The dancing queen meet her ki...

By N0nanaxxx

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a enemy .....a love story More

first meeting
leaving with boys?
what ???
why me??
a new friend or enemy
becoming friends
first love only a dream
one door close another open : part 1
one door close another open : part 2
new babies
hyoyeon 's fan boys
living with a lie: part 1
living with a lie: part 2
meeting my family
Jessica's leaving (OT9 forever)
Hyoyeon's solo act
eunhyuk is back
sm town without hyohyuk
snsd ot5?
moving with sunny
sm town Halloween
snsd reunion
Running man (gnomeo & Juliet)
We Got Married special
WGM part 1
wgm part 2
wgm part 3
wgm part 4
wgm part 5
wgm part6
wgm part 7
wedding canceled?

let's put an end....

68 4 3
By N0nanaxxx

as soon as the idols returned home snsd had started their preparations for their comeback....rehearsals and filming the shows before the day would air....on the other hand eunhyuk had free time and some schedules with donghae but it was not much as he expected...he wanted to be more near hyo and gain the lost time they were away from each other...

at sm town

tae:lets take 20...get something to eat and comeback ok?

hyo:ok  see you later tae..axaxa

sunny:yah wait ...are you running away?

hyo:xaxaa ani...I will stay here ...I have my  lunch with me...

seo:ah bouyah why ...I thought we will all go...

tiff:guess we are not...yoona?

yoona:eh well I did the same bian...(donghae is coming )

snsd(left to go and eat something while the two girls stay behind

hyo:so why you stayed ?

yoona:donghae is

hyo:practice solo ...axxaxa

yoona :is it for that thing you will go with tae?

hyo:oh...but I thought I will not join it since I am not that good and I just started as solo...

yoona;well seems that you are better than  you think....axxaxa

hyuk:yoh why I have to come?

donghae:just enter....(push him inside the room)

yoona:oppa(run to donghae)

hyuk:yah....oh anio...

hyo:anio.axaxaxa I see that he didn't want to come alone xaxaxa

hyuk;you tell me...(now I get it koumao hyong...)so whats up?

hyo:well  I will eat and get practice you?

hyuk:well we kinda skip the practice axxaxa

hyo:axxaa yoona oppa stop it ...

yoona:yah just join your food...(continue kissing)

hyuk:aish hyong...

donghae:yah you two can kiss too....(get back to yoona...while hyohyuk was blushing hard)

hyuk:aish what are  you talking about...(saw hyo)

hyo:well I think he mistaken us as them...I mean couple...(saw eunhyuk)

hyuk:yah we are not a couple...

yoona:you aren't ?then why you...

donghae:yah just shh you two are a couple just make it official already..

hyo:axxaxa we are  not we are friends right?


yoona:yah you already spend some  nights together and you did ...(got hit by hyo)



hyuk:what are you laughing about she is right  we are not...

donghae:yeah two stop lying to each other already... are totally together even you don't get it...

hyo:thats it yoona (run after her)

hyuk:i would never let her be my girl...she is too scary.....see...(hyo glare at him)

hyo:bian...but neither I would be his girl....who would like a monkey for boyfriend...also he is smelly in the morning...

hyuk:yah I am smelly what about your weird sleeping habit?(make the face)

hyo:yah you are too loud...

yoona:did we ...make it worse?

donghae:i think so...

hyuk:what ?yah why didn't you said it they night we did it and you were it too much oh?

hyo:mbo?i never liked it was ....I was hurting ok?but you keep on doing what you wanted when I asked you to monkey gone too wild...oh and at sm town concert you also went crazy ....

hyuk:i never thought of doing it again with you so .....why would I think about doing it again with you..ha are so manly that I would prefer doing it with donghae than you...(they keep on arguing making things ever more bad)

donghae;ok you two stop it....

yoona:oh its our fault playing with you guys now ..please get back at your friendly side oh...?

hyo:he have to apologize ...

hyuk:why do it....

hyo:thats it....(she was going to hit him when  yoona stop her)

yoona:yah don't do that you are

donghae:both friends....don't ruin your friendship like that...oh?

hyo:then lets....(what I am saying ?what I did just now?)

hyuk:put an end of this...(did I just ...gush ...why ?iam so stupid)

hyo:gree...lets not meet again...(push eunhyuk out the room with donghae)if you need to meet each other do it elsewhere....


hyo:aish....(the guys left)

yoona:you ok?

hyo:why didn't ..aish....I got to much angry didn't I?

