Twins of kalos (5th place in...

By Frozenbeenie

7.9K 605 52

Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... More

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 8: Skates.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 42: War*
Chapter 43: Sundile*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 45: Labs*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 49: Sinnoh*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 40: Punk*

78 6 1
By Frozenbeenie

"It really seems like these gangs always want something from you" Calem said, following me following Absol looking for the punk who stole from me "know why?"

"Does it look like I fucking know!?" I shouted "just shut up and I'll take care of this!"

"What are you going to do?" Rodrick asked

"You don't fucking worry about it!" I pointed at his face "mind your business! I'm going to do something that's going to make everyone regret pissing me off!" He looked like he was going to shit in his pants

"What did they steal?" Calem had the nerve to ask. I stopped walking, making Absol stop to look at my face. It was completely red, not because I was angry, but...

"It doesn't matter! I'm going to get it back!"

"Was it Banette again?" I glared and walked to take his jacket and bring him close to my face

"Shut up! If you're going to keep talking then you can shove it up your-" I looked at Rodrick staring at me like I was a wild Pokémon about to eat it's pray "I'm sorry, was I not what you expected from being Serena's older sister?"

"N-no! That's not it! Y-you just have... a character" I pushed Calem to the leafs again and walked away. I hate it when people steal from me... first it was Eevee, then my precious... keystone. I can't even talk about the time when someone stole my harp back when I was still in the gang, turned out it was just under my bed the whole time and a few people got hurt. I face palmed, knowing I had to at least calm down before I start hurting others again...

"You can stop following me, I'll take care of these guys in a minute once I find them" Absol nodded and started it's search again. It looked up and ran off to a abandoned building being hid behind a bunch of branches and fall leaves that were badly hanging on and dying. It was hard to see the house, but it was there "you guys wait here, I'll be right back" Rodrick grabbed my hand

"This is my job" I gave him murderous eyes, making him back off

"I don't give a shit... don't touch me, don't go inside until you know when"

"Sophia, you're acting like someone stole your Pokémon again. Can you explain what's wrong?" Calem asked

"No" I walked pass the trees and entered the place that looked like a hotel from the inside. Everything looked like it was about to break apart anytime

"Hey! What are you doing in here?!" A few punks were standing around and stood ready to attack. Absol was ready to attack while I tried looking pass these idiots. I couldn't be sure if I'll win or not, so taking the easy way through may be the next big thing if I don't screw this up. No matter how many times I failed battling, I shouldn't be running away from it. Not only have I been upset with loosing the showcase in Serena's place, but the keystone Calem gave me...

I shook my head to remove the thought and looked back at the 5 punks trying to battle me unfairly like it was new to me. Instead of making Z do all the work, I send out 4 more Pokémon to make it even

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" A punk didn't look pleased

"Fuck what you're thinking. 5 against 1 is a unfair fight, but I know a thing or two about being unfair. Silvy! Fairy wind! Fennie! Flamethrower! Abie! Razor wind! Pika! Thunderbolt! Lucario! Use Aura sphere!" My Pokémon combined their powers and knocked the opponents off their feet. Thought they were still able to fight, it was one hell of a show!

"Whoa!" I gasped "that was actually really pretty!" I chuckled "maybe I should participate in the showcase in my own name" I tried really hard to make a joke to lighten up my mood, but it only brought me down. I sighed and returned them all back instead for Pichu and Absol as I walked up to the punks trying to realize what just happened to them. I honestly didn't think the attack would hit them

"Oops" I said

"What's your problem, girl? You're not suppose to attack the trainer! That's not how the match works!" I held my hips

"Does it really look like I give a shit? Now, where is my stuff?"

"It's-" a girl punk was about to speak before a boy covered her mouth. I raised my row

"What are you talking about?" The guy punk asked. I got frustrated and grabbed him by the hair

"Look you little shit! I asked you a simple question! One of your little friends stole something very important from me... I want it back!" The guy tried fighting me, but my intimidation was keeping him from doing it

"Easy, we don't want to get violent here" the girl that tried talking before, lifted her arms to show she wasn't armed "why don't we talk about this-" I pulled a knife on the guy's neck

"You need to stop playing nice and return what you've took from me. you know..? You really should watch who you steal from" I smirked widely

"W-who are you..?" The guy asked. I looked at every one of their angry eyes before throwing B to the side secretly and grabbed the girl by the hair, in which she panicked hard, to point the knife at her neck

"I'm Serenity..." I smiled sweetly "that's all you need to know" They removed their angry expressions to horrified ones and took a step back. The girl I was grabbing started sobbing. I glanced at her, seeing she was hopeless and didn't want anything to do with this. If I didn't know at better, I'd say she was going to tell me where my keystone would be. The look in her eyes were almost like Shauna, innocent and young. I felt some kind of guilt and threw her out the way

