Project: Extermination

By Orcainks

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So pretty much this is over but I will be working on sequel if anyone will be interested in reading it. I jus... More

Project: Extermination
Escape then Back Again
The Underground Revolution
Dark Side Of The Moon
Tables & Labels
Battle of the Estate
Going, Going North
The Open Road
Traps In New York
Fire vs Ice
Child of The Sky
On The Inside
Leaving for the South
Sea Sick
Escape Is All For Naught
Beacon for All Mankind
Air meets the Cold Hard Ground
Reunited But Still Apart
Splitting Seams
X-P981 and the Mole
Who's Actually Going To Survive?
New York Round 3
Not a chapter just read


26 0 0
By Orcainks


The boys stared at the closed door, 'Are you sure this is the right way?' Aaron asked. 

'This time I'm 54% sure.' Nathaniel tilted his hand. 

'I swear if we open up this door and find more naked aliens I swear to fucking god Nathaniel I will lock you in there with them.' Aaron growled pointing at a cowering Nathaniel. 

Nathaniel's hands shot up, 'I'm fairly sure this is the right door...' 

Aaron pushed the door open and walked in with the other boys close behind. Around them were aliens, above them all Guy stood there, smiling, his face was paler, we wore all black and his hair had grown past his hips. He raised his arms, 'Welcome to the Bridge. I was expecting you earlier...'

'We got caught up with some things.' Aaron growled and looked at Nathaniel. 

Guy waved it off, 'No matter. Here you will met your end. I assume down below that Olivia has been dealt with. So now it's just you four, I knew Emilie would be the first one to break, she has always been weak. No matter, no matter. Let's get this over with shall we?'

From behind the glass smashed as someone was propelled through and landed in front of the boys, 'Do we get a last request?' They jumped back as the person pulled back their hoodie to reveal their red hair, 'Because that wouldn't be a fair fight.' 

'Emilie...' Guy growled, 'How?!'

'Oh Olivia helped me out with that.' Emilie smiled and ripped her jumper off to reveal her alien marks and scars, she wore a black singlet underneath the jumper and from behind Olivia landed on the ground panting, 'How ya feeling Olivia?'

'I'm fine.' She gasped. 


'Where the hell have you been?!' The boys all chorused.


I smiled as the boys yelled at me, 'Calm down. We can talk later. Rei and the others are fighting down below, we don't have time to fight.' I shouted back at them. 

'Rei?' Tomas asked looking at me, 'She got trapped.'

'We saved her.'

'Who's we?' Jaymes asked. 


I scoffed, 'No we aren't. You are. You lying, cheating, back stabbing bastard!' I shouted and stood alongside the boys, 'We aren't your puppets Guy.'

He stepped back, sweat forming on his pale brow, 'I raised you.'

'You tried to kill us!' Nathaniel shouted, 'How do you think we fell about that?'

'I don't care. Don't call me that despicable name either, it's Lucius, I took on the name "Guy" to be accepted in the human world. I only tried to kill you because that was the plan. I wasn't aware that Jaymes had mastered his powers so quickly,' his face turned sour, 'You all have to die you know that right?'

'Not by your hand we don't.' Olivia grunted, 'You are nothing but a greedy, impatient asshole. You are pathetic.' She gasped. 

Guy laughed and glared down at us, 'You think you can intimidate me? You are mere children!'

'We may be children,' Aaron shouted, 'We may also be ignorant, but that doesn't mean we are careless.' 

Guy laughed again and stepped forward, 'You were careless enough to come up here and challenge me, when there is obviously nothing to be gained. You will die here because that is your destiny.' 

'We aren't going to die.' Tomas said flatly, 'We will kill you.' 

'You are foolish,' he growled, 'Die!' He screamed and Cree rushed at us. 

My hands fired up and I punched a few Cree down, 'Split up!' I shouted and we scattered. I ducked under a Cree's arm and punched upwards into its jaw. The Cree screeched and reeled back from me, pulling its gun out ready to fire. I hit the gun and it knocked out of the alien's hand, 'Die.' I muttered and clicked my fingers. The alien burst into flames and rolled around trying to stop them. I glanced to the side and saw Aaron taking on a few. He was starting to get overwhelmed, so I grabbed a Cree by it's arm and swung him around. I let the arm go and the alien smacked into two, giving Aaron room to move. He looked over and nodded then went back to fighting. 

