Living with the Badboy🌹 l (B...

By mals64

1.2M 44.4K 33.5K

The story is about Malia and Liam. Malia is African (Sudanese) and Liam is White. More

•16 l Other's POV included
Author's Note l Please Read
•17 l Update
Long Or Short chapters?!
create your characters
i'm back
·27 /Picnic Hangout
100k 💚💚💚
dancing with him
colourful days
no longer a secret
· home sweet home
Jalia Movie Nite
Surprise Amor
future Q&A
New Story: Sequel

·30 Awaited Chapter

19K 630 584
By mals64

I know what some of you are thinking. "Why is Liam so mean? I thought him and Malia's relationship was tight as Peanut butter and pretzel sticks."
Well I wanted him to be unsure with his feelings and deny the thought of him liking her. He apologized for being rude to her at the beginning and is willing to become friends with her but,all the desired thoughts of being more is what he doesn't want. So, what does he do? Deny. Harshly...very harshly.
Hey it's Liam we're talking about.
You understand?

What do you mean, we're going dress shopping'? I ask. (Malia.)

She turns to me and, smiles. (Jaimee)
"Every year we travel to L.A and, go to a charity ball. It's called Lacomè Ballroom and, it's hosted twice every year. One is in the Summer which, is in a few days and, one around the Christmas season." she says cheerfully.

"How did you get invited?" I ask curious and, excited that I could be able to go to California in just a few days. It's one of the places I want to visit one day.

"Well, my husband Anthony is a lawyer and, just happens to be the lawyer for the owner of the Ballroom. A few years ago the owner was accused of something he didn't do and was about to be sentence to life in prison but, my husband found evidence and clues to prove he wasn't guilty. Since, he helped prove him innocent, he wanted to thank him by allowing him and his family/ close friends to be invited every year."

Malia's POV:

I walked amazed by the scenery of the ball. The lights slowly transition new colors of the rainbow. People's body slowly danced to the rhythm of the music. Many of the invited guests wore masks making it impossible to identify whether they're ordinary as me or if they're well know being such as Beyoncé.

As soon as the Foxtrot music came on everyone screamed excitedly and jostled to find their mate. When they finally found them them they positioned their body.

When they began dancing it was elegant. Then danced swiftly & glided smoothly across the floor. Ladies' skirts and dresses danced like the flower on a windy day.

I just sat awkwardly on the maroon chair in the back watching everyone dance. James, Claudia, Jameee, Asshole and the other gang are somewhere in the room.

I sighed depressed wishing that someone else will ask me to to go dance with them. Everywhere,I see woman blushing and chatting with their mate enjoying the time of their life while i'm awkwardly sitting in the back by myself.

"I wish this will be the night I will never forget."I whisper but,wasn't able to hear because of the power of the music playing.

When they music ended I clapped my hands applauding the wonderful dancers.

"Why don't you guys give a final round of applause for the wonderful dancing the guests did?" a man who looked like he's in his early fiftys said holding a microphone.

Screams,whistles and loud claps filled the whole room.

"Ok.ok. Hello,guests. My name is Andrie Albert Tipton." his voice was thick. It sounded Russian. "And i'm the owner of this ballroom you are all standing on right now. I've been a proud owner of this ballroom since twenty five years ago."

Cheers were sended everywhere.

"I hope you all enjoy this evening tonight, enjoy the delicious food and tremendous drinks this hotel has to offer and especially the dances. Tonight, this party will be different. Tonight a few people really close to me will be singing one of their many songs."

Cheers filled the party again.

"Give a round of applause for Robyn Fenty who you may know as Rihanna!"

My heart jumped a beat. Rihanna strolled the stage as people clapped,cheered her name stomped on the floor making my body vibrate and kisses being blown to her.

I couldn't believe it. My favorite singer is on stage right now less than five minutes away from me, breathing the same air as me and same as room me. Somebody needs to pinch me right now or I might just cry happy tears in front of everyone.

She holds onto her yellow gown as she gently grab the microphone from Andrie. They kissed each other in the cheeks. He then tips his head before sitting down watching his friend sing.

"I would like to thank Andrie for inviting me to join this ballroom dance. It is a huge honour to come here and sing for ya'll. The song i'll be singing for ya'll is "Love on the Brain."


"Now, I want you to find your partner and dance as I sing. Can you do that?" she yells.

"Yeah!" everyone shouted in unison and just like that everyone got ready.

The band starts instrumenting her music.

"And you got me like, oh
What you want from me." she sung.

I sighed again leaning om the chair watching everyone dancing.

Suddenly, a hand was in front of my face. I look up confused and was shocked to see that it was James.

He cleaned himself very well. His black hair was slicked back. His black tuxedo looked made him appear mature.His chocolate brown eyes glistened as it looked at me.His lips pecked a smile.

"May I have this dance?" he asks.

