Fixing My Luna

Da SweetDream22

37.8K 783 42

Coming from a bad home with her evil abusive brother, Lily runs away with her 2 little siblings. When they st... Altro

Chapter 1- Run Aways
Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate
Chapter 3- Welcome Home
Chapter 4- New Visitor
Chapter 5- Spill It
Chapter 6- Playing Cards
Chapter 7- New Talent
Chapter 8- Friends
Chapter 9- Mornings
Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys
Chapter 11- You Bite Me?
Chapter 12- Shocking Surprises
Chapter 13- Unlocking the Truth
Chapter 14- Ready or Not
Chapter 15- Taken
Chapter 16- I'm Not a Cheater
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Being Left Out
Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl
Chapter 20- Hide And Seek
Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys
Chapter 22- Treehouse
Chapter 23- One More Day
Chapter 25- Now or Never
Chapter 26- Excuse Me?
Chapter 27- Worrying About Lily
Chapter 28- Waking Up
Chapter 29-It's Time
Chapter 30- 50/50

Chapter 24- Just Getting Started

735 18 0
Da SweetDream22


Something was different about today. Don't ask me how I know but I could feel it when I woke up. I also know something was up with Rosie too. She has been walking around the room aimlessly all morning off in her own little world. "You want to talk about it?"

She snapped out of her daze and looked at me. "Huh?"

"Do you want to talk about it?" I repeated.

"Talk about what?" she asked dumbfounded.

"Whatever is troubling you."

She jumped on the bed next to me and laid back and looked up at the ceiling. "We are getting out of here today."

"How would you know? Not to be rude but we have been here for over a month." Sure it sucks but at least we are feed and treated well. I miss Ash like crazy but I can't cry anymore and I at least know he's safe. I want to see the light in his eyes, his careless smile and his dimples. Some sign to tell me everything was going to be okay.

"It's Lily's birthday today." Rosie said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"And that means we get out?"

"Yeah it's something Jay would do."

"Ok but-" I was cut off by the sound of foot steps approaching us.

"Told you." Rosie teased.

"Told her what?" Jay's voice rang through the room. I look up at him and was a little more shocked. I hadn't seen him since Rosie's birthday and what makes him different is today he seem to be carrying a lot of power over him. That and today he had 3 other men with him.

Rosie jumped up from her spot and pranced over to Jay. "I told her we are getting out today."

Jay looked down at the little girl like she was his prey. "How would you know that?"

"Well it's Mama's birthday."

"You know me too well." He motioned a man over towards me. "Grab her."

I watched as 2 guys grabbed brutally onto Rosie making her wince. I tried going to her but the guy who grabbed me twisted my arms in an awkward position causing me to yelp in pain. As soon as Rosie heard me her eye flew open and the next thing I know the 2 guys holding her had fallen unconscious to the floor. She raced over to me and with in second the guy holding me also fell limp. Rosie stood protectively between Jay and I. "The deal was no one was to get hurt." she seethed.

Jay looked at all of the limp men before he looked back at us. "Damn I forgot you could do that." He let out a shrill whistle and a bunch more men came in.

"Shit." Rosie swore.

Before I knew what happen someone injected Rosie with some serum and she instantly fell to the floor. I was about to pounce on them but I too felt the sting of a needle before my eye closed shut.


When we first reached the clearing everyone was ready to fight but now we are trying to be patient. It's been hours since we arrived and everyone was getting restless. It has to be late afternoon and right now I'm wishing Jay would've given us a time.

"They'll come." Daniel said soothingly and as he kissed the crown of my head.

"They better." I mumbled into our embrace. I can help but think what is going to happen to us or the child I am carrying. That is my first priority to protect my unborn child so it safe and unharmed. I hate keeping this secret from Daniel but I know I had to do this for everyones sake and besides I have already promised myself to tell him after the war when things are calm and safe. For now I just hide my growing belly under my hoodie so it doesn't show any of my big figure.

I glance over his shoulder to look at the cloudy grey sky that seem to fit the mood around here, uneasiness.

CRACK!, we heard from the other side of the large clearing. I sniffed the air to smell my old pack advancing our way. Everyone around me started filing into place. Daniel and I stood side by side at the head of the pack with Ash a step behind us and everyone else fanned out on the sides of the clearing.

