Adventures of the Pokémon Squ...

By PCJonMastergamer

755 129 16

This is a story of a boy named Jon that doesn't have any friends at school. One day he discovered that he has... More

First Day of School
Do I have... Powers?
The Festival
The Truth
The Secret
The Mission and a New Friend
The Uncontrollable Powers Part 1
The Uncontrollable Powers Part 2
Water and Ice
History of The Pokemon squad
New Members, New Friends
There Was Never An Us
Love and Jealousy
Pokémon Center Crisis
The Elemental Crystals
New Powers, New Problems
Stranger Danger
A/N 2
More Hidden Secrets Part 1
More Hidden Secrets Part 2
A Lot of Things Happened
A/N 3

To Win A Disadvantage Battle

17 4 0
By PCJonMastergamer

~3 weeks later~

Reinielle's POV

3 weeks have passed and no sign of trouble. It's a good thing there isn't. But it's also a bad thing. Why? It's because they might be planning something else. Something horrible, but whatever it is, we'll be ready for it. I decided that we'll have training today, so I chatted with the squad. I hope their online.


Reinielle: Eyoow.

Lawrence: Sup.

Trisha: Yow.

Jarir: Hey guys.

Dominic: YOLO.

KZ: Sup guys.

Raneem: Hello!

Sariba: Hi.

Enrico: You guys just woke me up.

Lawrence: You just woke up?!

Reinielle: Dude, it's 12 PM and you're still asleep.

Enrico: Yeah, until my phone starts ringing.

Reinielle: Anyways, we have training today.

Dominic: YES!!!

Enrico: Noooo.....

KZ: Welp. There goes our problem.

Reinielle: He's just sleepy. Give me minute.

I put my phone at my bedside table and teleported to Enrico's Bedroom and saw him covered with his blanket except his face. And I said...

(Not in TM)

Reinielle: Wake up sleepy head.

Then I shot him with a small amount of water and teleported back to my bedroom.


Enrico: Why'd you do that?!

Reinielle: To wake you up.

Enrico: Not cool man... Not... Cool...

Reinielle: 😂😂😂

Reinielle: Anyways, I want all of you to bring extra T-Shirts, your own bottle of water, a towel and don't forget your Ear-o and your Com. Watch.

Everyone said yes except for Enrico.

Reinielle: Enrico?

Enrico: Yeah yeah, I know. What time should all of us be there.

Reinielle: 1:00

All of them said ok.

~1 hour later~

Finally, it's 1:00 and all of them have arrived. It's a good thing Enrico came or else I'm gonna use hydro pump on him.

(Not in TM)

Reinielle: Hey guys.

Squad: Hi!

Jarir: So, what's the training today? A battle? The mission simulator? Or the training simulator?

Reinielle: It depends. Now let's go.

While we were walking down the basement and writing the password, I came up with an idea for our training.

Reinielle: Oh, guys! What if we try you and your Pokemon battle side by side in the training simulator?!

Lawrence: Yeah! That's a great idea!

Reinielle: But to make it more interesting, let's have a raffle. Write your names and put your it inside this bucket.

They wrote their names and put it inside the bucket. I covered it and shook it. I also put my name by the way. I reached my hand to grab one name and it was Enrico.

Reinielle: Enrico, you're up.

Enrico: Cool.

Enrico went in the battlefield and we went inside the control room.

Reinielle: Enrico, what's your setting?

Enrico: 100 and normal.

Well that was unexpected. He usually goes with 50 and normal. I pressed the buttons anyways and before I even press the green button, Enrico stopped me and brought out Charmander. His Pokemon if you forgot. He gave me a thumbs up and I pressed the button. As the Pokemon started to come near them, Enrico and Charmander changed to their fighting form. As they were attacked, they defended themselves and each other in sync. In.... Sync.... It was so cool. I never thought that they could fight like that. I'm so shookt. Not only me but the others are too.

Raneem: I never thought that he could do this!!

Reinielle: I know!

KZ: They're so in sync!!

Reinielle: I know!!

Dominic: They're like dancing!!

Reinielle: I KNOW!!!