I nod my head slowly surprised that James asked me out of everyone in the whole ball.
I slowly got up from the chair and rested my hands onto his and he lead me to the center of the room.

"Why were you sitting there by yourself? He questions.

"You noticed me?" I asked embarrased.

He chuckles. "There's nothing to be embarrased of. But,to answer your questions yes. You stood out like a fish in a cage of sharks."

"Great." I reply with sarcasm.

He laughs which melted my heart. When we make it to the center of the dance floor he spins me once before putting one of his hand on my waist and other on my right hand. He gestures me to put my left hand on his left shoulder.

We slowly moved our body left then right in repeat. He stared at me.

"What?" I ask ask self conscious.

He smiles. "Because. You look beautiful Malia. I mean you look beautiful all the time but, you look five times beautiful-er if you know what I mean."

I laugh by his wise choice of words. "Well thank you. You don't look bad yourself Mr. James."

"Thanks Ms.Malia." he grins.

"Oh baby i'm fist fighting with fire
Just to get close with you.
Can we burn something babe?"

We stood there staring at eachother in the eyes as Riri sung. My heart is tingly and my legs are weak. Why me? Although he isn't as handsome as Asshole he's still cute enough to not be dancing with me.

"Can I ask you a question,Malia?"

I shake my head yes.

"When we head back to Iowa and everyone is settled down with packing and we adjust back of being an Iowa slash Nebraska citizens, will you like to hang out with me?

Somebody please pinch me right now!!!!!!!

I gave him a toothy smile. "Sure."

"No matter what I do, i'm no good without you.
And I can't get enough.
Must be love on the brain."

He smiles showing his deep dimples on the cheeks. Not even a minute of dancing with him listening to Rihanna and his phone rings.

He unlink his hands from me and apologizes before taking the phone out his back pocket. He answers the phone.

"Hello?" he slowly walks away.

I looked around uncomfortable. People were dancing with their mates, some were in the food table and some chatted sitting.
A boy around my age catched my attention.
He was sitting in the white chiavari chair staring at me like some meat.

He's not too far from me but, the area he's sitting is dark making it hard to see his facial features. The boy had pale skin and looked like dirty blonde sleeked back similar to James. The only difference is the small section of hair was laying in his forehead.

His tuxedo coat was black, his vest is navy blue matching the neckwear tie. The boy looked handsome. When I saw those eyes, that is when it hit me.

Why was he staring at me though? I know he is depressed after his ex 'girlfriend' cheated on him and then he has to appear to an event as of nothing happened. But,he needs to take those blue eyes off my direction and take it somewhere else. I continued to stare at him but, he continued to give me a cold stare.

I roll my eyes and look away waiting for James to come back. When Rihanna's song was over I clapped and wooed my girl. Everyone does the same thing.

"Thank you." she bowed as people applauded.

She hands the microphone to Andrie and they hugged each other. Rihanna sits back down.

"That was a wonderful performance why don't we give her a final round of applause. Now, the next thing we'll do is slow waltz. Now, I want you to find your couple and position yourself for the dance."

Everyone gets up and does as requested. James finally comes but, looked bummed.

"I'm sorry Malia but,I have to go. My grandma lives her in L.A. and is in the hospital right now because, she's sick."

"I'm sorry about that but, of course you can go. Who am I to force you of staying here? Katherine." we stared at each other for two seconds and then started bursting of laughter.

People around us gave us weird looks for disturbing them but, I could care less. James wipes the tear under his eyes.

"Good one. I'm sorry but, i'm glad you understand." he says.

"No problem. It can't be that hard to find someone to dance with." I said with sarcasm.

He chortled at my response. "It can't be that hard for you. I bet that one minute after I leave somebody will come and, ask you for a dance."

"Sure James."

He pecks a kiss on my cheeks before saying bye.

I happily sit down on the chair close to me. All the giddy feeling vanished as soon as he left. I was flattered when he said that somebody will ask to dance with me as soon as he left. I smiled to myself. As if.

Someone pulls up a chair beside me and a girl who looked about two years older than me sat. She has dark skin as me, chocolate brown eyes, and a black to blue ombrèd afro. The hair could look like a clown wig to many but, with this girl it looked nice. She's wearing a long black halter dress with a high slit, black stilletos, and a crimson matte lipstick.

She waves shyly at me. I wave back to her.

"Hi." she spoke.

"Hi, how are you doing?" I said hoping to start a conversation with her hoping to not be solo again.

"I'm doing good. But, if they played punk rock it would make my day. Tradition ballroom music really isn't my style." she says.

"Neither is mine. More of a R&B."

She nods.

"What's your name?"

"Zayla Faith. You?"

"Malia." I answer.

She shakes her head.

"So, how did you get invited here? I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out to be a celebrity."

She giggles. "I'm flattered but no. My father is the owner's personal assistant and happens to invite my father and the family to the party."

"Oh." I said undertsanding.