Nathaniel roared as lighting crackled around him, Cree fell one by one as he shot multiple lightning bolts at them. Tomas pushed several to the ground crushing their skulls, black blood pooled around his feet as Olivia buzzed past over head. Jaymes grabbed a Cree and used it as a shield so he could break the small barrier of aliens between us and Guy, 'NOW!' He shouted. We all nodded and fired everything we had at Guy. There was an explosion and the Cree ran away, leaving us on the ground. We all got up slowly as the fire crackled. 

'He couldn't have survived that.' Nathaniel said stumbling over, 'That was everything we had.' 

There was a chuckle from behind the smoke and a hand shot out and it all blew away, 'WAS THAT IT?!' Guy cackled, 'I was worried about you being too strong but I GUESS I WAS WRONG!' His voice became high pitched and a huge ball of light started growing on his palm, 'You can't defeat me.' He growled, his tone lowered again. The air around us became heavy, our bodies exhausted from all the energy we used, 'My magic surpasses you all.' The light energy exploded and we were all thrown back, screaming I hit the wall. I gasped as the air rushed out of my body from the blow, I heard everyone else cry out. The ship creaked and started to tilt, yet stayed in the air. I heard footsteps, Guy was walking towards us, he was humming something, 'Pathetic.' He kicked Jaymes's arm. My eyes went wide as I saw Jaymes's body limp on the ground, head to the side and a huge wound to his chest. 

I grunted as Guy walked around the others, 'Weak. All of you.' He stopped in front of me, 'You especially. Your powers are the weakest, I have never met a more pathetic, ignorant, weak person in all my life. Although I can say I'm impressed that you survived that blast. Well now my work is done, it's time to head back to the Castle and we can start extraction.'

'Extraction?' I groaned, 'On what?'

'Why you of course, General Pym did tell you that you were special to us. I'm not going to kill you. Yet.'

'Then why try to kill us back in Washington if you needed me?' I grunted, trying push myself up. I fell back down and groaned as my body screamed. 

Guy smirked, 'Because at the time we were just meant to kill you. Then extract it. Unfortunately, due to recent events we weren't able to do that. So we had to resort to several different ways. So here we are finally, you are in my grasp and now we can finally finish this once and for all.' 

'What do you intend to do?' 

'We plan to leave of course. But after we leave, the planet will blow up. Explode, obliterate. Will become nothing. You see, the way of our race is to suck the marrow out of the very life force of every planet. For us to survive we must drink a planet dry, we take their energy. You see, we tried to invade the earth thousands of years ago, unfortunately a race called the Tribesmen, ran us out before we could destroy the human race. Since then we stayed back, waiting. Then those stupid humans came to the moon, one of them a Fire Tribesmen. He took "The Mark". The only way we could destroy the earth completely was taken. So we invaded earth to give it back. By then, it was gone. We couldn't find it. Then hundreds of years later, you show up. Completely innocent to all of this.'

'So you knew? Then why lie?'

'I didn't. The Mark has the power to heal as well. It swings both ways. It can either heal, or destroy. We tend to destroy everything.'

'No shit.' I grunted, 'So all of this, is to just kill earth?'

'Pretty much.' 

'So you only need me?' I asked lifting my hand towards the others, 'They have nothing to do with this?'

'No. Not really. Why?'

'Because while I was away, I learned a few things about myself.' 

'Like what?' He sneered, 'What more can you possibly know?'

'I know I can use the others powers.'

'Perpostorus!' He shouted, 'No one can do that! That's impossible!'

'No it isn't.' I gasped and twisted my hand around, lifting all five off the ground with Aether, 'They can be safe then.' I moved hand suddenly to the side and they all were pushed out of the broken window. They fell through the air and I lost sight of them, I pushed the air outside to slow their fall. Guy screamed and ran at me, I lifted my hand, a wall of ice came between us. Slowly I stood up on my feet, 'You can take me back. Call back the rest of your soldiers and leave them alone.' 

Guy lifted a hand to hit me but thought better of it, 'RETREAT!' He shouted. 


Tomas groaned as he rolled over the broken glass, 'What happened?' 

'Have no idea.' Aaron said standing, 'Where's Emilie?' They all looked around and Aaron hit the ground with his fists, small ice spikes formed where he had hit, 'That idiot!'

