The Rhydonculous Race (Part O...

By PichuFan

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20 teams of 2 Pokémon venture across the newly discovered human world in the biggest race ever! The Rhydoncul... More

Twenty Terrific Teams
Let The Race Begin
Taking The Heat
A French Fiasco
Night Of The Living Dread
Getaway From Me
Downhill Dilemmas
A Shocking Return
Christmas Time
Extra Sauce Please
Makeup Or Breakup
Canadian Catastrophe
Bugs And Betrayals
I Lava You
Trouble In Tokyo
Fire Emblem Zeroes
What's Not To Love?
Machu Pichu
An Alien Adventure
Say Cheese
Olympic Obstacles
Semifinal On The Nile
A Race's End
(Total Drama Pokemon Season 3: The Next Generation, is out now!!!)

Relationship Troubles

388 13 96
By PichuFan

Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race, we visited the TDP host with the most himself, Raichu! He had the players go through a traditional Total Drama Pokémon styled challenge, with teams and everything! During which, Piplup did all she could to order around Pachirisu, which I guess was fair since their deal from last time. Also, Buizel kissed not one, but TWO girls in one day. Yikes. That could cause some issues. Lastly, a new alliance between the Fashion Designers and team Boyfriend and Girlfriend formed. Anyways, flash forward a bit and the Athletes were ticked off when the Pichu Twins took first and not them! Fortunately for Weavile, she was relieved when her biggest rivals, Delcatty and Surskit, continued to spend the day hating each other and ended up being eliminated. (Pauses) So... back to the human world like usual today guys. You all know what this is. It's... The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: Alright Pichu Twins make it snappy. Koffing is waiting to fly us to our destination.

Pichuette: Okay. (Gets on Pichu's shoulders to hit the Rhydon Box) It says get ready for schnitzel and lederhosen because we're going to Germany!

Pichu: Cool! (Confused) So what is Germany again?

Pichuette: Rhydon.

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Germany. Like the tips says most people know it for the wacky words lederhosen and schnitzel. And also for saying NEIN an unhealthy amount of times. Anyways teams will be headed here (motions to some mountains) to the Alps Mountain Range. Here, they will find their first tip.

(Back at the chill zone)

Pichu: Sweet let's get going sis!

Weavile: I take it everyone is sharing the same plane again? (Rhydon nods) Ugh. Fine.

(On the plane)

Oshawott: Okay Buizel you look nervous. That's my thing. You're the confident one remember?

Buizel: Huh? What? Oh, uh, yeah everything is chill.

Oshawott: Weren't you excited about placing second last time?

Buizel: Definitely! That was awesome! (Gets up) Be right back. Got to go to the bathroom.

(In confessional)
Buizel: Do I tell Oshawott? He is a sincere cousin but he definitely doesn't understand girls. (Face palms) Great. Now I got two problems on my hands.

Squirtle: (sipping on some soda) Ah. Refreshing. You know, Koffings got a whole lot better at flying. (The plane starts rocking back and forth) AH! I TAKE IT BACK!

Koffing: (over the intercom) Y'all might wanna hold on to something heavy.

Squirtle: Uh oh... (the plane turns 90 degrees and everyone is holding onto their chairs)

Totodile: AHHH!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!

Leafeon: TELL ALL MY SIBLINGS I LOVE THEM!!! (The plane straightens out and everyone falls in their seats) Oops. (Embarrassed) Well that was a rush of emotion.

(Team Confessional)
Glaceon: We still haven't beat our stupid older siblings! I tell you Leafeon, we are gonna make it happen today.

Leafeon: Well I am definetly with you Glace. (To the camera) We haven't placed well in a while.

Glaceon: So today we are gonna get back to the top where we belong!

Chikorita: (walks down the aisle) Hey Vulpix, can I talk to you for second?

Vulpix: Sure. (Gets up) Be right back Sandshrew.

Sandshrew: (reading a magazine) Okay!

Chikorita: (sits somewhere else with Vulpix) So, today is actually the one year anniversary  of when Chespin and I started dating!

Vulpix: (happily gasps) No way! That's so exciting!

Chikorita. I know! So I was wondering if you could help me look good for today?

Vulpix: Not a problem!

(Somewhere else)

Sandshrew: (to Chespin) Not a problem! I've always wanted to design something special for someone. Between you and me, I'm not that into clothing stuff, more accessories like hats-

Chespin: Doesn't matter. You're better at it than I'd be.

