When Barbie Takes Over

By cheesydancer

252K 6.6K 1.5K

Most little girls play with Barbies, so no one thinks it's unusal when Bridget's little sister Alice and her... More

1- A Friendly Sock Thief
2- Pretend Dates
3- Forgotten Goggles
4- Odd Beginnings
5- Photo Deals
6- Kidnapped
7- He Loves Me Not
8- Shopping with Grandma
9- Kidnapped (Again)
10- Lost Sweaters
11- Fall Picnics
12- Preassumptions and Arguments
13- Cookie Bribes
14- Mysterious Clowns
15- Mood Swings
16- Accidents Happen
17- Marshmallow Filled Memories
18- When Parents Come Home
19- Severed Limbs
20- Confiscated Tape
21- Mismatching Costumes
22- Slobbery Fangs
23- It Wasn't a Gangster
24- Little Sister's Hugs
25- Happiness Comes in the Form of Bubble Tea
26- Pigs Now Fly
27- Just Like Barbie
28- The Truth Hurts More
29- My Boyfriend
31- Mumbled Apologies
32- Recounted Stories
33- New Roomies
34- Hectic Mornings
35- Fantasy World
36- Unexpected Explosions
37- Similar Problems
38- The Talk
39- Deja Vu
40- Don't Go
41- Emergencies
42- Phone Call
43- Late Night Jibber- Jabber
44- The Telling of a Secret
45- Train Tracks
46- Panicked Phone Calls
47- Telling the Parents
48- Freak Out, Pass Out
49- Voodoo vs. Psychic
50- Why Not Add Garrett Too?
51- The Mysterious 'It'
52- Crazy

30- Just a Boring Sunday

3.8K 94 33
By cheesydancer

Should I do a chapter in Garrett's POV as a bonus? Any opinions on what chapter/scene I should do?

Also thanks to the new fans I have on this story and in general, you guys are awesome!

Chapter Thirty:

Just a Boring Sunday:

Sunday morning, I was incredibly bored. I sat in my bed just staring up at the ceiling for a while, which was rare for me.

I wanted to do something, but I didn’t want to anything alone and I wasn’t sure who I could call.

Normally in these situations I would call Quinn or Garrett. But, I wasn’t calling Garrett for obvious reasons, and I hadn’t really hung out with Quinn properly since Garrett and I broke up. Things at school are a little awkward between Quinn and I because Garrett and I hadn’t work out. I don’t really know why things were so weird and I don’t know if it will go away either.

Really, my only other option was Dustin. But I didn’t have his number or anything. And we only started hanging out because of the whole thing Tuesday, so it would be weird too.

After concluding that I was pretty much doomed to have a boring Sunday, I sighed and rolled out of bed.

I changed out of my pyjamas, with some difficulty because of my cast and then headed downstairs.

“Good morning,” Dad said once I finally got to the kitchen.

“Morning,” I mumbled as I crutched past him to the cookie jar.

“You’re up later than usual,” Mom pointed out.

“I don’t have anything to do today,” I said with a shrug. “I didn’t see the point of getting up, I was so comfy.”

“Oh, well I can't help you with the whole bored thing,” Mom said with a slight smile.

“Yeah,” I said absentmindedly. I finished loading a plate with cookies and then made to go out to the living room.

“Cookies, for breakfast?” Dad asked when he saw my plate.

“Yeah, I don’t feel like making anything,” I said with a shrug. Even making like cereal seemed like too much unnecessary work right now. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of just sitting up in my room and doing nothing.

“I thought you were bored?” Mom asked.

“I am.”

“Then why don’t you make something, it would keep you entertained,” Dad said with amusement.

“Nah, I’m good with cookies.”

Mom shrugged and Dad just shook his head amusedly.

“Where’s Alice?” I asked.

“At Maddy’s,” Dad answered.

“Oh.” My little sister and Maddy had been my only other option for entertainment today. Guess I really was just doing nothing today.

“I’m going back upstairs,” I informed my parents.

“Back to bed?” Dad asked.

“No, I already changed,” I pointed out. “I’m going to take my laptop up and sort through some new photos,” I said.

“Okay, just call if you need anything,” Mom said.

I nodded and went out into the living room to gather up my laptop and camera. I slipped the camera into my pocket, and balanced my plate of cookies on my closed laptop. Then I managed to hold that in one hand as I made my way of the stairs.

It took a while, but eventually I made it up, miraculously without spilling anything.

Once in my room, I knocked the junk residing on my desk to the floor, not caring where it landed, and then placed my laptop and cookies down before taking my camera out of my pocket. I wanted to work at my desk on not the bed because I didn’t want to feel lazy and sit in bed all day. If I was at my desk I felt better, even if it wasn’t as comfy.