"Now how did you get invited?" she waits for my response.

I summarize to her about the situation of my mother leaving to South Sudan so, I had to stay with her high school friend and her family for a year. I also told her about how her husband was able to be invited to the party along with his friends and family.

"A year? I can't do it! I need my mom. I can't even go an hour without seeing my mom and a year without seeing her is torture!" she pants.

I laugh.

Her phone buzzes and she answers the call.
"Hello? Hi dad yeah it's me. Oh, i'm sitting with a new friend." she smiles. She then rolls her eyes after someone spoke on the phone. "No dad she's not a killer. You want me to go there now? Ok bye." she then powers off her phone.

"Well it was nice to meet you Malia but, my father,Julian Faith wants me to meet him in the front of the hotel so we can grab something to eat."

"Oh. Well it was nice to meet you Zayla." I said standing up shaking her hand.

She shakes my hand and smiles."Bye and forever live young."

She waves once more before walking through the crowded people in the back.

I sit back down and not even five minutes, I got completely bored of Just sitting watching people dance so I got up. As my legs shake nervously to the center of the room I hold onto my rosette pink skirt abd mentally myself that it's better to enjoy the party instead of just watching.

People are now performing the cha cha dance. The good thing was that no one needed a partner to dance. I nervously take a breath before starting.

My dancing wass terrible compared to the people participating in the dancing. I was not on time, did random steps, not standing in the right position and was completely unsure of what I was doing. I stop embarrassed by my foolish dancing.

A hand was on my shoulder and when I look down and I recognize her immediately. She was Royal Gale. She has caramel skin with a curled blonde barbed hair.She has on a black and gold strapless sequin dress which was a few inches away from her kneecaps and a mauve caged lace up sandal.

"Girl, don't be shy about your dance." she says with a Barbadian accent.

"I don't know how to dance." I said.

"Wrong. According to my dictionary there's no rule to dancing. Just strut your stuff."

"I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. There's no way i'm going to be dancing freestyle because, if that happens I will end up looking like an air dancer next to the carwash.

She snaps her tongue disappointed. "Damn bae. Ok let me give an example. Let's say Rihanna for example, one of the best musicians of the industry for a long tine, was insecure because she think she's not any better than Beyoncè. What would you say."

"Well.." I start. "I would says she's beautiful & don't need to worry about Beyoncè. Even though Beyoncè is really talented also is she. I would say..'Do you Boo and not worry about other talented singers.'"

"Wrong." she says.

"What was wrong with what I said?" I ask confused.

"How can you give someone advice knowing that you wouldn't follow them. You would have told Rihanna to do her but, look at what you're doing now honey. You're here nervous about DANCING."

Hm. I guess she is right.

"You have a point." I said disappointed.

"I know. If you want to prove to me that you would actually say that to badgalriri I want you to dance."she bets.

"Ok." I give her jazz hands.

She stared at me with horror.

"What.Was.That?" she asks slowly

"Jazz hands. Will you like to see me replay that again Royal?" I cue a smirk.

"Um yes. That was the shit then but, this is 2017! Dance." I didn't budge.

She laughs. "Chicken. Fine, I'm going to go talk to Zac. In an hour,i'm going to ask you to dance and if you don't..mark my words I will hunt you down. Nos vemos." she waves before talking to Zac Efron. My childhood self is smiling.

A handsome chocolate boy around my age walks over to me. His dark black hair was in a curly hair fade. The mystery boy dressed casually with a light blue vest over his black tuxedo suit, with black pants and dark blue dress shoes. His hazel eyes gazed upon me.

"Why is a pretty girl like you, standing by herself?"

He asks huskily.

"I ask myself the same thing." I joke.

He laughs. "You're funny and beautiful. 2 of the few qualities I search in a girl."

"Thank you."

He smiles. "My name is Andreas. What is your name?"


"Beautiful name."
I thank him.

We continued to talk for five minutes and during those times I felt a pair of eyes on me. I searched around until I met a pair of electrifying blue eyes. Why is he staring and matter of fact, why does he look so salty?

"What are you staring at?"Andreas asks me.

"N-nothing important." I said.

"Ok." the tone in his voice made it obvious that he didn't believe me. "Care to dance Malia? Maybe for you there's a tomorrow but, for some of us there's only today." he says mysteriously.

Before, I could answer "No,she'll be dancing with me." I quickly look back to see Asshole.

"Excuse me but, are you her date?" Andreas asks him.

"N-No he's not my d-" I tried to answer but,was rudely interrupted.

"Yes,she is so please find someone available." he warns pushing me against him.

Andreas stares at Asshole. "Bye Malia." he waves.

"Bye Andreas."

When Andreas was no longer seen and drowned in the large crowd of people I stared at Asshole. "Care to explain?"
Characters & the creators:

*her friend Braulio thought of thw character but, the user requested me to add the character.

Royal Gale
Zayla Faith:

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