You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasElden

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Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Three:

26.4K 539 61
By AmyliasElden

Valerie's Point Of View:

                I watched from my car as the police tape flapped in the wind. My hair blew over my face as the cold midnight air picked up, sending a chill down my spine. My home; or... it used to be. I took a long breath as my knuckles gripped the steering wheel. A bright light flashed into my eyes as I opened the car door; motion sensor obviously. The cool midsummer air kissed my skin as I moved the forgotten tape above my head. There I stood; motionless and frightful at what I knew happened here all those months ago... My mouth was dry as I stuck the key into the door. I clenched my jaw tightly as I moved the door aside slowly. I scrunched my nose as the smell of rotten food hit me square in the face as if I had been punched. I almost threw up on the spot. 'Fuck... I completely forgot to empty the fridge... oh god...' I covered my nose with my shirt as I took the first step inside. The first thing I did.... With puking quite a few times during it... was grab as many trash bags as I could... and threw all of the rotten food in the garbage can.

                With that done I walked down the dark hallway towards the room that I dreaded entering. The feeling of being watched seemed to grow insanely strong. My head was constantly turning; making sure that feeling was incorrect. Why I chose to do this now when it was basically pitched black, no electricity in the house was beyond my comprehension. 'It doesn't matter why I'm here. The fact of the matter is I need to get my crap and get the fuck out of here.' I told myself multiple times. I walked passed the many photos on the wall and went straight into the family room; where my entire life took a turn for the worst. I looked down between the coffee table and the couch to see an empty patch of carpet missing. That's how my neighbour found her... faced down in a pool of her own blood. As I looked at the last place I saw her... tears flew down my cheeks as I closed my eyes. I sat down on the coffee table as I laid my face on my hands, letting the tears fall violently as I cried alone in the dark home. My mother had been murdered.... I felt my chest tighten as I screamed out, only to hear nothing coming from my vocal cords. I stood up; kicking the coffee table as hard as I could and watching it fly across the room. I picked up one of the lamps that on a nearby nightstand and slammed it into the empty spot where my mother took her last breath. I dug my hands into my hair as I felt a panic attack begin, that is until my eyes flew open to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I took a few deep breaths as I answered, wondering who on earth would even think to call this late at night.

                "Hello?" I prayed that whoever it was, they couldn't tell how miserable I really was at that moment or that fact that I had be crying. Then the one person that I didn't expect to hear rang into my ear.

                "Hey, sorry I'm calling you so late. I... well I couldn't sleep." She laughed, making a smile grow on my sad face. "Were you asleep?"

                "No, I've been up... doing..." I took a moment and sighed, "Homework." I wondered if she knew how much I just bullshitted that. I heard Lyndsey click her tongue.

                "Pretty late for that, don't you think? Besides, I thought you were transferring your credits to a school over here?" 'Fuck, I completely forgot about that.' I bit my lip as I tried to come up with another excuse. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't feel like it." I closed my eyes in relief.

                "Thank you. So, what's wrong?" I asked as I walked away from the horrible room.

                "Nothing really." Her accent was strong. "Just like I said, I couldn't sleep is all." She answered as I headed to the staircase; my shirt covering my nose as passed the kitchen. "Are you alright? You sound kind of sick."

                "Oh, no I'm just covering my nose is all." I laughed, clearly forced but hoping she couldn't tell. I did have a small smile grow upon my lips as I heard a laugh from the other end of the line.

                "I'm not even going to ask..." 'Thank god...' I thought as I climbed the stairs.

                "You wouldn't want to know." I honestly expressed. As I reached the top of the stairs my eyes fell on her bedroom door at the end of the hall. It was dark and eerie as their barely any visible moonlight shining through the hallway. I felt Goosebumps crawl up my back and across my arms as I clenched my eyes shut tight. I sighed as I opened my eyes once more to look at the closed door.

                "Do you want me to let you go?" She asked out of the blue. I blinked my eyes a few times; averting them finally from the offending dark area and opening my own bedroom door. "Valerie?"

                "No, sorry. It's nice to hear your voice right now...." I admitted truthfully. I looked my room; the moonlight shining brightly through my opened window. I walked over to my dusty bed and leaned down to pull out a rather large suitcase and lofting it up onto the bed, dust now flying every direction and causing me to sneeze a few times.

                "Bless you, are you sure you're not sick?" I smiled somewhat at the concern that was laced in her voice.

