
By Skalem

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Alice is a talented champion of archery and has just won a place in the nationals. But once her curiosity tak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

409 15 0
By Skalem

Chapter 16

No one gave so much thought about what the water sprite had said, about the prophecy. We kept walking down the river in silence. Phee slowed down so she was walking by my side.

“Alice, maybe the prophecy is about you” She whispered so the others wouldn't hear. “It would make sense since you came through the tree. And have that crescent-shaped birthmark on your neck, like the moon”

I snorted at her answer and had no intentions believing of what she just said. “That's ridiculous, Phee. I'm no saviour, even less a soldier. The boy didn't know what he was talking about”

“Then how come he knew, you especially, had travelled far longer than anyone of us expected?” “Wild guess?”

She sighed and I knew this match was soon won by me. “You need to tell them sometime” She said and walked over to the others. I slowed my pace a bit, enough so I would fall behind a few feet. It was ridiculous that I would be the Messiah. How on earth am I to free them? I can barely take care of myself as it is. They only solution I could think of was that the boy must have been talking about someone else. Another girl who may look exactly like me or anything similar. I kept looking at the water, hoping the water sprite would reappear so I could choke him. Stupid boy who put stupid thoughts into Phee's mind. But what's wrong with you being their saviour? My mind spoke. You'll be doing something honourable for a people that's been living in fear the last one hundred years.

No, that's ridiculous. I've never been able to stand up for myself before. How am I going to pull off the role of a leader? I don't even know what kind of power I'm up against. No, the prophecy was talking about someone else and it wasn't me. But the prophecy forth told about someone who had already arrived, it spoke again. This conversation wasn't going where I wanted it to.

“You seem deep in thought” Michael said by my left ear. I started to jump and tried to shake him off, but he didn't budge. “You know, you have to learn to deal with me being on your shoulder” He said again. I sighed and tried to shake the uneasy feeling away.

“I'll just pretend I have a feather, then” I stuttered. “And yes, I was deep in thought”

“About the prophecy?” “Why do I even answer? You seem to know the answers anyway”

The frog chuckled and a bit slime landed on my chest. I made a face.

“You know, Alice. Ever since I met you I knew there were something curious about you. And I'm quite sure there's something on your mind” He said. He was good. “And since the water sprite gave me a clue about you...” The image of the boy pointing at me flashed through my mind.

“I'm not from Tahol” I said quietly. “Or from any other country”

Despite my fear of telling it felt good to have said it. “I'm trapped here with no clue how to get home” I added.

“Maybe you was sent here with a purpose as the oracle said” Michael spoke. “He didn't speak of any purpose!” I stated. “I'm thinking one step ahead”

I snorted at his answer. “So you're like my own Jiminy Cricket who'll tell me what to do? I already have a mind of my own, thank you”

“That I'm very aware of and that's why I'm asking you what you think should be done. You have two options as it is” And with that Michael left my shoulder. Bloody frogs who put my mind to work.

* * *

“Be quiet!” Yoesphin held out a hand and sharpened her ears. “I hear something”

It was about an hour walk to go before we reached Berdea. I took off my bow and stood with me feet prepared to what was about to come. Suddenly I saw something black appear between the trees only to quickly disappear. I motioned the others to follow as I slipped between the trees. I heard twigs on the ground break and Yoesphin started to follow the sound. The black appeared once more. Suddenly we got surrounded by four men in black. Each of them held a dagger, pointing right at us. I didn't know where to aim so instead I shot at the first one I noticed. A cry of pain echoed the forest and Nicholas was quick capture one of the men. Yoesphin let out a war cry and attacked the rest. Soon they were running away, even the one with my arrow still in his legs. Nicholas kept a strong grip on the one he managed to capture. The man wore a black hood that covered his face. I ripped it off of him, leaving his face wide opened. I didn't recognise him, his facial expression seemed hardened from many years in the field. A small scare was shown on his cheek. I aimed an arrow at him, his eyes filled with fear. “Who are you?” My voice was harsh. He didn't answer and Yoesphin was quick to threaten him with her dagger. “Why were you following us?” She said with the harshness. “I'll never reveal my mission to a filthy creature” He spit on us and I wiped away the wetness from my cheek. Nicholas grip around his throat hardened. “Answer the ladies”

The man fought for air as he spoke. “To spy! That's my mission, I swear!” Then I noticed his golden emblem on his chest. I recognised it. It was the same sir Valentin had on his armour. “You're working at the palace” I whispered, shocked at my discovery. “Aren't you?” I stared at him, anger behind my glare. The man made a small nod, barely noticeable. Why would the royal palace send someone to the forbidden forest to spy?