The butterflies in my stomach were now going crazy but I made sure to mask my nerves from everyone including Daniel. I know I especially can't show my nervousness to Jay or he'll use it against me.

Finally Jay and his pack emerged from the opposite side of the dense woods. He of course lead the way through the trees with his beta, Drew, a step behind him holding on tightly to Sara who had her hands twisted behind her back. I knew as soon as Ash saw this because he made no intention to masking his ferocious growl that echo in the clearing. Sara seemed fine with no obvious cuts or bruises on her but her face was one of clear need.

Jay spoke first, "Happy birthday Lilian."

Why am I not surprised. He has been the only one to say something about my birthday since I commanded no one else to even mention it.

Still carefully watching Jay I let my eyes roam his pack that now stood 100 feet opposite of us. I let out my own growl when I didn't find who I was looking for. Jay took notice of this and a grin creep along his face. "Troubles little sister?"

I meet his ice blue eyes and gritted my teeth. "Where is she?"

He sighed, "Always worried about the children. How is Mikey?" I let out another growl. How dare he talk about Mikey as if he loved him.

Before I could reply I saw Mikey step forward and broke his rank. His body was tense as he spoke, "I'm fine, now I believe she asked you a question."

Jay's eyes opened in shock and I knew exactly why. "Wow Mikel did you hit a growth spirt?"

Mikey just ignored him and fell back into rank. Trying to rid of my frustration I took a deep breath and reminded myself that everything was going to be okay.

Finally Jay got back to business as he called his 3 minions who stood on each side of Rosie. At first I was curious as to why that didn't have a hold on her but I now remember so can take away peoples energy just like I can. Jay turned back to me, "Now lets gets started."

Daniel spoke up before I had the chance to. "Send over the girls." he demanded.

Jay's face dropped to a deep scowl when Daniel spoke. I'm guessing he doesn't like Daniel very much. Ignoring Daniel, Jay turned back to me, "So it's true that my little sister is now a Luna."

"Yes now get on with it already." I snapped.

"Fine." he spat out as he turned to Drew. "Let her go."

Drew released Sara's hands and without hesitation she ran across the clearing and right into Ash's arms. I didn't even glance at her as she ran by. My eyes were soully focused on Rosie. She stood a step behind Jay. Her face was unreadable as she stood tall with her chin held high. Rosie's eyes connected to mine and instantly she started to shake her head no at me.

"Both of them!" Daniel boomed from my side.

"That's not part of the deal." Jay replyed sternly.

"We made no deal." Daniel pointed out.

"You didn't but she did." he announced as he pointed at me.

Daniel slowly turned to me and I saw and felt all the confusion and betrayal float through me. "Lily, what did you do?" he asked horrified.

I let go of his hand and took a step away from him never taking my eyes from his. "Trust me." I whispered before I turned back to Jay. "We have a deal. Now follow through with it."

Jay looked down at our little sister, "You may go now Rose."

She hesitated to test if he was serious and when he didn't move, Rosie took off running toward me. Without looking back I ran and met her halfway.

When she hit me full force she finally broke her mask and now hot tears were streaming down her face. "Mama don't. Don't do it. Please." she begged as she clung onto me. I let my tears flow free too. While wiping them away I notice a small discoloration on her arm.

Instantly I was mad. My anger was so intense I could feel my eyes darkening from my wolf wanting to come out. This was not part of the deal. Rosie wasn't supposed to get hurt. "You broke the deal. She wasn't supposed to get hurt."

Instantly I went tense when I heard my mate ask the question I had been dreading. "What was the deal?"

Jay put on a smile of pure enjoyment, "A sister for a sister."

Daniel growled so loud it shook the trees. "Never!" he yelled. I turned around just in time to see him running toward me.

Freeze. I commanded with just a thought.

Daniel stood there frozen in his run. I almost feel bad but this had to be done. Carefully I turned to my old pack and saw Jay standing there with a cocky grin plastered on his face frozen in time.

I forgot Rosie was there until she spoke. "You can't go with Jay."

I rubbed my hand down her hair soothingly, "Shh Rosie I'm not."

"You didn't tell Daniel because of the baby, right?" she asked.

Wow didn't see that one coming. "How? What baby?"

Rosie sniffed and wiped away her tears. "You're pregnant. I can feel it. Feel it's energy."