'What?' Olivia lifted her head as Tomas lifted her small frame, 'What happened?'

'Emilie threw us out. I don't know why but I can bet you she's still in that fucking ship.' Aaron pushed himself up and noticed the ships were leaving, 'Son of a bitch.'

'AARON!' He turned and saw Rei, along with a few hundred men running towards them, 'ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!'

'Yeah, why wouldn't we be?' Nathaniel asked as Rei reached them. 

'You fell from up there!' Rei said grabbing Aarons arm, 'You all fell, something stopped you from hitting the ground though.' 

'Emilie.' Aaron breathed, 'She did it. She knew she could use our powers. She used them to get us out. She's still there. I assume she's going with Guy so he'll leave us alone. That explains the aliens leaving.'

Rei's face turned white, her mouth opened, like she was going to say something but then thought better of it. She stepped back away from them and ran a hand over her face, smearing blood across her cheek, 'What do we do now?'

'Retreat. We find safer quarters and make new plans.' Aaron said, 'We'll have to leave here. It's not safe anymore. I can't think of anywhere to go.'

'Back to Rio. Tha'ts all we can do.' Rei said dropping her gun, 'We don't have any transportation. We'll have to walk.'

'Our town is on the border.' A tall young boy said, he walked over, he was wounds all over his body, blood stained his chest and his hair was caked with more blood, 'Emilie stayed there for a few days. The people will welcome you.' 

'What is your name?' Aaron asked. 

'Brandon.' He puffed. 

Aaron clicked his tongue, 'We leave now. Those who are dead can have a proper burial later on. Now we just keep moving. Now the Aliens have their weapon they can strike at any time. But I think they'll be delayed.'

'Why do you think that?' Olivia asked as she was handed over to two more men. 

Aaron smirked, 'Emilie won't go down without a fight. Neither will we.'

'Aren't we going after them?' Jaymes groaned. 

Aaron nodded, 'Rei you can...'

'No. I'm going with you.'

'So am I.' Brandon said stepping up, 'You aren't going alone.'

'Of course we are. That's the only way.'

'No it isn't.' Rei said gripping Aaron, 'We are going with you. Pete!' The man she called Pete ran up, 'You're in charge. Take these men back to Brandon's town. We will keep in touch.' 

'Right.' Pete guided the men away as Brandon told the navigator where to go. 

'You are insane.' Aaron said as Rei and Brandon walked back over, 'You could get killed!'

'Worth the risk. Emilie is our friend too,' Brandon said, 'I promised my sister I would watch over Emilie.' 

Aaron stiffened. His cheeks burned, 'You barely know Emilie.'

'So? She was kind to my sister and I made a promise to be there for Emilie.'

'What you think you can protect her with just a gun?' Aaron sneered.

'HEY!' Rei shouted, 'Calm down and let's move. We can't let them get to far ahead.' 

'Right.' The boys grumbled and they all started to jog away from the battle scene. Body, after body, after body. They walked past the blood painted walls, aliens lay dead in front of them mixed in with the humans. 

Aaron and Brandon pulled ahead and Olivia clung to Tomas's back, giggling, 'Aaron's got competition.' 

Tomas chuckled, 'He sure does.'

'What are we talking about?' Nathaniel said coming up alongside them. Tomas nodded in Aaron and Brandon's direction, 'Oh right. I get it. Who do you think will win then?'

'My money's on Aaron.' Jaymes said joining the conversation, 'The new kid is strong but Aaron's known her longer.'

'Aaron can a bit of an arse though,' Olivia said, 'Emilie's always hated that about him.'

'Has she always hated him? Really?' Tomas smirked. 

Nathaniel shook his head, 'She's a stubborn one. I would bet my life she's going to be oblivious to this.' The others laughed.

'I agree. So, Aaron is the favourite?' Jaymes said, nodding ahead of them. 

Nathaniel nodded, 'Yeah. Brandon's a bit of a dark horse though, I mean you never know.'

'Aaron won't let that happen.' Rei said smiling, 'Don't think I'm not in on this bet.' She laughed, 'Besides, Aaron's always loved her. Even if it hasn't been in the best form, he cares enough to not kill her.'