“Who sent you?” Nicholas bit his teeth as he hardened his grip a bit more. “Lu. Tenan Lu!”

Nicholas relaxed his grip, but didn't let go. The man gasped for air. I looked at Nicholas surprised.

“Why would the counsellor send spies?” I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. “I have no clue”

I turned to the man in black once more. “Why did he send you?” “I don't know” And so he was back to his ignorant side. This time Yoesphin walked close and held her dagger beneath his throat. “Why?” “He told us to watch the city. To keep an eye on the Elfoak!” What did he say?

I glanced over at the others, not knowing what to do. “They all know about you” The man glared angry over at Yoesphin. I lowered my boy feeling my arms starting to ache.

“But Lu doesn't have the power to give such an order” Nicholas stated. What if he worked outside the reign? Creating his own rebellion.

“No, but the king does” I heard Tom say and I looked over to him. Everything started to click together in my mind. Then I remembered the conversation I'd eavesdropped, between the king and Lu. “Oh my god” I whispered. “I get it. I totally understand it now” I started laughing and I noticed the others give me a weird look. Why hadn't I thought of him before? Before we knew it, the man in black had managed to loosen himself from Nicholas grip and I saw his sprinting legs in the distant. Nicholas made an attempt for going after, but I stopped him. “There's no reason to keep him prison. The others have fled already” I looked over to Yoesphin for correction. “And as I recall you've said, they won't last long in these woods”

* * *

When we finally arrived to Argia we've got a big welcome. People had actually started to believe some of us were dead since it took us longer than we've expected to find Tom. When Yoesphin told Amos about the Wilas his face turned concerned. Clearly it isn't that common to survive en encounter with a Wilas. “Alice was very brave, papa” Yoesphin reassured him as she gave him another hug then turned to me. “But how come you survived their shriek? They're supposed to nearly make your ears bleed”

I felt for my earplugs, but decided not to tell. “Oh, my ears are made of rocks” I joked. “Hard to blow up” Inside Phee's voice was begging me to tell them about the prophecy. Instead I waved it off as a fly was irritating me.

“Oh, and we've met a water sprite, papa. And we were allowed one question and...” “Yoesphin” Amos voice was stern. He sounded afraid of what she had asked. “... I asked him how we will be free. Was that wrong of me?” Amos sighed and stroked his eyes. “No, that's was a wonderful thing to ask, but you, clearly as me, that will be hard to achieve” “But papa, he did tell us about a saviour” Amos ears stretched and seemed to reach for the sky. “What..?” His voice was quiet and I felt to leave. “Yes, he talked about someone who was already among us, a female more precise, and born from the moon. I didn't quite catch everything...” “She was born in a world we can't see” I finished and looked up at them both. Amos gave me strange look, but Yoesphin's expression didn't seem changed.

“Eh, I will leave you two alone” I said as I, not quick enough, walked out the door.

“Hey, Alice” Nicholas approached me from behind. “Hey” I smiled at him and continued to walk towards the lake.

“This is, well not terrific, but surprised news about the king. Do you really think it's him?”

I took out the note with the crystal. Expensive paper, as Michael had said. I showed Nicholas it.

“Their crystal, right?” It was more of a statement then question, but still. I nodded.

“Amos received it about a day or two before the fire. I let Michael lick it...” Nicholas gave me a strange glance. “Don't try making me explain! Anyway, he said that the paper is made of a bangolian tree. Clearly that is rather expensive kind of paper and it all makes sense. Who else but someone at the palace would afford this kind of paper? I surely don't keep fancy paper around my home” I explained. Nicholas seemed thoughtful and concentrated.

“And yes, why would the king keep this a secret” I interrupted as he was to open his mouth.

“And how are you planning to found out?” My mouth stayed open before I slowly closed it. How would I prove it truly was the king behind all of this?