"Please, if you'll be so kind as to take me to your boss?" Absol growled to intimidate them even further. They nodded nervously and quickly walked to a random hallway. I furrowed my brows confused and faced the girl who they suddenly abandoned

"They just left you here" she sniffled and brushed the dust off her knees, keeping close to the wall as close as possible

"It's not like it matters... it's not like they cared about me to begin with..." my eyes slowly widened "they don't care about me like that. They've done worse to me than what you tried doing" I looked at her wrist, noticing fresh cuts and bruises all over her arms and even hands "I better go..." I grabbed her shoulder before she walked away, making her squeal and freeze

"How about you come with me?" She looked at me confused "come on, you don't have to worry now" she looked at the hand on her shoulder and shed a tear. Huh..?

"Says the girl... who pointed a knife at me" I chuckle amused

"Good point, but come with me anyways" she gulped and smiled

"Okay... but only because I don't want to die yet" she thought for a moment "Sophia" I grabbed her wrist forcefully, making her whine

"What did you just say? How do you know my name?" a simple smile was enough to confuse me and let her go for now. She wasn't why I came here. I didn't let go of her hand "want to start walking?" She tried taking her hand back, but I didn't let her

"Can you let go of me? You don't know your own strength, do you?" I immediately released her, knowing that was true

"It wouldn't be the first time I had to hurt other people by accident. I'm pretty angry right now, so can you blame me? I was in a gang too... because I was in a gang, I learned to be tough and face my enemies. What I do is bad, I am a bad person, but when someone's in need, it's kind of hard to walk away from that" the girl started thinking

"So what you're saying is... even if you're a bad person, you're not a bad human" I thought about that

"Well, I'm pretty bad at being a human too. I don't feel the same emotions regular people do"

"Hey, that's what people call a psychopath!" She looked interested all of a sudden

"Funny, you said that so excitedly" she sweat dropped embarrassed

"Right... my bad, but that's what I heard! Is it true?"

"More or less..." her eyes sparkled. I didn't expect her to be so excited

"I know it's not true. You're not a psychopath. You know... the first time you joined that gang lead by a former rocket member, you just wanted to be alone" I froze and looked at her "Ciro helped you a lot, and you had refuse to do anything until your will was strong enough to help you stand back up. You wanted to be strong, you wanted to be a regular person and learn how to speak and defend yourself instead of staying quiet. You wanted to be someone worth having your little sister be proud of. Even if you keep the bad stuff a secret and filled in your heart, you stay strong and want to become a role model just for her. Serena is quite the special girl, and so are you. Both of you keep secrets from each other... I see that you wanted to confess your sins to her after defeating Team Flare, and tell her about your father... but seeing your heart and how it is... you can't do it"


"It's going to take more than just saying words to her. This confession is going to take a lot out of you, a lot more than what you think you're going to give out. I recommend continuing your travel and expanding your emotions and heart" I backed away. She looked at me with those familiar eyes I've seen before, but I don't think I can remember from where

"Who are you?" She placed her hand on her head and lifted her hair to what was actually a wig, showing off her actual brown hair "wait a minute... you're..." she put her hands together and smiled

"I didn't expect us to meet like this, but you've taken on many gangs from what I've seen! I'm so happy to finally meet you! I've been wanting to meet you since the murder in Lumiose!"

"Memory girl..?" She gently rubbed her arms

"That's me"

"This is a odd place to meet... you can't know something unless you touch them. What reason are you here for? And you still haven't told me about the injuries" she looked down and frowned

"Listen... some things are better said unsaid. I should explain to you more since I looked into your story without looking. Let's get what you're wanting and let's get out of here!" I held my hips

"Are you sure you're not part of the gang?" She giggled, I only smiled "hey, I'm sorry for scaring you"

"O-oh! It's okay... it was so surprising to me, I wasn't expecting it. I didn't know who you were until you touched me so I was caught off guard before" I looked around for any punks before taking her to the side and get B to give me some rubbing alcohol and bandages to clean her wounds "what are you- agh!" She hissed at the stinging of the alcohol

"It'll only hurt for a bit" I continued cleaning what I could see and wrapped her arms to heal properly "there, that should be good..." she looked at her arms

"It's a nice fit... you're really talented, huh?" She smiled. I blushed and continued walking to find the boss. She even lead the way "you hide many of your talents. You feel insecure, don't you?"

