One Direction Bullied A Vampi...

By Larry_Muke_af

41.8K 1.1K 172

~Alex Woods~ A girl who is bullied and beaten senseless Without anyone caring. Alex suffers with the so cal... More

One Direction Bullied a vampire
Meeting again
Loosing control
Waking up
Thank you cx
Sorry(authors note,can skip)
1 week later
Sorry(authors note you can skip)
Happy Easter!
We meet again
Seeying him again
Yay hey:))
Hey sorry
Thnxz! Q/A?
Happening too soon.
One of the five
Siarra mist
Author note
Authors note
Chapter 30
Authors note (very important please read)
Authors note:)
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 36
good news
Chapter 37
Good-Bye for now
Fresh new start. [ please read ]


1.2K 40 8
By Larry_Muke_af

Alex P.O.V

Everything is so bright I can burly even adjust to the light, what happened last night?

All I remember is.. Wait what do I remember? I was walking with the lads and, oh god. It was him, Dave.

But what happened afterwards?

I look around only to realize it was 6 in the morning, and it was time for school, I got dressed and went downstairs and saw everyone surrounding the table.


They all turned around wide eyed and confused. "Nonono you're staying home today what are you doing, back to your room!" James said worriedly.

"What do you mean it's time to go to school lets go, what's wrong" I was confused and lost, did something bad happen last night? What had happen and why can't I remember?

"Don't you remember last night? You need rest fuck school"

No I didn't remember and I feel like I don't want to remember.

" I don't remember, but please! Don't tell me anything. I don't want to know lets just go please don't make me stay." I say pleadingly, I just want it to en a normal day.

"I guess s-" I didn't let him finish "no shut up lets go"

I was sitting in English class talking to Chelsea, not Even realizing the devil that was walking into the class.

"Oh speaking of the devil" I sighed, yes it was Niall and I wanted to punch the shit out of him for every known reason.

"Hola puta" Niall said with his special smirk that just made me even more annoyed than ever, " Hola cabron, no savia que estábamos en la clase de español" I said back with my special smirk, he looked at me surprised not knowing that I spend 3 years at Puerto Rico.

(Update: Niall said " Hi Whore"
Alex: "Hi asshole I didn't know we were in Spanish class"
Little fact about me: Born in Puerto Rico then moved into the states)

After Niall and I's little Spanish talk, he didn't speak to me or even look at me which In my opinion that is one hell of a surprise.
But anyways the boring class went on.

Being finally out of school we decided to just go home peacefully not worrying about anything.
"We're going to hunt around 7 !" I hear Dylan yell, we came home late because of detention wish honestly was Zayn and Nialls fault but whatever I'll get them one day.

-7:00 p.m-

"Let's go or I will rip your heads off motherf!ckers!" I said in a demonic voice that I didn't even know i had, I completely ignored it because of my annoyance of the long wait.

"Okay, okay you don't have to go all demonic on us" Jacob said with his arms in surrender, I giggled a bit finding it funny because of his innocent face.

"Let's just go losers"

We ran through the forest, having our share of food which was animal blood and I felt quite G-


What was that? A male scream? What's going on?


Another male voice? We all looked at Eachother and ran after the voices that we had heard. Who could they be? They sound familiar too?

"Ah let me go!"

A Irish accent? Where have I heard it before?

We linked together and stopped behind some bushes so we could check out what was going on and why there was screaming.

"Alex you might wanna see this"

I was completely confused even thought the people that were screaming are still crying out for help. I decided I look at the scene already and what I saw completely surprised me. What the hell were they doing in the forest anyways?

All 5 were being attacked by other vampires. They looked so helpless and in a way I was enjoying all this, hearing their cries for help made me feel accomplish but I knew that was messed up.

" We need to save them! They are going to die!" I hear one of the lads say,

"Fuck that! They deserve deat-"

"Don't say that Alex! Don't be as low as them now come on!" Chelsea yelled at me while jumping into the scene and fighting the vampires and so did the rest, it was just me.

Should I?
Should I jump in and help?

Fuck it. I will.


"Hey!" I yelled as I walked out of the bush and see everyone fighting, everything seemed to go in slow motion and it made me excided and jumpy. As soon as it did I knew I needed to jump in, so I did.

"Let him go" I whispered to one of the vampires that were holding Niall in the ear, they seemed in shock by the sudden move and suddenly dropped Niall to the ground.

