Save Me, Mr. Stark! [Iron Man...

By AMagicalLlama

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Arix is almost to the age of 18, where she can finally stop running for all these years...where she doesn't h... More

Save Me, Mr. Stark!
Chapter One: Meeting My Alter Ego
Chapter Three: Leaving Me To Die
Chapter Four: Crash and Burn
Chapter Five: Secluded To Bed
Chapter Six: Becoming Iron woMAN!
Chapter Seven: Practice is Over Rated
Chapter Eight: The "After?" Party
Chapter Nine: The Weirdest of Them All
Chapter Ten: Prepare For Battle
Chapter Eleven: I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter Twelve: I Have A Plan
Chapter Thirteen: Famous Last Words
Chapter Fourteen: The New Life Begins
Chapter Fifteen: The Proposal
Chapter Sixteen: Who Needs Disney
Chapter Seventeen: A Wedding to be Remembered
Chapter Eighteen: Pregnancy Sucks
Chapter Nineteen: A Bundle of Joyous Noise
Chapter Twenty: This Will Be A Long Journey
Chapter Twenty One: There's HOW MANY!?
Chapter Twenty Two: A Big Happy Family

Chapter Two: Giant Robot Attack

10.4K 234 105
By AMagicalLlama

****ARIX POV****

Though I will NEVER admit it to him- Stark was sexy, very; very sexy.

"Arix?" He asks me,

"Yes sir?"

"One, don't sir me, too cliché and second...well this may be too personal, eh who am I kidding, I don't care if it's too personal...anyways, what-how do I put this---what was your past like?" I stir uncomfortably in front of him.

"All of it?" He nods,

"Well I don't want just half of it sweetheart." I roll my eyes, still uncomfortable, I knew there wasn't even a slight chance that he was giving up on this so I explained slowly and reluctantly,

"First, you may want to sit." We walk over to his living room and sit on a awkward kidney shaped couch with his scotch or something remotely close to that in hand. I sigh, "I'm sure you've seen way worse cases b-"

"Wait, don't exclude yourself, as shocking as it may seem to everyone- I do have some what of a heart...more than most continue." I half smile and go on,

"I was born to a teen mom at age sixteen whom made me with a twenty-five year old drunkard. They were perfectly happy, they got married at the legal age of fact it was the day after my mom's eighteenth birthday. He hated me with a firring passion, said I wasn't his child; I was the devils child. When I was ten, he had enough. He grabbed hold of me, squeezed my sides so hard to the point that blood gushed from my hips. He twirled me above his head, around and around and then let go-sending me flying through the living room window. Least to say, I was frightened. I could've died, but I made it. I could hear my mother screaming in agonizing pain. I got up dizzily and crawled back through the broken window. My dad was strangling her, he had tied a rag around her throat and was pulling it, screaming at me through bloody tears- "Arix, you saw nothing! Understand!?" I remember screaming, "Mommy!" and "Okay daddy, I won't tell..." and then he was gone. I tried ro untie the rag, but it was too late...she was gone. I cried on her still body for what seemed like hours. I felt enough was enough, so i dried my tears as best I could and ran. At the time, I was so young I didn't think to bring anything with me...but any how- I've been running ever sense."

I finish my story and look at Stark who I believed to be crying. "Stark?" He grabbed my both of my hands,

"Arix..." He was speechless, almost in disbelief, "So that's flinched at my yelling and, oh've been eyeballing my drinks...I feel like a total jerk now." I smile,

"It's okay Stark you aren't, well not for that reason anyway." I wink and his body relaxes.

"Don't look at me, I'm not sexy right now." He says covering his face. I shake my head,

"What happened to having feelings?" He peeks at me through his fingers,

"Feelings and sexy don't go together Arix." The way he said my name made me smile, "Oh! I see that smile!! You-Arix-Think-I-Stark-Am-A-Sexxxxxxy-Beast!" I shake my head,

"In your dreams Stark." I lie. The positive thing about my secret was I knew he liked me chances were big for when I was ready to reveal. Until then. I decided to play a little game with the genius. For someone so smart, he lacked in the whole common sense factor.

