Chapter 8

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**Harry's POV**

A week later I'm regretting sending the note even more. Now that Mrs Weasley knows that Fred and Annalise are dating, there's no reason for them to keep it a secret, so I have to face them walking around all coupley all the time. Walking hand-in-hand through the corridors, finding quiet nooks during the day and always in the common room together in the evenings. Ron and Hermione have no sympathy for me, taking the 'you made the bed, lay in it' approach.

Despite no longer having to keep their relationship quiet, I've never seen Annalise look more miserable.

"What does she have to be sad about, anyway?" I mutter, trying to ignore her and Fred in a dim corner of the common room, cuddled together on a sofa.

"Harry," Hermione scolds, "her mum just died."

"So?" I grumble, "at least she's got her father, who've I got?"

"Her dad died years ago, mate," Ron says, "give her a break."

I shift guiltily in my seat. I look over at Annalise and Fred again. When you really look, you can tell they're not being lovey-dovey. Annalise is crying and Fred is talking to her softly, one arm around her, rubbing her arm. I sigh to myself.

"You need to get over her," Ron says, "what about Cho?"

"Ron!" Hermione hisses.



"Can we not talk about that?" I interrupt. They both look over at me and I stand up.

"Going to bed," I mutter, picking up my books.

I drag myself upstairs, passed Fred and Annalise. Neither of them acknowledge me and I don't speak to them. I get into bed and stare at the top of the four poster. I'd give anything to go back to a year ago, before the Tournament, before Cedric... Even before I met Annalise. I can't believe I spent a whole year obsessing over her while she was dating Fred. Fred! Ugh, I feel like an idiot.

I roll over onto my side and curl up, trying to ignore the pain in my stomach. I'll have to just move on.

The next few weeks I throw myself into study, Quidditch and planning meetings for the DA. As our first Quidditch game approaches, I find it easier to forget about Annalise. I usually only see Fred when we're at practice and she's not there, so it's a lot easier to not hate him. Well, a little easier. The Big Day finally rolls around and Angelina seems to be channeling Oliver, barking at us to eat while not even looking at the food.

Annalise is sitting beside Fred, talking. I try not to stare at her. She's wearing a simple green shirt with a snake on it, showing her support for Slytherin, and it makes her eyes glow.

"Right, team, let's go," Angelina says, shooting to her feet. Annalise stands with us and gives Fred a hug.

"Good luck," she smiles, glancing around at us all. Fred ducks his head and kisses her. My vision turns red and I turn away before I hit something.

**Annalise's POV**

"Do we have to go?" Laura sighs as I drag her down to the pitch.

"Yes," I say firmly, "I want to see Fred play."

"But we're going to lose!"

I ignore her and march on down. Laura is, of course, right and we are beaten soundly by Gryffindor. We trudge back up to the castle, filled with disappointment. Once in the dormitory I pull off my shirt and throw it on the floor.

"Blargh," Laura sighs, slumping on her bed, "losing Quidditch always puts me in a bad mood."

"Me too," I grumble, crawling onto my bed and bunching up.

My bad mood has dissipated by morning, which is lucky because Fred is in an absolutely foul mood for reasons unknown to me.

"He won't even talk to me," I sigh to Laura as we walk down to dinner, "all day, nothing."

"Maybe he was upset that you supported Slytherin?" she suggests, but I shake my head.

"No, there's something else," I sigh. I decide to corner him after dinner. I'll be breaking a lot of rules, but it'll be worth it.

I sneak up to Gryffindor tower and pretend to be tying my shoe until a girl leaves the portrait hole. I leap forward and catch it, slipping inside quickly. I know where Fred's dormitory is, don't ask how, I just do, so I sneak upstairs, hoping that it's empty. George and Lee were both still at dinner, Laura promised to hold them back if she could, and Fred hadn't left yet either, so there shouldn't be anyone in there.

I open the door and find it, thankfully, deserted. I perch on the middle bed, Fred's bed, and wait.

Finally the door opens and I cross my fingers. Fred steps into the room and looks surprised to see me.

"What're you doing here?" he asks, still standing in the doorway.

"I wanted to talk," I say. He sighs and closes the door.

"I'm not in the mood," he says, "I'm sorry, I know you're having a rough time-"

"Not about me," I interrupt, "about you."

Fred looks over at me, surprised. I pat the spot next to me on the bed and he sits obligingly.

"Spill," I demand.

"Umbridge banned us from Quidditch," he says heavily, "George, Harry and I. Life ban. Took our brooms and everything."

"Oh, Fred," I slide an arm around his shoulders and squeeze him, "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be," he says, "I was being pissy because... You're in Slytherin. We got banned because of that Malfoy kid."

"He's a douche," I say, not knowing who he is, "maybe there's something we can do?"

"Nah," Fred shakes his head, "Umbridge has it out for Harry, there's no way she'd revoke the ban."

"I'm sorry," I say again, hugging him tightly. He rests his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. His lashes are visible from here, soft and ginger, fanning out over his freckly cheeks. I lean forward and press my mouth to his, feeling his lips shift to fit against mine.

"I love you," he murmurs into the kiss, making me smile.

"I love you more," I say, rubbing my nose against his. He jerks back, tumbling us onto his bed so that I fall on top of him.

"I love you most."

AnnaliseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang