Cømpletely Different (Johnni...

By DopeXD

417K 12.1K 11.8K

(NEEDS MAJOR EDITING!!) Dylan is only human. Why won't anyone let her live?.. Wait! Just wait a sec. A few p... More

Completely Different (Johnnie Guilbert)
Goat got my belt
Cassia and Lace are back
My Choice
Getting Ready For Warped Tour
Warped Tour
Hospital Time
Tell Me Your Story
Party Stuff Happened
Truth or Dare
Alondra Stuff
Alondra's Wedding and stuff
Written Song
Valentines Day part 1
Valentines Day part 2
Ireland Farm
Halo has a gold halo
Really Bad Day
Were Not Friends
Small rock building
I Love You
Angelina's mean friend
Fake Promises
What The Fuck Mira
Dylan Is Really Gone
Believing You
August 28th
Only Friends
Luke Stuff
Starting YouTube
New House
Whops we Kissed
I miss you
Chapter 41
Warped Tour Sadness
Cole The New Guy
Angelina Stars
Sleepless Nights
Im already gone
Chapter 50
Here Goes Nothing
Things are Happening
A Game That Will Drive Him Crazy ;) part 1
;) part 2
Painful Day
First Words
Dylan's Luck Doe
Things and stuff
Addicted part-2
Addicted.. Again
Talking about the past
Happy part-2
Texting and Stuff
Dylan's heart beats no more
Gotca didn't I?
Our Relationship part-1
Our Relationship part-2
Perfect Smile
Jason and I
Forever Thankful

Perfect Me

9.3K 286 196
By DopeXD

Dylan's POV

"Johnnie I have an Idea on what we should do today" I said

"we'll spit it out then" he said

"nothing" I raised both of my hands

"that is not fun, how about I make a video and you can be in it" he smiled

"sure but what kind of video do you want to do" I ask

"how about 10 things we hate you do 5 and I do 5"

"okay when do you want to do the video" I ask

"let's do it after I get changed" he got up and walk to his room upstairs

As I waited I played with the sides of his furry hat
I wonder where he got it

"okay ready" I he came down with no shirt he was holding it in his hands

He is skinny but to me he is perfection, wait what shut up Dylan

He put his shirt over his head and he put it on

"okay so let's get started" he clap his hands

"yep" I giggled clapping my hands

He rolled his eyes and set up his camera on the wood coffee table

He turned it on and started taking

"hey guys I'm Johnnie and I'm here with one of my best friends Dylan May Blue" he hug me

"yea" I said and hug his arms

"I think we need a nickname for Dylan" he look at the camera but kept his arms hugging me but now were slowly swaying

"like what" I smiled

"how about Blue" he ask

"that's my last name" I said

"yea I know but you wear a lot of Blue I think you eared that name so whats my nickname" he look into the camera

"jooonnnnnniiiiiieeee" I stretch out his name

"that's gonna be my nickname" he look at me

I nodded

"okay then. Let's get on with the video me and Blue here will be doing 10 things we hate she's doing 5 and I'm doing the other half" he said

"okay first thing, do you want To go first" Johnnie ask me

"yep, I don't like when I can't get candy" I said

"you always get candy" he look at me

"yea but sometimes Angelina doesn't let me get candy cause it makes me stay up all night" I moaned

Me and Johnnie both said 5 things we don't like
Then he ended his video

"I think that went well" I smiled

"it surly did" he said in a Texan accent

"your silly" I copied him

"I really don't like that word" he said

"I only said it cause you said you didn't like it in the video" I smiled

"you smile to much"

"hey you smile way more then I do"

"sure whatever" he smiled

"see your smiling" I tickled him

"cause your tickling me"

"you were smiling way before I started tickling you"

He was laying in the couch with his feet in my lap
I have no idea how we ended up like this we just did

"give me a foot massage" he joked

"ha your so funny" I laughed

I took out my phone as he watched whatever was on the tv
He sat up straight and I moved closer to him he wrap his arm around my shoulders as I put my head on his shoulder
I took out my headphones and put them in

I decided I should watch some of johnnies videos cause I've not seen like 4 of them

I picked out one of his original songs called 'perfect me'

He played the guitar I never new
I listened to the lyrics he sung

"are you okay" he ask

"what? Yea in fine why" I ask as I look at him

"your crying" he sat up straighter as I did

"um I'll just be back soon okay" I stood up as he did after me

"is everything fine" he ask

"yea" more tears slip from my eyes
"thanks for letting me stay with you for a little bit" I hug him and walk for the door