'That being said,' Olivia licked her lips, 'They've always competed. I wouldn't be surprised if Aaron never confessed.' 

Nathaniel shrugged, 'That's very true. I agree, but still. My money's on Aaron.'

'Aaron.' They all said and laughed. 

Brandon and Aaron stopped abruptly and looked at them, 'What?' They demanded. 

'Oh nothing. What's the plan from here?' Rei asked. 

Aaron pointed behind him, 'Chicago. It's a long walk so we rest tonight and keep going in the morning.' 

'Right.' They said and walked till they reached a building with coverage.

It was late into the night before the rain started, Olivia sat down in front of the window and watched at the rain pounded. She jumped as a hand touched her shoulder, 'Oh Nathaniel. You startled me, what's up?'

'I wanted to talk to you about something. It's been bugging me for some time.'

'What is it?' She asked folding her arms over her stomach. 

'I saw something that scared me. I didn't really say anything but I saw Emilie taking our powers, she was screaming for us to get back. Rei was there too. We were all lying down as Rei tried to shield us, Emilie was using herself to protect us. She was going to be the vessel to save everyone. We all knew she would be back but I didn't really say anything about her being the only one who has to die.'

Olivia stayed silent, trying to process all of what Nathaniel had said, 'Wow.' Was all she could say. 

'I say all that to you and all you say is "wow"?' He sighed, 'Anyway, what can we do about that?'

'She can't do that.' Olivia looked outside as the thunder rumbled, 'She thinks she can take on the world and she doesn't need anyone. When we tried to fight Guy, we still were no match, even though we were a team. If we couldn't beat him there, can we beat him in the final battle?' 

'Of course we can,' Nathaniel reached over and grabbed her hand in his, 'His power is something different, to beat it, we need answers.'

'Where can we get those?'

'I'm sure along our way we can find people who'd be willing to help us.' He said smiling a little, 'Not everyone is an alien supporter. There are those who still have hope.' He squeezed her hand, 'Don't worry. We can do this.'

'We say that all the time yet we can't win. No matter how hard we try we've always been beaten.' She sobbed, 'We couldn't even protect our friends who died. We walked straight into Mark's trap, Guy's trap and every time someone has come to save us or we back out completely. We used to be the best, now we are nothing but shit.' 

'Don't say that,' Nathaniel whispered, 'We need to adjust to our new powers.'

'We've had months to do that and we can't even manage to protect the ones we love.'

'We are still a team. Even though it may not feel like it, we've grown up together, well you and the others have, I joined in a little late but you get what I mean. We've grown in our own strengths but we are still one. Just a little longer.'

'We don't have the time.' Olivia sobbed again, clenching her free hand into a fist, 'I'm always a burden. When I had my suit I was useful.'

'What are you talking about? You are useful, you are part of this team, our family. Suit or no suit you were always the back bone of our team. Don't fall apart on us now Olivia,' He whispered and placed his free hand on her shoulder, it never occurred to him how close he actually was to Olivia. He felt her warm breath on his neck as his eyes searched hers. She sucked in a breath as he blinked. Her hands were warm, her shoulder cool from the open window, her eyes, a glassy brown, twinkled in the small light of the moon. Her hazel-brown hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, her small frame, petite lips sucked in. Nathaniel gulped as the gap between them became smaller. 

Olivia shivered as Nathaniel's grip on her hand became tighter. She sucked in her lips as her eyes stared into his sapphire orbs. His mop of dirty blonde hair drifted to the side as he inclined his head. Olivia closed her eyes as his lips brushed across hers. She gasped as something clattered on the ground behind them. Nathaniel jumped back and let go of her hand, he stumbled back and his shoulder hit the wall on his way out, 'I better go. Good night.' He blushed and turned the corner. 

Olivia brought her fingertips to her lips and sobbed again. She covered her eyes with the other hand and wiped the tears away. She fell against the window sill and sobbed quietly, her hands still hot from where Nathaniel had touched her. 

Nathaniel pressed his back against the wall, hearing her silent sobs. He clenched his fists and shut his eyes holding back his own tears. Shaking his head, he tilted it back so it hit the wall, idiot. He brushed his hands off on his jeans and started to walk away. 

Aaron and the others were sitting in a room, it looked like it was used for a dining room at one stage. They were seated around a table with a flickering light bulb above them, 'How's Olivia?' Tomas asked as Nathaniel joined them. 