Then all of them looked at me and I said "what?"they all just said"nothing" and we're just smiling while watching Enrico fight. After that "awkward" conversation, all 100 Pokemon are in the arena. I asked myself "Why is he only defending?" Then after that question, which I asked myself, he just started attacking. Was he waiting for all the Pokemon to come?

Enrico's POV

Me and Charmander are seriously in sync in Defense. We used Defense moves and we even used some attack moves for blocking. We were waiting for all the Pokemon to come and when they do, we'll finish all of them off. Finally, all of them came and I signaled Charmander to attack and of course, we'll be in sync. I threw Charmander above me and he used Ember to all directions while I used Protect and pushed all of them. When Charmander fell down on my Protect I shouted scratch and he just went from Pokemon to Pokemon and scratched them. I removed my Protect and helped him with fighting other Pokémon who's attacking me. And I almost got attacked but Charmander changed it back into a cube and it was about time to do our signature move.

Enrico: Charmander! Let's do it!

Charmander: Char!

Charmander jumped on top of me.

Enrico: Earthquake!

I stomped and an earthquake started. All of the Pokemon can't move very well and that's what I just needed. I stomped again and this time, the ground shook stronger making the Pokemon fly into the air. Good thing Charmander defeated all the flying type Pokemon. I threw Charmander up.

Enrico: Charmander use Ember!

Charmander attacked in every direction. All the Pokemon fell and I jumped up and caught Charmander on my shoulder. When I caught him, I faced downwards where the Pokemon were, then I blew gunpowder from my mouth to all the Pokemon in the ground.

Enrico: Charmander! One last Ember!

Charmander used Ember directly on the gunpowder while he was in my shoulder and everything exploded. Good thing Reinielle's H.P.B is indestructible. Everyone came near me and asked me how'd I do it, how'd I got in sync with Charmander and etc.

Jarir: How'd you release gunpowder?!

Enrico: Umm... KZ taught me how. Then with the gunpowder and Charmander's ember, we created a huge boom.

Then Reinielle came near me and smirked at me.

Reinielle: Let's battle.

I smirked back at him.

Enrico: You're on.

Lawrence: If I may, I'll be the referee for this battle.

Reinielle: Umm... Sure. Just don't be-

Lawrence: Too fancy. I know. *Chuckle*

We laughed as well. We went in the battlefield and Reinielle changed the battlefield into a water battlefield and we brought out our Pokemon. Well... He did. I only have Charmander and he's still out of his Pokeball. He chose poplio. Reinielle's style in battling is always going with the right type. But I think it's time for him to know what missing in his battle knowledge.

Reinielle: Popplio, Bubble Beam!

Popplio used Bubble Beam.

Enrico: Charmander, use Ember!

Charmander used Ember and it created a smoke. The smoke covered my view, but not for Popplio. Popplio jumped out of the water and shot a huge bubble at Charmander. Charmander got inside the bubble when Popplio shot it at him and the bubble floated very high.

Enrico: Charmander use Sc-

Reinielle: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Enrico: Huh?

Reinielle: You see, if you use scratch on the bubble, your Charmander will fall to his doom.

I looked back down and realized, if I popped the bubble, Charmander will fall to the water. But it's a good thing that I've got a trick of my sleeve.

Enrico: You know, Charmander's moves aren't just scratch and ember. There's one move that you still don't know that Charmander knows.

Reinielle: Whatever it is, it won't help.

Enrico: We'll see about that. Charmander, use smokescreen!

Reinielle's POV

Oh shoot, smokescreen is like a fog which is actually heavy for a gas. If that thing pops, a huge cloud will cover the whole battlefield. But Charmander will still fall in the water, so no biggie.

Enrico's POV

Reinielle thinks Charmander will still fall on the water, but no.

Enrico: Charmander run!

Charmander ran and the bubble became heavy. I can't see anything inside the bubble, but I can see where he'll land.

Reinielle: Popplio, use bubble beam!

Enrico: Use scratch!

The bubble popped and a lot of smoke was spreading in the area. Popplio can't see what's happening and it's a good thing I know where Charmander and Popplio is.

Enrico: Charmander can you hear me?

Charmander: Char!

Enrico: Use ember straight ahead! Full power!

