My Favorite Season

By SaturnFrog0202

17.7K 268 173

Samantha Maddux is the niece of Greg Maddux, and she's had a life long love for the Chicago Cubs. Having an u... More

Best Phone Call Ever!
The 40-man lineup
Game Day
New Home, Old Friends, and a Date
A Dinner Date
Ambulance and a Diagnosis
1 Month Later
Willis Tower
Almost Passing Out from Exhaustion and Pain
Secrets Out
Achillies Heel Tendon
Can't Breath
You Really Want to Watch Doctor Who With Me?
Definetly the Pain Killers
Packing and Random Crying
Arriving in Florida
Another Hopsital Trip
Surgery, and a Surprise
Puppy Love, and Something is Wrong
Another Diagnosis
Double Date
I Knew
Getting My Splint Off
Bringing the Families Together
Home Run Derby
Relapse, and a Mature Lung Infection
I've Got a Needle in My Chest
Sleep Deprived Love
Medications Galore
Charity Work
Dolphins' Game
Panic Attack
You've Got to Be Kidding Me
The Costa Rica Incident
I Finally Make it to a Walk
Hospital Trip on Christmas
Turning 25
Valentines Day
Unexpected News
Happy Anniversary
Telling the Family and a Home
Gender Reveal and Multiple Kicks
Father's Day Dance
All-Star Break
Brithday Dinner and Precedure
Halloween Birthday
They Went All the Way!
Victory Parade

I Get My Own Assistant?!

569 8 0
By SaturnFrog0202

I wake up at 5:00am, and my back is hurting again. Great! More pain. I decide to ignore it for now, and I get dressed in a long black sleeve shirt, my Rizzo Jersey(go figure), and pair of light grey pants. I also throw on my pair of black converse. I try to convince Regan to go to the game, but she decided to go look for a veterinarian job opening. Whatever floats her boat.

I grab my equipment and head to my car. I arrive at Wrigley at 6:30am, and even though I have a bit of time before I actually have to set up I decide to do it now. Wooooo! No procrastinating! I just finished setting up my equipment when somebody comes up behind me, grabs my shoulders, and shakes me vigorously. I hear the person yell, "BOO!!". I scream, and turn around punching them in the gut. The person drops to their knees and winces in pain.

I hear him mumble, "What was that for?!"

I realize that it's Austin, "You scared me!"

He stands back up holding his stomach, "I probably deserved that".

I look at him in confusion, "Why are you here?"

He smiles, "I'm here because drum roll please! I'm your new assistant!"

I just nod, "Wouldn't Theo have told me that?"

Austin Shrugs, "I told him not to cause I wanted it to be a surprise"

I roll my eyes, "Of Course"

I then feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around. I see Anthony looming over behind me. I smile, "Hey Anthony!"

I notice that he's not smiling back, "Hey Samantha. Can we talk over there for a second?"

I nod confused, tell Austin one minute, and walk away with Anthony. After walking for two minutes Anthony turns towards me, "Not to be mean, but who the hell is that?"

My eyes widen, "That's Austin"

Anthony face palms, "I mean who is he to you?"

I realize that he's jealous, "Austin is just a friend. Also, you don't have to get jealous, but I'm sorry for making you jealous"

I feel him calm down a little bit, "Okay. I'm sorry for over reacting. Can I meet him?"

I smile and nod, "Sure ya can! Come on!"

We walk back over to Austin. I see him playing around with one of my flashes. I roll my eyes, and give him a look that says, "Don't mess this up". He nods, winks, and mouths, "Don't worry I got this". I roll my eyes again. He's gonna mess this up so bad. My life is over.

Once we get close enough Austin holds out his hand to Anthony, "It's so good to finally meet you. Sam talks about you all the time"

I sigh. Should have seen that one coming. However, Austin's plan seems so work because Anthony almost looks impressed, "It's good to meet you too"

"I would just like to say that I don't talk about you all the time" I say while glaring at Austin

Anthony smirks, "I wouldn't mind it if you did"

I roll my eyes, "Of Course you wouldn't"

I leave them alone for a few minutes to get food, and when I come back the are sitting on the bench laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask confused

Anthony looks up at me still laughing, "Austin was telling me about how when you were younger you were really clumsy! Did you really fall on your own finger and fracture it?"

I sigh, "Yes. I actually fell on my finger and fractured it"

"Oh My God! I love you!" Anthony says breathily

I blush, "Love ya too, hun"

Anthony smiles while standing up, "Well I gotta go, but I'll see you after the game?"

I nod, "You bet"

He kisses the top of my head and walks over to where all the guys were huddled up.

I look at Austin, "So you make fun of me twice?"

He smirks, "But of course"

I roll my eyes, "Come on! Grab your stuff. I'll show you where to set up"

He hurriedly grabs his stuff and rushes after me. I show him to the photo well. He begins to set up his equipment.

"So, you're gonna take pictures from here, and I'm gonna take pictures from the dugout" I say with a commanding tone

He just nods and waves me off clearly wanting to be alone with his work. I walk back to the dugout, sit down, and check my phone. I go on instagram, and I see that Anthony has posted something new. I go to his account and see that it's s a picture of me in the batting cage last night. He types the caption: All I can say is that I'm incredibly lucky to have met a woman like her. She's beautiful, funny, and she's a switch hitter. She could put me to shame in a heartbeat. 😍💙🐻⚾️

I smile, like the picture, then go to my own Instagram. I post the picture of me and Anthony in front of The Bean. I type the caption: I just met the man of my dreams. Something which I never thought would happen, but I guess you never know when someone will walk into your life, and change the way you see things.😊🐻⚾️

The guys start swarming the dugout, so I stand up and man the camera. Anthony comes up behind me, "So? I'm the man of your dreams?"

I roll my eyes, and shake my head, "Yes. That's how I think about you"

"I think about you that way too" Anthony yells as he heads onto the field.

I shake my head in fondness, and play around with my shutter speed. Then, I get a sudden sharp pain in by back that moves all the way down my right leg. I wince, and look into the field to where Anthony is. He staring at me with a concerned look on his face. I quickly school my expression and wave him off while mouthing, "I'm fine. Focus". He just nods, but still looks concerned.

The pain goes away as quickly as it appeared. The game soon begins, and I'm completely focused on my work that if my back did hurt again I didn't notice it. The cubs end up winning 2-0. I go into the clubhouse with the guys to celebrate. However, I can't help but feel concerned at the fact that I feel a little light headed. I think Anthony can tell that something isn't right with me because he's hovering around me.

Then, David has caught Anthony's full attention, and I begin to feel dizzy. I begin to see dark spots, and I try to get Anthony's attention by lightly smacking him on the arm. However, I get his attention a little too late. I fall backwards, but I feel a pair of arms wrap around me before I hit the ground. I don't get to thank whoever it is because I fully blackout.

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