15 Days With The Possessive B...

By oneperson100feelings

461K 13.9K 1K

"You are mine now. Just remember one thing nobody gets the privilege of bringing that smile on your face and... More

You use my money to buy condoms?
OMG! He is a Greek God.
I do not want her in bed.
You got a job?
Shorts and no bra work.
I don't need your help.
I am glad she is in my bestfriends life.
Keep your big fat ego in your pocket
Reality check, I am not yours.
I likeeeeeeee youuuu
I am going to make it upto you.
That was your first time?
I am going to cut those balls and feed it to dogs
You believe in love?
Was I jealous?
Making you happy makes me happy.
I am not like other girls
I want you all to myself
Stay with me.
You haven't kissed him?
I am always going to be there
Tonight sex on the beach?
You're on your period?
You removed your T shirt?
You're my favourite human
I want to be with you
Thats my girl.
You're the best thing that happened to me
I loved him
Where is Ayan?
I love you
He is going to kiss me
I got pregnant
He pressed his lips against mine
I am very possessive
We had sex
I was so wet (18+)
I had a boner (18+)
What are you doing in her bed?
She had to know he is mine
Two boners in few hours (18+++)
He took me against the wall (18+++)
I still love him
He can't meet his daughter
I wanted to pamper you
He threw me on his shoulders
He unhooked my bra (18++)

Something just like this

6.2K 279 31
By oneperson100feelings

Play the sound in the background. Enjoy reading.


We were strolling on the horses under the moonlight. This seemed like a fairytale. A perfect night with crystal clear water and a shining moon. I could smell something delicious being cooked nearby.

"Ayan is there some restaurant around?" I asked him trying to get him out of his zone. This night all he has been doing is zoning out. I dont know whats keeping his mind so occupied.

"Not really. Even if there was one it would have been shut by now is 2 AM, Veronica."

Of course! I knew it is two at night but I am so sure there is food being cooked around something like a barbecue.

"I am so sure there is food being cooked here so now, shut your mouth and follow me." I tried to go ahead in the direction I could smell food.

"You're sniffing? What are you a dog?" He said and started laughing loudly.

"You're lucky that we are on a horse or I would have come over there and kicked your ass for calling me a dog." I said and he laughed even harder on my comment. I chose to ignore him and started moving ahead. I knew he would follow me. He would never leave me alone on a lonely night.

"Ayan look over there. There are people. See they have food." I said pointing far away to a group of people. They looked like they were having a barbecue and I love barbecue parties.

"You want to go there? I mean we don't even know those people."

"Come fast." I said moving my horse a little faster. I heard him calling me to wait but me being me, I didn't listen to him.

Finally we reached the group of people and they were indeed having a party. There was a bonfire set up and some people were surrounding it while some people were near the barbecue roasting items they wanted to eat.

"Hey guys. I am Veronica and this is Ayan." I said pointing towards Ayan who was too far.

"Can we join you guys? I am hungry and this tasty barbecue makes me more hungry." I said pointing towards the barbecue and these guys simply laughed.

"Sure anything for a beautiful girl." A blond guy came upto me trying to get me off the horse.

Honestly, he was really cute. If Nicole was here she would be crushing on him already.

"I think I can do that." Ayan said practically slapping his hand from me. Wasn't he too far? How did he manage to ride so quick? He carefully lifted my leg and carried me down the horse.

His hand was on my waist and the other hand was supporting me. It was like he was carrying me bridal style and I couldn't believe the effect it had on my body.

"At what speed did you make the poor horse run? You are practically sweating."

"That guy was going to touch you. I had to be there." I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness. He was just too much sometimes. I wondered sometimes why he was so possessive about me.

"Come on you guys, come and join us." A girl yelled from the bonfire. I happily nodded grabbed Ayan towards the bon fire. I could hear his protests but he should know what its like to go around grabbing people.

We sat near the bon fire and thats when I realised it was very cold. There were many people surrounding the bon fire and a guy was sitting in the middle playing the guitar.

"Isn't this beautiful?" I asked Ayan who was standing beside me busy examining people. I pulled him down and made him sit beside me.

"You really think we should be sitting here? It seems a little awkward. We don't even know these people." He was looking everywhere but me.

"Exactly. We don't even know these people. We can just sit here near this beautiful bon fire and be ourselves. Just enjoy this beautiful night."

"You make me do crazy things Cookie." He said with a huge smile.

"I haven't even started yet." I winked at him.

He just laughed. I never knew how easy things were between us. We were so opposite yet so connected. The feeling was amazing and I really wish everyone gets this feeling once in their life.

"So, Mr Bad Boy keep quiet and let me enjoy the music." I said messing with his hair to which he groaned.

"Don't touch my hair." He said trying to rearrange them. Then this guy calls me a kid. Look, who is behaving like a kid now!

"What are you going to do?" I said in between laughs. In a minute I felt his finger on my waist and he started tickling me.

"This is what I can do." He said and continued the tickling attack.

"Oh my God. I am sorry, please stop." I tried to say in between laughs.

"Are you guys dating?" A girl said as she sat beside us smiling.



Ayan and I said at the same time. I gave him a death glare at his answer. We were not dating how can he go around telling people that.

"He is just kidding. We are not dating." I said elbowing Ayan to keep quiet.

"That's a shame. You guys make a cute couple." She said. I just blushed at the thought. Maybe we did but it was too early to consider the thought.

