
By xXMade2LoveXx

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**I can't shake the feeling. It invades me. The terror of being pulled back into that place. Maybe this time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

102 9 11
By xXMade2LoveXx

**Annalise's POV**

I land heavily, gasping for breath.

"Where are we?"

I spin around and see Harry, Ron and Hermione standing there, Ron and Hermione looking as shocked to see me as I them.

"Harry!" Hermione snaps. Harry looks guilty and defensive.

"Where are we?" I echo, looking around. We're surrounded by muggles, some of whom are giving us funny looks, and it's not hard to see why.

"Just walk," Hermione says, "we need to find somewhere for the boys to change."

I hurry along beside them and we turn into an Alley. Hermione goes through her bag and shoves some clothes at the boys.

"I can't believe you brought her along," she mutters.

"Her can hear you," I frown, "and it's not like I want to be here."

"We have to go back," Harry says, pulling some jeans on.

"No," I say, "they were there for you, going back will just put everyone in danger."

"You could go back," he says, sounding as if he hopes I won't. I sigh and shake my head.

"No, not if any of them saw me leave with you," I look away, a pain in my chest. I was so close to reaching Fred, just another step. And now we're apart again and I don't know if he's okay.

"I'm assuming you have a plan?" I demand of the three of them, folding my arms, "since I've been dragged into this..."

"Why don't we go in here?" Hermione motions to a small, dingy cafe, "then we can figure out our next move. Put the cloak on, Harry."

Harry unfolds a cloak and drapes it over himself, disappearing completely. I can't help but be impressed.

"We're not far from the Leaky Cauldron," Ron says, "we could-"

"Get murdered there?" I say, "don't be stupid."

The waitress comes over and Hermione orders three cappuccinos as two burly workers come in off the street, sitting down a few tables away. I watch them out of the corner of my eye, noticing that they've looked our way a couple of times. My wand is clenched in my hand, pointed in their direction.

"I say we find somewhere quiet to disapparate," Hermione says, "then we can head for the countryside and send a message to the Order."

"Saying what? 'We're safe, but oops, we kidnapped Annalise'?"

"Helpful," Hermione rolls her eyes, "maybe we should-"

"DUCK!" I dive across the table, knocking her and Ron underneath as the two workmen suddenly spin and shoot stunning spells at us. I return the fire, hitting one of them in the chest as Hermione hits the other. The waitress is screaming.

"Go home," I snap at her, my heart racing. She runs from the building and I stand up, feeling the promise of bruises on my knees and ribs.

"Dolohov," Ron mutters, nudging one of the Death Eaters, "what'll we do with them? Kill them?"

"Wipe their memories," I say, "if we kill them, their boss will know we were here."

"I've never done a memory charm," Ron says, sounding shaky. Harry has removed the cloak and is staring at the Death Eaters with extreme dislike.

"Me either, but I've read about them," Hermione says, leveling her wand with Dolohov's head, "Obliviate."

His eyes go glassy and unfocused.

"Do the other one," I say, "we'll clean up."

I flick my wand and the room starts to piece itself back together. I turn to the others and put my hands on my hips.

"Right, what now?" I demand. Harry glances at the others.

"Grimmauld place," he says. Hermione gasps.

"Harry, we can't! Snape can get there!"

"So what?" Harry snaps, "I'd like nothing more than to come face to face with him..."

"Stop it!" I hold my hand up as Hermione opens her mouth to argue, "do you have a better suggestion?"


"I don't even care right now," I sigh, "let's just go... Wherever Harry said."

I grab Ron's arm and motion for the others to apparate. Ron twists and I feel myself being pulled along with him, my lungs being squeezed, everything compressing- And then releasing. We're standing in the most depressing street I've ever seen, a row of houses that should have been condemned facing us.

"Really?" I turn and look at them, "what is this place?"

"The old Headquarters of the Order," Harry says, walking up to the house with 12 emblazoned on it.

"Question," Hermione says, "why couldn't we go to your place?"

"And lead You-Know-Who there?" I raise my eyebrows at her, "yeah, no, thanks."

I follow Harry into the hall and a rush of wind flies over us. My tongue is suddenly stuck to the roof of my mouth, but before I can panic it passes. Hermione mutters a few spells as I look around. This is the most awful house I've ever seen. It looks like it's about to fall apart, and there's a set of ominous drapes just down the hall.

"This way," Harry whispers, "don't make any noise."

I follow him apprehensively. We walk into an equally depressing living room and Ron closes the door behind us.

"Okay, now what?"

They exchange glances, Harry looking guilty, Hermione and Ron looking accusing.

"We're not really meant to tell anyone about it," Harry says slowly. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow.

"You literally kidnapped me," I say.

"Harry's right, we're not meant to talk about it," Hermione says, "and besides, there's a chance someone betrayed us already..."

"And you think it was me?"

"Well... You were in Slytherin..."

"I don't like you very much," I tell her, "being in Slytherin does not equate to being evil and it certainly does not mean I'm a fan of You-Know-Who."

I walk over to the dilapidated sofa and sit down, facing them.

"So talk," I say. Harry sighs and sits down in the arm chair while Ron sits on the other sofa. Hermione stands with her arms folded, watching us.

