Ascending | ✔

By yangri

32.4K 579 142

[Indefinite hiatus] After the Tournament of Power, one might expect peace to return. Maybe for another 7 year... More

Power on, brave warriors!
Crossing the threshold
Unexplored territory
The not so wicked witch of the East City
Let's fly to the moon
Brewing tensions
Sweet and sour
The flipside
Burning bridges
Legend of the Flying Wig
Wigs will fly
Wigs are last season
Children of the Lost
Peculiar things
Blurred lines
Warped minds
Meet the Parents
Secret Heart
Clues from the past
Chasing the wind
I'm cold
Little mishaps
Cold son, stiff canary
Sister Dearest

In saiyans we trust

1.4K 22 12
By yangri

Champa's planet was dull, to say the least; it was the complete opposite of his brother Beerus' planet. Upon seeing his brother's planet on a trip to Universe 7 one day, he had gruffly asked his angel why his planet wasn't as cool. She merely told him that the planet was created to suit his tastes. The God of Destruction had to reluctantly agree. It was something that Vados had often joked about to Cabba and having seen the place for the first time when Kale dragged him on Vados' summons, he understood why Champa was disgusted by his own sense of style.

He had been having a small celebration with Caulifla's brother Renso at his house when a Kale showed up, looking extremely worried. She explained to him about the situation and pleaded with him to accompany her to Universe 7 to search for Caulifla. Cabba had meant to refuse her gently, knowing that he had important things to tend to as a military elite, but there was a part of his mind which urged him to go with Kale. He had asked Renso for advice, and the retired captain told him to go with the girl, obviously worried about his sister Caulifla's wellbeing. Caulifla had disowned the male saiyan as her brother years ago but Renso still cared and looked out for her. Now Cabba and Kale had their hands on Vados' shoulders, careful not to let go of the angel, lest they be left behind to suffocate in space.

Like she had done with Caulifla, Vados filled them in about earth and its inhabitants, warning them not to interact with the humans if it could be avoided. The earthlings would find it extremely difficult to comprehend the existence of aliens after all, even if the Universe 6 saiyans blended right in with the general population due to their lack of tails. Unlike the saiyans of Universe 7, Universe 6's saiyans had been given a chance to evolve into a more 'modern' form of their species, their local Arcorsian megalomaniac having not destroyed the planet Sadala out of a super saiyan phobia.

"I care so much for him, but Champa really is getting quite irritable!" lamented Vados, sighing for a well executed dramatic effect. "It's really funny how things work - get a second chance at life and you'll find yourself bending over backwards and doing things you never would have thought to do the first time around!"

"It's okay Vados!" Cabba attempted to cheer her up, smiling in amusement at her antics. "Once Lord Champa loses weight, he'll thank you for it." He felt at ease in Vados' presence, but was not comfortable enough to refer to Champa in the casual manner she did.

While Cabba talked to Vados, Kale lost herself in her own thoughts, like she always did. Her shyness was what most would consider crippling and she avoided any confrontation or conversation if she was able to. And if things didn't work out, she always managed to get away by being meek and agreeable. Are you happy on earth, Caulifla? Is everyone treating you kindly? I sure hope so, sis... She thought of Son Goku, grimacing slightly as she did so. She did not like the man. She could tell Caulifla did though, as much as she probably told herself how much she hated him on a daily basis. Caulifla was a confusing person in Kale's opinion. The woman would go one way and then spontaneously go the other way. Her volatile personality was part of what made her a good leader - as good as a temperamental saiyan female could get anyway. She trusted in her own judgement far too much; but truly, she wasn't a very good judge of character at all. She sized others up too quickly and would make no haste to change her point of view until the person revealed themselves to be the complete opposite. What a stubborn female.

"Kale?" Cabba's voice returned her back to reality. "You okay there?"

"Y-yeah. How long until we reach earth?"

Vados tossed back her head and laughed. "Soon. Are all saiyans so impatient?" she said teasingly, making Kale flush with embarrassment. "Don't be like that, dear, chin up! You'll see your Caulifla again soon. And then maybe you saiyans would stop using me as a delivery service - I get enough of that from waiting hand and foot on Champa."

Cabba cocked his head. "You don't like serving Champa?"

"Not all the time," Vados admitted. "He's so pushy and demanding." She tittered softly. "But that's what makes Champa Champa and I wouldn't have it any other way if I want to be honest with myself."

Kale was surprised by her bold admission. She didn't think the angel would go as far as to talk about her master in this way behind his back. But she couldn't blame Vados, she supposed. After all, serving an overbearing god who would make Chi Chi look like the tamest saint at times must not be fun. She suddenly felt a pang of sorrow for Vados - she was forever bound to serve someone else as it was her eternal duty. Kale was very glad that she had her own free will, even if she had Caulifla or somebody else guiding her hand most of the time, and even gladder that she was not an immortal being. Being one seemed to lead a lonely existence.

"We've nearly reached their solar system," Vados announced. "I wonder what Caulifla's been up to, don't you, Cabba; Kale?"