Sandshrew: I got you covered Chespin! (They high five)

Chespin: Thanks, I so owe you one!

Rhydon: (to the camera) So, looks like the Fashion Designers are spending the rest of the flight making and designing things. But soon enough, their time is up and the flight has landed! (The plane is shown landing) It'll be a mad rush outta there!

(Outside the airport, the automatic doors open with the contestants piling out)

Machoke: We get the first tip!

Flaaffy: Nuh, uh it's gonna be mine!

Piplup: Run faster Turtwig! (Everyone ends up getting a tip) Take a taxi to the Alps. The Alps?

Turtwig: Uh oh. Those are the snowy mountain ranges between Germany and-

Piplup: So it's gonna involve ice? Easy. I'm a pro with ice and snow.

Pachirisu. S-Nobody cares Piplup!

Popplio: (laughing) Good one Pachirisu! It was a n-ICE one! (Continues laughing)

Piplup: Grr! Don't make me use Drill Peck on you Popplio! (Folds arms)

Bellossom: Taxi!

Banette: Taxi!

Weavile: TAXI! (Stops one) Perfect. Let's ride Machoke

(The taxis are shown speeding down the road, then it shows a few arriving at the base of the Alps)

Machoke: I can't believe we didn't even get to get some pretzels.

Weavile: Zip it! (Points) Look, there's the Rhydon Box. (Grabs a tip as the Eeveelution Twins, Eeveelution Siblings, Gamers and Pichu Twins arrive too) Is an All-In. We gotta climb to the top of the mountain!

Sylveon: Um... heights aren't exactly my thing...

(Team Confessional)
Jolteon: When we were little we went on a skiing trip to Mount Lanikala. We took a ski lift up when-

Sylveon: (in tears) I freaked out and fell off! It was so scary! I broke three of my legs, it was so bad!

Jolteon: It's okay Sylveon. I'll help you through it!

Meowstic: Ready Shinx?

Shinx: Yeah! I can't wait to be like the Ice Climbers! I'll be Popo! You're Nana!

Meowstic: Hey why do I have to be the girl?

Shinx: (laughs) It was just a joke. Let's seriously get going though! And I'll help you if you need it.

Meowstic: (genuinely) Thanks.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As Shinx, Meowstic and the other teams that arrived at the Alps begin their hike up the snowy mountain, another team seems to be having taxi trouble.

(In the nearby Germany town)

Popplio: Oh no! You gotta be kidding me! A flat tire?

Totodile: Well on the bright side, we could have gotten two flat tires. (Popplio just looks at him) Okay, it's bad.

Popplio: This is definelty gonna flatten our time today. (Laughs) Okay, that wasn't intentional.

Totodile: Excuse me driver? Driver? (Open the door to see the driver booking it down the street) Hey get back here! (Fires a water gun but misses) Dangit.

Popplio: Looks like it's up to us to fix it. Let's just get to it. Slow and steady wins the race. (Smiles awkwardly)

(At the base of the mountain)

Vulpix: Brrrr. So cold.

Sandshrew: Wish we had our Alola forms now.

Chikorita: Hey that's right. So cute. You both have the Ice type Alola forms.

Sandshrew: Yeah. And they are really awesome looking I may add.

Chespin: (interrupting) Hey guys, I found some rope. We can belay up the mountain.

Chikorita: Great idea Chespin! (They head off)

Pachirisu: Let's hurry Togedemaru.

Togedemaru: Right behind ya.

Froslass: Come on Banette. Our destiny is to head up this way.

Banette: Okay Froslass.

(Higher up the mountain)

Machoke: Ug. The snow is really piling down on my feet. Good thing I have super strong leg muscles.

Weavile: Oh yeah? Well I'm an ice type. You are holding me back today. Pick up the pace.

Machoke: (moans) Yes Weavile. (All of a sudden a giant ice ball comes rolling at them) Watch out! (Picks her up and jumps outta the way)

Weavile: That was close. Thanks Machoke.

Machoke: (looking down) Hey. I think that Ice Ball is gonna hit someone.

(Further down the mountain)

Glaceon: Outta the way Pichu Twins! (She and Leafeon run past them)

Pichu's: Hey!!!

Glaceon: Look! We're catching up to Jolteon and Sylveon! Yes!

Leafeon: Ugh oh! Giant ice ball at ten o'clock. Move! (They avoid it)

Pichuette: Um.. what's that!