'What?' he looked up, 'Oh yeah, she's fine.' He sat down, 'So what are we going to do?'

'We need to find out what sort of magic Guy was using. It was unlike anything I've ever seen.' Jaymes said rubbing his arm, 'It was powerful.' 

Aaron nodded, 'Pym said it was some sort of Nullifying magic, developed by the aliens to use against us.' 

'So in order to beat him, we need to beat his magic?' Rei said crossing her bare legs, her ripped jacket wasn't holding in any heat.

Aaron nodded, 'His power didn't look genuine though.'

'What do you mean?' Tomas asked fiddling with a chip of wood. 

'He means that Guy must've forced this magic to work for him. Which also could mean he's used something to activate it.'

'He said he was alien though.'

'Yes. Because he is part human, the magic couldn't have worked on him. So that means he''s come up with another way to use it.' Nathaniel explained, 'It's like an apple and banana. You can make a fruit salad with the two but that doesn't mean they will taste the same, the flavouring will be different. It's the same with Guy, he's part alien and part human. Because of that mixture, the nullifying magic won't activate in his body.'

'Right.' Tomas nodded, although he still didn't quiet understand, 'So he's found another way to get stronger?'

'I'd say so. You think he's heading for the crown?' Rei said glancing at all the boys in turn, each had the same expression, 'None of you thought of that?'

'We just thought he was loyal.' Tomas shrugged. 

'To loyal, he wants it for himself. That's the only reason he would go that far.' Rei folded her hands on the table, 'We need to find out how he did it and probably find a way to reverse it.'

'So you think it was done like a serum? If so, there'd be a reverse one just in case something went wrong?' Aaron asked and Rei nodded, 'Smart.'

'If that's the case,' Nathaniel interjected, 'He'd have to be careful, you think there's a limit on his power?'

'It could just be a temporary one.' Brandon said. 

'How so?' Aaron grunted. 

'If he's half human, could it be possible it won't work forever?' 


'He has a point.' Nathaniel said raising an eyebrow, 'His body might reject this new gene running through his body, if that's the case, he has to use more and more serum.'

'So if it becomes to much, he'll have a back up to save his life.'

'But that won't necessarily cut off all ties to magic,' Nathaniel said to them, 'It might just eject it so he won't die. He might still use another serum to get his magic back.'

'Then we need the serum, alter it so he can't use magic ever again. That will leave him vulnerable.' Rei said and Nathaniel nodded.

'It's crude,' he said, 'But it may just work.' 

'There's also the possibility that he's genuinely altered his body to hold the magic. Who's to say it's really a serum?' Jaymes said, 'There are possibilities of other nature. There's no end to his thoughts, there are countless ideas and ways that he could use magic.'

'True,' Nathaniel said licking his lips, 'If that's the case, we need to find out for sure. We can't keep guessing like this till we know. We need to find out how he got this magic. Is it possible to find anyone with that knowledge on the road to Chicago?' 

Rei shrugged, 'People who have worked in that Castle would've also worked with countless experiments. New York wasn't the only place where they did that sort of thing.'

'So if we find one and squeeze some info out,' Nathaniel started.

'We can determine our true enemy.' Aaron finished.

They all nodded in agreement. 

'What about Emilie?' Jaymes asked clicking his tongue, 'She can't wait forever.'

'She's going to have to put up with it for a little longer then,' Aaron said, 'She's not weak. She can stall for as long as she needs to, even if she doesn't know we are coming after her.' 

Jaymes nodded, 'So when the time comes, how are we going to save her?'

'I don't know.' Aaron admitted, 'The only person who's been inside that place is Olivia. Those sorts of questions will need to go to her, other than that I don't know.'

'So, we plan on finding another research post for those aliens?' Tomas asked setting his hands on the table. 

Rei nodded, 'We need to find one quickly. Any ideas?'

'New York is the closest, from there we can find other stations.' Aaron said crossing his arms, 'Any other ideas?'

'New York was one of the biggest. If we can find something there, it'll probably help a lot.' Jaymes said rubbing the back of his head, 'Just saying.'

Aaron nodded, 'True. From New York we can probably find a car as well to drive to Chicago. There's plenty of alien crafts there to use and from there we can start our path.'

