A Prey's Protector

By ilovedolphins101

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It was like a game to them. A game of predator and prey. They are the predator and I'm the prey. Kill or be k... More



154 14 11
By ilovedolphins101

   SEASON 4!!!! YES!!!! That's all I'm going to say about season 4 because I don't give spoilers. Well, you all are going to hate me for two reasons:

1. This is the last chapter.

2. The ending.

You'll see what I mean when finishing but anyways...



   Hera drove like a mad person.

   My fingers dug into the car's passenger seat and clinging for dear life. In the back was that girl, who seemed to be doing better than me.

   "What's going on?" the girl asked, worried for Hera. I admit that I'm a little worried too. She seemed to flip when I told her that I might know who was killed.

   "Remember when I told you about the cases of hired assassins that were out killing very specific people?" Hera asked directly towards the girl.

   The girl nodded, "Yeah, the Imperial case."

   "Well, these people that were killed have the gear symbol of the Empire's gang," Hera explained.

   "Really, that's huge. No one has killed an imperial, but two! Wow," the girl said amazed.

   They kept blabbing on and on about the imperials until arriving at the crime scene. While they talked, I snooped through something's and found some odd looking sphere shaped things. That was until finding a manual and read it.

   Danger: do not under any circumstances use-

   "We're here!" I jumped and put it most of them back where they went.

   The three of us get out of the car then Hera shows me and the girl around. We saw the outlines of the bodies in two different spots. One on the outside and the other on the inside of a fence.

   "Here are the pictures of the two imperials," Hera said showing me.

   It was Seven and Five. The two assassins who were at the train station and the closest to almost killing Kanan and I.

   "These two are Seven," my finger pointed at the woman then the man, "and Five. These assassins were trying to kill and take my families money."

   "Where are your parents?" The girl asked. I looked down to avoid eye contact knowing that I might break. My hands reached into my sweatshirt hoodie and started squeezing the stress ball. I could feel their eyes on me feeling pity. I always hated pity.

   Something laid on my shoulder and from what I could see in my previsional sight, it was a hand. The hand connected to Hera's arm but I still didn't look up.

   "You said something about knowing who killed these two?" Hera said. I was thankful that she changed the subject.

   "Yeah, I have a pretty good idea of who it is but...I'm not sure where he is or if he's even alive," I told her. She nodded,

   "It's okay, do you by any chance know his name?" She asked. I bit my tongue. This was going to end up well or horrible. I didn't want Kanan going to jail even if he killed my parents. He risked his life to save and protect me from other assassins by betraying them.

   I looked up at the two females who were staring back at me.

   "Kanan, Kanan Jarrus," I answered. The hand on my shoulder squeezed tighter and Hera's eyes widened more. The girl behind me didn't seem to fazed by the name as Hera was.

   "So this Kanan Jarrus, guy killed two imperials. Impressive, you should hire him," the girl said nudging Hera in the side. The woman didn't acknowledge anything that happened and seemed to be in deep thought.

   The girl soon noticed something was wrong and began to worry. Hera let go of my shoulder and crossed her arms, pacing back and forth.

   The girl eyes landed on me and I returned a guilty look.

   "Who's Kanan Jarrus?" She asked.

   "Y-you don't know?" I said surprised. That's when I remember Kanan telling me that he never met his daughter. His daughter, Sabine. That's her name!

   "Does it look or sound  like I know?" Sabine angrily replied upset, eyebrows knitted together.

   "Sabine," the both of us looked over at Hera. I've never seen her look so helpless and depressed.

   "We need to talk," she finished, then gestured over to the cop car. I stayed in my spot and watched them walk over.

   I adverted my eyes to look somewhere else. Then an unsettling feeling that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand ran through me. Something wasn't right.

   My eyes scanned the area for any suspicious characters or anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, I was pushed to the ground and struggled under the weight. That was until hearing the sounds of gun fire.

   "Kid, stay down," whoever on top of me said. I recognized the voice as Kanan's! Once the firing stopped, he dragged me over to the cop car where Hera and Sabine are ducking behind. The gun firing began once again.

   "Is everyone ok?" Kanan asked us. Sabine and I nodded speechlessly, to afraid to talk. Hera stared at Kanan for a moment before nodding as well. I couldn't tell if this was an awkward, sweet or straight out terrifying family reunion for the three.

The glass above us shattered and we all ducked, putting our hands behind our heads. Something smooth hit the back of my head. A piercing scream of pain came from Sabine. When it was a good moment to look up, I saw glass sticking out of her hand. I glanced over my shoulder to see Kanan return the gun fire before ducking back down.

I felt like a sitting duck at the moment. There was nothing I could do to help. It was worse than pity looks.

   I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were red. For a moment, I thought it was blood but the fumes entered my nose now identifying it as red paint. My eyes spotted a can of red spray paint not to far away and an idea clicked into my brain.

   Suddenly, the gun firing goes silent.

   "Ezra Bridger, come out now and no one will get hurt," an icy voice calls. I knew the voice from my nightmares anywhere. The Inquisitor.

   "Stay down, we'll figure out another way," Kanan told me.

   After everything that has happened, I realize that there was no other way out alive than to follow orders. Or change the hunt on my own terms.

   I slid my hand into my pocket and grabbed the cool surface of the odd sphere that was found in the car. I never said I was putting them all back.

   "You have the count till three and then we will continue to fire," the inquisitor said.

   "One..." He started.



   "Wait!" I jumped up and raised my hands in surrender. A cold grin cracked on his pale face, behind him were about thirty others with guns pointed at out direction.

   "I surrender," I added. I could tell that all eyes were on me. Ones of fear, glee, and suspense. The air blew but not a sound was made on either side.

   Come out, boy. With hands kept raised," the Inquisitor instructed. I did as asked and he also walked towards me until we met in the middle.

   "Let them go," I said sternly, glaring at the man standing in front of me.

   "Now boy...why would I do such a thing?" That's when more people with guns came from behind and focused their aim on the other three. Sabine, Kanan, and Hera slowly stood up with their hands in the air. One of them took Kanan's gun away.

   "Don't hurt them, they have nothing to do with this!" I yelled.

   "You surly have something to do with them though, so they are more apart of this an you think," the Inquisitor said smirking.

   I reached into my pocket and reached for my  red ball. My hand slithered out with the red sphere but I didn't squeeze it.

   The man glared at me and quickly took the object away.

   "This will not save you or your friends from any danger now boy. So why do you even have it?" He asked.

   "Oh, I beg to differ," I said and the red object started to beep. The Inquisitor looked at the sphere in confusion and anger.

    He looked back at me in confusion then hissed, "What is this?"

   "Well, it's not this," I said pulling my real stress ball from my pocket.

   He seemed to realize the situation that we were in and dropped the beeping sphere.

   "A bomb painted red? You are going to kill us all!" He yelled at me.

   "No, just me and you," I said, then tackled him to the ground. I could hear my name being called out but didn't pay attention to it and only the man.

   I held him down.


   I closed my eyes.


   I prayed a little. Never once did I do this until now.


   I took and deep breath in and out.


   All the voices that called my name were canceled out.



The End!

If you're wondering, that was an unresolved ending which means the ending is left unfinished and you all have to use your imaginations to think of the ending.

See ya!!!!✌️✌✌

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