Pichu: RUNN!!! (They start running down the mountain followed by the ice ball)

Leafeon: Yikes. I feel kinda bad for them.

Rhydon: (to the camera) So as the Pichu Twins find themselves back at the base of the mountain, the rest of the teams finally have arrived! But they will have to hurry to catch up to the front runners.

Flaaffy: Thanks a lot stupid taxi driver! Way to be slow! (Uses Thunderbolt) That'll teach ya.

Buneary: Come on Flaaffy. Just focus. (Spots the Cousins) Hey guys! Wanna climb?

Buizel: (nervous) Oh, um, no thanks. I've realized I haven't spent much time with by awesome cousin Oshawott. (Brings him in close) Yep. We gotta bond today. So... later.

Oricorio: (sees Buizel) So, does that mean you'll come with us then. (Buizel runs away) Grrr.

(In confessional)
Oricorio: Buizel is acting weird today. He's usually so confident, and so hot to me. But it looks like he's hiding something. (Smiles) Oh he must be hiding how he's gonna ask me out. Today is gonna be just perfect!

Oshawott: So what's up with you Buizel? You've been acting different.

Buizel: Not right now.

Oshawott: (kinda upset) Oh... okay... I'll-I'll try not to care about you anymore (runs off ahead)

Buizel: (softly) Aw man. (Louder) Oshawott wait! (Catches up to him) Look, it's not that I don't wanna talk to you. It's just something embarrassing that's on my mind.

Oshawott: (takes a deep breath) Okay Buizel. I accept that reason. J-Just can you promise everything is okay between us? (Buizel nods)

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Buizel and I are cousins that never really did much together. He's so outgoing and sporty, and I'm so cautious and quiet. But now that I know we are still good that means something else must've up with him. (Sighs) I hope I can help him with it, but he just has to tell me.

Shinx: So... anything to talk about?

Meowstic: Really?

Shinx: It's just this part is so boring! Where's the action?

Rhydon: (to the camera) Yes, Shinx is right. Boring clip. You know what, let's just cut to the teams at the summit.

(At the top of the Alps)

Weavile: Yes! First to the- (jaw drops) top? What the frig!? (The screen shows the Fortune Tellers are there) How the heck did you beat us?

Froslass: We took a shortcut. (Weavile goes to Ice Punch Froslass but she Protects)

Banette: Enough. You wanna waste time or do you wanna get the tip? (Hits the Rhydon Box) It's another all-in. Nice to MEAT you.

(Team confessional)
Banette: (gags) That was a truely awful pun

Froslass: You better wash your tongue after saying such horrid words. (There is a moment of silence)

Koffing: Hello again maggots.

Banette: You flew the plane.

Koffing: Yes I did. And now I'm here to make you eat this. (Unveils a big sausage) You must take a sausage and eat until you find a travel tip inside it. AND YES I SAID EAT!!! IF YOU USE YOUR HANDS TO TAKE IT APART YOU'LL GET HIT WITH A MASSIVE PENALTY BILGE RATS!
(The Eeveelution Twins and Siblings arrive)

Sylveon: Eesh. Talk about having a cow.

Jolteon: Yeah. We could hear that guy from like a full mile away.

Glaceon: (snarky) You never were the smartest in school Jolteon. A mile? Really?

Jolteon: Hey shut up! B's and C's aren't bad.

Sylveon: Enough. Stop acting like a dysfunctional family guys. (Walks away)

Leafeon: She does have a point Glace.

Glaceon: (sighs) Yeah. I know.

Jolteon: Alrighty Sylveon lets get to it- (notices her staring of the edge of the mountain)

Sylveon: Ahh! So. High. Up.

Jolteon: Hey now, don't worry. It's gonna be okay, try not to look.

Sylveon: (nods) You're right. Thanks. I should focus on this part of the challenge first anyways.

(On the mountain)

Vulpix: (to Chikorita) So, I had some great things made on the plane. I made you this really cute bow. Along with a really pretty dress. You'll look great.

Chikorita: Oh yes! Awesome!

Sandshrew: Were you guys talking about a dress? For what though?

Vulpix: (covers Sandshrew's mouth) No. That'd be stupid.

Chespin: (unsure) Um... okay... Let's just focus on the challenge. Upwards more. I think I see the summit.

(Somewhere else)

Flaaffy: Watch out Buneary! Ice Ball!

Buneary: I got this! (Uses Jump Kick and the ball shatters) Yes!

Flaaffy: Nice. That'd make a pretty slick contest move.