                "Yeah sorry," I laughed," Allergies." I lied. She replied with an 'ah'. "How come you can't sleep?" I asked, changing the subject for the moment.

                "I get really bad nightmares sometimes... and once I wake up.... Well it just takes a while to get back to sleep. That is, if I even get back to sleep." She explained to me as I packed up the rest of my clothes. "I have a question to ask. If you don't feel like answering that's fine." I felt a knot grow in my throat.

                "Uh... I'll try my best." I stammered as I opened up a box to place some of my fashion books in as well some pictures and other random crap.

                "Why do you live with your friend?" Her tone was dry as she asked. I frowned as I came upon a picture of my mother and I. We had it taken by a Disneyland employee a few years ago, probably around my fifteenth birthday. She wore her sundress that day with her little sun hat. I remember I use to make fun of her all the time because of it. But she would just smile at me and say, 'I am a lady of class. Which makes me laugh at the fact that you have such a talented gift of creating beautiful dresses, yet never wear one yourself? So, why do you make fun of me?' She was always right. My thumb traced the outline of her smile as a lone tear slid down my cheek. "Valerie?"

                "My mom isn't around." I croaked out. As the moonlight seeped into my room, I placed her photo on top of the others and closed the box. "Anyway, when do you want me to come over tomorrow?" I asked, hoping she'd catch the hint that I just didn't want to talk this anymore.

                "Well... I'll be down at the studio for about an hour talking to Michelle about the following days assignment. So I guess any time after eleven is fine with me." I could hear the curiosity in her voice, but loved the fact that she didn't ask anything about it.

                "That sounds good to me." I muttered as I opened another box. "Uh... so... am I going to meet you outside?" I could hear her moving around in what was probably her bed.

                "I'll be waiting. How much stuff do you plan on bringing?" She asked as I placed my fashion albums inside the box.

                "Just like four or five boxes? That's okay, right?" She chuckled as she moved around some more.

                "I honestly thought you would have had a lot more than that. Are you sure that's all you want to bring?" As she spoke, I took a look around my room. This was going to be the last time I would probably ever step foot in here. I looked at the ceiling to see the faint of glow in the dark stars. My pictures, drawings, and posters of movies covered over half of my wall space. So, I began taking everything down and placing them in boxes. I felt a knot grow in my stomach as my eyes landed on the mural; a tall well detailed tree that my mom and I painted when I was in junior high. I clenched my jaw as I placed the last of my posters neatly in the box then closing that one up as well.

                "It's all I need." I said flatly as I placed the boxes by the stairs case. I heard her tongue click again, probably stopping herself from asking more questions or something of that nature.

                "Alright. Well, I should probably let you go-." I interrupted her.

                "Please don't..." I frowned as my eyes landed on my mother's dark bedroom door once again. "I mean... if you're tired I understand."

                "I thought you were doing homework." I could basically see the smile that grew on her face. I ran my free hand through my bangs as I looked away from the eerie hallway. I tried to ignore everything at that moment; I wanted to get out of her as fast as possible.

                "You know I was lying about that." I pointed out as I went back into my room to grab the rest of my things.

                "I guess the real question here is why though." She stated simply. I bit my lip as I heaved the suitcase out of my room, "But, I'm not really the type to pry; it's your business. After all, I'm basically still a stranger to you." She laughed. I leaned against the banister, closing my eyes as I listened to my own breathing pattern. "Are you scared?" My eyes popped opened for a moment.

                "About what?" I questioned her. My jaw was tight as I turned my head back to my mothers door.

                "Changing your life?" The words were simple, but... it was the way she said them that made my nerves scramble for a reason I couldn't grasp. Before I even realized it, I was now standing in front of her door. My brows furrowed, my breathing hitched, and my hands now extremely sweaty. The sad thing is I have no idea why I was so on edge... it's not like she died in here... "What?" I blinked quickly; snapping out of my apparent day dream state of mind. I swallowed a lump that I didn't even know I had.

                "Huh?" I puzzled. I didn't seriously speak without realizing it... right?

                "You said, 'Died in here...'" She explained. I ground my teeth together as I turned around and leaned my back against her door.

                "Oh, ha. I'm sorry. Maybe I meant that the house smelled.... Gross." I came up with that rather quickly. At least that part wasn't a lie.