"Of course not" she shook her head

"You can't lie to me!" I sighed and ran my hands in my hair "I'm sorry this is annoying, I can't really help this. Once I touch someone, I instantly learn everything about them! Like this Absol" she gentle touched its fur "it came from Vaniville town. It lived there for a while, before Calem moved there. It saw the horrible things he's done to Pokémon and hated him for it. Calem hasn't gone to the forest since it attacked, and it always kept a eye on him. He was good for awhile, but when interacting with you, Absol saw something in his eyes that worried it and swore to protect your kind soul"

"Kind soul?" She nodded

"Yeah! The way you love Pokémon... it's a beautiful thing. I'd say you have more love for Pokémon than anyone I know! I'm sure you can prove that when you get your keystone back you got from Calem! It's really special to you, huh? Not only because it's your psychical heart... That's why you got so angry and attacked" I looked down "how are you feeling since it was snatched from you?"

"Can't say that I feel good" she nodded

"it's okay honestly, and I know you're confused on how you feel about him, but you can't properly feel what your emotions are throwing out. Your brain isn't acknowledging it yet. Once you understand, your heart and brain will join together for once"

"Okay, you can stop" I'm kinda getting weirded out by this. She knows so much... she just giggled and turned a corner, gasping when seeing more punks in the corner, including the ones I battled, were building security. Absol and I were ready, but the girl lifted her arm to stop me when they noticed our presence and send it her skitty

"I got this! Cover your ears" Absol bend down and I did as she said. Pichu looked confused "Skitty! Use sing!" Skitty sang a song I couldn't really hear behind my hands. Everyone, including Pichu, fell asleep. I sighed and took it in my arms "that was easy" she looked at me "it's good to see your fear is gone as well" I glared abit annoyed and embarrassed and followed her to the other side of this run down building until we reached the back of the building where a few punks and a man in a suit were talking

"It's only one girl, how hard is it to take care of her?" The man in the suit asked the punk

"From security camera we have, we saw that Bertha was standing on her side and knocked out most of our punks" the girl and I looked at each other

"That's not my name" she sweat dropped. I shrugged and looked back at the guys

"Just wonderful... you take her here and she learns our secrets. How much you want to bet that she's the reason why there's Rangers outside" she shrugged, not regretting anything "I never trusted when she was dragged here against her will"

"I shouldn't expected less. I actually thought it was a good idea to kidnap the rich people's daughter but this is what I get... she's smarter than she looks. I don't know how she called them but her little friend is going to cause trouble" I threw out Z to approach them

"Huh? What's this?" The girl and I stepped out our hiding spot

"Use psychic!" Z levitated the two in the air

"What is this!?"

"You guys might be the easiest gang I ever taken care of!" I laughed "this will be quick"

"Very!" The girl hugged my arm "you're so cool!" I blushed

"What are you doing!? Let us go!" The suit guy shouted

"Is there anymore cameras they were mentioning?" I asked

"There's only one, they can't afford more. If you want to take care of the evidence, that door right there has the control room and everything they stole! Your keystone should be there too!" I nodded and walked pass the member and probably boss to enter the room "you're right, this was easy. From how many gangs you took care of, I think Team Flare are the last ones!"

"I really hope so" looking around the room filled with treasure, I walked up to the computer and hacked into the system to remove any evidence of me coming here and causing drama

"Sophia" I ignored the girl for a little while until I was finish my work and turned to look at her holding up my keystone. I gasped and hurried to hold it in my hands, keeping it close to my chest and finally put it where it belongs

"Thank goodness" I sighed

"You really care about it, huh?" She played around with the treasure around us. I gestured Absol to call for that Ranger and Calem to come in

"I guess" I said

"Other than it being your heart, You don't know why it's special to you, huh?"

"Do you know why?" I was actually hoping she'd tell me if she knows so much about me. She just giggled and kept looking around

"I do, but what's the fun in telling you? Find out for yourself girl!" She winked. Of course... I rolled my eyes and got Z to tie everyone in rope to keep them from escaping. Wouldn't want to keep them around and annoy me again

"Fine..." as I waited for the guys and the rangers, the girl kept looking around "what are you doing?" She finally looked up from her search and handed over a solid black box "what's this?"

"It's something I had purchased before these people kidnapped me. The punk really thought he could get away with something like this and try to make my parents pay for my freedom, and the thing about it was that once making contact... I knew everything about him. He became scared of my release so he kept me here and abused me" I squeezed my free hand together "I'm fine and all, but somewhere deep inside I just really wanted you to be the one to save me"

"Me? But you didn't even know I would come"

"I know... but a girl can dream! I'm actually your biggest fan!" I blinked confused "as soon as I brushed on you in the crowd by accident, I felt your entire life. You're so strong... independent. I can really see why Serena admires you so much" she took my hand "and you got mad because I told you about the abuse. Don't worry, I'm so happy now" I sighed and smiled, squeezing her hand gently

"I wish I can say the same"

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