? Welp time go buy a few more punching bags for the week.



Walking down the streets of Manhattan I bumped into someone causing me to fall to the ground.

Slightly looking up at who ever I bumped into I see that they look familiar somehow..

"Oh! Uh sorry kid didn't see you there! Are you ok?" The guy asks wearing a black, & purple jacket with dark blue ripped jeans, & dark grey converse. Getting myself up off the ground I dust myself off, & shyly smile up at him. That's when I noticed the redhead wearing a black, & red short dress with grey leggings underneath, & a brown sunhat on her head.

Remembering that he had asked if I were ok I stare up a little bit at him, & nod my head. Then I noticed that my hands were empty, & quickly looked down to see that the 12 dozen eggs, & milk I had bought was all over the ground. I sigh, & slowly begin to pick up the egg shells, leaving the milk to go running through the cracks of the sidewalk, but still picking up the jug.

"Aw jeez. I-I'm sorry man. Hey why don't we take you to the store, & replace those things for you? Ya'know as an apology for bumping into you, & wasting money!" The guy suggests helping me take a couple of the egg shells to a trash can near by. I shake my head moving my hands around to tell him he didn't have too. He simply shakes his head, & grabs onto mine, & the redheads arms dragging us over to the market I came out of a couple minutes ago.

"Don't say that kid! I got it for ya! Oh! & I'm not taking no for an answer!" He says as we all walk into the market dragging us over to the dairy area, & then to the other area. I smile mentally thinking how he was naive for doing this for me when he didn't have too.

"Goodness Clint you need to calm down." The red head says pointing over to me, & smiling. Clint rolls his eyes still smiling.

"Oh come on Natasha! I feel bad let e actually drag YOU around for once!" He says grabbing 12 dozen eggs, & then dragging us all over to the cashier.


They walked me all the way near my apartment. 

"Well as much as I want to see if you can really beat Mwah at the game of Mario Kart we need to go! I hope we see each other some other time though! Bye Pete!" Clint says as him, & Natasha walk off back the way we came. Shaking my head I wave, & smiled at them as I continue my walk towards the building.

Once I reached the door I almost dropped everything on the ground when I noticed three random people running across the street. They were wearing all black, & held...wait are those guns in they're hands!? That's dangerous to just run around the place with those if they're not even on safety! I opened my door quickly to rush over to the kitchen to put everything down when I heard screaming..Oh no are they shooting people out now! Come on go to hurry go to hurry!

Running out the door I notice that it was those guys who were screaming..Seeing what looked to be two bodies on the ground I look for the police..I hadn't heard any sirens, so were they just in the area? Seeing that the third guy wasn't around I guess he probably just escaped. Walking a couple feet closer towards the bodies a little shocked I check them over from afar.

They both had been cut in half! Bodies covered in bruises, & scars as blood pooled around them. I was shocked scared even. I flip my hood over my head to get a slightly closer look at everything else. Wait..they must be criminals if they were killed on the spot like this, but once again the police aren't even around..unless they went after the one who probably escaped still..

Turning around I manage to bump into someone. Thinking it could've been the one that escaped I quickly throw a blind punch at them..Only for my punch to be stopped out in the blue! Opening my eyes I look up to see someone else dressed different from the others. This guy was dressed clad in black, & red! It look almost like my Spider-Man outfit just without the webs, & it screaming 'Hey I cause trouble!'. Yanking my fist away from the stranger I look up more into a masked covered face. 

"What's a small thing like you doing out here in the streets this afternoon near two lovely dead bodies?" The guy asks. His voice deep scratchy, & serious. I can feel my entire body shiver. I stare up at him not forgetting the weapons that he's covered with. Fear is all I feel right not.

"Um hello? I know you heard me..unless your death then I guess you wouldn't really know what I'm saying in the first place anyway.." He says almost talking to himself. Thinking this was my chance to escape I slowly walk around him crouching just in case, & quickly start trying to make my way back towards my building. Then I felt a tug on my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"& where do you think your going? Boy your shaking like a rabbit! I might just call you that! Hey little bunny the names Dead-pool!" He says turning me a good 180 degrees to face him. I wave a little, staring at the ground below."Well I don't got all day ya'know! Being the mercenary I am I got places to go! So who are?" He asks standing very tall over me. He looks like he's 6 ft!

Uhh let's just hope he knows sign language..

"Peter Parker huh? Well it's nice too meet ya Petey! Let's hope we see each other around sometime in the future alright! Now you go on ahead, & run to your lil hole! Bu-bye!" Dead-pool says leaving me as he walks away. Standing there shocked for a bit I shake my head, & quickly walk over to my apartment, opening the door, but quickly closing, & locking it.



Yes, it took longer than half an hour to get here, but I'm honestly surprised I was the only one here. Shame I wanted to interrupt something important! Sigh anyway everyone started to slowly come in sans Fury & Agent.

"Took you guys long enough! I've been waiting long enough here! I was already bored by the fifth time I hacked myself into the Pentagon servers!" I yell as some rolled they're eyes while others smiled.