yoona:oh both of you what happen?i thought you guys were good

hyo:i guess we never fought ....but now we just ended our friendship?and he said all this bad things about me...(start crying)

yoona:oh hyo...(hug her)

donghae:yah what you did was...

hyuk:i know it was too mean but she didn't let it slide saw it...she never liked anything I even took away our friendship....I cant see her ...(cry)

donghae:is will pass...

after the incident hyo and eunhyuk never meet or talk to each other....hyo was busy with her schedule and she forgot about him that what she was showing when she was alone she could see and remember him ,and their fun days/nights...also eunhyuk was busy but he couldn't be too focused so he ended up messing up his own dancing machine title... 

donghae:what happen to you ?you forgot our songs?

hyuk:lets not talk about it ..I tired to cover it up ok....

lee:yeah but still why you forget them in first place?you cant you are an idol...

hyuk:just ...stop it ....I ...lost it when I saw a girl enter the studio...I thought she was ....aish...I lost it ok..?

hee:you thought hyo .....hyong is been 3 weeks since that day...

hyuk:i know...but I cant ....I don't know what happen...anyways I am off to studio...I need practice as you saw...(left)

lee:any ideas to help him?

donghae:bian it was my mistake making them fight I shouldn't push them .....

shin:you just did it to help them how you knew it would end this way...

siwon:well hyo is ok...she is too good that she makes everyone laugh...xaxaxa 

lee:gree..maybe its not meant to be....for them...

donghae:mbousoun...yah they both act like child that's what happen...

siwon:thats right but we cant do anything ...we have to see what will they do...

lee:gree.lets just have that in mind and if things get worse lets do something ok?


at sm

hyuk:i cant believe it how could I mess it up on dance....?I have to work harder ...mmm hyo...?(enter the room)



yoona:we will leave the two of you talk...

tae:see you oppa...(the girls got their things and get out)

hyo:we have nothing to say...(got to the door to leave when eunhyuk stopped her by get her hand)

hyuk:its only for a minute...

hyo:let go of me....

tiff:just listen to him...

sunny:you will not lose anything... minute...(the girls left the two of them)so?start talking...

hyuk:i sorry I don't know what happen...

hyo:oh too....I....did you mean it all that?

hyuk:i true (try to play with her) are different from the other girls...

hyo:mbo...?you say that as apologize?i don't believe you ...oppa..ani...monkey know what ...that's it don't show up to me again...

hyuk:wait hyo..this is(hyo slap the door hard)not I wanted to tell you...aish....

yoona:so what happen?

hyo:dont talk about it he apologies then he said he mean the things he said...that monkey ..aish....

tae:what did you tell him?

hyo:to not see each other again....(cry)it hurts me .......why he see me as not a girl?i cant believe him.....

tiff:is ok it will pass.....

from that day eunhyuk and hyo never spoke or meet each other...

lee:where is hyuk?

siwon:practice again...

shin:its been 3 weeks that he keeps on pushing him self....

donghae:also he is not sleeping well ...he will get sick...hyong what would we do?

hee:lets wait for him to come...and lets talk about it....

lee:siwon is hyo ok?

siwon:mm it seems she is ok...but the girls say the opposite she is somehow not her usual self....she hide something from them...

donghae:gree ...its my fault making them like that ..its been 7 weeks that they didn't talk or meet each other in total...and look how he became....

lee:he will manage it...(just then eunhyuk enter the room)

hyuk:i am home...

shin:where were you?

hyuk: practicing... 

donghae:you had enough just relax the next few days...

hyuK:ani.....I am ok I need to practice more...

lee:how long?hyong you were not eating or sleeping well and you keep on dancing and dancing like crazy...

hee:you will get sick...

hyuk;nda kenchana...

donghae:no you are not...hyong...listen to us....

shin:eunhyuk just stay home tomorrow oh?

hyuk:nda shro...I want to practice..and don't worry I am ok...look how strong I am?

hee:yah ...we mean

hyuk:just stop ok..i am ok really..(just then he sit on the sofa to not make it obvious he was lousing his sight as everything goes blind,)

siwon:yah hyuk?

donghae:yah ...yah...hyong....?

lee:he fainted...aish ....

shin:hyong he is having a fever too...

lee:aish ....get him in his room...first I will call someone ....

hee:wait hyong tomorrow is eunhyuk's sister wedding ...don't call them they will worried...

lee:gree...I have to call someone else then...

