Gaara's Twin: Two of a kind

Oleh tuiboog

642K 21K 9.7K

Meet Sanya. She is cold, heartless, and curious when it comes to outsiders. However, she is loving, caring... Lebih Banyak

Gaara's Twin:Two of a kind
Poison Lips
Forest of Death
The start of a ruined bond
Chunnin Exams pt. 1
Important Message
Heading Back Home
Taking Gaara.
Conversation with Gaara.
Team 7 sees Sanya again
She's still stubborn
What i could do for her
Mission time and everyone pissing me off.
History repeating
Shira's battle to survive.
Shira's first mission..mmm not so great..
Shira fights Sasuke
The plan, and acceptance
Midnight talk
Meeting with mystery person
Joining the Brat
Writers/ Readers note :D
A filler just for you fans :D...: Sanya's last confession
Sanya's and Sasuke's ownership for Shira
Sanya knows all
Joining Madara for future entertainment
2 happy things in one day: Sanya's revealed heart
Hearing them out
Kage Summit
This the only plan I know
They're here!
A Conversation that's nearing the end.
I love you Big brother
Last chapter: Sequal soon to come
Sequel Release

We're too different.

23K 743 372
Oleh tuiboog

(Sanya's pov)

So it was sand vs Leaf. A large war broke out right when Gaara lost control and our invasion took its course.The sand was losing. 

I was pretty beat up and bleeding because Gaara was injured somewhere. I was currently trudging through the forest when I found them. That Uzamaki kid was talking about how Gaara and I should suck it up and talked about comrades.

I was leanning aainst the tree breathing heavily. I saw Gaara's eyes widen.

I then felt another painful stab to my chest. I hissed quietly. Kankuro and Temari came and picked up Gaara. Gaara had a weird look in his eyes, but I was in too much pain to pay attention to it.

Him and our siblings were about to go but he said wait. I sighed thankful that Gaara will help me out. He then looked in my tree. I saw him stare at me but he then looked away and they left. My eyes were wide as I put out my hand.

I tried to get their attention but they didn't see me . ".....Ga.........." I was trying to say 'Gaara' but I was in to much pain to talk.

"GAARA! HELP ME!! PLEASE!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!! GAARA!" I yelled through thought. But he didn't even send me a glance.

Then, for the first time, my eyes got watery. I was silently shedding a lone tear. 'Why didn't he respond! Why didn't he help me! Or better yet, what happened?' I asked myself and suddenly the world started to slowly turn black.

~In her mind~

I was bent over covering my ears and was rocking back and forth slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I kept repeating over and over again. I looked up to see the streets of Suna.

Everyone gave me nasty looks or ignored my crying figure. "G-Gaara." I sniffled. I stood up and started walking. No one payed attention to me. I then heard a strangely familiar laugh. I looked over to see Gaara's back facing me

I smiled and ran over to him. I was about to tap him but then he twirled a girl around in his arms.

They were both laughing and giggling. Garra looked up at me with happy filled eyes. he then looked back at the girl and they walked away.

'Even though you're the same, you'll never have happiness. You'll be forgotten.' a voice whispered in my ear. I froze. "For..gotten..." I repeated slowly. Suddenly the scene changed.

It was just an older version of Gaara standing there with a smile and open arms. I smiled and ran over to him, but the closer I ran the further he seemed to be getting from me. My face become panicked as I stretched out my arm.

"GAARA! WAIT I'M COMING!PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I shouted helplessly. Soon the light that surrounded us was gone and so was Gaara. I fell down and people started whisphering things.

"What a monster."

"What the hell, she's still alive?"

"Why doesn't she go jump off the cliff."




At each comment I tightened my fist. "Forgotten." Gaara's voice whispered. Then I felt something instantly snap within me. "NO!!" I yelled. I opened my eyes to see everyone dead even Gaara. I looked at my hands and there was blood on them.

"It's all your fault." I heard a voice growl. I looked up to see 

She glared at me with hate.

"It's all your fault! You're the reason I died you good for nothing brat!" she yelled spitefully. "N-No I-I didn't mean to..I-"

"I just had to be cursed with you. AH! I HATE YOU! JUST DIE ALREADY!" She screamed as she raised a knife at me. Suddenly her eyes were wide. I gasped and slowly looked down to see I had stuck a stand spear into her. I just stared at it horrified.