                "Right..." I loved that I didn't have to explain myself to her. I moved away from the door and walked straight to the boxes; determined to just the crap in my car and get the fuck out of here. "You're different." I was caught off guard by the random comment as I carried the boxes down the stairs; two at a time might I add by the way.

                "I'm sorry?" I quipped as I placed the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs and begun carrying everything outside now.

                "The girl I met a few months back; you're a lot different from her now." She said as I chewed on the side my cheek, putting the suitcase in the back seat and closing my trunk. "Nothing bad about it, I'm just making a simple observation." I took a seat next to my suitcase, leaning my head against the headrest.

                "And you're not the typical stupid model." I said bluntly. Lyndsey let out a loud laugh, causing me to close my eyes and enjoyed the calming sound. "As for being different... I guess I had a life changing thing happen to me. I'm sure I'll be that annoying chipper girl for you once I get my life back together.

                "Well I'm glad someone finally noticed that I'm not an idiot. And I hope things do get better for you, I kind of missed that annoying girl." She laughed. I smiled as I yawned.

                "Ha ha ha." I yawned even more now.

                "Someone is sleepy!" She said in a baby voice that made me laugh.

                "No offense or anything... but your accent doesn't really work with 'baby talk'." Lyndsey laughed once more.

                "I know, but you Americans do love my accent anyway, so I'm not really concerned." I swear her ego just grew even larger. I rolled my eyes, despite them being closed anyway.

                "Right... except I'm actually Canadian born." I smiled at the tongue clicking once again.

                "Is that so? Well no matter; they love my accent too." She shared a common chuckle. I stood back up, shutting and locking my car as I leaned on it. "All done packing up?" I raised a brow as I looked around as if she had been watching me.

                "How did you..."I couldn't even really finish what I was trying to say as I was still confused as to how she actually knew.

                "Well, a box isn't very quite when you're putting them together." I rolled my eyes. I walked inside the house and headed up the stairs and finding myself to be standing in front of her door again. I chewed on my lip as I looked down at the handle. "You alright?" She asked after a moment of silence. I let out a breath.

                "I'm just not exactly sure if I should do something." I half explained.

                "Want some advice?" She asked after a few more moments of silence. I hand squeezed my cell phone tightly.


                "If it scares you, do it. Because you'll probably regret it later in life if you don't." Her words seem to hit home for some reason. "if it's dangerous, think carefully about It obviously. You don't plan on driving off a bridge now, right?" I couldn't help the laugh.

                "Uh no, not any time soon anyway." I continued to laugh as she let out a breath of relief.

                "Good, that would have been very unfortunate." I placed my hand upon the doorknob; biting my lip.

                "Why? Because I'm the ace in the hole?" I questioned. I listened carefully as she sighed. I turned the doorknob.

                "Maybe to Morgan or Michelle. Not to me though, it would suck to lose such an adorable new friend." I felt my face turn bright red at her choice of words, plus how she said it too...

                "Uh.... Well that was awfully nice of you." I pointed out, "Why me though?"

                "Why not?"

                "I'm not exactly famous here if you haven't noticed."

                "You don't say?" She chuckled. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I pushed the door open. The smell, dull, of my moms perfume hit my nose lightly. I closed my eyes as I walked into the room.

                "Tell me something." I said as I walked around her room; picking up her many bottles of perfume that she had collected... memories just pouring into me.

                "Yes?" I smiled at her thick accent.

                "Why did you call me?" I asked as I pulled back the blankets on her bed and kicking off my flip flops. I slid into the crisp, cool bed and laying my head upon her pillow. I smelled the faint smell of her perfume and shampoo mixed into it.

                "I told you already; I couldn't sleep."

                "I know that. But I mean... I'm sure you have thousands of friends though. I guess I'm just confused as to why you'd pick such a no-body to spend the even talking to. I'm grateful; don't get me wrong at all... I just... I don't know. I guess you could say this is like a fairytale story?" I bet she was smiling at the ego booster I just gave her.

                "Just because my body and face is famous, does not mean people are friends with me. Don't get me wrong, people do act like their friends with me but... I don't know. I mean I'm flattered that you'd think of me as a fairy tale." She laughed, my eyes just rolled, "But you know... ever since I met you, you never seemed to get star struck. I mean at least you didn't act like it. Do you know how amazing that felt to me? I felt like an actual human being like everyone else; makes it hard to have friends when you're constantly in the spot light. Plus people just want to use and abuse you for money."

