We're Triplets?!

By RoxanneMarie99

698 20 2

Lucy and Jim Gilbert have had to make a huge decision that will change their life forever. They promised each... More

We're Triplets?!
The arrival & the drop~Chapter 2
~15 years~ ch3
Ch 4 It happened....
Ch 5 The confession and the plan
Ch.6 ~ Is this real life?~
Ch7~The meeting
Ch.9 "Joy! I'm so sorry,"
Ch. 10 Thats how you feel
Ch.11 Oh snap
Ch12~ The basement
Ch 14 (1/2): Suprise: sorry its short!!
Ch 14 pt 2
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch 18

Ch.13 Uh oh~ Filler chapter Sorry!

23 1 0
By RoxanneMarie99

Lucy came back in with pop corn and turned the movie back on. The three watched movies until they fell asleep while the girls laughed the night away.

The next morning, JIm was awoken by a loud knock on the door.

"That was the best sleep I've had in 15 years..." he mumbles to himself.

Jim got to the door and hesitated to answer it.

 "Good morning Sir," MAson smiled. "Oh, Im sorry. Did i wake you?" he asked.

"No, Son, its fine," JIm said. "The girls are in the basement. You can go down if you want, but I think theyre still asleep," JIm told him.

"Thank you, Sir, and Im sorry for waking you," Mason said, walking to the stairs.

MAson got to the girls bedroom door and quietly slipped inside. HE closed the doot behind him and tiptoed over to Faith's bed and laid down next to her.

"Mason?" Faith whispered.

"Yes, BAbe, its me. Did you sleep well?" MAson asked.

"A little better than I have before," Faith rolled over to face MAson. "I was still scared. I didnt sleep that long. Im awake at 8:30 when we fell asleep at 4:30."

"WHy were you scared? You're safe with your real family now and protected down here. What's wrong?" he asked.

"Last night, after you guys left, Dad told us that M. JOhnson saw a man in a small black car watching the house. MAson, it was Ryan. They know I'm here. I'm afraid theyll hurt me or my family or you. MAson, I dont know what to do!" Faith cried.

"Shhhh. Shhh. Faith, its ok. YOu'e going to be ok," MAson huggd her. "It's going to be ok."

 FAith took a deep breath and fell back asleep in MAson's arms.

Three hours later, HOpe, Faith, JOy Lily and MAson were awoken by Luke, JAson and Sean bursting through the bedroom door.

"GOOD MORNING!" They shouted.

 Hope, JOy and Lily jumped sky high.

"You scared me!" Hope exclaimed.

"I can tell," Jason laughed, making his way over to her bed.

Faith adn MAson laughed.

"We didnt scare you two?" Luke asked.

"Luke, I grew up with criminals, remember?" Faith laughed. "I've been scared my whole life. Compared to their stupid schemes, weapons all over the house that could go off at any moments, and someone always after you, that was nothing," she added.

"Oh, right... What about you?" he asked pointing to MAson

"Ive stayed over wiht her and feared they would hurt me or her if i wasnt there. Like she said that was nothing," MAson answered.

"Oh... so we got some badass unscareable people over here huh?" Luke sighed.

"So,when are we finishing Austin's room?" JAson asked.

"When everyone gets ready," HOpe told him.

JUst then, Austin came flying down the stairs nearly slamming into the closed room.

"C'mon! It's time to finish my room!" he shouted.

Everyone laughed. Then the girls went to change.

ONce the girls were ready, they all went up to finish Austin's room.

 "Let's get started!" JIm exclaimed.

Four hours later, Austin's room was almost finished.

"I just need to run and get your bed. I'll be back in an hour," he said changing shirts and walking out the door.

Lucy went to the kitchen to start dinner while the girls, Luke, Jason, Sean, Austin and MAson threw on swim suits and went out to the pool.

"Are you excited about your room?" Lily asked Austin?

"Of course! I've been trying to get a bigger room forever! I've been trying to get the basement but Dad said it was "his place"," Austin said.

The next hour was spent tanning, swimming and laughing while waiting for JIm to return.

After an hour had pasted, the teens went inside to finish the room.

"Mom, is Dad back?" Austin asked.

"NOt yet, Honey," Lucy answered.

The group went back outside to the pool and continued to wait for Jim

(A/N: Im so sorry this is extremly short!! I've been so busy with school and preparing for the end of the year!! I have finals or finals prep all week and next week! I'm so sorry !!! But i tried to give you all something today!!! Because I love you!! And My birthday is MONDAY!!! (MAy 5:)) YAY! I'm so sorry again and the next date will be much longer PROMISE!! I love you and have a good week!!)

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