I let him use Ember straight ahead beause the direction when Popplio used Bubble beam was straight above me.

Reinielle's POV

After Charmander used scratch on the bubble, the smoke spreads a lot but my side wasn't really that covered but I can't see where Popplio is. I heard shouting from the other side, I can tell that it was Enrico because of his voice but I didn't know what he said. After that thought, Popplio just popped out of the smokescreen and he didn't stood up.

Reinielle: Popplio are you ok?

I looked closer and saw a burnt mark on his fur.

Reinielle: Oh no. Popplio can you get back up?

He looked at me and he nodded a little. Then I heard shouting again but this time, I heard what Enrico said.

Enrico: Charmander, use scratch!

After hearing that, I panicked.

Reinielle: Popplio, get up!

Popplio was burned very bad. It's actually surprising for a water type Pokemon. Popplio got up but, Charmander just ran infront of Popplio and use scratch upwards. Popplio got scratched and went flying up in the air. Charmander jumped up and got on top of Popplio.

Enrico: Charmander, hit him with your tail!

Charmander spind for an impact to hit Popplio. Popplio was hit downwards but facing upwards. I got an idea.

Reinielle: Popplio, use bubble beam and spread it in the air!

Enrico: Charmander, use scratch to pop all the bubbles!

When the bubbles strikes Charmander, he was hurt but then he strikes back with scratch popping the bubbles. Is this even possible?! After attacking bubble beam, I just realized that I added an impact on Popplio. Popplio reached the ground and received a huge fall damage.

Enrico: Charmander, Ember!

Reinielle: Popplio, bubble beam!

Popplio and Charmander made smoke.

Enrico: Exactly what I wanted.

Reinielle: What?!

Enrico: Charmander, use scratch now!

Popplio got hit but this time, it's very bad.

Reinielle: Popplio, use Pound!

But Popplio can't move very much.

Enrico: Charmander, let's finish this! Use Ember!

Charmander shot Popplio with Ember and created an explosion and more smoke. The smoke cleared out and finally saw the result.

Lawrence: Popplio is unable to battle, therefore, Charmander and his trainer Enrico wins the match.


He shouted while running towards Charmander. Charmander jumped in Enrico's arms joyfully. Welp I guess it's about time Charmander defeated Popplio.


Reinielle: Popplio last bubble beam!

Popplio hits Charmander with bubble beam.

Reinielle: And Charmander is down. Again.

Enrico: Ugh! How do you always win?!

Reinielle: Type matching. Fire is weak against Water. It's really obvious who's gonna win.

Enrico became silent for a while. Then looks at me, with a huge smirk.

Enrico: Type matching huh? I'll show you that I can beat you even with Charmander's type disadvantage.

Reinielle: Ok. We'll see. But, I'm still gonna win.

Enrico: Let's have a deal.

Reinielle: What kind of deal?

Enrico: If I win, you'll have to catch me a new Pokemon.

Reinielle: And what happens if I win?

Enrico: I'll have to catch you a Pokemon. Deal?

Reinielle: Mmm........ Fine. Deal!

*End of flashback*

Well. It really looks like you defeated me with Charmander's disadvantage. I walk towards Popplio. I was walking in water just like Enrico did. I went near Popplio and carried him. Popplio looked at me.

Popplio: Popp?

Reinielle: Well Popplio, it looks like we've been beaten.

Enrico ran to me.

Enrico: Hey Reinielle!

Reinielle: You did it. You beat me with your disadvantage.

Enrico: Hey. Winning a Pokemon battle isn't just about Type matchings. It's also about the trust between you and your Pokemon.

Reinielle: Oh. Well then it looks like my master isn't the only one who has to teach me stuff.

Enrico chuckles. I chuckled back.

Enrico: Oh. Before I forget, don't you remember our deal?

Oh shoot. I totally forgot about it.

Reinielle: Umm... What deal? I don't remember us having a deal!

I said sarcastically.

Enrico: Alright shut your mouth get me a Pokemon.

He handed me a Pokeball.

Reinielle: *sigh* Fine.

I took it and before I walk out of the lab/training room, Enrico grabs me in the shoulder lightly.

