The Confined

By AngelinaRoseLee

12.3K 1.1K 1.4K

☆A WATTPAD FEATURED STORY - October 2017☆ ★Highest ranking in adventure: #81 ★Winner of the 2017 Sparkling aw... More

1. Ego
2. Violet
4. Ego
5. Violet
6. Ego (Part 1)
6. Ego (Part 2)
7. Violet
8. Ego (Part 1)
8. Ego (Part 2)
9. Violet
10. Ego
11. Violet
12. Ego (Part 1)
12. Ego (Part 2)
13. Violet (Part 1)
13. Violet (Part 2)
13. Violet (Part 3)
14. Ego (Part 1)
14. Ego (Part 2)
15. Violet (Part 1)
15. Violet (Part 2)
16. Ego
19. Ego
20. Violet
21. Ego
22. Violet
23. Ego
24. Violet
26. Ego
27. Violet
28. Ego
Author's note

18. Violet

139 12 11
By AngelinaRoseLee

Updated chapters 17 and 18! Make sure to check them out in order!


2302. 04. 20.

I wanted to ask him a million questions. For example, ‘Where were you? Where were you while I was creating a massive plan to rescue my parents? What were you doing? When did you leave? Why did you leave? Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me to go through this alone? Do you love me?’ Wait, forget about that last question. I did not want to ask him that question. It would ruin the fact that he was here for me now.

We sat on the chair quickly. Ego scanned the button panel, pressed a button and pulled a lever without hesitating. We shot down the hallway and again, doors burst open and slammed shut every time we were about to crash into them.

I suddenly heard Ego scream, “OOOOOH MYYYYYYY GOOOOOOD!”

“WHAAAAT’SSS THE MAAAATTEEEER?” I hollered back, but all I could hear of his reply was, “I-N-G-S!”

“WHAAAT?” I almost fell off the chair as it turned a sharp curve and started plummeting down into a hole. It was like I was sliding down a fire pole, only I wasn’t quite attached to it directly. I was sitting on a chair that was attached to the pole and the pole was sliding down. It was a lot worse. My body felt like it was floating in midair.

We landed at the bottom, and instantly I knew what Ego had said a moment ago and why he had said it.

There was nothing on the wall that faced us. Just a gray cement wall. On our left and right were bars. Bars like those where they locked prisoners up. We were in a cell, and Ego had yelled that he hadn’t used gloves.

“What were you thinking?” was the first question that I actually got to ask, and I terribly regretted it the second it came out of my mouth.

“What was I thinking?” he growled. “I was thinking about getting ourselves out of there!” He was right.

“This is bad. Very bad.” I bit my fingernail and when Ego saw me doing it he slapped my hand. “Ow?” I demanded.

“Don’t bite your fingernails. We might need them to pick a lock or something,” Ego said. He was still rolling his mind on how to get us out of here. I took it as a chance to look around some more, to see if I could find any memories from the past.

No, I’d never been here before, but I’d heard of it. And I could remember my father saying something that there was something very important here. Something about pathways. But I couldn’t remember.

The wall was actually a screen. I discovered that when I touched it, and the whole wall turned to a fading blue, and the words, ‘Welcome, Violet Crowe,’ popped up on the screen.

“Woah. It knows you,” Ego said, totally mesmerized by the machine.

“It’ll probably know you too.” I took his hand and placed it on the wall.

‘Welcome, Maximus Pluto,’ it said. Ego looked at it dumbfounded. “I’m not Maximus. I’m Egorbis.” He pressed his hand again but the same words popped up. “I’m not Maximus!”

Something hit me in the stomach. Pluto. My father had told me that he would help Pluto. If Ego’s real name was Maximus Pluto, could he possibly have meant that he was going to help Ego? How did my father know Ego?

“Ego, I think this is your real name,” I murmured as I looked up at him, but Ego was staring at something on the bottom of the screen.

The wall was fading along the bottom so that it was transparent. We could see someone’s knees, knelt facing the wall.

“That’s Finn,” Ego said. “That’s his pants.” Ego knelt and slid his hand on the wall upwards. The transparent screen raised higher, and there he was. Finn was banging on the wall in the cell next door with fear in his eyes.

He couldn’t see us. He just kept banging. I couldn’t help but be impressed by the sound-proofing. We could see his mouth moving and screaming something, but we didn’t hear anything. In the corner of the room, there was my cart of milk and weapons. It seemed that Finn had taken out a gun and tried to blast a hole in the wall. Of course, he didn’t see any progress.

“We need to get to him,” Ego said. He took out his laser and started shooting the wall. The wall turned totally black when the laser touched it. Ego took a step back and read the large words that were written on the screen.

You become a weed if you stand looking at the flower for too long.

Pluck the flower and move on.

“There must be someone helping us! It’s a message of advice from-” I was saying when the glass shattered down and the wall was gone. Finn wasn’t there. Behind the wall was a long hallway. Maybe this was the pathway that I remembered my father talk about.

The hallway wasn’t silent. You could hear people moaning from each side of it. I could understand what the bars on our left and right were for.

We weren’t in a cell, we were at the entrance of a prison.


Hey guys! Hope you loved these chapters.
The action is seriously building up now!

Questions: What do you think of Violet and Ego's relationship?

What do you think would have happened to Finn?

And how are they gonna rescue them!

Thanks for reading, and keep loving the book guys! Thanks!

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