"Yes, in my dreams indeed Arix..." He got up and dumped out his drink, I smile at his attempt at being a gentleman. "Okay Sweetheart, time for business!" I swallow the lump that was for-standing in my throat,



"Why me?"

"Why not?"

"I'm a silly little girl with too many issues and no experience at saving people...I usually just end up hurting them."

"You remind me of myself in many ways Arix....if I can be a hero type whatever you want to call it...then so can fact, I believe in you more than I do myself at the moment." I smile,

"You really think so?"

"I know so Arix." I shrug as we head to Stark Tower. In just moments, the helicopter lands on the roof of his building in New York. We climb down a ladder and I try to hide the fact I am slightly; no..deathly afraid of heights. We make it to his office and I look around at his things,

"So what is it you do all day?"

"I'm a billionaire playboy.."

"That's attractive," I say sarcastically,

"Indeed, anyway...I actually get calls from the government a lot, you know saying they need my help and such...I'm a very loved person by them...well I was...but after quitting the whole making weapons for the military thing...they sort of forgave me...some did anyways." He winks,

"Or you annoy the crap out of them." He smiles and licks his upper teeth making a weird noise,

"That my dear, is what I do to you." I ignore his reply and plop into one of like ten office chairs. The phone rings, but this time Stark answers on his little blue tooth looking thing. I stare as he pulls up these holographic computer screens. "The what?" I hear him say, I continue listening as he types equations in, making things pop up on another screen, "It's dis-functional." What was? "Oh, so you just thought you would leave a giant killer robot at the bottom of the ocean and not disable it?" Killer robot? That sounds amusing. "It's not a witch! It's not gonna melt when you put it into water guys, you have to disable it--why? Oh I don't know, maybe because it will destroy the city again?" Again! When was the last time a giant killer robot destroyed New York?

He hung up the phone, his face red. I took this as an opportunity to ask, "Killer robot?" He gave me a sarcastic smile, "When did that happen?" He leaned his hand on the desk and rubbed his temples,

"Have you always grown up in New York?" I shook my head,

"Well, probably when I was about twenty-ish Dr. Henry E. Black-hole decided he was going to build a robot to help with medicine of some sort, which if you ask me- I think he was just a physco. Anyways, he decided this, and probably after to many shots of vodka he decided he was going to dominate the world or something stupid like that. He expanded the robots memory and intelligent factors. He made the robot almost five times bigger, making it approximately twenty feet wide and thirty feet long. He activated the robot thing and set it lose to New York city. At the time I was on a lovely cruise in the Bahamas when I got the call. I suited up and flew right off the boat. By the time I got here, there was almost nothing left, maybe a few hundred people and that was all. Being the awesome person I am, I defeated the monster, but I told them to deactivate it or it would come back to life in about six or seven years. They threw it into the ocean instead like the stupid people they are."

My mouth hung open in utter disbelief. "So that thing is going to come back? Where is the Doctor dude?" He laughed,

"It will, but I did it once and I'll do it again-this time with your help. Oh, that guy is in the I.O.I.P." I raise my eyebrows,

"What is that?"

"Institute of Insane People, they use acronyms to make them sound smarter." I laugh, then finally catch on to an earlier statement,

"I'm gonna help you?" He smiles and nods,

"You are my apprentice, aren't you?" I nod, knowing it wasn't all that much of a choice. I look at the clock, it was already noon....all of our story telling took up half the day, my stomach was growling. "Hungry?" He asks,

"You heard that?" He nods and my face flushes with embarrassment.

"It's fine, I know this great pizza place!" I smile,

"Really? What is it?"

"It's called like 'Nascar New York Style' or something like that."

"What kind of name is that?"

"They have like little speed racer things, and mini golf- which I will totally dominate you in." I smile

"It's on!"

****STARK POV****

We raced to my garage, "What car will suit you today sweetheart?" I say pointing to the arrangement of cars. She smiles and picks the red mustang-of course. We get in and I drive like a speed demon, as excited to get to the place as a little kid is to get to a candy store.

