Chapter 25

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**Annalise's POV**

I groan, feeling like every part of my body has been pulverised. I try to open my eyes, but only one obeys. I blink around, taking in white walls and bed sheets. Mungo's? No, I can hear the sea. I sit up and see a desk with a mirror attached. I'm still wearing my dirty clothes and see that they're caked with blood. I slowly stand up, grimacing in pain, and make my way to the mirror. I cringe. I look a right state. The right side of my face is swollen and bruised a deep, ugly purple. I have the reminents of cuts over my face. I inspect the rest of my body and find it peppered with bruises. I limp to the door and open it slowly. I find myself on a small landing with two other doors leading off it, with a flight of stairs going down. I limp down the stairs, wishing I had my wand. I step into a small kitchen and see the beach outside the window. I limp over and peer out at it, staring at it in wonder.


I turn and see Bill coming inside, looking very relieved.

"I'm glad you're up," he says, "bet you're sore, though. Harry told us what happened."

"I don't 'member," I say thickly.

"You don't remember sacrificing yourself for Ron, Harry and Hermione?" Bill asks, "it was very brave."

I shake my head and feel the whole room spin. Bill puts a hand on my arm, steadying me.

"Come and sit down, I've made something up for your face," he says. He presses a warm pack that smells of salt and herbs onto my cheek and I sigh, almost feeling the swelling going down.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"A few hours here," he says, "the others are sleeping. Fleur is tending to Griphook, Luna and Ollivander."


"Ahh, you were out for that whole thing, huh?" Bill shakes his head, "you need a hot bath and a good sleep. Wait here for a minute."

Bill disappears upstairs and I look around. The cottage is small, but very pretty. I walk over to the mantlepiece and look at the pictures there. There's one of the whole family at the wedding. I'm standing in between Fred and George. Fred is looking at me instead of the camera, his eyes warm and loving. I feel tears well in my eyes.

"He loves you very much."

I turn and see Fleur standing a few feet away. I wipe my eyes quickly, embarrassed.

"Come," she says, "I've run you a bath."

She leads me to the bathroom where a deep, steaming bath is waiting.

"Clean clothes," she says, placing them next to the sink, "and fresh towels."

"Thank you," I say. She just nods and leaves me, closing the door. I undress slowly, feeling my aching muscles protest. I step into the bath and sink up to my neck in the hot water, sighing as my muscles unknot and relax. I lean my head back, floating. When the water begins to cool, I scrub myself off and climb out, drying off and dressing in the soft linen nightdress. I look in the mirror. The swelling has almost gone. I can open my eye a little way. I'm still sore all over, but not as stiff as I was. I go back up to the little bedroom and climb into the bed. The sound of the ocean lulls me into a deep sleep.

I wake to sunlight streaming in through the little window. I climb out of bed and dress in the clothes left out for me. I'm still sore and a little stiff. I hobble downstairs and find Ron, Harry, Hermione, Bill and Fleur about to have lunch.

"Just in time," Fleur smiles, "come, sit."

"Thank you," I say, wincing as I sink into the hard chair.

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