Buneary: Definitely. Good idea. (The Dancers rush by) Hey, have you guys seen the Cousins?

Bellossom: Um, no, come to think of it we haven't.

Oricorio: And does it really matter?

Buneary: Well than maybe us four girls could work together.

Bellossom: Sure. That sounds gre- (Oricorio covers her mouth)

Oricorio: Do it yourselves. We don't need you slowing us down. (The Dancers rush ahead)

Flaaffy: RUDE!!!

(At the top of the mountain)

Togedemaru: Phew. We finally made it. (Pachirisu looks at him) I mean, easy peasy. When you are in as good a shape as me this was just a warm up. (Starts to walk) CRAMP! UG! (Falls)

Pachirisu: Wait there. I'll get the tip. (Gets it and comes back) We got to eat through a pile of meat to find the tip. (Stomach rumbles) Yeah. I'm not big on gross chunks of meet.

Togedemaru: Well then I guess I'll have to do most of the eating. Why not? I'm mean I'm fat aren't I?

Pachirisu: Look, you're not fat Togedemaru. Let's just get to chowing, or whatever your people say!

Machoke: (eating) Haven't protein loaded like this since I entered that bodybuilding contest back in- (Stomach rumbles and he vomits)

Weavile: Oh no you don't! (Shoves meat in his mouth) You'll keep eating if it the last thing you do.

(On the other side, The Fortune Tellers are eating without a complaint)

Leafeon: How do they not show any pain doing this? I mean, only Arceus knows what really is in the meat.

Glaceon: (eyeing Sylveon) Ugh. They are way ahead of us. Eat faster.

Leafeon: (nervously blinks) Excuse me? I'm doing my best!

Rhydon: (to the camera) As time passes it seems no one can find their tip in the meat. And it seems now all teams have made it to the top and began eating. One question remains, who will find their tip firs-

Sylveon: I got it Jolteon! It's right here!

Jolteon: Awesome job sister of mine. (Belches) Sorry, that was a lot of food. (Pauses) What does it say?

Sylveon: It say we gotta just find the chill zone down the mountain! Alright! We are gonna win this leg! (Pauses) As long as its a safe ride down... EEP! ITS SO FAR!

Koffing: Not so fast maggots. Rhydon wanted me to warn you that it's gonna be tough. Lots of cracked ice, blizzards and savage ice type Pokémon.

Sylveon: (gulps) G-G-Great. (They start to head down)

Weavile: Yes! I found the tip!

Froslass: I found one.

Squirtle: (belches) Yes! All done.

Glaceon: Grrr. No more messing around! (Starts eating insanely fast)

Leafeon: Be careful! (She continues eating) Wait! There it is! You did it!

Glaceon: (stomach rumbles) Um, is there a bathroom nearby?

Leafeon: No time! Let's just find an icy bush or something! (They head off)

Rhydon: The first five teams are on the move. Looks like the remaining teams here are gonna have to up their appetites.

Chikorita: Woo hooo! Go Chespin! (Chespin shovels food in his mouth)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: Chespin always been a good eater. He'll eat pretty much everything I'll cook for him! (Blushes) Its one of the little things that just helps our relationship blossom.

Sandshrew: (eating reluctantly) This is so gross. It'll stain any bit of fashion if it touches it.

Vulpix: Agreed. Just keep it slow and steady Sandshrew.

Sandshrew: (muttering) Yeah, wouldn't want to get it on Chespin's top hat

Vulpix: What hat?

Sandshrew: Um, it's nothing. Just a little thing I'm making. (Takes a bite of meat covering a tip) Awesome! That was so quick. Lucky us.

Chespin: (holding up a tip) Let's get a move on babe!

Chikorita: Great the Fashion Designers finished too! Let's go with them again! Our alliance is working pretty well (The four leave. Soon after the Cousins finish and leave too)

Bellossom: (eating meat) Uh. I'm more of a fruit and veggie kind of person, but at least the food isn't completely inedible? Oricorio? Oricorio are you even eating?

Oricorio: Huh? (Turns around) Fine I'll help.

Bellossom: Wait a second were you starring at Buizel?

Oricorio: Can't hear you. Too busy eating. (Starts eating)

Buneary: Yes! The tip! (Runs by and stops by the Dancers) Hey, um, have you noticed Buizel is acting off today?

Oricorio: (stops) Okay Buneary, time to get something straight. Buizel likes me, not a prissy loser girl such as yourself.

