Chapter 5

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**Annalise's POV**

January 15th. The day before the first Hogsmeade trip of the New Year. I've been back at Hogwarts barely two weeks and already I've had two owls from Aunt Claire telling me Mum is getting worse. Worse, then better. Then much worse. I sigh inwardly. Classes have ended and I'm sitting out in the freezing courtyard, pretending to read, but really just having a few moments alone. I hear someone walk out, but don't look around. If I ignore then, they'll ignore me.

"Uh, hi."

I look up and see Harry standing here.

"Hi," I say, reaching deep inside to find a smile, "what're you doing out here?"

"I, uh, I wanted to ask you something," he says shyly. I feel a wave of apprehension.

"Okay," I say slowly.

"Do you... Do you... Want to go to-to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" he asks. I have to fight down a laugh. He looks so nervous and sincere.

"I'm flattered," I say gently, "but I'm with someone."

"A girl?" he blurts out, "s-sorry, something George said..."

That does make me laugh.

"No, not a girl," I say, "a boy."

"Oh. Right," he looks disappointed, "great. Yeah. See you 'round."


I watch him leave the courtyard, his shoulders slumped and sigh again. I hear a whistle from somewhere above me. I look up and see Fred waving from a window about three stories above me.

"CATCH ME!" he yells.

"Wha- OH MY GOD!" I leap to my feet and pull out my wand, "ARRESTO MOMENTUM!"

Fred falls slowly to the ground, landing with a soft bump. He gets up and grins at me.

"Thanks," he says, "nearly got caught by Filch."

"YOU IDIOT!" I yell, my heart still pounding in my chest, "YOU COULD HAVE DIED!"

"You sound like mum," he laughs, "I knew you'd catch me."

"WHAT IF I DIDN'T HAVE MY WAND ON ME?" I scream, jabbing him in the chest. He laughs and grabs my hand.

"That's all part of the fun," he says. I glare at him, then slap him with my free hand.

"Ouch! Anna!" he says, shocked, then bursts out laughing.

"You're an idiot," I snap, grabbing my bag and turning to walk away. I leave the courtyard to peels of laughter, Harry pushed from my mind.

**Harry's POV**

I don't feel like going to Hogsmeade the next day, but Ron convinces me. I hope I don't see Annalise with her boyfriend.

I don't see her at all during the visit and just before we leave I'm thinking how lucky I've been when I hear someone call out her name. I turn around and see her walking towards a tall, Ravenclaw boy.

"Is that him?" Hermione asks.

"Must be," I mutter, turning away. I trudge back up to the castle feeling glum.

Time passes quickly and all of a sudden the second task is over. This time, Ron is getting just as much, if not more, attention than me. A few days after the task, Annalise walks over to us at breakfast.

"Congratulations on the task, Harry," she says. I try not to look like I care that she's here.

"Yeah, thanks," I say lightly, turning my back on her.

"That was rude," Hermione says, once Annalise has gone. I try to shrug, but I feel a pang of guilt.

"She was only trying to be nice," Hermione presses, "you don't need to be rude just because she's the only girl in the castle not interested in you."

I look over to where Annalise is sitting. She's sitting next to a Ravenclaw boy, maybe the same boy from Hogsmeade. Her hair is out, falling in messy curls to her shoulders, a few tendrils escaping around her face.

"It was a bit rude," Ron mutters.

"I get it," I snap, getting up, "I get it!"

I storm off outside and walk aimlessly through the grounds. It's a surprisingly nice day. As I pass the Forbidden Forest I see one of the Weasley twins walking towards the Forest.

"George!" I call, taking a guess. He looks around and grins.

"Fred," he says, walking over, "but close. It's harder to tell us apart from behind."

"Sorry," I say, "what're you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he says, crossing his arms over his chest, "making trouble, I hope."

"Something like that," I say vaguely. Fred glances up at the school.

"Well, I'd better go before I'm missed," he says, "see you, Harry."

"Fred," I say suddenly, "is Annalise dating that Ravenclaw bloke?"

Fred leans against a tree and looks at me.

"You've been asking a lot about her lately, Mr Potter," he says, "caught your eye, has she?"

I give a half-shrug. Fred raises his eyebrows.

"Isn't she a bit older than you?" he asks.

"She's only sixteen," I say.

"Nearly seventeen," Fred says, "first of May, she'll be seventeen. You're not fifteen until July."


Fred grins.

"She's taken," he says, "and she's not the kind to stray."

"How do you know?" I challenge. Fred laughs.

"Try her," he says, turning back to the woods. I stare at his back until he disappears from view, then walk slowly back to school. Annalise is coming out of the Great Hall as I enter the Entrance Hall. She smiles at me, but doesn't speak.

"Sorry about before," I say, "it was rude."

"It's fine," she says, shrugging.

"What are you doing now?" I ask. She raises her eyebrows.

"I'm going to study outside," she says, "what are you doing?"

"Uh, probably studying inside," I say, blushing.

"Have fun," she says with a smile.


I watch her walk out into the grounds, then turn and drag my feet up to Gryffindor tower.


I walk into the common room on the first of April and find an explosion of purple and gold.

"What's going on?" I ask Ron and Hermione.

"Fred and George turn seventeen today," Ron says, "I think the celebrations have begun early."

We walk down to breakfast and see the twins. They've got people sitting in a clump around them.

"Happy birthday," we chorus, sitting a small way down the table. George raises a glass to us in thanks and Fred salutes. My attention gets somewhat diverted by Annalise walking into the Hall with the Ravenclaw guy. He must be her boyfriend, I see them everywhere together.  As I watch them coming towards the Gryffindor table, she says something to him, then skips over to Fred and George. I realise I'm staring and try to pull my gaze away. The twins stand up and give her a hug, they talk for a moment, then she returns to the Ravenclaw guy and they go and sit at his table.

"You're staring," Hermione says, passing me the porridge.

"Right," I shake my head to clear it, "right."

The day ends with a party in Gryffindor tower in honour of the twins. Annalise comes in for a bit, talks with George and then goes. After she's gone, I head up to bed too.

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