I slowly pulled it out until I heard her body fall limp to the floor. "It's all your fault." her voice whispered. I dropped the sand and fell on my knees. I looked at the floor with hollow eyes.

Suddenly I felt the sand swirl around my fingers and body. When I looked up I saw Aria in her cage. She looked like Shukaku but had red markings. We just stared at each other.

"Why....why did you show me...t-those scenes." I asked in a whisper. Her tail swooshed side to side.

"Sanya.....I didn't show you those allowed yourself to show those scenes." she answered gravely making my eyes wide.

"Why? Why the hell would I want to see that?!" I asked in a low voice that soon became a scream as I held my head in my hands. "What does your heart say?" she countered as she disappeared then left me alone.

' I'm weak...that's all I am....but his eyes...Gaara's eyes were so different from mine. Why am I always left alone? Why? Why! Change? How can I change for those people...the same glares. That day when Gaara glared at me and the look in his was nor hate nor was..pity. Does he no longer see me as an equal?' I thought angirly.

Hate filled my heart and my head got clouded. Pain and rage was all that filled me. Suddenly sand came and attached to me till it covered me entirely. My eyes that were set with flames in them looked up as darkness slowly engulfed me.

(Gaara's pov)

'Maybe Naruto Uzamaki was right, but is it to late for me to try and change? That's it. I have a goal in life. It's to become Kazekage so people will acknowledge me.' I thought determined.

I was laying on my bed healing little by little. I looked to the bed on my right to see it empty. My eyes then widen as realization came to me. I ran downstairs as quickly as I could despite my injuries.

'HOW STUPID CAN I BE!!! SANYA!!!' I thought angirly at myself. When I got downstairs I almost ran into Kankuro.

"Woah!  Where you off to in such a hurry Gaara? You still have to heal." he said concerned. I shook my head quickly.

"Where's Sanya?" I asked more coldly then I meant to. But he didn't seem to be bothered by it. "I don't know. Hey Temari have you seen Sanya?"he yelled out. Temari came out of the kitchen and shook her head 'no'.

"No, actually I was just wondering that."she said while placing a hand on her hip. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain to my heart.

"GAH!"I yelled as I clutched my shirt and leaned on the wall sliding to the floor. "Gaara! Gaara what's wrong!!" Temari asked worried as she came by my side. I shook my head then slowly got up.

"There's something wrong with Sanya." I said hoarsely wincing from the pain. 

"How do you know?" Kankuro asked. I then felt something liquid on my shoulder. I touched it and looked at it. It was blood. "I just know." I said worried as I ran out with those 2 behind me.

We reached the point where we felt Sanya's chakara, and the scene I saw was scary. There stood Sanya with half of her face and body already mutated. Like I was before. From her back came sand arms that kept trying to kill Naruto, Shikamaru, Hyuga Neji and Tenten. 

Neji was injured and was leaning his back against a tree while Tenten attempted to take him away.

So it was just us 3, Naruto and Shikamaru that were fighting. I saw Naruto took a miscalculated step. Sanya noticed it too and sent her sand to kill him, but mine protected him.

"What the-" her voice was ecoched by Aria's as she turned to face me. She glared and I felt a small tugging at my heart. "Gaara.."she growled. She snarled as well, allowing her to show off her teeth. She then ran away farther into the woods. 

"Temari, Kankuro take Nara to safety me and Naruto will capture Sanya." They nodded and helped carry away the injured ninja

Naruto and I nodded at each other as we shot off. There was a loud howl that echoed throughout the forest area. It sent shivers down my spine. When we almost reached Sanya, sand shot out at us. We dodged narrowly.

 "You distract Sanya, while I try to wake her up."I called out to Naruto. He nodded then made shadow clones. He started attacking Sanya while I fought off her sand. She looked down at me. Her eyes were distant.

 "SANYA IT'S ME GAARA WAKE UP!!!" I shouted, but she just sent more sand at me.

(Sanya's pov)

~ In her mind still~

I stood there in a plain white room. Not even a breeze passed by. I took a deep intake of air as I closed my eyes. When I let out my breath I slowly opened my eyes to see Gaara standing there. My face still stayed emotionless.

 The room was different now, we were in a room that was yellowish and looked like stars were everywhere.

"Gaara.." I whispered.

"Sanya....what's wrong? Why are you hurting these people?"he asked as his face creased into one of worry. I glared fiercely. "Now you worry about me?"I spat coldly. He flinched a little as he stared.

"What?"he asked completely confused.