shin:call a she can go with him tomorrow..

siwon:and be next to him and help him all the time....because we cant be next to him at their table...too..

donghae:call hyo....what she is perfect ...his family like her and she can take care of him and don't let them found out about him being sick...

lee:gree..that way they can get to meet again ..and lets wish for the best....

hee:just call already....

at snsd dorm

the girls were sleeping and as always hyo was seeing eunhyuk in her dream .....she missed him so much that she didn't care about what happen was 2 am when her phone start ringing...

seo:uniee..hyo..unie...your phone..(hyo lazy open her eyes to take the call while she fall back to the bed)

hyo:yabouseo?(she closed her eyes)

lee:hyo...?biane..I know is late...but....can you ....

hyo:oppa is 2 in the morning ...whats wrong?

lee:well hyuk got sick and we don't know what to do we though you could help us(as soon as she heard that he was sick she waked up for good)

hyo:is he ok?how bad is it?

lee:just can you came?

hyo:i will be there in 15-20 minutes....(closed the phone...and start getting ready as fast as she could to go to eunhyuk...)

at suju dorm

donghae:what she said?

lee:she is coming...

siwon:sindja?we should were something on...

hee:well you have to...we are dressed up....

shin:is not time for that ...we...have to clean the place ...

after 15 minutes the bell rang...

lee;is hyo right?

hee:i don't know the person wear too much things...mask sunglasses cap....jacket...I don't see hair or anything else....

siwon:just open ...she might be her... is he..(as soon as she get in she took off the jacket the glasses and the mask ,cap....)

lee:what happen to you?(the boys shocked when they saw hyo too messy)

hyo:what do you mean..?anyway were is he?

donghae;in our room..also please go to the bathroom and take a look at yourself (try to hold up his laugh...)

hyo:aish no time...did he ate anything?

lee:ani...(the others brast laughing)you sure came fast...axxaxa

hyo:oppa I had no time...I just put some clothes on...

hee:we can see that..(she was wearing a white v shirt and a short jeans..too short ...also she was wearing her flippers and not shoes....her hair was too messy picked up, bun)

hyo:can I know now what happen?

lee:well he came home and he said he was ok then when he just sit on the sofa he fainted and he had fever...

donghae:he wasn't eating well or sleep 

shin:he was always overworking too....

hyo:how long?

swion:since you fight....

hyo:aish...he is an idiot...can I ..

lee:just you want us do something?

hyo:ani I will find them...

donghae:i will stay at someone's else room so don't worry about me...

hyo:oppa is ok you don't have to...

shin:he is going to do it so you feel more comfortable ......

lee:hyo also...tomorrow his sister is getting married can you make him better?

hyo:mbo?uniee is...and he is like this?gosh...what he will do?he might get over the fever but not all the fluee you guys will be th entire day with him right?

donghae:yes but not on their table...only his partner can join them...

hee:hyo why don't you go there?

hyo:oppa..I...lets talk about it tomorrow when he is awake....

lee:gree...goodnight hyo and koumao...

suju:goodnight koumao...

hyo:(waved at them and enter eunyuk's room....)aish how can you do that ....(touch his head)you are hot.....(got a towel and wet it before start cleaning eunhyuk carefully...)

hyuk:(he felt someone touching his chest so he got his/her hand)mboe?

hyo:oppa get need to rest...(pull him down again)

hyo:oppa call rest ...(keep on cleaning him)

hyuk:stop it...I don't want you do it ..just call someone else...(I cant have you near me you are hurting me...please leave)

hyo:they are sleeping...just relax ...(stop cleaning him and went to clean and put some water again at the towel)

hyuk:hyo...(where is she going)

hyo:mm?(put the towel on his forehead)

hyuk:ahh cold...kokk

hyo:is ok...just stay didn't ate anything right?

hyuk:i am ok....

hyo:i will make you something to eat...until I came back get some sleep...(get to the kitchen and cook a soup for him)he is so cute when he sleeps...why you did that you stupid monkey....

hyuK:dont ..don't leave don't...(waked up...) was a dream...come on(hyuk hug hyo...)

hyuk;bian...I didn't want to say that words ....

hyo:oppa is in the past now...come on eat something ...

hyuk:ani...I don't want to

hyo:oppa is for you ...(try to make him eat it but accidently eunhyuk make the hot soup form he spoon fell on hyo's hand)ahhh...(he immediately catch her hand and put it in his wet towel...)

hyuk:biane...are you ok?