"Haven't you done enough hacking for once in your life? Why don't you learn to do something normal for once? Like cooking, or even cleaning your floor for once?" Natasha asks sitting down on my left as Clint sat at her left. Bruce came in, & sat at my right, & Steve sits on his right.

"Natasha sweetie. I burn one of my kitchens down the first time I tried cooking. Pepper still doesn't let me near the stove. Rhodey doesn't even trust me near his kitchen back home. Then cleaning. I clean I lose stuff. I lose stuff I create a bigger mess. Bigger mess I find everything I need." I explain to her as the others laugh a bit. I smile.

"Now that everyone's here I've got a mission for everyone." Fury says with his sneaking ass self.

"As you've probably heard our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is back in New York after the Electro, & Green-Goblin attack." Fury said.

"Back?Well I would guess, so we never knew he was missing in the first place Director." Natasha says keeping her gaze on Fury. Fury gave her a confused glance."You've never been informed of him yet? He was in that battle against Loki with you lot." He says towards everyone. 

"Well then it must've been a first time really. Sure Tony's seen him on the news, but otherwise that's the first time we've really seen him sir." Steve says. Fury sighs, but nods anyway.

"Ah I see well then back to what I was saying. He's back, & I've got a mission for everyone. Since SHIELD has already seen what Spider-Man can do I'm going to show you old clips we've captured during his battles with Sand-Man, Venom, Doc Ock, The Lizard, Electro, Green-Goblin, Vulture, The Rhino, Scorpio, & many others he fought during his years as a 'hero'." Fury says sitting down at the other side of the table as Agent walked in sitting down on his left.

After the video

"Guys got ability. When did you say he just showed up?" Bruce asked. Fury thought for a bit before answering." About a month, & two weeks in a half after the Avengers we're created. We've kept tabs on him since, but after his battle with Electro, & Green-Goblin we lost all sighs of him. We never knew if he was dead, or alive, but he did come back." Fury explains standing up, & heading towards the front of the room.

Now time for the question I'm sure everyone is thinking about.

"So then what's this mission for?" I asked as everyone faced me with knowing looks, & then back at Fury. Fury sighs."He'll be apart of SHIELD with how much he has done to protect the city of New York, & we need to keep tabs on him just in case he goes rogue on us." He explains...


"Sir I'm sorry, but what do we even know about this guy besides the obvious about him. He also doesn't seem like much of a threat to SHIELD unless he's Tony's level, & can hack his way into everything." Steve questions thus, grabbing another question from the group. 

"Aw Cap thanks! Though there's not many people out the on my level besides Brucey of course!" I say. Steve looks over at me, & smiles rolling his eyes."OH shut up Tones." Steve says causing some of us to laugh. Agent smiles.

Fury turned to face the wall as pictures showed up."We know nothing of the sort about him specifically Avengers. He simply showed up out of nowhere, & then started defending the city. There isn't much to say he's a threat at all, but I'm not up to taking that chance. He seems to want to keep his identity hidden away from the public, & he's darn well good at it. But we have to come to the conclusion that Spider-Mans age is unclear. His height is strange since it's estimated that he's 5'7, but what am I to say? Stark, & Barton are only about like what 5'9 ish?" Fury comments, trying to keep a laugh in as to everyone else.

"Hey!" Me, & Clint yell as everyone, & Fury laugh.

"I'd have you know that I'm at least 5 inches taller than this knuckle head over here!" Clint yells standing up, & pointing to me.

"Hey! I'm not that short!" I yell back pointing right back at him. 

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

 "Are too!"  

 "Am not!"  


"Am too! Wait what?! Oh fuck off Hawk ass!" I yell back.

"Ha! See! You yourself was mostly an average women's height at the age of 16, & finally grew an inch! Look at me I was at least 5'6 for my elementary years before I even grew an inch in a half!" He yells causing us both to go red in the face.

"Your not helping!" I yell for the last time before sitting down, & turning away from him.

Everyone is still laughing.

"You know you two may be short, but you are quite ado-"Fury was about to say something before me, & Clint broke him off. "SHUT IT FURY!"... "Alright! Alright! Now let's head back to what I was saying before we die of laughter." He says clearing his throat, as everyone slowly starts to stop laughing now with huge smiles across they're faces.

(Tony, & Clint)...I hate you Fury...

"Alright, so we'll keep up to date  with Spider-Man until we can bring him in. So until then everyone can have a 'break'. You may all leave I'll see you all the next meeting. Good day." Fury says with a smile still across his face as he left the room, leaving Agent behind with us.

Everyone waited a few more minutes, before Natasha started laughing again, causing the rest to laugh. & this is when me, & Clint leave!

"I do not want to see you guys at the Tower!" I yell down the hall. Clint right behind me."Screw you all!" He yells. Giving each other a high five before I went over to my Iron-Man suit, & grabbing Clint around the waist as we fly off.

We're, so gonna get Fury, & the others back for that.

*I love making these two short, because of they're temper I could mess with towards this*

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