
By 2_salty_2_be_faulty

14.1K 394 115

I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hur... More

Death, death and more death (EDITED)
Alpha Black (EDITED)
So close! (EDITED)
'I'll come back for you!'(EDITED)
The cells (EDITED)
The 'Alpha' (EDITED)
The pack doctor (EDITED)
Losing control (EDITED)
Special (EDITED)
Pizza (EDITED)
Hi Ash! (EDITED)
My first cupcake (EDITED)
Yes.... more films (EDITED)
The decision (EDITED)
Clothes shopping (EDITED)
Permission (EDITED)
Surprise! (EDITED)
Edward (EDITED)
Scars (EDITED)
Running (EDITED)
Croissant (EDITED)
Xavier, my 5 year old bestie (EDITED)
Chocolate waffles (EDITED)
A lot to take in (EDITED)
The Truth is out (EDITED)
Goodbye bed (EDITED)
Black (EDITED)
Eh what? (EDITED)
Forgiven (EDITED)
Mating (EDITED)
The Pack (EDITED)
Phone (EDITED)
Gym day (EDITED)
Salty pancakes(EDITED)
Chicken nuggets (EDITED)
Seeds (EDITED)
Family (EDITED)
Epilogue (EDITED)

Busted (EDITED)

511 13 7
By 2_salty_2_be_faulty

Previously on Runaway...

Jakes POV
Just as I'm about to insult him for the..... 40th time today, I hear the trees above us rustling viciously. There's no wind, it's a dry sunny day. Just then some blood falls on the floor next to us, it's the intruders' blood.......

You should know something about me I hate blood, and cuts and them really gross dirty things people get. So when a drop of blood fell from above, I almost shit myself.

I'm not proud of it because I'm a wolf I'm meant to be fearless, but nope I'm scared of spiders, cuts, the Alpha (sometimes), and women on their period.

So I'm not exactly the fearless hero you were expecting, was I?

Luna's POV

I felt wolves close by running towards my location, I freaked the hell out they were coming at me extremely fast. They were strong presences and to top it off I don't trust any wolf.

So I did the only rational thing, I could think of I climbed the nearest tree.

I've never once climbed a tree in all my life, so it was a surprise when I could easily pull myself up and get to the highest point of the tree. In all the hurry to get up the tree, I cut my wrist on the branch and now I am bleeding. It hurts and my cut has got pieces of tree bark in it now.

I was about to get myself comfy on the branch and fix my cut when two young men come speeding into my clearing.

They were the wolves I felt racing towards me, they mumble a few words to each other then start looking around my clearing.

I hear one of them say to himself 'where is that wolf I know she's here somewhere!' I'm petrified, I can sense their ranks the black haired guy is a beta (great!) and the other one is a gamma (yay...) Note the sarcasm.

I try to shuffle out of their line of view, in case they look up to my tree. But I make the tree shake, causing them to get suspicious. But they still don't look up (dummies) whilst I'm mentally scalding myself for making the tree shake, my blood drops on to the floor next to them from my open cut.

Ugh, I hate nature...

Well, it's over they will look up, see me, climb up the tree to get me, then kill me and lastly, laugh about killing me.

I don't think I've had a 'good day' in over 17 years, but this has got be the worst so far, wait actually probably not. Well, this is sad. Through my life, I've never been fully happy... But I have had days where I wasn't completely miserable, I was only a bit miserable. So that's something.

He looks up, the gamma. He sees me, now he's tapping the beta telling him to look up, they both look upwards gawking at me. I hate it when people look at me, I can tell they're silently judging my body all my scars and bruises and cuts.

I look ugly to them. I am ugly.

Then the beta says something that makes me want to rip his classically handsome head off of his shoulders but of course I can't, he's a beta to a pack. I'm just some weak injured girl, I won't last a second in a fight with either of them.

The beta says to me, " Little pup come down out of that tree we won't hurt you." Did that ass of a beta just call me a pup? I'm 18 for moon goddess' sake, I know I'm small but this is just ridiculous.

His words make me growl back at him "I am not a pup you ass I'm 18!" Well, he did not expect that. The gamma was just laughing at him, laughing that 'the girl in the tree' called him an ass.

He had a very contagious laugh, it was low but sweet.

Luna shut up! What are you doing? Don't you remember what Angie said? Don't trust anyone!

They both look away from me and start muttering to each other, so I can't hear.

Jakes POV

There was a girl in the tree, and she's a wolf. How did this happen? Zayn did the stupidest thing possible, he asked her if she would come down the tree. And she called him an ass, which I 100% agree with. But now she's not happy and neither is Zayn, but me I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking.

So I said to Zayn "that has got to be the stupidest thing you have ever said, and I've heard some shit come out of your mouth, now she won't come down."
"You don't know that if we reason with her, she might come down and tell us what happened to her." I gave him that look that means 'who let you borrow their brain for the weekend, Patrick Star?'

I give him a lot of those looks, then again he gives me the. Are you kidding me? look. You dick, look. And plenty more where that came from.

So after I gave him the look he sighed and said," I'd like to see you try and get her down dickhead!" And because we're best friends we're competitive. So I say...