hyo:nda will you eat in order to take the medicines?

hyuk:do I have a choice?

hyo:ani...(start helping him eat up )how is it?

hyuK:nice....(she is so ...cute even now I cant stop my felling for her)

hyo:oppa oki....(gave him his medicine..and water)good boy...when you get better I will give you ice cream

hyuk:yes...wait what?yah don't play with me and the ice cream...

hyo:axaxxaxa you are so cute..(she released what she said and pretend she didn't say it)

hyuk:mbo?(did she just say that to me?)

hyo:what I didn't say anything...oppa get some sleep will need the energy for tomorrow wedding....(check his fever)its gone now....

hyuk:how you knew about it?

hyo:oppa told know you should be healthy and not make them worry about you...

hyuk:i know is just ....I ....

hyo:gree don't do that again no matter what happen to you should eat and take care of sleep..(put the covers on hyuk...)

hyuk:wait where are you going(catch her hand)

hyo:(smiled )to bed ,I need sleep too...

hyuk:cant you stay here...

hyo:oppa you are sick I cant be next to you...

hyuk:mmm ok...

hyo:stop acting like a baby ...and go to sleep...(she enter the bed )goodnight oppa...


at 6 am hyo's phone alarm ringed...hyo waked up and close it..she went to the bathroom as queit she could....then she was about to get to the kitchen and cook something for breakfast...before that she took again eunhyuk's temperature... after 20 minutes...the food was ready and she was going to wake up the boys.......

donghae;mmmm who is doing so much noises....?

lee:just shh...

shin:i am hungry..what that smell?

lee:you guys shush...

siwon:did they waked up?

hee:who knows....lets get oout and see...(hyo knocked the door)

hyo:oppa...are you guys waked up?

lee:oh we are ...just in a minute we are out is anything wrong?

hyo:ani ...the breackfast is ready...

shin:breackfast...yah you should told us so...(hurried to the bathroom to get ready and go for food)

hyo:oppa I will wake eunhyuk too...don't eat all the food...


hyuk's room

hyuk just waked up and turned to see hyo but she was missing ....

hyuk:where is she...?(he stood up and try searching her at the room)hyo?

hyo:oppa where you go?

hyuk:oki...where have you been?

hyo:waking boys...

hyuk:mboo?yah did you see them?

hyo:axaxaxa ani...I just knocked the door and they all were up...why?

hyuk:just don't go in ok no matter you waked up so early?

hyo:i made breakfast....come on lets go and need energy for today ....(push him out the room)


donghae:you good?

shin:food time..  come smell so good

hyo:acaxxaxa oppa oki sit....

hyuk:oh is ok sit ..I will sit there...

hyo:yah sit...(gaze at him)

hee:xaxa just sit ...

lee:is good to see eunhyuk do something else for a change...


siwon:he never listen to us...xaxaa

hyo:oh...palii have to get ready ....(put some food at eunhyuk's plate)

suju:oh....komsamita for the food...

donghae:i wish yoona was here and do that for me....

hyuk:yah....she just helping nothing special...(it is so much....I love it....)

hyo:(saw her clock)just ...

lee;why you  are in a hurry?

hyo:his sister getting married today and you have to get ready and go help her....also I have to back as well....

hyuk:cant you stay...?(just then hyo make him eat some food from her spoon she was holding)just hurry up...

hee:gree she is right ...we make her come here in a hurry  and didn't say anything to the girls they must searching for her or worried...

hyo:thats why(get up and get her things ...)I am going to leave now...

lee:hyo wait did you thought what we talked about?

hyo:well is ...I....

hyuk:what you asked her?

donghae:be your partner at the know we cant sit in the same table as you and your family right?

hyuk:oh...but why ?

siwon:she can help you cover the fact that you were sick last night ...and help you if something is wrong...

hyo:i am get going ...oppa doesn't need me he have you guys...(just then eunhyuk cut a small flower form their living room plant hide it behind him)

hyuk:wait....(kneel down and see in hyo's eyes)

lee:what is he doing?(the boys were whispered )

donghae:is he going to ask her out? Propose?


hyo:oppa get up...what are you doing?(try to make him stand up...but no)

hyuk:hyo will you be my partner and come with me at my sisters wedding?(hyo's eyes widen)

hyo:ooopa.... that it?i thought...never mind

lee:hyo what you say?you know we don't have there....(help eunhyuk get up..)you know you didn't have to kneel down...its cold....down there...