I started to transfer the photos from my camera over to my laptop. I already knew what was on there from when I looked through them yesterday, so I spent time studying each photo.

Something I hadn’t noticed when I looked through them briefly yesterday, was the fact that in every photo of just myself, my hair was pushed back from my face. I know that wasn’t my doing because I didn’t really care what my hair did as long as I could see and didn’t get any weird looks. That means in photos of me I always had a couple strands of hair across my face.

Since I know I hadn’t bothered to clear my hair out of my face, Garrett must have done it before he took my photo. I don’t know when since I had never noticed it.  I smiled at the thought of him doing that. It wouldn’t have done it for the picture, but because he wanted to.

Another thing I noticed, that wasn’t as pleasant, was the fact that in one of my photos of Alice she was clutching Barbie. That fact wasn’t unsettling. It was the fact that it looked like Barbie’s eyes were half closed. I knew it wasn’t possible, Barbie was a plastic, useless doll, but it still creeped me out slightly.

I always thought the dolls were creepy, I just got over it when Alice started playing with them so often. I had nothing against Barbies, I just found most dolls creepy.

But since it was not possible I convinced myself that it was a trick of the light that I was going slightly insane being cooped up in the house without the company of my friends or sister.

I decided that I needed a distraction. Maybe if I had something to listen so my mind wouldn’t try to entertain me by playing tricks on me. I searched my room slowly (because of my crutches) for my iPod and headphones. After I located them I went back to the desk and listened to music.

I turned the volume of the music up louder than I usually did because that way I felt less lonely. I know I could call Quinn and hang out with her, but I honestly didn’t know if she was working today, or if she would even feel like hanging out with me even if she wasn’t. I wasn’t feeling up to hearing her reject me as a friend right now, so I guess I was stuck alone.

I had already sorted through the couple photos of myself that Garrett and taken, and was half way done the ones of the girls. Most of them were the close to the same because I had taken them around the same time. So I was just able to select them all and move them at once.

Once I had done that, all I had left were the photos of Garrett and I. I meant to go through them quickly so I wouldn’t have to look at them for a long time, but I got distracted.

In one of the photos Garrett’s eyes were half closed as he leaned into me. I was seated next to him but he was holding me so close I was almost in his lap. I was flashing a huge smile to the camera I was holding, but I seemed to have all of his attention.

In another photo that one of my parents must have taken, I was leaning against the arm of the couch with my feet stretched out in front of me. Garrett was sitting comfortable with his feet resting on the coffee table and he hand one hand on my jean clad knee and the other entwined with one of mine on the back of the couch. This time both of us were smiling to the camera.

In the photo that was my favourite, we were lying on the floor. I remember we had fallen off of the couch because we were laughing so hard. I had been clutching my camera because I had been taking pictures of the two of us. I had stretched out my arm above us to take a photo as we calmed down, but just as I had been taking the photo, Garrett had turned his head and started blowing raspberries against my neck. I had burst out into laughter and that was the moment the camera and captured.

Garrett’s eyes were closed as he blew raspberries, his cheeks puffed up with air and you could just see his arm thrown across my body, pinning me down as I tried to squirm away from him. My eyes were also closed and my mouth was open in silent laughter. I had the hand not holding the camera pushing against his shoulder in a failed attempt to get him to stop.

There were many other photos, but those three stood out the most to me. Looking at them made me miss Garrett and feel even lonelier.

I know I had just seen him yesterday, but that had been the weird robo-Garrett that confused me. I hadn’t seen the Garrett in the pictures since Tuesday when I made the mistake. I can't even say I had seen School Garrett because in the days before we started dating, Garrett had gotten rid of him. Now there was only one Garrett and he seemed to not like me. I no longer had one Garrett that I knew would always make me smile.

After sorting through the last of the photos (something I’m still not sure if it can be classified as torture or therapy), I unplugged my camera from my laptop.

I pulled the cord from my camera and it must have been with more force than I thought because the empty plate from where the cookies had been rattled. It had to have been with a lot of force even if I hadn’t seen anything because the dish made a lot of noise, enough that I heard it over my music.

 I put my hand on the plate so it would stop rattling. But under my hand it still vibrated. I pulled my hand away and stared at the plate.

I took my ear buds out and placed them on the desk. I heard a low rumbling noise and then a book fell from one of my shelves.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, things were flying across the room and everything was shaking.

My chair started moving and I instinctively slid out of it and to the floor. I landed painfully on my injured leg. I took the weight off of my leg and crawled under my desk.