After Goku had fed her a sensu bean, Caulifla found herself back into perfect health. She did a few air punches. "This is amazing! I never knew something like this would exist - it seems like something out of a fairy tale."

"Our world has a lot of the weird and mysterious," Goku told her as they flew through the skies aimlessly.

"Really? What kind? On Sadala, it was only us and the local wildlife."

"Oh, y'know, dragons and stuff. Witches, warlocks, fire gods..."

"Dragons?" parroted Caulifla. "Are they the creators of the dragon balls?"

"Kind of, but not really. Y'see, on earth, a Namekian named Kami created the dragon balls and the wish-granting dragon. On planet Namek, the Grand Elder is basically Kami, except their dragon is way bigger and called Porunga."

"I see." Caulifla narrowed her eyes slightly against the wind. "That sounds... absolutely wild. But enough of dragon balls!" She smiled wickedly. "I want a rematch."

"Eh?! Another one? We just finished fighting five minutes ago. Yeesh, and I thought I loved fighting. You like taking things up to the next level."

"Come on, Goku!" Caulifla protested half-heartedly. A rematch on top of a rematch wasn't something she really wanted. Deep down, her greatest desire was to be trained, and even deeper down was a more primal, animalistic desire that she didn't even know existed.

"I dunno... it's getting pretty close to sunset and Chi Chi will be mad if I stay any longer."

"Fine! I have a request though, and please don't bring your mate into this." She gulped as if her pride could be swallowed literally. "Train me." There. She said it. Was she happy now? She honestly didn't know.

To her shock, Goku grinned his famous Son grin. "Finally! I gotta say, you're pretty tough to crack. I've been waiting for you to ask me that since the tournament. I was hoping you hadn't changed your mind since then." He didn't know why, but the idea of training her made him absolutely elated.

Caulifla growled, a faint pink blushline appearing on her face. Ooh, that dickhead! He knew the whole time and didn't say anything! Then again, she had threatened his manhood during their battle. Maybe it was time to accept a bit of the blame herself. "You could have clued me in a bit more," was what she settled for. "I already owe you a favor for covering for me in the tournament. I guess I owe you another now..."

They landed in front of Goku's house and he said, "You don't really need to do anything for me, Cauli."

Why does he keep calling me that? She made a mental note to find out later. For now, getting some training sessions in was top priority. "I insist," she pressed. "It's my code of honor." Anyone on Sadala would know that favors are the only currency I trade in. Heh.

Goku shrugged. "Okay then. I'll call you up on those favors then."

"Right. When does training start?"

"Tomorrow. Be here by sunrise and we'll start then."

"Hn? So early?" As a gang leader back at Sadala, Caulifla often slept in whenever she could - it was a privilege inducted by herself.

"Of course." He threw her a taunting smirk. "Or is the big bad Caulifla too tired from today's beatdown to wake up?"

Oh, he sure knew how to push her buttons.

"I'll be there," she vowed with venom in her voice. She was rising into the air when Goku called out to her again.

"Hey, wait! Do you have any place to stay?"

Huh. She hadn't even considered accommodation on earth. She paused, looking slightly troubled. She knew how to rough it in the woods but it was an option she'd rather not take.

"I'd invite you," Goku continued. "But my house is pretty small."

"Too bad," she said dryly. "I'm sure your wife would have loved having me around the house."

Goku ignored the jibe at his wife and instead rubbed his chin in thought. "I wonder... Hold on, be right back!" He jetted away in a burst of white aura.

"Hey wait! Argh," Caulifla grumbled, sensing an annoying familiar chi just behind the front door of the house before it opened. Chi Chi stood in the doorway, not looking particularly happy at the sight of the female saiyan. Goddammit, why did you have to leave now? I don't want to deal with this bitch!

"Oh, you're here," Chi Chi said, stating the obvious. "Where's my husband?" She narrowed her eyes. "You didn't leave him somewhere for the vultures, did you?!"

Caulifla had to stifle a snicker. This jealous harpy had no idea what she was talking about! As if Caulifla could actually overpower Goku as she was now. The male saiyan was far superior to her in strength. Did Chi Chi even know her own mate?

"Relax," Caulifla bit out, rolling her eyes. "He was here with me just then and flew off randomly. I don't know where he is." That last part was a lie. With her chi senses, she could feel him not too far away from the Son household, somewhere further up the mountain. She really didn't need to deal with Chi Chi right now. Caulifla disliked her, plain and simple, but the female saiyan could tell that she was only looking out for her family. Chi Chi was the type to hold family over anything else and Caulifla could see where she was coming from. After all, she had held her parents over everything else once upon a time. A pang hit her heart when she thought of Renso, her mind cutting between the morning she woke up in a bed with two bloody bodies and the night where she had screamed at Renso for leaving her, baring her heartbreak to him. Caulifla massaged her temples and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look - Chi Chi was it? I'm not here to steal your husband or anything, okay?" At Chi Chi's disbelieving look she scowled. "I promise. Is that good enough for you? I just gave you my word for it. I'm only here to seek training under him to achieve super saiyan blue and learn how to control super saiyan three."