hyuk:then how I am suppose to ask?


hyo:just ask....?


lee:how much time we have?

hyuk:in two hours I have to go home...

hyo:ok then see you guys in 2 hours....

hyuk:wait I will come and get you...

hyo:oppa you will drive ?in this situation? No...

hyuk:well I will drive my sister to the church as well....


lee;sorry we need a second car and he seems better...

hyuk:yes I am better now...

hyo:ok....then lets meet in 1hour and 30 minutes?

hyuk:in 1 hour I will be there...

hee:yah she needs more time to get ready...she is a girl...

hyuk:its ok i can wait for her

hyo:ok then see you guys...(left the boys)

lee:yah we don't have much time then....lets get ready(all the boys hurried to get in the bathroom and get ready...eunhyuk was just cleaned up the place after they eat ...and he was going to walk to the bathroom)

siwon:yah hurry up hyo will wait for you...

hyuk:of course she is my date...did I just say that...oh no...ottoke...I will get in there....(the boys pushed eunhyuk in the bathroom)

hee:now lets see what he will wear...

hyuk:(just got out the bathroom)what are you doing here?

siwon:helping you get ready...

lee:now....what you took?

hyuk:an underwear?

donghae:not the usual ....something sexy..?

hee:gree..that one is perfect it will make it look better and his buts too good....

hyuk:yah....what are you talking?why cant I wear this?

siwon:yah tonight you will be so tired to drive hyo she ....

shin:you guys will run all day and you think you will want to drive home?

hyuk:mmm....what you have in mind?

hee:yah you will get a room to sleep for the will not going to sleep in the suit so she in the dress you have to look win her...

donghae:forget your cute boxers just for today ok?

hyuk;ok but is not comfortable...

lee:that's the point making you look good...

hyuk:ok what about that suit?

siwon:too a groom...

donghae:too colour

lee:too strong...

hee;too perfect...


suju:thats it....

hyuk:ok I will put it on...(they continue helping him up)

at snsd dorm

hyo:i am home....

tae;where were you we got worried when makne said you where not home....

seo;oh...where did you go?

hyo:i was at oppa...he was sick..bian....they needed help....and now I have to get ready for a wedding....

tiff:what wedding I thought you were free...

hyo:oh eunhyuk's sister getting married today ,he ask me be there...

soo:mbo..?and you are still here...get ready...

hyo:in 1 hour 30 minutes I said him to come but he will come in an hour.....axaxa

sunny:then get a bath palle...(they pushed hyo inside..)

tae:lets find what she will need ...

seo:this dresses look perfect on unie...

yoona:ani...we need sexy ones.....oki oki oki....

yuri:gree and underwear...this one ...this one and this....

soo:what about her hair?make up?

tiff:i and tae will do her hair...soo and yuri make up?

soo;not me I will destroy her....better yuri yoona....I will get her bag ready...

seo:what about the gift?she is going to their house ....and to a wedding...

hyo:i will give them the biscuits and chocolates I did yesterday...I hope you didn't eat them all...

sunny:we didn' was too much...then me and seo will pack them much you will need?

hyo:just pack me two boxes one for his parents and one for uniiee...

soo:i will put some in your bag as well maybe you or someone else need something to eat...

tae;hyo come wear this...?

tiff:no...this...(it will be too sexy)

hyo:you guys I cant wear  white on someone's else wedding...

seo:she is about that? sexy and not white....perfect...

hyo:why it have to be sexy?

soo:oppa ...will look at you..also you need to wear this...(sexy underwear make hyo blush)

yuri:nde you know you will not come home tonight so be sexy at least...

hyo;ok...but why I will not come home?

yoona:you will run all day you will not be able to drive ...

hyo:ok I got it...(went to dry her hair,tiff tae,start her hair,yuriyoona her make up..while the other got her accessories and the things she need in her bag...)


hyo:he came and I am not ready....

tae;yah let him wait....

seo:anio...(open the door)

hyuk; hyo in?

soo:what you think?sit...

sunny:oppa you look good today..


tae:wow who dressed you?


yoona:yeah right...

hyuk:is she done?

tiff:toilet...yah soo put that in her bag....

hyuk:make up?brushes?why?

yuri:she is a girl you know she needs to fresh up some the day...

hyo:uniee...(got out the room,eunhyuk turn and saw her walking inside the room...he was too amazed that he forgot to say something)oh oppa..anio....

hyuk:ahhh anio....