'That's a huge detour,' Brandon said, 'What about Emilie?'

'Stop worrying about her okay?' Aaron snapped, 'She can take care of herself. We're gonna have to be fast. New York is a three hour drive and walking probably about a day. Which means that we could lose about two days. To shorten that, we're gonna be in and out of New York. Have four of us in, the others search for a vehicle to take us to Chicago. How does that sound?' 

'Good.' Jaymes grunted. 

Tomas nodded and so did Rei. 

'Are you sure?' Brandon said but Aaron overlooked him.

'Sounds great.' Nathaniel said, 'What about Olivia?'

'Tomas can you carry her?' 

'Yeah, no problem.'

'That'll slow us down a lot. Why can't we just ditch her?' Brandon asked and they all glared at him.

'HEY!' Nathaniel's cheeks burned, lighting crackling around him, Aaron pointed a small ice spear, James lifted a few crumbling rocks poised ready to strike, Tomas cracked his knuckles and Rei glared at him, a knife ready in her hand, 'Olivia is a part of this team. Don't belittle her because she can't walk. Don't think because you are older, you can screw around with us. We've been through a lot more than you have. Don't walk in here and expect us to listen to you. Don't fuck around with people like us Brandon. You disrespect one of us, you are disrespecting all of us. From now on, unless it's useful, keep your mouth shut.' 


I stared at the roof while we flew over the land. Guy was ordering aliens and humans around while I was tied, rather tightly, to a metal bar, my hands were pulled away from my body so I couldn't wriggle free. My feet were chained to the ground and I had a strap that held my torso in place, 'Fuck this is boring.' My head fell forward and I groaned, 'How much further!' 

'Shut up!' An alien hit me int he face with the butt of his gun and kept walking. 

Blood trickled down my lip and I groaned. Guy glanced back at me with disgust and then walked over, 'Are you comfortable?'

'Yeah. First class.' I snapped, 'Got any peanuts?'

'Very funny.' Guy jeered, 'You might want to keep thinking like that. In a few minuets we will reach the Capital and you can rest in a special area. From there we will conduct a series of experiments, to find the most painful way to extract your precious cargo.'

'This is stupid.' I snapped.

'Why you Little...!' Guy was about to hit me when a soldier came up and said we were getting ready to land. He stepped back, 'We have the honor of meeting the king this afternoon. I'll have someone come and clean you up.' He walked away and then he vanished. His vein on his forehead was popping out, like he was strained. 

The aircraft descended and I was taken out. I blinked as the bright sun bore down on us. I gritted my teeth as I stared at the huge castle of glass, rock and bone. I looked up and the top of the castle was far into the clouds, the aliens walked around and every level gained more and more protection. I huffed as they took me to the first level. We stood there until someone walked over, she was rather beautiful, in an alien sort of way, 'My name is Feather.' Feather was the right name for her. Her body was long and thin, her arms were long, legs too. Her alien face smiled weakly, her green grey skin clinging to what ever the aliens called bones. Her black robe was draped over her, a gold band holding on her body. She reached out and touched my forehead, 'You must be Emilie. We have waited for you.' She sneered, 'I will get her ready.' 

She led me down a long hall way lit up rather generously. We reached a room and she pushed me inside, 'Let me look at you. God you must be tired. The king can't see you like this. Here.' From behind her a bath was waiting, steam rising from it. She stripped me of my clothes and ushered me in. No decency for this alien. I slipped in, grateful to be clean. After I was well steamed, I was taken out, dried and presented with a dark red dress. I didn't quiet fill it at the front, but the dress fell gracefully over my body. She gave me shoes to match the blood red dress and combed my hair back, 'How does that feel?' She asked quietly. 

'It's nice. Thank you.' 

'I'm going to put a little bit of make up on you now deary. There we go.' She dabbed some sticky stuff on my lips, a black brush over my eye lashes and then she placed something in my hair. She stepped back and I looked in the mirror with wonder, my body almost looked...feminine. I touched my hair, half of it was up and the other down, curling across my back and a dark red flower clip held up the curls on one side. She handed me some matching gloves and I slipped them on. I stepped back and then she hand cuffed me, 'I'm sorry dear but rules are rules.' I was led away and into the hall. 