"What are you going to do uh" he was trying to seem tough even tho he wasn't, I wrapped my arm around there neck making sure to press his pressure point and make him knock out.

That looked to easy so I decided on my grand idea. I ripped his head off clean and clear, i felt myself smirk at the idea of his head in my hand and it was satisfying.

"Alex! It's over stop being so creepy" I hear James say out of the sudden, oh yeah I forgot. I dropped the head and looked ahead seeing Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam.

They were bundled up together Infront of a tree looking scared and confused in a mixture of everything. They didn't know how to feel and that made me feel pleasure.

I looked back at Chelsea, Heaven, Dylan, Jacob and James and they were all waiting for me to say something.

I looked back at Niall and the others only for me to get closer to them, Niall flinched going behind Zayn while the rest looked terrified for life.

"Stand up all of you, we are not going to hurt you." I said stubbornly I wasn't going to do the same as they were doing to me, not at all I'm not going to be like them.

The boys stood up except for Louis, he tried standing but fell back down in pain holding his knee. " Louis!" Harry ran towards Louis worried in his eyes which I completely ignored "Heaven take Zayn, Chelsea take Niall, Jacob take Harry, James take Liam and Dylan help me with Louis to our cabin we go"

"Okay, Louis put your arm around my shoulder" he did as told, James and I pulling him up. Seemed like he weighed like a weather, "don't I weigh a lot?" Louis asked confused "Not really" I answered. He looked at me confused, but then he started whining in pain, in a way it made me feel satisfied with myself.


Shut up.

-10 mins later-

We got home, I looked around noticing that I can just put Louis in the catch for now and maybe he will stop his whining.

James and I put Louis down as slowly as we could in the catch noticing that all I did was give him more pain so we dropped him in a comfortable position.

"AUGH" Louis frowned and looked around slowly closing his eyes, "don't move Louis you better be listening" I spat out anger suddenly hitting me.

Dylan knew I wasn't going to call out to him so he decided to just come slog and heal him without even asking. Louis opened his eyes once he felt Dylan's hands on his hurting spot he looked with fear into Dylan's eyes and Dylan smiled weakly at him "this might hurt a little" Dylan closed his eyes in concentration, while five seconds later Louis was growling in pain.

I was enjoying his Screams of pain but that was ruined early.

"What are you doing to him! You're hurting him!" Harry yelled from his side, wow so he worries when Louis and his other mates are hurting but if anyone bruised me they would just walk by and leave, F!ckers.

"Shut up and watch curly maybe you'll learn something for once" I said angrily at the curly mop,

I heard Heaven sigh and speak " calm down Dylan isn't hurting him he's actually doing the opposite his healing Louis"

"He doesn't look like he is getting any better!" Liam yelled angrily at Heaven which pissed me off even more.

"How about you shut the f!ck up and then you will see" 

I looked back at all of them with my deep red eyes and fangs out not having any other reason to not show my true self.
"What are you?" Zayn asked fear all over his voice making me smirk. I ignored his question turning around as I felt Dylan being finished with Louis.
"Stand up and walk around" Dylan told Louis, Louis not being aware of his healing process he stayed put "are you crazy?! That's going to hurt!"

"Just stand up or I will kill you!" I yelled at him angrily watching him do as I say.

"Ho-how is this possible ?" Louis asked curious but nervous, but then I noticed something.
What are the people that bullied me for so many years, who just decided to put me aside and make my life a living hell in my house? The people who once were my best friends in the whole w-

"All of you need to leave"

Chelsea looked at me with a hint of madness in her look.
"I'm sorry to ruin your plan but it's pouring outside and I'm too exhausted to use my power."

"They can figure a way home" I said not wanting them to stay "Alex! No! You're no better than them acting like this! You boys are staying okay!"

"Fine" I grumbled, "there's a Spare bedroom with 4 beds you guys figure it out.
I walked into my room locking myself in there for who know how long. I was in my bed under the blankets thinking about everything. How could I get here? What are they doing here? Fuck.

They are back,
They are coming to destroy, they don't like you at all none. You are a useless piece of shit so no one does.


The sound of thunder, I love it.



Who could does whimpers be from, sounds like it's coming from the spare bedroom but whatever.

I don't care if they are hurt for all I care they could die in that room.


As I started to slowly drift I've noticed I weird feeling that I ignored but why are the voices still bothering me?



Heyyyyyy guys hope you liked this chapter:)


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