I couldn’t fit in the small opening with my bulky cast restricting movement in my leg. But once I heard a loud crash, the fear and the adrenaline pumping through my veins was enough for me squeeze even tighter so that all of me was hidden under the desk.

My knee of my casted leg was rammed uncomfortably into my chin since there wasn’t enough room to cross it. I curled my body so I was hunched over both of my legs in attempts to make myself smaller.

I closed my eyes so I could try to convince myself that all was fine. All around me I heard things falling and crashing as they collided with other things. There was so much noise that I wasn’t able to tell where any of it was coming from. It was also hard not to feel scared with my eyes closed since I was bouncing where I was sitting as the floor –and the whole house- moved as well.

I heard a loud crack and I let out a scream. My back was pelted where it was exposed in the inch gap between the wall and the desk. I started shaking as sobs racked my body from the fear of everything that was happening. But I still did not open my eyes. I didn’t want the terrors to play out before my eyes, hearing them was bad enough.

Pain exploded in my hip. I opened my eyes the smallest amount and saw that one of the legs of my desk had broken off –that was what had hit me- and that my desk was now wobbling on only three legs.

It stopped moving for a second, it seemed to balance, but then another scream was ripped from my throat as the desk fell. My desk wasn’t very big, it seemed even smaller when you were sitting under it, but now it just seemed (not quite) comically small.

The side where the leg was broken off was at my right side. Since the desk was so small the other leg was now pressed down painfully on my shoulder. The left top leg had managed to fall so that it was in between my casted leg and myself.

Not only was I caged in by the toppled desk, but I was also now exposed to everything.

I watched in horror as things were knocked from every surface in my room. Ripples seemed to spread out across my room and toppled things in a wave. I could do nothing to stop it. I couldn’t do anything at all. I just cowered in fear.

Finally it stopped. It felt like hours but it probably wasn’t more than a few horror-filled minutes.

I waited a moment where I was uncomfortable being slightly squashed by the desk. But after a second nothing started jumping from its perch.

My put my left hand on top of the desk, the side that was facing the ceiling. I slowly started to press down on the desk to see if it wouldn’t topple if I put my weight on it.

The desk swerved a bit, but it would have to do.

I put the weight on my hand and slowly eased it off my right.

Once there was no weight on my right hand, I stretched out my arm and slowly lowered my shoulder so that it wasn’t pressed against the leg of the desk anymore.

But just as I was moving my shoulder, everything started shaking again. I ended up banging my head on the desk and I fell back so that I landed sharply on my hand.

The desk started shaking too, making it bang against my stomach, leg, neck and hip. I wanted to move but there was no way I could with everything moving.

Since this time things were only really shaking not falling –since they had already fallen- I was able to hear more than just the sound of crashing.

I heard the banging of the desk as it slammed against the wall, reminding me each time that I was secured in its cage.  But I also heard the distant crying of a child, and I prayed that it wasn’t Alice or Maddy.

I heard screams and shouts through my now permanently opened window; creaks and groans as structures tired in the quaking.  

After a couple of seconds, everything stopped moving again and I foolishly thought that things could only get better at this point. But then everything started shaking against and I realized just how wrong I really was.

As the aftershocks continued I started to scare myself by thinking about how many people were stuck in the same predicament I was. How many people were cowering in fear such as I was? How many didn’t even know what was happening so close to where they were currently laughing?

How many children had been innocently playing with their friends when everything started going wrong? How many teenagers had been asleep in bed and didn’t realize what was happening before they were thrown from their warm sheets?

How many babies were crying as they lay in broken cribs waited for their mother to come to them? How many mothers were trying to get to their scared babies but couldn’t because what stood between them was an insane amount of obstacles and unpredictable waves of shock?

When was all of this going to end? When was I going to wake up and discover that this was all a dream?

Oh please let me wake up now!

I didn’t realize right away when the shaking stopped. I didn’t because after it stopped, I was still shaking.

My body convulsed uncontrollably as I sobbed about all the terrible things that were happening. I shook with rage, fear, frustration and sadness all at once.

The earthquake might be over for everyone else, but I was still riding out my own.


Thanks for reading!!!

And no I am not dead. :P Sorry about the long wait in between chapters. My dance has been crazy for the last couple weeks and won't calm down until half way through next week.

It took me a long time to write this chapter and I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if there is any where I should add any detail or anything, I wasnt sure if I put enough in.  

Also where I live we get small earthquakes all the time but never anything big enough where a normal person can actually detect it. So any tips would be amazing!!!

Vote + Comment + Fan please!!!! 

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