"Why do you care what happens to me now?You didn't when I was injuried and needed you the most." I said hatefully.

"I didn't see you! I tried looking for you and when I did I found you trying to kill!"he yelled. "So? What's the matter of killing. You and I are the same." I retorted as I cocked my head to the side. He became quiet then looked to the floor.

"You're right O did kill a lot of innocents-" he said as he looked up at me with determined eyes. 

"But ... that doesn't mean I can't change. Uzamaki Naruto....After our fight he taught me about comrades and true pain. He told me about how we were the same and he showed me his love for his comrades. And I...I want to understand those feelings. It's because of him I have set my sights for Kazekage. Please Sanya...stop hurting people and yourself....You and I..we can help each other. We can both change." he said almost hopefully.

My mouth was open a little then I laughed. I actually bent over then looked over at him. "'re such an idiot." I said with a psychotic grin. His eyes were wide. There was a silence.

"You don't get it do you?" I rhetorically asked as I cocked an eyebrow and stood straight.

" I don't want to become good....I love killing. I don't care about comrades. All I need is myself! I don't need weaklings to pull me further down because of what's right or wrong! Change?! Ha, what a joke. I don't want to be remembered as a fucking savior of some weakling! I want to be remembered as the youngest and most dangerous killer!!! I want to be carved into the heart of thousands and not just one f'n village!!!" I yelled with a huge cynical grin.

"Sanya! listen to yourself-" Gaara was cut off as I stepped right next to him in an instant while looking in the front with an emotionless expression.

"That's exactly what I'm doing Gaara. I'm tired of listening to people who are below me. I refuse to change my ways and I'll kill anyone, even sever any ties I have with people, even......if its you." I said blandly.

I knew his eyes were wide.

"I've seen the way you've looked at me. I don't need your pity Gaara. I've never needed you. I was just with you because if your pathetic existence was to be destroyed then I'd be killed to. I've have and always will...hate you, Gaara." 

Suddenly I felt a shock wave and something break inside of me. Like a thread snapping within an instant

(3rd pov)


While Sanya and Gaara were having their mental conversation. A storm cloud had made its way into the sky making it look like it was going to rain.

A huge sand ball had formed around Sanya and Gaara, but there were still arms that attacked anyone on the outside. Naruto and his clones were thrown away. Naruto hit the bark of a tree and groaned before knocking out from exhaustion.

Suddenly there was a crack in the orb and then it exploded. Gaara came flying out but his sand caught him. Sanya stood on a pillar of sand as her hair shadowed her face.

She swayed a little but stood up straight. Her mutated look slowly receded. Gaara fell onto one knee on the branch of a huge tree. He was going in and out of consciousness, until he gave up and closed his eyes. He was dropping to his death when red sand caught him and placed him softly on the floor.

Sanya's sand pillar slowly disappeared till she reached the floor. 

She walked up to Gaara and stared at his sleeping face. Suddenly a drop of water fell. She jerked back a little and touched her cheek. She tought it was a tear but then it started to pour. She fell on both knees as she clutched her heart while panting.

(Sanya's pov)

"It is done. The bond between the sand twins...has been broken....You and Gaara can no longer understand each other's pain and for that you will never have a bond of such connection until you do.' Aria said.

I ignored her and just stared at Gaara.

'We're too different now Gaara, but I'll let you live because when you become stronger I will kill you, forcing you to fight me and not out of pity!  We're not even on the same level yet. So control Shukaku with your feelings......I have already controlled Aria with my hate for this world. Let's see whose feelings are stronger." I thought.

My left eye flashed into Aria's but I pushed her down causing my eyes to be normal. I stood up and walked away through the woods.

I finally reached a point where I was far from the Konoha village. I flared my chakara and soon enough the 2 Akatsuki members poofed in front of me. I was about to talk but I fell forward from being to tired.

2 arms grabbed me. Deidara carried me bridal style and placed me onto a clay bird.

"You should get some sleep before we reach the base, hm." he said.

He jumped off the bird as it took flight into the grey skies. The rain was now sprinkles. Now that I controlled Aria fully I could sleep. I made my sand make a cocoon.

'Now all that matters is .....the only promise I will ever have.  To never look back.' I promised to myself before falling asleep.


Ok so the next chapters will all be in shippuden ok, just a heads up.

sorry if u think i'm rushing this anime, but i've got alot of secrets to write just 4 u guys :)

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