seo:uniee...your one bag is here...(pass it to her)

soo:oki...oppa say something don't  stand there...

hyo:(smiled)oppa you look good today...

hyuk:ohh you too...too good....(she was wearing mini dress heels it looked too perfect on her)I mean ready to go?

hyo;mm...lets go...

snsd:have fun....

eunhyuk helped hyo get in the car when she sit inside she saw how short her dress was so he took of his jacket and put it on her legs..he accidently touches her skin....and they both were awkward



hyo:you are better right?

hyuk:oh...if I feel bad I will tell you don't worry..


at hyuk's house...

hyo:oppa wait...I....(he opened the door)

hyuk:too late..appa omma...I am home... look is that so?

appa:hi hyo...come in...

hyo:anioseo..(bow )

hyuk:omma I am always handsome.....

noona:omma who is he?i hear voices...

hyo:anioseo.... you came as his partner?

hyo:nde...he asked...

appa:that right.. good my son...

omma:where is junho then?

hyuk:omma...(signal her to stop)

hyo:he is home with his parents you know him?


hyuk:weiwei...mingu...her brother...

appa:wait he is not our grand child?

hyo:ehh?oppa did you tell them before making sure?(hit him)

hyuk:mbian...I didn't knew what to do...

omma:so its not your baby?

hyo:aneo...he is my niece...

noona:anyway he still had to take responsibilities for that night...

hyo;ehh you told them that too?

appa:he don't hide anything form us...but my daughter is right....

hyuk:how I am suppose to do that I was in the army...

omma:text her saying that you need to meet after you get out..?

noona:or on holiday meet her and discuses about it..?

hyuk:i know I will take care of it... ok he doesn't need to not like we did it for first time...also what happen it was just caught in the moment...nothing else...


hyo:uniee...tell me how you fell....?

noona:come inside....I will show you my the way you look great...


appa:where are the others?

hyuk;they will be here don't worry...

at noona's room

hyo:so when will the girls come to get you ready?

noona:in 20 minutes I guess...

hyo:did you eat something ...?I know you must be stressed but should eat it will

noona:well yes I ate something but form the nervous I feel like I am not going to keep it...

hyo:axxaxa yes I know...

omma:you two girls ok?

noona:nde...omma hyo knows a lot about the wedding...

omma:wow how?you didn't had one in the past...

hyo:well I didn't but I did help my brother's wedding so it was like I was them xaxxaxa

omma:you know is different will (just then eunhyuk showed up on the door)get to fell all the felling....

hyo:yes maybe one day...(saw eunhyuk and then his omma)

noona:you know what been to long I never hear that you date someone....why ....

hyo:(smiled)well it seems I didn't find yet the one...

omma:sometimes we searching too far from as and he might be right next to us...

hyuk;omma what are  you saying?

hyo:(smiled and saw eunhyuk)maybe ...(the looked at his omma)he is....but I am have to wait for his move...(smiled)

hyuk:yah ....who do you have in mind?(why she saw me?why she tell that he might be next to her?)

hyo:nobody in particular

appa:hey girls she is inside...

noona:oh anio...its seem is time to get ready..

hyo:we will leave you then get ready...(they all go outside ...hyo helped omma to prepare the brides bag that she would need all the day...)

appa:you did good you bring her would be better if you just tell her...

*ding dong*


hyuk:come in... was time....lets get this sin your car..

hyo:oppa wait....(came running out the kitchen...holding a box,a huge box)


donghae:who is that sexy lady...?

hee:ommo...dancing queen in the house...

lee;wow ipo....

shin:anio beatuty...

hyo:axaxxa anio...koumao...

hyuk:yah yah clean your faces...and close your mouths...donghae if yoona hear you you are dead...

hyo:axxaxa oppa get this box in the car...also there are more inside....(saw eunhyuk who was dizzy getting to sit she went near him...)

lee:ok...katsa lets start...

hyo:oppa genchana?(get his temperature)

hyuk:oh a bit dizzy...I will be ok...(hyo drink some water that his appa bring her)

hyo:i will get you water....

hyuk:its ok I will drink this..(got her glass)

hyo:wait drink from that side...(eunhyuk push his lips on hyo's lipstick on the glass and drake the water in it)oppa..(bite her lips)

hyuk:its ok...

noona:omma appa....I am ready..

hyuk:yah is early ....wait a few more minutes...

hyo:uniee.can I came in?

noona:nde come....

omma:omona...(cry)xaxaa my baby....

noona:omma whee?(cry)don't cry you will destroy our make up

hyo:oki...(pass them tissues)its a happy day don't cry...

noona:axxa you are right xaxaxa

omma:its  happy baby is a woman now...married one..xaxxa(the girls came in to fix their makeup)

hyuk:omma noona the things are ready hyongs will go to the church and make sure everything are right... ok...we will come in a minute....


noona:wait how we are going.??will it fit us all?

hyo:i can go with the boys...

appa;it will fit us don't worry ...