Chi Chi relented a bit, though she still looked a somewhat skeptical. "Well... fine then." She sighed and shook her head. "I suppose I overreacted. I apologize for that. I've... I've just lost him too many times and I don't want to lose him again. Have you ever lost someone close to you, Cauli?"

"Caulifla," the saiyan corrected immediately. "And to answer your question, yes, I have. My race is not as altruistic as yours, Chi Chi." That was all she would tell her. Anything else was none of the human's business.

Thankfully, she was saved from having to continue when Goku returned. "Hi Chi Chi!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek, to which she giggled lightheartedly in response to. They were the perfect picture of a loving couple. Goku turned to Caulifla. "Good news! I know a place where you can stay."

"Oh? And where's that?"

"My grandpa's old place further up Mount Paozu. No one lives in there but I remembered that we refurnished it not too long ago for preservation. I have an extra futon for Kuririn. You're nearly the same size at him so it'll work out."

"Kuririn? That was the short baldy right?"

"Hehe, yep. Just don't let him catch you calling him that."

Hearing that made Caulifla smirk arrogantly. "Like he could touch me. I mean, come on. Frost knocked him out."

"Don't underestimate him, Cauli," Goku warned. "He's stronger than you think."

Chi Chi cleared her throat. "Goku, evening's approaching. If you want to show Caulifla to Gohan's place then you'd better do it now. I'm cooking dinner and it'll be done soon. It's your favorite: fried rice with extra juicy pork chops and fish!"

Goku's face lit up like a child's on Christmas Day and he hugged her, spinning around in a circle as he held onto her waist. "Aww! You're the best Cheech!"

Caulifla raised an eyebrow at the display. "Are we done with the mushy stuff now? I'd like to know where I'll be staying."

"Of course," Chi Chi answered, gently removing Goku's arms from around her waist. "Sorry for the delay!" She couldn't help but give Caulifla a small, subtle smirk though. Goku was hers! She hugged Goku one last time before going inside the house. "See you at dinner, honey!"

"See ya! Okay, Cauli, let's go check out your new place."


Vegeta was training hard in the gravity chamber, careful not to raise his power too much lest the entire room explode. Not that such a thing would harm him anymore - the woman's subsequent screeching would just be unbearable! He was only halfway through his training when an outside source turned off the gravity. He frowned and a screen descended from the ceiling.

"Hey, Vegeta," greeted Bulma, looking frazzled but still maintaining her composure. "Sorry to interrupt your training but it'll have to be cut short tonight."

"Hn? Why's that, woman? We had sex two nights ago. Don't tell me you're getting horny again."

"Ack! Vegeta!" she yelled, blushing furiously. She lowered her voice into a whispering hiss. "Trunks is in the same room as me you know."

"Tch. The boy knows more than you think. How could he not you loudmouth?"

"I know nothing!" Trunks shouted from the background. "Absolutely nothing!"

Bulma sighed through her nose. "It's not about the sex, 'kay? Bra's having trouble falling asleep and she won't stop crying. I want you to make her feel better by reading her her favorite storybook and tucking her in."

"What?! You interrupted my training for this shit?!"


"Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm sorry," he ground out, looking away from the monitor.

Bulma blinked before smiling in pleasant surprise. "Well, well, looks like the Prince has a soft side to him after all," she mumbled to herself.

"I can hear you!"

Bulma smirked. "I know, Veggie. Now come on up already."

Once Vegeta had taken a quick shower to wash off his after-training musk, he went up to Bra's room. Sure enough, the little girl was wailing at the top of her lungs and rocking side to side in her cot.

"Hush," Vegeta whispered, being uncharacteristically gentle. He brushed his fingers against her chubby cheeks to try and soothe her. Bra's eyes opened and big blue orbs met onyx ones. She reached up and grabbed his index finger, her tiny hands not even grasping around the whole thing. "It's me, your father. I'm the Prince of All Saiyans, Bra." He kissed her softly on her forehead. "And you're my little princess." He scowled, which only made Bra gurgle happily. "And as your father, I am not letting any weakling human males near you. I can promise you on that at the very least."

Bra beamed up at him before yawning and closing her eyes. It seemed like he wouldn't need to read that story after all. But then the baby opened her eyes again, peering up at her father expectantly.

Vegeta looked back at her before rolling his eyes. "Fine. I can tell you're going to be a brat like your brother when you grow up. I just pray that you won't take after your mother too much." He rummaged through her toy box before picking up a hardcover picture book. On the front, Bulma had put a sticky note that read:


"Let's get this over and done with," Vegeta huffed, removingthe sticky note and reading the title aloud, "'Sleeping Beauty'." Heglared at Bra but the babe seemed to be immune to the intensity of his staresand displeased expressions. "Somehow, I find myself wanting you to be this'Sleeping Beauty'." He opened the book. "Once upon a time..." 

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