Right Next To Me

By urbanstargazer

169K 1.6K 222

They say true love comes just once in a lifetime. Cate Ryan never stayed in one place. Her childhood was spen... More

Chapter 1 My Summer Begins
Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer
Chapter 3 Derek
Chapter 4 I am going.
Chapter 5 Topless Boy
Chapter 6 Seth
Chapter 7 A Day at the Fair
Chapter 8 The Lake House
Chapter 9 Cranky Boy
Chapter 10 The Inside Story
Chapter 11 My Kind of Summer
Chapter 12 A Family Dinner and A Box of Memories
Chapter 13 Always You
Chapter 14 At the White Luncheon
Chapter 15 The (Polo) Playing Field
Chapter 16 Dylan
Chapter 17 That (Awesome) Anniversary Dinner Party
Chapter 18 Operation Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling
Chapter 19 The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 20 A Day with Prince Charming
Chapter 21 Summer Getaways
Chapter 22 Surprise!
Chapter 23 His Point Of View
Chapter 24 One Stormy Night
Chapter 25 A Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 27 Another Summer Ends
Chapter 28 The Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 29 Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?
Chapter 30 The (Best) Morning After
Chapter 31 On Courage and Sleeping
Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over
Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear
Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine
Chapter 35 The Love Intervention
Chapter 36 The Sweetest Thing
Chapter 37 The Birthday Boy
Chapter 38 On A Night Like This
Chapter 39 What Happens in California...
Chapter 40 Decisions...Decisions...
Chapter 41 A Promise I Make
Chapter 42 Right Next To Me
Chapter 43 Cheesy Lines and Perfect Words
Chapter 44 Endless Summer
Forever Summer Series

Chapter 26 One Last Hurray for Summer

2.7K 36 3
By urbanstargazer

Chapter 26 ~ One Last Hurray for Summer

When I got back at the lake house, Derek is fixing the grill. “Our order will arrive in a few minutes. I need to get the fire started.” He said smiling.

“Do we have enough wood? I passed by some drift wood. I could go back and pick them up.” I offered.

“Yeah, that would help. There’s a lot of wood here but we need those fiery little ones.” He said smiling.

I headed off to the direction I came from, looking out to the sea. I picked up the dried sticks while I played with the waves letting them catch me towards the shore. When I’ve picked up enough, I headed back to the house and dumped all of them onto the pile Derek prepared.

I walked back towards the sea, gazing up at the sky. It is going to be a clear night. The stars are starting to appear one by one. I took out a long dried stick of wood and wrote on the sand.

 Cate loves D

I didn’t get to finish what I was writing before someone asked, “Who’s D?”

I turned to find Dylan standing behind me, hands in his pockets. I didn’t hear him approach. “I swear you are a ninja. Where did you come from?”

He laughed softly. “I came down from the heavens to grace you with my awesomeness. Who’s D?”  He asked again. He is looking at the writing on the sand and then on my face. Like the answer is written on my face.

Seeing him standing there looking so cool and adorable, I can’t bring myself to be upset with him anymore. All I can think about right now is I want to smother him with kisses and hug the life out of him.

I can’t do that though because my heart is beating too fast again and my brain is scattered somewhere. My reactions are in slow motion because of it.

He raised an eyebrow obviously waiting for a response. 

I decided to tease him a little bit. “D is…D-d-d-derek?” No, that came out more like a question. He smiled obviously catching on.

“Derek.” He stated again, nodding. “Are you sure it is Derek and not…Delix?” He asked narrowing his eyes at me. I shook my head smiling.

I realized I have not told him anything about my conversation with Felix the other day. Cranky Boy is being jealous for nothing. Felix has accepted my relationship with him graciously.

“Deth?” He asked again, making a face. I can’t help but laugh. “You know, Deth Dohen?”

“No, D is actually for Dendall.” I said winking at him.

“You’re one hot lesbian then.” He smirked.

His eyes are twinkling in the night like little stars. He stepped closer and held out his arms. His intense gaze pulled me towards him and I step into his arms. He hugged me tight and kissed my forehead.

“I love you Daitlin.” He whispered and kissed me again. I felt him smile against my forehead. He really likes making fun of me.

“I love you Dylan.” I said looking up at him. “I am sorry that I walked out on you this morning.”

“I am sorry, too. I should have at least told you a little bit of what’s going on while ensuring you don’t get anywhere near Julianna.” He touched my face. “But Cate, I didn’t want you to be worried that’s why I didn’t tell you.” He is looking at me pleadingly, asking me to understand.

I nodded, understanding where he is coming from. I tiptoed to give him a quick kiss on the lips. “I understand but I hope you would trust me enough that I will not do anything stupid.”

“I didn’t think you would. I just don’t want you to be involved any further. If there are things I could make easier for you, I would. This issue is definitely not something you have to go through. I created this mess, I will fix it.” He still hasn’t let go of me. I felt him rubbing my back soothingly.