 1 hour later at  the church

hyo:wow unie must be so happy...they can do what they want ....


hyo:i mean be all day together in one house,wake up sleep together,have a baby doing anything...

hyuk:mbo..?sex too....I will not let them(stand up...hyo stand up with him)


lee:yah look at hyo...she loving the  moment....

siwon:she definitely dream her own wedding...

hee:all the girls dream that moment..

donghae:she still love it ...

shin:we should say it to eunhyuk to hurry  up..axxax

lee:yah why he stand up what he is doing?

back at hyohyuk

hyo:oppa sit down....

hyuk:shro...I have to stop him...

hyo:oppa if you don't sit down I am going to tell your family about that night and the other things you have done to me...(eunhyuk glaze at her)in details...they don't know do they?(hyuk sit down)good boy..(smiled,and sit down)

at the party

hyo:oppa...wait...(aish....cant he see I am hurt...?)

hyuk:what?hurry...we need to go inside and get ready before anyone else come....

hyo:ok just .....(bite her lips)

hee:hyo...are you ok?(saw hyo having problem  ) ok....I will catch up...slowly...

donghae:make a move ...(the others pass with boxes)

hyo:yah don't run...put that under the table....(pointed the table..)

hyuk:yah ...I need you hurry up...


hyuk:not that way (hit him)

hyo:oppa let me came first...(go slowly near but not enough)

hyuk:aish...(got her hand and hurry her to the table...)it was that hard...(saw hyo looking at her legs and try to figure what's wrong with her..)

hyo:oppa...go help them up I will start putting them on the table.... sure?

hyo:oh...(when eunhyuk left hyo free her feet from the heels and started working on the table....)

hee:mbou..(hyo jumped)

hyo:yah you scare me...

hee:mboe?(saw her naked feet?)

hyo:nothing (try to hide her feet)

hee:xaxa you cant anymore right? just ...

hee:yah you are bleeding....

hyo:xaxa is ok...(eunhyuk hear them and got to find tricot for her...)don't say this to anyone...ok?(make him give his pinky promise)koumao..oppa

hee:ok then stand behind the table and I will help from the front ok?


lee:yah mboe?

hee:nothing...I help hyo with these...

shin:why you ?and not us?

hyo:he is kinda better at décor...bian.. 

hyuk:is ok...this is the last one...(try to go near hyo but hee didn't let him)

hee:yah .....good job edra...(push them away from the table to make time for hyo wear her heels...)

hyo:oppa oki...(gave him a battle of water...)


shin:do you have anything to eat ?

hyo:well ...

siwon:what you think she is ?

hyo:axaxa well I kinda bring something with me....(put her cookies and chocolates on the table...)enjoy...

lee:did she  made them?

donghae:no way too professional....hyong try ...

hyuk:i don't want...(was looking at hyo running at every table to put a vase of flowers...he couldn't let her continue after she got injured)

hee:hyo...stop I will do it...

hyo:ani ok..

hee:just sit ...I know how it hurt...

hyo:oppa we don't have time just do that side while I do this side...

hyuk:i will do this one then...(take the vase she was holding and put it on the table)


shin:hyo did you made them? minute i cant hear you..(went were they were sitting)

lee:he asked if you made these?


hee:me too...(eat something)mmm too good

hyo:axaxa koumao...nde I did them is it ok?

hyuk:eh...?you ..

donghae;i told you to try them before it finished up....

hyo:xaxax is ok I have more with me...if you want just take...oppa I forgot to give them to your parents ...can you pass it to them? will ...they will be here any minute...

omma:who is coming?

hyuk:you...are they ready?

appa:nde they just arrived ..I see you make the place wonderful

hee:if we didn't have a woman here it would never end or look like this.axaxxa

hyo:they helped up....

omma:good job hyo...

appa:mmm(eat some of the sweets the boys were eating)where did you get them?

omma:yobo what are you eating?

hyuk:omma try...aren't they good?