“I need to think this through” I said quietly as I ran towards the lake.

* * *

I let the stick drew circles in the sand. I don't know for how long I've been sitting here, trying to figure out a decent plan. How am I supposed to sneak back into the castle? I'm already a fugitive and the last time there were posters everywhere with a drawing of me. Well, first of all, what is it I need to prove? That the elves really do exist? I groaned out loud and wanted to slap myself. If I wanted to prove the elves all I needed to do was to show one of them out on the town square. But then the risk of the citizens shriek in panic was bigger. As it is now all of them believe elves as evil. Then I need to figure out why the king wanted them hidden. And I guess the force fields has something to do with him as well.

“What are you drawing?” Phee asked. Behind her Skye stood with, of course, Michael on his shoulder. “Circles” I said and sighed. She chose to sit down beside me. Skye went down to the water to let Michael swim a bit.

“Have you thought about what I said earlier?” She asked again. I sighed even louder and closed my eyes. “No” Of course that was a lie. I've been thinking about it all the time.

“I've been trying to figure out a plan to make the king confess his deeds” I confessed. “And there's no way it will work. I don't even know what type of proof I'm looking for!”

Phee took my stick and started to draw something on the ground. Soon I noticed it was a map, a map of the castle. “Maybe you should start with how you will enter the palace” She suggested.

I imagined the city in front of my eyes.

“Well, to enter the city I need to go through great gateway, I don't recall that I've seen some tunnel. And it is not wise to enter the castle on the front. There will be too much guards” I studied the map Phee had drawn. This is much harder then it seems. I gave Phee a quick look. She raised her hands in defense. “Don't look at me! I don't all the passages” Then she turned thoughful. “Although, Marie told me some story about a secret tunnel that goes between the stables and cellar”

I remembered Isadora's cousin who were kind to befriend Phee. “But I don't if it's true or false”

Then I remembered the kitchen door at the back. It was built towards the knight's quarter and tends to be open.

“I've got an idea. I sneak through the kitchen” I drew a line from the rear wall. “That will save me from letting the guards see me”

Minutes past as a plan started to form in my head. My goal for now was to at least talk to the king about the note and why keep the Elfoak a secret. Phee stared at me with a hint of a smile on her lips.

“What?” I said and felt uneasy to have her stare at me.

“You're seem like a saviour to me” Oh, she still wanted me to tell the others. “Phee...” I sighed once more. “There's difference between being a saviour and be able to lead. And I definitely can't lead”

“Why can't you just see it?” Phee said angry as she walked away. I didn't follow her and instead kept drawing my circles. At least the didn't beg me to do something I was doubtful for.

* * *

“Have you seen Phee?” I asked Yoesphin once I had left the lake. “We've had some sort of argue”

“You seem to make people angry all the time, first Tom and now Phee” She sounded amused. I rolled my eyes. Yes, I'm a hard person to tolerate. “Have you seen her?”

Yoesphin shook her head. “No, I'm sorry”

I asked Tom, but he hadn't seen her either. Neither Nicholas knew where she's been taking off. At the end I chose to sit by the well and wait for her to appear.

“Does the prophecy still bother you?” Michael asked behind me. I turned my head slightly to see him sit on the edge of the well.

“No... well, sort of” I nearly whispered. “I don't know if I'm ready for that responsibility. I mean, this could mean war”

“You know...” He jumped to my shoulder. Surprisingly I didn't shudder at his touch. “To be a leader don't have to mean you're alone” No, but people will expect you to do remarkable things. Sure, I've been an remarkable archer and met terrifying obstacles. How does that make me a saviour? I didn't need to ask him about my choice. I knew what was the right thing to do. These people had been living in fear long enough and wanted nothing more than a taste of freedom.

“Then I need to tell them” I said out loud, but Michael was already gone.

* * *

“Yoesphin, there's something I need to tell you” I said as I approached her. “Well, I need to tell all people, but we can start with you” My voice was shaking and my palms wet.

“Alice, you're scaring me. What is it?” She touched my arm lightly before letting it fall. I took a deep breath. “I think the prophecy is about me. No, forget that. I'm almost a hundred percent sure it is about me” “You're delusional”

I turned my back to her and showed her the birthmark. “How many have you encountered with this shape on their neck, on anywhere at all?” “It's a birthmark. A lots of people have those”

I sighed and walked away. This won't do. I need more witnesses. “You fetch Amos and I will look for the rest. They all need to hear this” And with that I started my search for my friends.