The girl in the tree probably thinks I'm crazy now, well at least she knows who she's dealing with now *flexes 'menacingly'*

Luna's POV

They're muttering so quietly I can't hear, they already know I'm here now so I just let my blood fall on to the grass next to them. I laugh every time it falls near the gamma, he's obviously not good with blood. He jumps up and starts breathing quicker, every time it goes near him. It's actually quite entertaining, they keep on talking and the gamma gives the Beta a look.

The sort of look that means 'who let you borrow their brain for the weekend, Patrick Star?' You know, if I had to guess.

They talk some more and the gamma shouts at the Beta,


I think he's lost his mind...
Then he starts trying to talk to me, and this is what he said which is NOT what I expected!!!

"So I'm guessing your mad at this guy here? His name is Zayn and he's the Beta of our pack." I give him a bored look that says, does it look like I give a flying shit?

"Okay by that look I guess you don't really care about this guy, it's me you want to know about. I'm Jake and I'm the gamma of my pack, and I will offer you something you can't refuse, in exchange for you coming out of the tree. Deal?" I'm suspicious of what could he possibly offer me?

I finally find the courage to speak and say to him," what are you offering? Because if it's insurance for the last time... I don't want to buy your damn shit!!! Got it?" I learnt that phrase from Alpha Black, he always shouted it into his technological device, I think it means go away. But I never wanted to anger him by asking.

He's laughing a lot, so hard he can barely breathe. I don't understand what's so funny? When he finally regains his voice he says "No I'm not selling insurance, I have an offer that's even better! And before you yell at me again, no it's not PPI." He waits for me to stop laughing at him, i don't know what PPI is but I laugh anyway so I feel less awkward. I regain my breath and let him carry on. " I'm guessing you're pretty pissed off that this guy, called you a pup and was generally just stupid.

"I giggle at him again and nod my head. "Well how about if I punch him in the face for calling you a pup, and just generally being a pain in the ass?"

"Then will you come down from the tree?" He says. I think about it.

I imagine how funny it would be watching him get punched by his best friend, for calling me a pup. I know I seem a bit sadistic but I'm not, just a tad bitter.

So I think meh, either way, I end up dead. See you in our next life Hope!

"Ok, it's a deal!" I call down to him. Zayn looks a bit nervous, "guys we don't need violence especially towards me, I'm sorry for calling you a pup. But you're so small it was easy to mistake you for one." That was it no more remarks on my size, I give this gamma man a look that says 'make it hurt' whilst I growled towards the Beta. He laughs and does exactly that.

6 punches later

Well, that was funny in so many different ways. I know, keep your bitterness to yourself, sorry. "Can you come down now, I've punched Zayn for you. It's only fair." Jake pleads with me.

I growl and tell them to move back a few steps. They look confused but do as I say. They think I'll just climb down the tree like a boring person. Nope. I jump from my 20 feet high tree branch, they freak out and it wasn't even that high. Wusses!

"Are you crazy? you could have twisted your ankle jumping from there! Especially in your state!" Zayn shouts but that doesn't scare me. In my last few hours, maybe days I wanna be confident. So I say, "mind your own business bitch!"

Jake laughs whilst Zayn just glares at me, well you can't please everyone...

"Ok now you're down on the ground, do you have any bandages? Because your blood is making me nauseous." Jake says looking a bit pale. I chuckle, "yeah I do gimme a minute." I reply.

I reach into my bag and get my bandages out, then tightly wrap it around my arm. Annnnd done!

I put my bandages back into my bag and look at Jake expectantly. "We're going to take you to our Alpha now," he says calmly.

I warningly growl and say " like hell you are!" Is it wrong that I internally laughed when Zayn looked like he'd peed himself when I growled?

Meh, either way, it was funny as hell!

"And why won't you let us take you to our Alpha?" Zayn says regaining his dickhead composure.

"We've given you no reason to not trust us, or our Alpha!" He continues I don't like the way he's speaking to me.

If I could reach his face I'd slap him!

"All Alphas are bad, all wolves are bad. You can't trust anyone!" I told him.

He just looked at me shocked at what I had just said. "Ok listen here Alice, I'm gonna call you Alice now because you obviously aren't going to tell us your name. One way or another you're coming to our packhouse and talking to our Alpha!" He says authority filling his voice.

If I would have been a lower rank than him I would have submitted, but I was an Alpha's daughter. So he can't tell me what to do!

"You either run with us there, or Zayn gives you a piggyback there. Which one do you want?" Jake carried on he was slowly pissing me off, if he didn't watch it I'd rip his head off! But not really, I'm too tired right now.

"You have no authority over me you can't make me do either of those things!" I retort. He just looks at me like 'but that's where you're wrong' "we can't make you do anything... but our Alpha can. We can mind-link him right now tell him to come, he won't be as nice as we've been though!" Jake warns me. I growl letting my full authority show to him, he shivers but doesn't lose eye contact. I know he's not bluffing, they will call their Alpha, ugghhh this is why I wanted to be alone!

"Fine, I'll come with you running to meet your shitty Alpha not that I have a choice," I growl.

"Well come on then it's a five-minute run if we're quick!" Jake urged. Jake runs in front of me in the middle and Zayn at the back. So I don't 'run away' them dickheads!

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