We got inside, 'Table for two please." I say whipping out my fancy credit card. The waiter person leads us to a high table with bar stools that looks onto the grounds of the mini golf field. She smiles and watches as a little girl throws a golf ball at the hole. I laugh, "Want to split a cheese pizza?" She smiles and nods. Gosh, her smile was so beautiful...

"Stark." I look at her and smile,


"I'm too short to ride any of the speed racers." She frowns.

"Then mini golf it is! We'll still have fun!" I say trying to cheer her up. She smiles and nods. I order the pizza and she takes a piece, eating it slowly and delicately, while I hopelessly shove half a piece into my mouth,

"What are you staring for?" She inquires as she catches me admiring her.

"Just dazed off," I lied. She finishes her piece, saying that's all she wants. I gladly finish the rest and get another pizza delivered to my house for a great breakfast...or midnight snack. We walk over to the golf clubs and each grab one pertaining to our height.

"Stark, I warn you now, I've never played forgive my lack of skills." I laugh, I day dreamed of the whole 'guiding' of the club, but I knew she wouldn't let me touch her.

"I shall dominate then!" She shakes her head, half annoyed, half tired. She looked frail, but she insisted she wasn't hungry. At the first hole, "Hole in one baby!" I say shaking my butt and swinging the club. I hit the ball, it goes right into a mini sand pit. I frown, "This game is rigged." She laughs,

"No Stark, I think it's you." I roll my eyes,

"Whatever, just go." She laughs and makes her putt. Lucky hole in one. She does a little happy dance, which I find highly attractive.

Before I knew it, we were on the tenth hole. Arix had already made her goal and was standing on the side. Suddenly a song came on and she calls to me,

"Stark!" I look over, thinking she was in trouble, but instead she was fake pole dancing with her club; she was mocking me, I knew she had to be. Her body glided smoothly up and down the club. I smile and walk towards her slowly, careful not to look entirely desperate. She lifts the side of her shirt up slightly, again mocking me, "Starkie, you know you wannntie" I did want, but I played it off-knowing I'd probably be vulnerable of a crotch shot if I got any closer.

"Hahaha, dang! You caught on!" She yelled putting her shirt down, "Stark, I'm bored, can we go inside?" I nod, feeling bored myself and we went inside to the arcade games. "Now, these-I will dominate you at." She says pointing to the various arcade games.

"Race ya!" I say running to a pair of plastic motorcycles. She hops all sexily on the other one, ready to kick my butt. I smile and press start. She speeds ahead of me, her character doesn't do her justice. She rams into the side of me and laughs. I roll my eyes and try to catch up, but I'm to late. She wins, and she hops off the plastic piece of junk.

"Lucky." I say she shakes her head, but doesn't come back with a snide remark.

"Stark! Look! A song booth! Come sing with me! Pleeeeease Pleeeease, PLEASE!" I shrug, what the heck-if it makes her happy then it's worth while. We get into the booth and put on the headphones, "What song?" I smile,

"What about, Fall For You! By Second Hand Serenade!?" She smiles and nods. I couldn't sing to save my life, but when the music started her voice flooded mine like a beautiful angel descending from heaven. She sung with such elegance and beauty that I could barley partake in the song. When it was over, we got our CD and I dragged her to the photo booth.

"Why?" She asked me while sitting on the little bench in the booth.

"Because, I want to! I did the song for you, you do the pictures for me." I smile as she huffs and we get ready. I give a silly look and throw my arms around her as she covers her face with her hands, but laughing. We hear the click and go to the next pose. She pretends to lick my face and I pretend to be shocked. I haven't had that much fun taking pictures in years, we were on our fifth picture. I kissed her cheek, and shockingly she let me, but made a disgusted silly face. We wait on the outside for the photos to print. Suddenly the entire building moves and she clutches on to me, I talk to the blue tooth-summoning Jarvis and hook the metel braclets around my wrist,

"Uh-oh, Jarvis-Let's suit up."

So this is chapter two! Cliff hanger! muahahahahah! Enjoy :D

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