omma:ommo I feel young ...I mean its remind me my old day when I used to try to make this things up...

appa:no this are better...where you get them?

hyuk:hyo made them....and she bring some for today ...(look at hyo)why?

hyo:axxaxa well I know that the most of you would not eat anything and I   thought even if they are small they can hold us up until the dinner

omma:they are delicious...the man who will marry you is so lucky...


appa:and his family...


omma:hyukiee..?where is our table?

hyuk:oh that one...let me help you omma...

omma:koumao..but today take care of your partner I have your dad 

hyo:ani is ok ...I can make it...alone..

appa:ani you made so much today how can he leave you alone?take  good care of her son(winked him)

hyuk:you heard them...(went closer)

hyo:oppa ...take this to the table..i will come in a minute I have to use the bathroom...


donghae:xaxax she sure make you be her battler axaxa least she is the know...

lee:yah did you notice hyo at the church how jealous was ?

hyuk:what do you mean?

shin:she definitely wanted to be the bride....(hyuk look at them angry)

siwon:axxaxa not that way ..they mean she was jealous your sister of how happy she was and that she is got married her man

hee:dont you think is time for your move?

hyuk:yah shh...she is here...hey did you do anything?

hyo:ehh?ani..just get a fresh up.....

hyuk:who said for that ...I mean ...never mind...(hyo got a chair and sit behind the table...)



hyo;come here....(stand up and when eunhyuk was in front of her she started fixing his suit )now is better...

omma:look at them...

appa:xaxaa she is too good don't you think?

omma:oh...she is ...I hope he do it perfect  timing..

hyuk:koumao...(as hyo was sit again...he kneel and took her heels )

hyo:oppa mboe...(got red..)

hyuk:shh...they will hear us...(he put tricot on  her bleeding legs)you should take care of yourself better in order to help me out...


hyuk:(kiss her lips hyo eyes widen since his parents were watching and the boys too)koumao for helping my family today care about them....

hyo;oh...I have (stand up,get a bag and went running to his parents table....) did it...

hyuk:cute ...xaxaa 

lee:yah you know we all saw you right?

hyuk:nde but it wasn't the first kiss...

shin:wooohooo....go for it tonight....

hyuk:yah I just wanted to thank her for all this....

omma:omo...did he ..

appa:thats my son...wohoo...

omma:shh she is coming...

hyo:ahh excuse me ommonim apponim....


omma:what is it sweet heart?

hyo:well I wanted to give you this at home but I forgot...and since the first time i visit I didn't bring anything ....(give them the bag) have packed for us  all this?

hyo:aa not much but ..

appa:koumao...its perfect ...we love sweets so much...

hyo:nde...I am glad you like them apponim ommonim...

omma:oh what happen to your feet?

hyo:oh...nothing I just forget to put my heels on...(got red)

appa:xaxa  you better wear them before the guess come in....

hyuk:hyo...your shoes....

hyo:oppa.....koumao....why didn't you let them there?(whispered to him)

hyuk:what i didn't do anything...yet...(got hit by his mother)

appa:just sit already and your omma will go and greet the guest ok?


hyo:aish....shouldn't you go with them?


after the whole wedding party it was time to  relax and go home

omma:hyuk don't forget tomorrow your sister is leaving for her honeymoon better be at the airport.....

hyo:he will be...

appa:son fighting...

hyuk;gree....(his parents left)so what you think?go for sleep?

hyo:oppa aren't you suppose to take me home?

hyuk:i am so tired to drive this late...


hyuk:i closed a  room...lets go...(catch hyo's hand and went to the room)

hyo:oppa I should get another room...

hyuk:why ..?just..(hug her and pull her to bed)

hyo:oppa...I  am not in the mood....


hyo:just sleep ok?

hyuk:ok at least take your close off will be destroyed .. too...just turn around and close your eyes ok?

hyuk:oh you too...(hyo got in  the bed first and waited him with closed eyes)

hyo:you can open them... his hands on her body ....)

hyo:oppa mboe?(stop him,but that didn't stop him he started again playing with his hands on hyo's pussy and breast...)oppa stop I am tired ...(take his hands and put them on her waist while she was holding them...that didn't matter to eunhyuk as he went closer and start pressing his hard part on hyo's underwear..)oppa if you don't stop I will cut them off...

hyuk:auch...ok .ok....sorry I have needs you know...(hyo went near him...smiled at him and place her hands on his hard part)hyo..?

hyo:who cares?(turned around) least hug?




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