Where I found Phee I found Tom. Nicholas was a bit harder, but at last I found him the lake. He was trying to use the fishing net, but it wasn't going so very well. At last I gathered all around the well with me standing in front of them all.

“You all heard the prophecy, or at least know it” I started to sweat again. “Phee has been trying to convince me to tell you, but even I have been doubtful if this all was true”

I noticed most of them gave me curious looks, besides Phee then. I closed my eyes. Here goes for nothing. “I'm not from Tahol” A moment of silence.

“I thought we already knew that” Tom stated. “No, I mean I'm not from this world. I got here through some kind of portal” I turned my glance towards Phee, asking for guidance.

“I am the child from the moon” I turned to my back and showed them my birthmark, the one Yoesphin didn't seem convincing enough for this theory. I let my hair down and turned around again. “My home is called York and the country is named Britain”

“You came here... through a portal?” Nicholas sounded utterly confused. How was I going to prove my whereabouts? Suddenly my thoughts wandered to my ipod. I still had it in my pocket. I took it out and showed it to them. I put the earphones on. “You can listen to music on this. I hope it's some battery left” The last bit I mumbled. “Battery...?” Now it was Yoesphins turn to sound confused.

“It's like a power source, to make this work” But clearly it won't work now, I thought as I pushed the play button several times.

“Like Erlikia?” Amos asked. “Oh no, I don't believe this is anything near that kind of power”

Suddenly the sound came through and I quickly pulled the earphones off. I tried to shake the small pain off me. And shock for that matter. Everyone stared disapprovingly at the thing, except Phee.

“Why haven't you ever showed me this before?” She asked exhilarated. Because it's mine and you could break it, I thought. “I don't know”

They all stood quiet, very quiet. Almost too quiet for my part. “Please say something”

“What are we supposed to say? That we're thrilled?” Amos burst out. “Alice, this is something that's been going for so long I can remember. How on earth are you planning to get us out of this mess?”

He was right. I had no decent plan despite my earlier attempt. All I had was a stupid note and a man's word that Tenan Lu had sent him. Wait, the note! I took it out of my pocket and studied it. If the paper was sent by someone who was working in the palace, then that must mean whoever that person was knew about the crystal. But how could someone know if it was lost a century ago? I frowned. This wasn't making any sense. I looked up at them. “It's correct that Erlikia disappeared before the slaughter?” I looked directly at Amos. He nodded. “Yes, but...”

I gave him the note. “Then why would the palace send a note with a drawing off it if no one knew of it's existence but you?” Amos looked even more confused. And he was supposed to be the leader. It feels like I'm doing all the work.

“They must know of its importance to us” Yoesphin suddenly answered. She moved her glance from the note to me. I took a step back and glanced at everyone.

“I don't think Erlikia is lost” I stated. “I think it was stolen”

Amos gaze widened and Yoesphin looked equally shocked as well. Tom reminded me of a lost puppy and Nicholas seemed thoughtful.

“Stolen?” Yoesphin stuttered. “Yes” I gave her the note. “It's the only way it all can make sense to why they still know about it. And information can be told forward”

“It must be Tenan Lu” Nicholas suddenly said. “If he sent the spies, then he must know about the force fields and about the crystal” Good job, my boy.

“But Alice...” Tom said and sounded serious. “How will you prove this theory right? I mean, this is the royal palace we're talking about. And I'm sure Tenan Lu doesn't just wander around unguarded”

Even if I suspected the king was behind all of this I need to ask Lu first. How will I find him?

“I'll figure it out” I said. And for the first time I believed myself capable of doing so. I will make that prophecy true whether I am the saviour or not.


Ok, so the next chapter won't be out for like a week or so. I'm off to Norway early in the morning (my cousin is getting married, yay for her!). And once I'm home again two of my friends are graduating = Party.

Oh, and it's also my birthday next week :) But we'll talk about that later. 


PS. this chapter is un-edited so, please show mercy on my "oh-so-embarrassing" spelling mistakes.

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