Flaaffy: Excuse me? What did you say? That's it! Catch this Thunder Shock! (Is about to when Buneary interrupts)

Buneary: I see what's going on! You are afraid that he likes me. You think I'm competition? (Oricorio nods) Well, I hate to brag but he kissed me, so I'm pretty sure he likes me.

Oricorio: Well he kissed me too! (They both just stare at each other, eyes widened)

Bellossom: Got the tip! (Pauses) Uh, what did I miss!

Buneary & Oricorio: (angrily) BUIZEL!!!!

(Downwards on the mountain where there is a blizzard)

Sylveon: Brrr. I wish Flareon was here. It's so cold!

Jolteon: Don't worry! (Huddles close to Sylveon) It's gonna be all good.

Sylveon: Thanks Jolteon.

Jolteon: Just don't look down because we are WAY high up!

Sylveon: STOP! (Nudges him) Just promise me you'll never let go okay. (He nods as two figures emerge from behind them)

Glaceon: Yeah! We caught up to them! Come on, let's keep going! (Runs ahead)

Leafeon: (stops) Sylveon? Oh no, you don't look so well.

Jolteon: She's afraid of heights remember?

Leafeon: Yeah but it also looks like the cold, may be giving her a cold.

Sylveon: Just go you two. I know how badly you wanna beat us. (Glaceon and Leafeon both look at each other saddened)

Glaceon: Not today. That'll be tomorrow. Today we need to make sure you're okay.

Leafeon: It's what families do.

Sylveon: Thanks guys. (They all hug and Sylveon sneezes) Ugh. Sorry.

(In confessional)
Jolteon: So little Leafeon and Glaceon finally had a change of heart. I knew deep and down they cared. They really are growing up huh. Even though they are a year younger than me, they always seem like little kids to me.

(Somewhere else)


Machoke: Yeah baby! First place all the way!

Weavile: Except there's only one problem! (Points across at a semi-frozen river) We have to cross that!

Machoke: No prob! Watch this! (Jumps on an ice flow and slides off into the water, turning into an ice cube)

Weavile: Ugh. What a dunce. (Machoke starts floating down the river in an ice block) What? NO!!! GET BACK HERE! (Starts chasing it)

Rhydon: (to the camera) As Weavile attempts to catch her partner, more teams are seen finding the tip inside their piles o' meat. (The New Friends, Gamers and Pichu Twins are shown with their tips) Leaving only the Love Birds and Jokesters.

Turwtig: Oof. I'm so stuffed. If I eat any more food I'm going to explode.

Piplup: Well you are gonna test that theory, got it? We cannot go home today.

(Team Confessional)
Piplup: Two seasons of TDP and I got robbed both times. I deserve to win.

Turtwig: But Cyndaquil and Squirtle were both two really great guys, can't get mad at them.

Piplup: (narrows her eyes) Turtwig, you know I think your awesome but you are not helping me whatsoever.

Turtwig: Hehe... Sorry.

Totodile: Yumm! (Eats) Huh? There's no meat left!

Popplio: What? But we didn't get a tip! That is so not FAIR-othorn!

Totodile: (cracking up) That was so good! Awesome! (Suddenly a tip comes out his mouth) Huh. Oops... guess I had swallowed it.

Popplio: Totodile you sure are something! (The two laugh some more)

Piplup: I can't take thier stupid laughter! Ugh! How does anybody like those dorks!

Turtwig: (comes across the tip) Piplup look!

Piplup: Yeah Turwtig! Now let's go!

Totodile: Uh oh! Don't let them get ahead of us!

(Further down the mountain)

Buizel: I can't see anything in this stupid blizzard!

Oshawott: Yeah. It's so cold too. Hey Buizel, do you think you could help me out?

Buizel: Eh. No. I'm not going to huddle with you. That's gr-

Shinx: Hello? Who's down there?

Oshawott: Hey! It's the Gamers!

Shinx: Hey guys!

Meowstic: You guys lost too? (Oshawott nods)
Well yeah, us too. (There is an awkward silence) So, uh, bye. Have a nice race... OH MY GOD LOOK OUT! (An Ice Beam is shot at them)

Oshawott: (starts to cry) Wh-wh-what... WHAT WAS THAT THING!?!?

Buizel: (slaps Oshawott) Stop being such a baby.

Meowstic: (uses Psychic on Buizel) Okay what's your issue dude. That wasn't cool. He is your cousin.