"Blue are you sure" he called me by my new nickname

I nodded i didnt want him to see me crying and opened the door running into Angelina
they must be going into Bryan and johnnies apartment

"Dylan what's wrong? Did Johnnie do something" she ask

"I'm fine" I wipe away my tears but they kept coming

"if he did something please tell me" Bryan said

"he didn't do anything I promise" I walk passed them into my apartment and into my room crying face first into my pillows

Johnnie's POV

She ran out crying and I have no idea why
She drop hers phone and headphones and didn't come back to get them. Did I do something

Bryan and Angelina walk in to a confused me
they must be back from there date

"why the hell is Dylan crying what did you do" Bryan yelled

"don't yell at me she was just fine like a minuet ago until she started crying and ran out" I yelled back

"what happen to her" Angelina ask she had the same confused look that is on my face

"I don't know" I repeated

"let me go talk to her real quick" Angelina turned around

"no please can I go talk to her" I step forward

"of you want, just saying its very hard to get her to say things and even of I'm hers best friend she won't ever tell me" Angelina said

I pick up hers phone and Blue headphones and walk across the hall to hers apartment

It was open I walk inside going up stairs

The first door I see on the right I go in
And see Blue sitting in the corner on the bed with hers knees to hers chest and her hugging them and hers face planted in them I could tell that she was crying by the little noises she was making

I shut hers door and sit on the edge of hers bed look at her

"please Angelina I just need my time alone" she sniffed but kept hers head low

"it's johnnie" I said

She kept hers head still low

I look down at hers phone it was still on and she was on YouTube it was one of my videos it's my song I made just a little bit ago it was the song called, 'Perfect Me'

Now I'm really confused why is she crying from this

"why are you crying Blue" I ask by hers nickname

She didn't answer

"we're friends. I mean Best Friends you can talk to me" I put my hand on hers shoulder as she shivered

"I know you were watching my YouTube video did that make you cry" I ask

She nodded lightly
Really why

"do you want to talk about it" I ask

She didn't answer again
Angelina is right its hard to get her talk at times like this

"okay then. I'll just come see you later, heres your phone" I set it on hers glass side table

I got up
I've never been in hers room
I notice on hers desk there is a lot of art work and a guitar does she play, I can't ask now its a bad time
And in hers desk in a notebook with some words written in it is it hers diary

Maybe I'll ask later I turn and put my hand on the doorknob

"Johnnie" she called as I was about to turn it

I turn and see her with hers hand out to me and hers face is all wet from crying

"I will tell you" she said

I came back and sat crossed legged listening to what she wants to say

"first of all your very lucky that I'm about to tell you this cause I hate telling people my past and my feelings" she said

I nodded

"your song that you wrote it made a memory come back and I never ever wanted to remember that day again" she whispered the last part

"please go on" I ask

Dylan's POV

I dreaded the day I will have to tell someone this story about my past but Johnnie he seems so different then the others in my life I want to tell him this story

"when I was 12 years old the last day of 6th grade the bell has just rang" I said but the tears came to my eyes with every word I started to say

-Flash Back-

The last bell of the school day just rang after I get out of this school 6th grade is over for me, finally now onto 7th next year

I walk though the halls to the front doors after I got my things from my locker I walk close to the sides with my head low

No one likes me. I get bullied by everyone even the nerds in the school, I have no friends except for Angelina who moved in a few houses down my street but she didn't come to my school yet she's coming in 7th grade she is homeschool
With hers sister and brother
But she doesn't know I'm some stupid person and that everyone who sorest even know me hate me cause they herd of me somewhere
Ugh why am I such a little butthead

I get pushed into the lockers, I know exactly who did that
My main bully's alexia, cassia and lace

"ow" I held my arm that hit the lockers

"where you going you little bitch" lace pushed me again

A small circle formed around us hoping for a fight
Lace always does this she hurts me everyday but I'm such a little wussy to tell anybody

"your not perfect" she yelled taking my backpack opening it and dropping everything that was in it mostly broken pencils and worthless papers

I never said I was perfect
I think these things but I don't ever say them cause I really want no fight

"no I'm not kidding, the only perfect ones are everyone but you your just some crap that shouldn't even be around, just go die in a hole, go kill yourself" she yelled and everyone else laughed