                "What makes you think I won't do that?" I asked as I closed my eyes and letting my head relax into the pillow.

                "A feeling. Why don't you go to sleep?" She changed the subject. I ran a hand through my bangs as I felt my eyes grow extremely heavy.

                "Stay with me?" I asked, half asleep already. I listened as she gave a very soft chuckle.

                "Of course." Then I let myself fall into the wonderland and hell of sleep.

                ----------------------------------------------- The Next Morning------------------------------------------------------

                The sun shone through the window brightly. I groaned as I rolled away from the horrible light.

                "You awake yet?" I heard a voice speak. My eyes shot open as I looked in every direction; hair wiping in my face. I basically smacked my face and groaned as I slapped my face back onto the pillow, hearing all too familiar laughter from my phone.  "Did I scare you?" She said as I placed the phone to my ear.

                "Did you really stay the whole night...?" I said with a groggy voice. I pulled the phone away to see that it was just about to die any moment now.

                "You sound really cute right now. And yes, why wouldn't I?" I heard a click on her end. "Is it weird that I did?" As I thought about that... last night was probably best night that I have had in months. I took in a sharp breath as I remembered where I was. I sat up quickly, scrambling out of her bed and falling to the floor. I dropped my cell phone as well. My lungs tighten as a panic attack began its horrible tidal wave effects. I could hear Lyndseys voice shouting through the phone as I pushed my back roughly against my moms' dresser; my knees pushed against my chest as I tried to control my breathing. I squeezed my eyes tightly as I rocked my body back and forth as I tried to push the horrible images away from me. I laid my head on my knees as the memories attacked me, kamikaze style.


                As my bus pulled up to the school's parking lot I watched as two police officers rushed over to us.

                "I wonder what happened. Do you think someone has drugs onboard?" One of the girls next to me asked someone else. 'God...the intelligence of some people....' I rolled my eyes as I leaned against the seat, staring at the dress that I had drawn at the fashion show I just came back from. For some reason I couldn't get that Lyndsey girl out of my head...

"Hey look! Mrs. Dion is on the floor crying!" One of the guys that tagged along said. Everyone pushed their bodies tightly against my own as I was forced to look at Nancy holding tightly onto the police officer I felt something terrible shoot up at me as he looked at me, horrified. I fell back in my seat as I raked through so many bad situations...

"Where is Valerie Christopher?" A demanding voice asked at the front of the bus. I looked up to see an officer searching around franticly for me, as if he already knew what I looked like. "Where?!" He started to yell. Everyone turned their heads toward me as I stood up, my sketch book barely being held as I looked at him with much confusion. "Are you Valerie?"

"Yes.... What's wrong-." I didn't get to finish though as he grabbed my hand and talked into the walkie talkie that he had 'retrieved me.' I looked back at everyone as they began the gossiping crap. I sighed as I followed the officer. The only thing I could hear coming from the walkie talkie was the numbers '187' and then my address being repeated multiple times. As I exited the bus as I could hear my mother's friend bawling her eyes out on the floor and the officer trying to get a grip on her.

"He finally did it, Val!" She kept screaming. I frowned as I was told to get in my car and drive to the police station. But I didn't budge as I looked at Nancy.  I pulled my hand away from the officer and demanded what the fuck was going on... He frowned at me as he took his hat off and placed it on his chest.

"Your mother... she was murdered." At first... I just started at him. Then I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to my house. 'What the fuck was he talking about?!' I kept screaming in my head. As I pulled up to my house I could red and blue lights flashing, police tape, and many officers searching my house. I felt my stomach drop as I bolted out of my car and pushing my way past the many officers.

"Someone grab her!" A woman yelled as I made my way into the house.

"Mom!" I screamed franticly, praying my heart out that I would hear her. I saw lights flashing brightly in the family room. But when I got inside... all I could see was her... lying face down in a pool of blood.

-End flashback-

                "Valerie! Can you hear me?!" I snapped out of my personal hell as I leaned over to pick up my cell phone.

                "Hello...?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. My fingers dug through my now sweaty hair.

                "What the hell happened? Are you okay? It sounded as if you fe-." I pulled the phone away to see that it had died. I slammed my head against the dresser a few times while I squeezed my phone tightly.