Enrico: You don't have to catch me a Pokemon right now.

Reinielle: Why?

Enrico: Well your Pokemon is exhausted from our battle and so as mine. Wanna go to the Pokemon center?

Reinielle: Sure.

Then we heard KZ shouting.

KZ: Hey guys! We're gonna use the training simulator!

Reinielle: Use anything!

KZ: Ok!

Me and Enrico walked to the Pokemon center. We went in and greeted nurse Joy. Our mom and dad actually it's a friend of nurse Joy and we haven't been here in a while. The last time we went here was, I think when we were 10 years old.

Reinielle: Hi nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokemon center. How may I help you. Wait. Reinielle, Enrico is that you?

Enrico: Yup it's us.

Nurse Joy: Oh my Arceus you guys have grown alot.

We just smiled.

Nurse Joy: What brings you here?

Reinielle: We wanted to heal our Pokemon.

Nurse Joy: You have Pokemon? You guys really grew fast. What was your starter.

Reinielle: Mine was Popplio.

Enrico: And mine was Charmander.

Nurse Joy: You chose the right one for you. How'd they get hurt.

Enrico: We had a match.

Reinielle: And a deal.

Nurse Joy: What deal?

Reinielle: If he could beat me in a battle with Charmander's type disadvantage, I'll catch him a new Pokemon. And I lost. It looks like I still have to learn more.

Enrico: Yeah. Even though he's the W-

I covered his mouth cause he almost revealed or secret.

Reinielle: Even though I have the type advantage. Excuse me one moment.

We turn around to have a little conversation.

Reinielle: Enrico you electrifying knucklehead. You almost told her that I'm the Water Type Master!

Enrico removed my hand.

Enrico: Ok first of all, I'll take "electrifying knucklehead" as a compliment. Second, I got a little excited.

Reinielle: A little?

Enrico: Ok fine a lot.

Then Nurse Joy interrupts from the counter.

Nurse Joy: Is everything alright?

Reinielle: Uh yeah. Enrico just thought that he forgot Charmander in his house but it was in my pocket the whole time.

Nurse Joy: Oh ok. Well let me heal your Pokemon.

I gave Popplio and Growlith and Enrico have Charmander.

Nurse Joy: Hold on, who's your other Pokémon Reinielle?

Reinielle: It's a Growlith.

Nurse Joy: It is?!

Reinielle: It is.

Nurse Joy: Growlith are rare here in Florida. Your lucky to have one.

Nurse Joy said while giving or Pokemon to Wigglytuff.

Nurse Joy: Wigglytuff, will you please?

Wigglytuff: Wiggly.

Nurse Joy: Oh Reinielle. I have a gift for you.

Reinielle: You do?

Nurse Joy: Yes. Here take this.

Nurse Joy have me a small pouch.

Reinielle: What is it?

Nurse Joy: Open it and find out.

I opened it and a Fire Stone was in it.

Nurse Joy: Since Growlith can only evolve into Arcanine with a Fire stone, I'm giving it to you. It's been sitting there for a while now and I didn't know what to do with it. So the time that I knew you had a Growlith, I have to you.

Reinielle: Thanks Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Anytime. Your Pokemon will be healed in a minute you can wait anywhere.

Enrico: Ok. Reinielle let's go to cafeteria.

Reinielle: Ok.

We went to the cafeteria and got ourselves a drink. Then, a moment later, we heard the Pokemon center music and out names in the speaker.

Speaker: *Pokemon Center music* Reinielle, Enrico, your Pokemon is now all healed please get them in the counter.

We stood up and went to the counter.

Nurse Joy: Your Pokemon is all healed and good to go.

Enrico: Thanks alot Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Anytime.

Reinielle: See ya Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: See ya.

But before we got out of the Pokemon center, something happened.

No one's POV

What could something happen in the Pokemon center. Is it bad? Or is it good? Find out next time. Only here on The Adventures of The Pokemon Squad. Stay safe trainers.

~Here ya go with another chapter. My Friend LawrenceBuluran has been waiting for the next chapter. So here ya go. He's the grass type master in the story by the way. Anyways, hope ya like it and stay tuned for the next one. And as always, stay safe trainers~

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