We walked till we reached a huge set of doors. Feather knocked then scurried away. The huge doors opened and to men walked out, grabbed me by the arms and pulled me inside. The room was dark and soon it was brighter than the sun, I saw a huge table with a plethora of food. I stared and watched as Guy strode in, he wore a long black robe with blue stripes down the side, his silver hair was pulled back and his eyes were hazy. He sat down and I was taken to a seat at the end of the table, 'I get to sit here? Oh I'm grateful.' I snickered. 

Guy glared at me, 'Don't get comfortable. The King is rather fond of you all for some reason, so he want's to greet you. After that, you rest and we begin tomorrow.'

'Now Lucius!' A voice boomed from above. I gaped as a huge alien, thirteen feet tall sat down at the table, his bulky frame and wide head were rather disturbing. His green skin was pulled tight over his rather grotesque features, 'Don't talk business till I say so. You have had a long and tiring day. Let us eat and drink.' His crown, made of bone sat firmly on his meaty head. His red cloak flowed down behind him, a scepter in his hand and on his chest was a strange black symbol, 'So this is the legendary Emilie of the Fire Tribe eh?' He chuckled, 'Not so great now are you young lady?'

'I'm here so my friends don't die.' I snapped. 

The king's eyes popped a little and laughed, 'They'll die anyway. You being here makes no difference!' 

No difference? 

'My king. We shall start?'

'Of course!' He boomed. 

I cringed as a plate of food was set down in front of me. On the plate was a generous serve of meats and salad. Dressing coated the salads, a single piece of what I thought was a tomato floated in it like noah's ark. 

'Eat girl!' The king boomed. 

I lifted my cuffed hands and he motioned for them to be taken off, 'My king is that wise?' Guy said placing his knife and fork on the table. 

'Let the girl eat, she looks starved!' He laughed, 'Don't be so uptight.' 

The king is rather...boisterous. I didn't think he would be so...carefree. I thought he would be a blood thirsty maniac. Or is that just Guy? I glanced over at him as he silently ate his food, Yeah. Just him. I picked up the knife and fork and slowly started to eat. I was full before I finished half the plate. The waiter came and took it away and the King wiped his mouth, 'That was good. Now. Cuff her again.' He's still careful...better wait and see how this plays out. I lifted my hands and swiftly dropped the knife into my lap, slid it up my glove then held my hands out for them too cuff. 

'Right. Now let's get down to business.' Guy said folding his hands, 'Sir tomorrow the experiments will take place.'

'It's still a shame your brother died when you lost the Child of The Sky, he would be perfect for this job. The poor boy Luke too, ack. So you have a man lined up then?'

'Yes. Marcus Jones. Very faithful man to our cause.'

'Good good.'

'What do you plan to do to me?' I asked looking down at the bare table, 'What's going to happen?'

'You will undergo some experiments. Through them we will find what we are looking for, extract it, kill you, we leave and then use it. It's that simple.' The king grumbled, his aura changed. His eyes turned black, his muscles clenched, 'You took something precious from us now we intend to take it back.'

'Believe me when I say we intend on doing to same. Taking back what you stole from us!' I snapped, 'Humans aren't weak.'

'Of course they are,' The King growled, 'You all surrendered all those years ago, not even putting up a fight.'

'Now we are fighting.' I shouted, 'We are gathering people from all around the world. We aren't alone, we will kill you all!' I stood up and my chair fell back, flames licked at my dress as the guards tried to hold me down, 'We will destroy every last one of you!' 

'TAKE HER AWAY!' Guy screamed and I was dragged out by my hands, flames bounced off the ground and went out as the doors slammed shut cutting me off from them. 


'She's trouble.' The King said as the doors slammed, 

'Yes my king. She's always been stubborn.' Guy sighed, 'It won't be long now until we leave.' 

'Yes. Quite right. Go and see to it that she is chained up so tight that she can barely breath, I don't want her escaping.' 

'Yes sir.' Guy started to walk away. 

'And Lucius?'

'Yes my king?' Guy stopped and turned to face his king. 

The King's eyes dimmed, 'Don't be afriad to kill anyone who tries to help her. Those friends of hers will come after her soon. Double everything. I don't want them getting in at all.'

'Of course.' Guy walked away, the doors closing behind him.

It won't be long now, soon I can take what is rightfully mine! Guy started laughing, it became high pitched and echoed through the halls.

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