                I closed my eyes and finally as I stood up after I tried to calm my nerves. I placed my flip flops back on and turned to see the sun shining brightly on my mother's perfume bottles and jewelry. I chewed on my lip as I drummed my fingers on the dresser as I contemplated taking all of them. So I did.

                I ran down the stairs, my hands making all sorts of sounds as the necklaces and bracelets smacked around in the box. As I stepped outside I could see my neighbour from across the street looking at me as I placed the jewelry box in the passenger seat; shutting the door as fast as possible.  As I plugged my cell phone into the charger as I kept praying he wouldn't come over to me.'Please... for the love of all that is good.... Don't come over here...' I kept thinking as I rushed over to the driver's side door. And guess what? The second I go to shut the door someone grabs it and pushes it back open....

                "Hey you!" He said as he leaned down and gave me a smile. I cringed at the strong smell of morning breath and coffee mixed into one. I took a breath, still trying to calm myself down from nearly passing out. I looked up at Mr. Bentley and gave him a smile. "How are you kiddo?" I watched as his white beard bounced as he spoke. Oh yeah, he is the oldest person I know... ninety three... I'm still amazed that he was able to get over to my driveway as fast as he did...

                "Good morning Mr. Bentley. I'm alright, how about you?" I asked kindly. He gave me a cheeky smile.

                "Fine fine, say how come your mother doesn't leave the house anymore? I haven't seen her... goodness forever now." My smile fell now. I furrowed my brows up at him.

                "I have to go." I said as I closed my door. He frowned as he backed away from my car. I didn't say anything else as I took one last look at my home and then drove away. I didn't bother to look back in the rear view mirror as I drove out off my street. As I stopped at the light that lead me to the main street, my phone had turned itself back on and I could see that Lyndsey had indeed tried calling a few times. I frowned as I rushed to throw on my headset. As I made the left turn I almost drove right into the lamp post as she called me once more... loud and proud in my ear.

                "Hello?" I asked hurriedly as I waved at a few people who were honking at me for almost slamming into them.

                "What the hell happened?" Lyndseys voice rushed. I gripped the wheel as I slowed to a stop at another stupid light. I took in a breath.

                "When?" I played dumb for some stupid reason. I don't think she was going to fall for it though for some reason.

                "Really? Do you always lie? It sounded like you fell down a few moments ago? Then your phone died. I thought something bad happened..." I felt my brows connect as I heard the concern laced heavily in her thick Australian accent.

                "Uh..." I wasn't really sure what to say now as I continued towards Randy's house. "I'm not a liar, I can promise that. And I did fall when I got out of... bed." I offered a laugh in hopes that she'd just drop it.

                "Well, are you alright?" She asked after a few moments. I couldn't help the smile that just seemed to grow on my face.

                "Yes. I'm sorry my phone died at such a bad time." Lyndsey chuckled as something shut on her end of the line.

                "It's fine. I guess I'm going to head in early though. I'm sure that'll shock the hell out of Michelle." I could basically see the smile on her face. I cut the engine as I parked in front of his house.

                "Okay. Thank you so much." I added as I looked over to see Randy stepping outside the front door with a look of worry laced upon his facial features.

                "For what?" She asked as I heard what I assumed were car keys rattling around.

                "Staying with me last night... you have no idea what that meant to me." I yawned at the part. I looked, almost bursting with laughter, to see Randy's face pressed tightly on the windshield of my car.

                "It was my pleasure. I'll see you in a few hours."


                "Seeya then!" She said as she hung up. I placed my headset on the dash as I got out of the car, leaning over the top as I looked over at him. Randy leaned over the top as well as he eyed me suspiciously.

                "So... you were gone all night." I'm sure that was a mere observation rather than a question. I eyed him, letting him know the obvious. "Are you really going to do this?" I groaned as I shut the door and walked around to his house with him in toe. "Don't you think this is-."

                "Insane?" I finished as I turned abruptly; Randy looked startled. "Don't you think I know this?" I gestured with a finger pointing to myself. "Don't you think I know how completely unstable and unthoughtful this all is?" I sighed as I noticed him frowning now. "Randers..."

                "It's okay, Val. I understand." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes as I bear hugged him. "I know; you need to get away from the nightmares." He whispered in my neck. I sighed as I dug my fingers into his hair "I just want you to know that all I want is for you to be happy again."

                "You know that's not going to happen for a long time..." I gave him a sad smile as I pulled away from him. He frowned once again.