I have no time for this right now. I grabbed her hand and started pulling her to Tristan. He was the only child here besides Mikey. Honestly I know the age difference between us all is not different but it's the amount of training we have had. All the rest of them were back at the safe house being taken care of by the woman who stayed behind. Tristan was the only one to convince me to stay with us. He refused to stay behind because he wanted to be with his mate when we found her. So I made the deal that he could stay as long as when we found Rosie he would take her back to the safe house. It wasn't hard for him to agree to my demands.

When we reached Tristan, Rosie's face lit up into a smile through her tears. I touched his shoulder and after a minute he unfroze. As soon as he saw Rosie he grabbed her and lifted her off the ground and into a hug. "Are you ok?" he begged with worry clear in his voice.

"She's fine." I answered. He turned to face me. "Listen Tristan, you are going to take Rosie to the safe house. When you get there mind link me, okay?"

He nodded and took off with Rosie wrapped around him. Once they were out of sight I turned around, back to the scene in front of me. Everyones eyes were wide in shock from Jay telling them the deal. Speaking of which, Jay's pack looks sad and alarmed by the news. I remember that most of them don't like Jay but I know they have to obey him. Looking at Jay again all I want to do is slap that stupid smirk off his face. He thinks he is so smart taking me but he doesn't know I can freeze time.

'Go. She's safe.' Tristan messaged me. 'Be safe Lily. Come home safe.'

'Thanks Tristan.' and with that I put the wall up in my mind.

Sighing I walked over to Daniel who is still frozen in stride of a full out sprint. Wrapping my hands around his bicep, I started willing him to unfreeze with my eyes closed. I knew he was unfrozen when I felt his arm jerk away out of my hands. He ran a couple yards toward where me and Rosie were but he stopped and started looking around. "Looking for something?" I asked with amusement not looking at him.

He spun around and without a word he ran and pulled me into a tight hug. "Lily...I'm...I-"

"Daniel, it's okay. I'm fine. I was never going to leave you." I soothed as I rubbed my hands up and down his back.

We stood there for a while, holding each other, trying to calm our wolves. Daniel let me sooth him for a little bit until he tensed up and I already knew what was happening. Jerking me back to face him, all I saw was his face twisted with hurt, anger, and worst of all, betrayal. "Why?" he whispered but I could feel his anger raising and I flinched. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I needed this." I said looking around at the faces of both packs. Then I looked at Daniel straight in his green eyes, "But more importantly I needed you." I said poking him on his chest.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Look at their faces, Daniel." He obeyed and this time he really looked at them. As he was looking, I spoke. "If I told you and you did not react, then Jay would've kept Rosie."

"Where is Rosie?"

"I sent her and Tristan back to the safe house. They got there a couple of minutes ago."

"Good. This is no place for children."

I turned and looked back at our pack. "Daniel, do you think I made the right choice?"

"There wasn't any other option." he said seriously.

I took a closer look at our family. Ash was holding Sara and they were both crying happily, Marcus was standing protectively in front of Vicki with Mikey beside him, and lastly the twins were standing side by side. Jenny was back at the safe house along with all the other pregnant girls except for me of course. The face that stood out the most though was Caleb. His face was calm and I think he knew my plan even before I did. "There was another option. I could've gone with Jay and saved you all from a war."

Daniel closed the gap between us wrapped his arms around my waist until my back was up against his chest. I leaned into him and I know he was looking at our pack too. "There was always war Angel. If you did go with Jay then we would've fought to get you back."

I never thought of that. "And if I commanded the pack not to?"

"Then I would've fought by myself. I will always choose you over the pack." he promised.

I shook my head. "I would never want you to choose me over the pack."

"Figures but would you choose me over the pack?"

"Yes." I answered without hesitation. He had a point. We both would choose our mates even though we'd each want each other to choose the pack. I looked into his forest green eyes, "I don't want to unfreeze time."

He hooked my chin and pulled our lips together. Each kiss we shared feels just as shocking and amazing as our first. First comes the shocks, then the feeling of complete happiness and of course the need for more. This kiss wasn't as deep because Daniel pulled us apart way too soon if you ask me. Lacing his fingers with mine we walked back to the head of our pack. "Lily are you not telling me something?"

I looked at Jay's frozen self and remember why I was keeping this secret in the first place. "Nope."

"Are you lying?"


"Are you ready for this?"


I took a deep breath and did the only thing I could do.


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