Chapter 16

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**Annalise's POV**

I wake up with a pounding headache. I rifle through my first aid kit, trying to find a potion for it, but I can't find anything except my daily potions. I uncork one of the viles and down it, then head down to the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of water and press it against my forehead, closing my eyes and leaning back against the sink. I'm so tired. I tossed and turned all night.

"Are you alright?"

I open my eyes and see Harry standing there, still in his pajamas. I guess I'm in my pajamas too. I force a smile and lower the glass.

"Yeah, headache," I shrug, "sleep well?"

"Yeah, fine," he starts making tea, "want a cup?"


I sink down at the table and rub my temples.

"So, what's Snape like as a defense teacher?" I ask. Harry laughs, but it seems forced.

"You know what he's like, the same, but a different classroom," he says. He passes me a cup of tea and the sugar bowl.

"He's got to be better than Umbridge, though?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I watch him for a moment. He's leaning back against the sink like I had been a moment ago, looking at me over his tea cup.

"Thanks for the tea," I say, standing up, "I think I'll go for a walk."

I leave the kitchen and step into the back yard. The air is cold and fresh, waking me up and making me feel more alive. My feet crunch through the frost, leaving a trail of footprints. I walk over to the chicken coop and open it, letting the chickens out. I grab their feed and sprinkle a handful at my feet. I can feel their warmth as they swarm, clucking and pecking. I wade through them and climb over the garden wall. The grass here is longer and more wet than frozen. My feet are starting to feel achy from the cold, but I keep walking through the field. The sun has just crept over the horizon and is letting out a soft pink warmth. I walk to the end of the field, then turn around and head back. My feet are now numb, my ankles having adopted the ache. I climb over the wall less gracefully and walk into the kitchen where the Weasleys are gathered, climbing around each other to get breakfast.

"Annalise, your feet must be frozen!" Mrs Weasley says, "go and warm them by the fire!"

I don't argue. I sit close to the flames and rub my feet to get the feeling back into them. They're bright pink and tingle painfully as the blood warms in them. Fred and Ron bring in plates piled with toast, sausages and eggs while Harry and George follow with pumpkin juice and pancakes. Ginny comes in last with plates and cutlery.

"Mum told us to get out from under her feet," Ginny explains, passing me a plate. Everyone digs in. I find myself surprisingly hungry and help myself to sausages and pancakes.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Ron asks, "game of Quidditch?"

"Some of us have jobs, Ronald," George says, "we can't all go gallivanting as we wish."

"What about you, Annalise?" Harry asks, "we could do two on two."

"I'm going to go and help in the shop," I say. Fred looks around, looking hopeful. Truthfully, I just don't want to spend the day with Harry staring at me like he has been. He looks a little put off.

"I'd better go change," I say, feeling awkward. I walk upstairs and change into a set of robes, then start brushing my hair out. There's a soft tap on the door, then Fred steps in.

"Are you sure you want to come in today?" he asks, closing the door behind him, "you don't have to throw yourself in, you can take it slow."

"I know," I say, "I want to. I can go up to the apartment if I need a breather."

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