                "I still can't believe it though... do you have any idea how incredibly lucky you are?" And... he was back to the good old Randy that I grew to love. I rolled my eyes as I headed inside his home. "I mean... this is a super model we're talking about! This is Lyndsey Ryan! One of the hottest girls on this planet... and you just... oh gee I don't know... live with her?!" I shook my head as I bent down to pet Brownie the beagle. "I mean... there's her... then there is...well you." I looked up at him, looking as if he had hurt my feelings.

                "Thanks a lot." I laughed as brownie nuzzled into my leg as I stood up.

                "Of come on, you know you're smokin' hot too." I raised my brows at him.

                "Oh? So now im 'smokin'?" I asked with a curious grin. Randy just rolled his eyes as he headed to the kitchen with me in tow. I looked to the table and smiled when I noticed my adorable white and black ferret chilling on top of Caleb's head as he ate his breakfast.

                "Mom, isn't Valerie hot?" Randy asked as he took a seat. I shook my head as I took one next to Caleb. She laughed as she placed some pancakes in front of me, kissing the top of my head before giving Randy's his.

                "Valerie is a very beautiful young woman." I turned around to see Randy's father; all dressed and ready for work.

                "Yah! Valley is beautiful!" I laughed as he looked at me, his face covered with whipped cream.

                "Why do you ask?" Heather asked as everyone was finally seated and eating. I watched in amusement as Randy shoved a whole pancake in his mouth.

                "Well, I just mean... she's moving in with Lyndsey Ryan today."

                "Oh? You are?" Randy's father raised his brows at me. A blush started to spread across my cheeks. "I thought that wasn't going to be for a while."

                "Uh... well I guess they really need my 'design genius' or something like that." I said as I used air quotations.

                "As they should." His mom gave me a knowing look.

                "Did you tell her you're a lesbian?" Randy blurted out, nearly causing me to choke on a pancake.

                "I'll take that as a no." Heather chuckled. I cleared my throat as Oswald jumped onto my shoulder. "Don't you think you should?" My face turned a bright shade of red as they all smiled at me. I looked at Randy as he wiggled his brows towards me.

                "I don't see why I need to. I'm just staying at her place for a while. I don't plan on... you know..." Jared, Randy's dad, gave me knowing look again. "What? I'm serious... I wouldn't hit on her in a million years. I'm not that stupid." Everyone laughed.

                "Anyway... I did want to mention how...unstructured this all was." He changed the subject, I'm not sure if that was good or bad at the moment though. I sighed as I looked over to Randy; he just shrugged his shoulders and kept on eating.

                "It is... but at this point... what's the worst that could happen? I'm at this point in my life where I just need to..." I sighed as I leaned back in my chair. I felt a small hand on mine as I looked over to a see a smiling, missing tooth, boy looking up at me.

                "We love you." He said as he gave me a hug. I thought I was going to cry as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

                "That's true." Heather said as she squeezed my hand. I looked back to Randy to see a wink from him.

                "You'll come back though, right?" Caleb asked as he continued to hang onto me.

                "Of course. I'll come whenever I have time. Maybe you can even come see where I'll be working one day." I smiled as I ruffled up his hair. He gave a huge toothy smile as looked at his parents.

                "Please?!" They laughed at his sudden burst of happiness.

                "Of course. So, Valerie, are you excited or nervous?" I turned to look at her and shrugged.

                "Both I guess. I'm more shocked than anything."

                "Oh that's silly. You're amazing at what you do. Your mother would be so proud to know how famous of a designer you're going to become at such a young age." Randy's father Jared said as he pointed his fork at me. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I looked down at my at my food, "Don't you think for a second you didn't deserve any of this. Be proud of how hard you've worked. No crying, alright?"I looked up at him with a sad smile, "Your mother was an amazing woman, Valerie. You need to honor her memory and make sure you live your life. Don't hold back on your happiness, okay?" I sat there; somewhat shocked at the little speech he had given me. I took a long breath, smiled, and nodded.

                After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways. Jared went to work, Caleb went to kindergarten, Heather went to run some errands and Randy went off to some class at the college. So there I was... sitting in that tree again as Oswald slept in my lap. I closed my eyes as I played the necklace I had put on that was my mothers favourite. Oswald cuddled into me even more as the silent tears crawled down my face. I looked up to the clouds above me as I thought, 'Would you be proud of me?'

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