Shinx: Yeah. Mario wouldn't hurt Luigi like that. Wait they're brothers... doesn't matter their family, the point still stands!

Buizel: Just let go of me you dorks. (Thinks for a minute) Okay, look Oshawott I didn't mean to be rude like that. I'm just going through a big issue. I'll tell you once we make it to the chill zone. You're my cousin after all, and I trust you. (Meowstic releases him) So what the heck was that Ice Beam from?

Shinx: I don't know, and I don't wanna find out. (Pauses) See you guys at the chill zone! (The two teams head off separately)

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: You know, the Cousins aren't half bad. Oshawott is super nice. Maybe we should alliance with them.

Shinx: I don't know, Buizel seems like one of those guys that picks on us in school.

Meowstic: (sighs) We'll just keep our doors open for now.

Pachirisu: Hello? Anybody? I swear I could have heard something.

Togedemaru: Same. Oh well. Just keep on hiking.

Pachirsu: What second... What in the world? (Walks forward and gasps)

Rhydon: As more and more of the teams struggle through the blizzard. (The Fashion Designers and Boyfriend & Girlfriend are shown huddling together. The Pichu Twins are shown being blown back into the Lifelong Friends) Another team seems to look home free.

(By the chill zone)

Sylveon: Achooo! Ugh.

Leafeon: Bless you. (Pauses) I mean, what are the odds. Having to deal with your fear of heights AND a cold at once. Ouch.

Glaceon: Let's just keep it steady guys.

Jolteon: Wait a second... do you guys see that?

Glaceon: (gasps) Its the chill zone! (The Eeveelutions walk towards it and arrive there)

Rhydon: Glad to see the family worked together. Nice job. But only one team can come in first. 

Jolteon: (to Glaceon) Go ahead. You guys earned it. If it wasn't for you, Sylveon and I could have gone home.

Glaceon: Thanks Jolteon. But I'm not counting this as an official win over you guys, so Leafeon and I are still gonna beat you next time.

Banette: (from the distance) Look! The chill zone!

Leafeon: Better hurry up. (Steps on the carpet)

Rhydon: Eeveelution Twins are in first today! Eeveelution Siblings take second!

Sylveon: Arligh-igh-igh-CHOO!

Rhydon: Bless you. (The Fortune Tellers make it) Banette and Frosslass you guys take third so give us your smiles.

Froslass: Smiling is not in the days forcast.

Banette: (spookily laughs) We'll be happy on the inside okay?

Froslass: Sure.

(Up on the mountain)

Piplup: Come on Turtwig.

Turtwig: I'm sorry Piplup. This ice is super effective against me. You know that.

Piplup: Just man up Tur- (pauses) twig... (pauses again) Um... do you see that?

Turtwig: Stay quiet and maybe it'll ignore us. (A giant pokemon steps toward them) or not...

Piplup: RUN!!!! (Starts to run away but bumps into Pichu)

Pichu: Hey watch were you're going!

Pichuette: Pichu stop!

Pichu: What? She just ran into me and- (notices the big Pokémon) RUN!! ITS A HUGE ABOMBASNOW!!!

(At the chill zone)

Chikorita: Woo who! We made it!

Chespin: Alright!

Rhydon: Boyfriend and Girlfriend, that's fourth place for you. Fashion Designers, you're in fifth!

Vulpix: Awesome! (Pulls Chikorita aside) So we're gonna do it now?

Chikorita: Yeah.

Sandshrew: (to Chespin) Here's your hat, flowers, and a bracelet to give Chikorita.

Chespin: Thanks. You know, you really are an awesome dude. (Walks away) Hey Chikorita. I've got something for you.

Chikorita: Same here. (She gives Chespin a box of pokeblock. He gives her the flowers and bracelet) Oh Chespin they're beautiful.

Chespin: And my gift is just perfect! (They hug) You know, I'm glad you remembered.

Chikorita. Are you kidding? I thought you had forgotten at first! (They both laugh) I love your hat.

Chespin: And I love your bow. (They both look at the Fashion Designers)

Sandshrew: No problem.

Vulpix: What are friends for? (Chespin and Chikorita kiss and Sandshrew snaps a photo)

Rhydon: (with a tear in his eye) Looks like love in is the air tonight, and it's beautiful.

Chespin: Sure is Rhydon. It sure is.

(On the mountain)

Oshawott: Okay, we've been through a lot today. Emotions, challenges. Why is finding the chill zone such a problem?