“Right, but we are a couple. I need to know what you are going through. I don’t want you to keep things from me. I want to be there to support you or cheer you up next time.” I said pouting. Surely, this pouting technique will get me what I want and drive the point.

He sighed and held my chin up so he could kiss me. I grabbed his hair and kissed him back. I missed him even if I last saw him only this morning. I don’t think I could bear to be away from him for just a second. He rested his forehead on mine. “I promise I will not keep secrets from you again.”

Booya! The pout worked again. OK, next trick is the puppy dog look. “Promise me you will take care of yourself. I don’t want to lose you.”

I got another kiss for that. He nodded and sighed. “Promise.”

“Erhm.” Someone cleared his throat again. Without turning our heads, we knew who it is. Topless Boy. We can always count on him to ruin our moments. “Once you are done kissing and making out, I need a hand on the barbeque.”

Dylan and I both turned to glare at him. Seth started backing out. “OK,  I am just kidding. Carry on, kids.” We laughed.

After a few minutes of more kissing, we went to help Topless Boy anyway. Derek was busy preparing a small bonfire. I helped Kendall set the table.

Dylan and Seth will be staying overnight with us at the lake house too. They brought more food when Derek told them Kendall and I wanted to stay here for the night.

During dinner, Dylan and Seth updated us about the Marquardts. Lord Marquardt has finalized relocation for him and his wife to the U.K. They have dropped the charges against Julianna but she will be admitted in a psychiatric facility for evaluation. They will take her with them to the U.K. regardless of the result.

Uncle Rick has filed the restraining order against Lady M and Julianna. “Everything should be fine now that Julianna has been restrained.” Seth declared confidently.

“Wow, I better not forget to take my medicine then. I might just turn out to be like her.” Kendall joked. I chuckled when I saw Seth’s reaction. He was gaping at her. He looked like he believed her. “Topless Boy, you know I am kidding, right?”

Seth winced and groaned. “You told her about the topless incident.” He looked at me accusingly. I shrugged, trying to look innocent.

“We will not let your humiliation be forgotten.” She teased him.

“Bullies.” He complained. We just laughed.

We had a feast for dinner with more leftovers for tomorrow. We will stay here until tomorrow afternoon to make the most of the summer. School starts for me the following Monday.

After clearing our mess, we sat around the bonfire. All we hear are the crashing of the waves and the crackling of the fire. It is a good night for stargazing.  

I sat with Dylan, resting my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck. “How is Felix?” He asked.

“You mean Delix?” I teased.

“I should have let you finish what you were writing just so we are clear which ‘D’ Cate loves.” He teased back, nibbling my ear. I shivered.

“Felix said you don’t have to worry. He accepts that our relationship has ended and that I am with you now. He is staying with his dad in Chelsea, you know that right? ” I asked looking up to him.

He was looking down at me too and gave me a peck on the lips and nodded. I bit my lip. Should I tell him Felix will be studying here too?

“Anything else I should know about?” He asked, tickling my side. “No secrets, remember?” I squirmed as he continued tickling me.

“Uhm…He will be studying in NYU this fall…” I said it too fast but I think he caught it because he stopped teasing me.

“Huh.” He breathed down my neck and I shivered again. I looked up to see his brows furrowed again.

I pinched his side this time. “Jealous much, Cranky Boy?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Nah. We both know you’re crazy in love with me.”

“Conceited.” I hissed but I smiled at the same time.

He flashed his dazzling smile. “I love you, Cate.” He kissed the top of my head. “…and I missed you the whole day.” He grumbled, changing the subject. “Let’s not fight anymore, OK?”

I nodded. “No more fighting and I missed you too. I watched the sunset alone.” I frowned.

“Let’s watch the sunrise together tomorrow.” He smiled. I eagerly nodded. I hope I could wake up early though.

There is only one bedroom in the lake house. Dylan and I took the king sized bed with Kendall. Derek and Seth slept on the sofa bed and the roll away mattress respectively. Seth wouldn’t let us sleep and kept on talking and making funny noises. My stomach ached from laughing too much.

“Uhm Kendall, you look lonely up there. Do you need my arms tonight?” Seth can’t stop pestering Kendall. He is sprawled on the roll away mattress which he laid out on the foot of the bed.

Dylan and I are currently entangled with each other while Kendall was curled up beside me. Good thing, Kendall and I are tiny so all three of us can fit comfortably on the bed.

“No, thanks Topless Boy. You’re not my type.” She teased.

“Ouch. Don’t come begging me later.” He huffed. Kendall just rolled her eyes.

When Seth finally shut up after like forever, I fell asleep peacefully, wrapped in Dylan’s arms. I am glad our little drama is over.  


In the wee hours of the morning, I felt him stir and I opened my eyes to find him gazing at me.

“Ready to watch the sunrise?” He was smiling and kissed me on my forehead. I nodded, smiling back.  It really feels great to wake up beside him. I hope I get to do this forever.