"Dumbledore gave us a mission," Harry says, "You-Know-Who made horcruxes, we have to find them and destroy them."

"What's a horcrux?" I ask, unfamiliar with the term.

"It's an object that contains part of a soul," Harry says, "You-Know-Who made seven of them. Until they're all destroyed, he can't die."

"What?" I feel a shock of horror run through me, "he's immortal?"

"Yep," Ron says.

"How the hell are you supposed to find the horcruxes?" I ask.

"Well, we've already found two," Harry says, "and we know what the third one is."

"But that means there's four out there that you don't know what they are!"

"We have a pretty good idea," Harry says quickly, "but we just have to find them."

"Right, easy as," I say, "I'm sure he's just left them lying around somewhere."

"Obviously it's not going to be easy," Hermione snaps, "but it has to be done."

"No shit," I say, "so, how can I help?"

Harry looks at me, surprised.

"I'm stuck with you guys, at least for a while," I say, "might as well be useful."

"Hermione, do you have the locket?" Harry asks. Hermione stares at him in disbelief.

"Hermione," Harry says. She relents and fishes a locket out of her bag, handing it to me.

"Dumbledore and I found it the night he died," Harry says, "it's a false horcrux. Someone called R.A.B found the real one and switched them."

"So you have to find R.A.B," I say, turning the locket over in my hands, "this was Slytherin's locket."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asks.

"I was a Slytherin, we had a glass case of things he owned, some real, some replicas, in the common room," I say, "I remember seeing it there."

"Could it be the real one?" Ron asks eagerly. I shake my head, handing the locket to Harry.

"No, it was a replica," I say, "like that one."

Ron leans back, disappointed. I fold one leg across the other, thinking hard. R.A.B doesn't sound familiar.

"If R.A.B knew where the locket was, he was probably in league with You-Know-Who at some point," I ponder, "but if he betrayed You-Know-Who there's a good chance he's dead. So, what if You-Know-Who tracked him down and recovered the locket? He could have rehidden it. Where would we even start looking?"

"Dumbledore said You-Know-Who would have hidden them in places important to him," Hermione says.

"Like a childhood home?" I ask.

"He grew up in an orphanage," Harry says quietly, "but it's gone now."

"What about Hogwarts?"

"Maybe," Harry says, "but we don't know which one he hid there, or where."

I run my fingers through my hair and let out a low whistle.

"What a task to leave," I say.

"When you go back, you can't tell anyone," Hermione says. I roll my eyes at her.

"Yeah, I'd really go and tell everyone that their greatest enemy is immortal," I say, "that'll boost morale."

I get up and stretch.

"Who's house is this?" I ask.

"Mine," Harry says, "left to me by Sirius Black."

"Oh, yeah," I nod, "Fred did tell me that. Any chance there are some clothes I can change into? This dress isn't the most comfortable thing in the world."

Harry nods and leads me upstairs to a messy bedroom. I rifle through the draws and find old, ratty shirts. Not ideal, but I'm not complaining. I have to magically alter the pants to fit, but I change out of the dress and almost immediately feel more prepared to face this horrifyingly important task. I take my hair out and shake it, massaging my scalp. I join the others downstairs and look around at all of them.

"Right, you're all exhausted," I say, "find a bed and let's get some sleep. We'll take turns at being on watch. I'll go first."

"I don't want to be alone," Hermione says quietly.

"We'll move some mattresses in here, then," I say, "it'll be easier to keep an eye on each other."

Twenty minutes later the three of them are curled up on mattresses, Ron on a sofa, fast asleep. I want to pace the room, but the floor boards creak. I end up curling up on the arm chair and hoping Fred and the others are alright. I'll give it a week to calm down, then go back. I close my eyes and exhale slowly. They'll be fine. They'll be fine.

Harry takes over watch for me and I crawl onto the other sofa, pulling a blanket over me. My eyes are tired and itchy, but it takes a while before I finally fall asleep.

Over the next few days I start feeling down. Everything seems to be a massive effort and I can only just make myself get up and go through the motions. I pretend to be excited when the others figure out who R.A.B is, but I don't feel anything except empty.

I'm lying on the sofa one afternoon, trying to summon the will to sit up when Hermione comes into the room.

"Are you okay?" she asks. I glance at her and nod. She hesitates, then sits down near my feet.

"Are you sure?" she presses, "you seem... Down."

"I'm fine," I lie, "I think it's time I went home, though. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what you're doing."

"Okay," she doesn't sound convinced. I close my eyes and reach deep down inside to where I know some energy is hiding. With a massive effort I get to my feet.

"I'll say goodbye to the boys," I mutter. I find them in the kitchen, playing chess with a battered set.

"I've got to go," I say. Harry looks around, his eyes huge, but Ron just nods.

"Tell Mum," he says, then hesitates.

"I'll tell her you're safe," I say, "and that you're doing what needs to be done."

"Are you sure you have to go?" Harry says, "we could use your help."

"You'll be fine with these two," I say, "plus, maybe the others need me too."

He nods, looking disappointed.

"Good luck," I say, "check in when you can. If you need help, you know where we are."

I walk outside and disapparate home. The house is all closed up, so Fred must not be home. I think about going to find him, but I'm so tired I just go upstairs to bed.

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