Buizel: Hey, I think I see something over there. (He walks over) Crap.

Buneary & Oricorio: THERE YOU ARE!

Buizel: Ugh oh. You think they know?

Flaaffy: Oh they know alright. TWO TIMER! (Tries to Thundershock him)

Buizel: Woah! Hey!

Bellossom: Okay just calm down everyone. Can't we find the chill zone first? We're gonna freeze to death here!

Oricorio: (snaps at her) No Bellossom. (To Buizel) I cannot believe you kissed Buneary. Just tell her it's over and you like me!

Bellossom: Wait your gonna just forgive him for that?

Buizel: Look, both of you are amazing girls. I didn't mean to kiss both of you, it just kinda happened.

Buneary: Okay, okay, I get it. (Air quotes) You didn't meant to? What you did was wrong Buizel. To think I liked you.

Buizel: Hang on a second, let's pretend thsoe kisses never happened. Let's just all be friends okay?

Oshawott: (nervous) Yeah that sounds reasonable.

Oricorio: Ridiculous! Just pick me Buizel. (Pulls him in close) and I will make you a very, very happy Pokémon.

Flaaffy: (pushes Oricorio down) Well if was to pick, he'd pick Buneary if she'd give him another shot.

Buneary: What? Flaaffy! Stop!

Oshawott: Um, does anybody hear anything?

Squirtle: Look out below! AVALANCHE!

Bulbasaur: Oh darn! (Bumps into Bellossom) Hehe. Sorry. (The avalanche encases the four teams)

(Team Confessional)
Squirtle: Who would have guessed talking would cause an avalanche!?

Bulbasaur: It's stupid. Sound waves should NOT be that powerful. Oh well, at least we were there for each other.

(At the chill zone)

Weavile: Seriously? Sixth? (Sarcastically) Nice going Machoke!

Machoke: It's not my fault. If it wasn't for me we would have placed in like ninth or soemthing. (The Athletes walk away)

Rhydon: Those two need to learn to chill. Now let's see- OH SWEET ARCEUS! (Jumps out of the way as a giant snowball rolls by and crashes) Yikes. Let's go to the replay. (Listening to a headset) Mmm-hmm. Uh huh. Okay. Got it.

Bellossom: Can't we just call it a tie?

Rhydon: Heck no Bellossom. Contest Starts you are in seventh.

Buneary: Sweet.

Rhydon: Lifelong Freinds in eighth!

Squirtle: Yes! (High fives Bulbasaur) That's my partner!

Rhydon: Cousins in ninth and Dancers in tenth.

Bellossom: Phew. At least we're safe.

(Back on the mountain)

Togedemaru: Come on Pachirisu, just tell me what it is already! What's there?

Pachirisu: Oh just go back to being the sarcastic porcupine you are.

Togedemaru: Wait am I seriously a porcupine? That's so weird.

Pachirisu: SHHHSH!! YOUR GONNA GET US SEEN!! (Suddenly a giant figure approaches) Oh sh-

Togedemaru: Is that... REGICE? (Pachirisu) Yep, we are dead now. (The Regice shoots an Ice Beam at them) Gah! Time to move!

Pachirisu: Take this! (Uses Electro Ball but it barely does anything) He's too powerful... but probably not too smart. (Runs off)

Togedemaru: Pachirisu what are you doing?

Pachirsu: Just watch. (Starts climbing up Regice's body and stops on his head) Can't hit me now can you? (The Regice stops in confusion and then starts to glow) What the- (Regice explodes and it sends Pachirisu flying) AHHH!!!

Togedemaru: Hang on! (Stars running) Oh no! I'm not gonna make it! I probably couldn't even hold her anyway. (Pachirisu is about to hit the ground when she stops, and hovers in the air) What the hell?

Meowstic: (releases the Psychic he had been using on Pachirisu) Hey, looks like she's gonna be okay.

Shinx: Is she breathing? Cuz if she needs mouth to mouth I guess I'll do it...

Meowstic: Shinx don't be ridiculous. She's fine. It's not like she got a game over.

Togedemaru: Move it dorks. (To Pachirisu) Pachirisu, are you okay?

Pachirisu: Y-y-yeah. I-I'm okay.

Togedemaru: We need to get her to safety and quick. My girlfriend is in extreme pain!

Shinx: (frowns) Um, did you say girlfriend.

Togedemaru: Um, no. I said girl friend. Two separate words okay?

Mewostic: The chill zone is over there. Come on.