We crept out of the room quietly so that we do not disturb the others. We made coffee and took the steaming mugs as we headed out the porch. I put on his extra hoodie to protect me from the morning chill. After finishing our coffee, we walked hand in hand toward the beach.

The sky is tinged with varying shades of orange and purple. I chuckled as I remember that Dylan and I used to sneak out when we were younger just to watch the sunrise together.

My mother would be so frantic wondering where we were. She would then see me happily skipping back to the lake house with him. Right now, I want to skip with happiness too.

We flopped down on the sand and he put his arm around me. I leaned on his shoulder and we watched the sun rise in the horizon.

“Let’s see if Topless Boy could ruin this moment.” He chuckled. “That guy can’t wake up early.” I stared up at him laughing. I hope Seth does not show up anytime soon.

He pulled me close and tangled his fingers in my already disheveled hair. I waited for his lips to crush mine. I didn’t have to wait long. I smiled against our kiss and allowed him to kiss me deeply.

We pulled away to get some air just in time to see the sun reach its apex.  We watched as the waves lapped at the soft sand. The water is starting to reflect the sun’s rays.

“I’m really glad you are back. I have been watching the sunrise alone for six years.” He said after a while, glancing and smiling at me.

“I am glad I am here.” I rested my head on his shoulder.

“I wished for this.” I heard him say. I looked up to him with questioning eyes.

He laughed softly. “Remember when we found a bottle and you wanted to make a wish?” I nodded smiling. I just dreamt about that a few weeks ago.

“My wish came true.” I felt his arm pull me closer. I was listening to him intently. He never told me what his wish was. He teased me then that I wasn’t the genie so I wasn’t supposed to know his wish.

Now, I get to know what he wished for. ”I wished that even if life brings you some place else, you would still find your way back to me. And you did.” He touched my cheek.

“I told you genies are real.” I pinched his side and he pinched my nose, chuckling.

“Someone up there likes me.” He ended, smiling.

I was helping Dylan prepare breakfast for everyone when Derek sauntered into the kitchen. “Good morning.” His hair is sticking up everywhere. I handed him a mug of steaming coffee and he smiled gratefully. “What’s our agenda for today?” He asked still yawning.

“Swim, sun bathe, eat, sleep…” I enumerated. “Same thing we did yesterday. Are in you?”

“Hell yeah. I need to work again next week so let’s party.” He said smiling, raising his mug like it was a beer mug.

I suddenly realized that I will be going to school next, next Monday. I only have one week left in this summer vacation. I sighed as I started to set the table for breakfast. I don’t want this to be over yet. It is too much fun.

I almost dropped the plates when someone almost shattered the windows with screams. Dylan also almost jumped and spill the contents of the pan he was holding.

Derek definitely spilled his coffee on himself. “What the hell?” He muttered, furrowing his brow and wiping the brown liquid off of his white shirt.

Seth came out of the bedroom stumbling and covering his ears. “Kendall can scream like a banshee. I think I burst my eardrums.”

Kendall came rushing out of the room after him, looking like a madwoman. Her hair was so disheveled you would think she hasn’t brushed it for a year. “Why is he on the bed with me?” She shouted, asking no one in particular.

“Relax, woman. My back just hurt from sleeping on the floor so when I noticed Cate and Dylan slip out of the bed this morning, I laid there for a while.” Seth explained, shaking his ear to test if it still works.

“You didn’t touch me?” Kendall asked looking at him murderously.

I caught Dylan’s eye and he is trying so hard to contain his laughter at the exchange between our best friends. He is turning red. My shoulders were shaking too, trying to stop myself from laughing. These two should not even be in the same room if we want to keep our sanity.

Seth rolled his eyes. “Duh. You snore. Major turn off. I wouldn’t even touch you with a ten-foot pole.”

“I do not.” Kendall said indignantly, and then she turned to me to ask. “Do I?”

I shook my head, laughing. “On the contrary, I think it was Topless Boy who was snoring last night.”

“Hah.” Kendall narrowed her eyes at Seth who just turned his nose up.

“You better eat breakfast now, Kendall so you can drink your medicine. You don’t want to turn out like Julianna.” Seth teased.

“Whatever.” My best friend gave him the talk to the hand motion and slumped on the kitchen stool to eat.

“You shattered my ear drum.” Seth sat on the stool beside her. He tilted his head to the side and shook his ear again. He straightened up to declare, “I shall call thee, Banshee.” He was referring to the X-Men again. We all love reading comic books.

Kendall slapped the back of his head. “Banshee is a guy, Topless Boy.”

“Oww.” He rubbed his head. “You’ll be Storm then. Anyway, you look like her when she gets possessed. Only you don’t have to be possessed to look like that.” He stood up quickly and was able to duck Kendall’s hit.

“Oi, as the Professor, I say you all stop messing around and eat.” Derek ordered. Seth settled in a seat farthest from Kendall who was still shooting him death glares.

We enjoyed the rest of our summer vacation, frolicking in the beach and basking in the sunshine. Same time next week, I will be preparing for my first day at school.


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