This is Ayan, he doesn't do relationships and I don't do one night stands. It is not going to happen. Ever

"Hey guy in the hoodie. Why don't you sing a song?" The guy who was playing the guitar asked Ayan.

"He can't play the guitar. Sorry."

"Now that's when you're underestimating me Cookie." Ayan said and walked towards the guy with the guitar. He sat down very confidently in middle of everybody and I was really excited to see what he was going to play.

I've been reading books of gold
The legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold
Hercules and his gifts
Spiderman's control
And The batman with his fists
And clearly I don't see myself upon the list

He had such an amazing voice. He sang my favourite song. He remembered. He remembered how much I loved this song. He knew how much I wanted someone to play it for it. He remembered how much this song meant to me. He remembered everything.

But she said "Where'd you wanna go?"
What you want to risk?
I am not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superheroes
some fairytale bliss
Just somebody I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this.

Then he looked straight at me. Suddenly each and every word he sang made sense. It felt as if he was singing all those things to me. Like he really wanted all those things with me.

I wanted it too. I wanted it so badly. Each word he sang I wanted it with him. Only him. It made me feel so many things at a time. It was so hard to express. Each word, each touch, each moment we had made me want it all again.

"Come on guys sing along." Ayan said and everybody had their hands in the air and they were just waving.

Doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this.

Everybody continued singing and I just kept looking at him. He was the only guy I wanted. I was so sure about it. His simple eye contact gave me a whole set of butterflies. Right now the butterflies didn't seem to stop because he was looking at nobody but me.

Soon his song ended and everybody started yelling once more. This night was getting better and better.

"Did you like the song?" He said as he came and wrapped his arm around me.

"It was amazing. Everybody just loved it." I said jumping like a small kid. He is right, I am a kid sometimes.

"I don't care if everybody liked it or no. Did you like it? Thats all that matters." It just made my heart flutter. How does this boy manage to do it each time? He doesn't even need to try making me blush. His presence simply does it.

Many people came and sang and it was a beautiful night. It was the best night I have lived till date. Every girl dreams of a beachside, food, a beautiful night and a perfect guy. I had it. I had it all.

Ayan had his arms wrapped around me and his hoodie on me. I didn't even know when I fell asleep but I knew it was my best night till date.

"Cookie get up quickly." I heard a voice trying to wake me up. Why cant people sleep peacefully?

"Go away. Let me sleep." I said trying to push away the person.

"You have to get up now. I have to show you something. Wake up" The voice said trying to shake me. What is his problem?

"Cookie we are going to eat the tastiest food. Get up please." Did he just say food? Did he just say the tastiest food?

"I am up." I said in a minute and then I heard a laugh. Can I wake up to this laugh every morning? Its so relaxing to hear this voice early in the morning.

"I really want to know how that small body of yours fits so much food." He said still laughing.

Did I just sleep there in his arms the entire night? I looked around and saw that it was still middle of the night but people were sleeping all around. Some were really high and well some looked really tired.

"Ayan its still in middle of the night. Where do you want to go?" I said still rubbing my eyes.

"Just come." He said and I followed him out of the beach. His car came and stood outside the beach and I know that he had all this well prepared.

"Where are we going Ayan? It's still the middle of the night." I said still thinking about my lovely sleep. A part of me hates him for ruining my sleep but then I am excited too.

"Can't you just wait?" He said really frustrated. I should remember he is really sleepy too. I again dozed of to my sleep knowing the fact that he will wake me up once we are there.

As expected Ayan did wake me up. I know him so well right? We stepped out of the car and I suddenly become really excited to see what it was. His surprises were always so exciting.

I got out of the car all excited and what I saw was an empty road.

Really? Empty road? This guy woke me up in the middle of the night to make me see an empty road?

"What is this Ayan?" I tried to hide my disappointment.

"Come here Cookie." He pulled me towards him and put his hand on my waist. I was really confused at this moment. He put my hand on his shoulder and his on my waist.

"You always wanted to dance on the road in the middle of the night. Here we are." He said and suddenly everything made sense. He told the driver to play music and immediately there was a soft tune playing in the background.

In the midst of the road I stood there dancing with the most amazing boy I have known. None of us spoke. We just moved our bodies to the melodies tunes and that was enough.

I wanted to complete this wish but I didn't know this would be so beautiful. I lay my head on his chest as we kept moving.

"Thank you." I almost whispered. These two words were not enough to explain the amount of gratitude I had for him right now.

"For what?"

"For these beautiful days and nights. I don't think I am ever going to forget this."

"Let me tell you something. Initially I was really excited for this vacation. Hell! I am still am but initially it was the excitement of doing all these new things. I don't even know why I told you I would complete your wishes. They just seemed fun but now I want to complete all of them and not just for fun."

"I could have never asked for anything better." I said. This is something I had never even dreamt of having.

"Not yet Cookie." He said and then turned me and did the final fall which you do when you dance. I suck at dancing so I was honestly very scared that I would fall. Luckily he caught me.

"This is the place where one city ends and the other starts. Your foot is in one city and your in my arms in the other. I did it Cookie. I completed your wish of being in two places at the same time." He said and trust me I almost cried.

A/N- Hey guys. I am trying my best to update so please keep sharing liking and commenting.

Did you like Ayan's efforts?

Love you guys.

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