Togedemaru: You know, you are okay for a couple of dweebs.

Shinx: Dweebs? Really? (Ticked off) No one gives us gamers a chance before they call us that!

Rhydon: Congrats guys. (The Gamers and New Friends cross the chill zone) New Freinds take eleventh. Gamers in twelfth. (To the camera) Only three teams remain out there-

Pichu: WAIT!

Pichuette: YEAH WAIT!!! (The two step on the chill zone) Woo hoo! We did it!

Rhydon: Nevermind, make that two teams left. And wouldn't you know it, they have a feud going on as we know it.

(On the mountain)

Piplup. (Uses Bubble Beam) Back off Abomasnow!

Abomasnow: I'll make you faint with one hit! (Hits Piplup with a Wood Hammer and she cries in pain as she hits the ground) Haha.

Turtwig: Piplup no! That's it you Abomasnow. I've been hurting from this cold weather but that no longer matters. You mess with Piplup you mess with me!

Piplup: Turwtig- No!

Turtwig: RAHHH! (tries to Tackle Abomasnow)

Abomasnow: Barely felt a thing. (Starts to charge an Ice Beam)

Turtwig: Oh no... There's nothing to do... He's too strong. (Gets an idea) Wait a second! (Uses Bulldoze and the ground shakes)

Abomasnow: Ha. That's not gonna do a thing to me. 

Turtwig: Oh I know! (Looks up the mountain) But that will (The rumbling caused an avalanche and it sweeps Abomasnow away)

Piplup: (stands up) Th-thank you Turwtig. I, um, I didn't know you had that in you.

Turtwig: (embarrassed) Neither did I. (Rhydon walks up) Huh? Rhydon?

Rhydon: Hey guys, sorry to inform you but, well...

(The screen flips to them at the chill zone)

Piplup: WHAT!? WE'RE OUT!?

Rhydon: Yep. The Jokesters finished a while ago when you were still on the mountain.

Totodile: That was so scary.

Popplio: Yeah, but we made it. Sorry Piplup ba-

Piplup: Don't you dare ruin this with a joke.

Totodile: Well maybe you got what you deserved after being mean to Popplio. No offense though. (The Jokesters walk off)

Bulbasaur: Bye Turwtig. You had a really good race.

Turtwig: Thanks Bulbasaur. Good luck to you and Squirtle.

Piplup: (Walks over to an injured Pachirisu) Look I cant believe I'm saying this... but good luck. I hope you win.

Pachirisu: Wh-what?

Piplup: Look, if I can't then at least I'll be looked highly upon for having my rival win. That'll make me look good. (Pachirisu smirks)

Rhydon: Okay Love Birds, you are officially cut from the race.

Turtwig: IM NOT A BIRD!!! (There's a silence) Uh, Piplup? Are you gonna complain too about the love thing?

Piplup: Well... after seeing you today and all... (grabs Turtwig and kisses him)

(The Love Bird's Elimination Montage)

Piplup: I've dreamed of competing on the Rhydonculous Race. Obviously I imagined myself winning but guess that's still only a dream.

Turtwig: This race was full of challenges. Like that minefield, the spicy food. (Shivers) And ooh. Who could forget that super scary cemetery.

Piplup: We may be early boots but while I'm a little mad, I'm still happy about the time we had on the show.

Turwtig: Yeah, sorry I kinda held you back Piplup.

Piplup: Are you kidding? You made this race more enjoyable for me than anyone else could have. You even caried me sometimes.

Turtwig: Thanks Piplup. So anyway, did you hear about Narganadel's ban to ubers?

Piplup: Ahh. I've missed your tangents.

(End of montage)

Rhydon: We are down two starters and up another episode. Tune in next time for more drama and action here on... The Rhydonculous Race!


IMPORTANT- I am running low on jdeas for challenges and that's what makes episodes take longer for me. If you have any suggestions PLZ PLZ PLZ message them to me or comment your ideas. It will go a long way into keeping this series alive.

Thanks to everyone for reading.
Shout outs to Gurrtastic Sean1153 LittleLitten11 TorchicTrooper TotalEpicness123 Howler176 __Glaceon__ Catanzy Darumaka25 LBWriter123 slothzilla124 UnderverseFanGirl Dedenne14 xxTheGamingWolfxx Captain_Komodo ZadokodaZ012 Jolteon_Fan Dedenne14 GengarLover012 TheTheoryFroakie GlacierPixie UnderverseFanGirl

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