Maybe I should just do it so everyone will be happy I'll be out of sight and everyone surly won't notice I'm gone only of they want lunch money they will remember the D of my first name

"go kill yourself Dylan" she pushed me to the ground

What the heck did I even do to her

"bitch your not perfect"

Why dies she keep saying I'm not perfect I know I'm not perfect

I felt the tears rush to my eyes and one slip out onto my cheek

"oh look ms not perfect is crying" she laughed

She punched me everyone joined in everyone each took there turn hitting me and laughing

I laid there on the ground as everyone scattered to leave

There was a teacher walking up

"excuses me you need to leave" the teacher yelled

I got p leaving everything behind
I limp to get out of the school
I limp all the way home

Why didn't the teacher help
What the heck is wrong with the world
No one cares about me

I go to my house my mums car is gone witch means she's at work but my dad is here

I walk quickly to the bathroom to clean myself up

I look on the mirror
There is a cut on my lip witch is bleeding badly and my eye is black and Blue and purple

I clean myself up and walk out bumping into my dad

"I'm sorry" I whispered

I was scared of my dad he drinks to much
He pushed me to the floor and kicked me

After he finished beating me I went to my room in more pain

I should just kill myself
I took my blade from my desk and cut my arm letting the blood flow free

With every cut I said a word that everyone called me
Not perfect
That one hurt the most, fat I never eat cause i just want it be skinny

I fall to sleep thinking of how I will be barred
I won't be barred I will be tossed in the can just like the garbage I am
Fuck me
Fuck my life

-End Of Flashback-

Johnnie'a POV

"but now my mum finally found someone better witch took his place as dad and is better" She cried

I can't believe that happened to her I'm so sorry, to me she is perfect and those people who did those things to her and hers old dad who beat her should be in hell

"could I see your arm" I ask I wanted to see hers cuts

"they faded but if you look close you'll see" she cried

She gave me hers arm and I saw
The thin lines witch use to be cuts but are now scars
These things last forever every word she said with every cut to me is not true

"the words aren't true, I'm sorry that happened to you" I said

"don't give me sympathy now that I told you. And you can't be sorry you didn't even hurt me" she said

"I am sorry that happened"

"don't say that" she pulled hers arm away

"Blue I really feel bad for you" I said

"no you don't you have no idea what this feels like it hurts no one will ever feel the pain I had it sucks it really does Johnnie" she yelled witch kinda scared Me hers Irish accent is getting thicker with every emotion that is strong

"I understand what that feels like, I use to get bullied I got hurt like you but not with the parents thing witch I'm very sorry for you I don't care what you say I am and yes I use t cut my arms I only did it once but I do know what your talking about"

She say there witch nothing to say
I did use to cut I was just being stupid and did it once I never did it again

I slowly grab hers arm with the faded cuts

"you might be someone I just met like a day ago but your already my best friend I want to help you"

I look down at hers scars

"you always help everybody before you help yourself your not a bitch your nice" I kissed one of hers scars

I know if you give someone who cut contorting words and kiss there scars will help them heal just a little of what hurt them the most

"not worthless your amazing" I kissed another
"not stupid actually quiet smart" kissed another
"defiantly not ugly" she giggled as I kissed her once more
"your body is a perfect size" once more another kiss

I got to the last one witch is the biggest and the thickest but still not noticeable if you don't look closely

"nobody in the whole world is perfect, but your perfect to me" I kissed the last ine the longest

"thank you so much Johnnie" she hug me tight as she still cried on my shoulder

Even when she is crying she is still perfect. Wait don't say that I know what im thinking I might have little crush on her but it's nothing to worry about

We slowly laid down on top of hers blankets and pillows
My arm tightly around hers waist and her closely to me

Hers forehead just a inch away from touching mine are lips Could be only a millimetre away. Why am I thinking of hers lips at a time like this? Gosh johnnie so stupid

"Johnnie" he's minty breath hit my nose she whispered

"yea" I ask

"what you said was it true" she ask

I nodded

"your to nice" she kissed my cheek
"a very good friend" she kissed my cheek once more

Did she just friend zoned me
Does she not like me back only as I friend? Only if I cued read hers mind
Wait shut up Johnnie I don't like her so it doesn't matter if she friend zones me cause were just friends. Best friends is what we will always be


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