The dancing queen meet her ki...

By N0nanaxxx

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a enemy .....a love story More

first meeting
leaving with boys?
what ???
why me??
a new friend or enemy
becoming friends
first love only a dream
one door close another open : part 1
one door close another open : part 2
new babies
hyoyeon 's fan boys
living with a lie: part 1
living with a lie: part 2
meeting my family
Jessica's leaving (OT9 forever)
Hyoyeon's solo act
eunhyuk is back
sm town without hyohyuk
let's put an end....
snsd ot5?
moving with sunny
sm town Halloween
snsd reunion
Running man (gnomeo & Juliet)
We Got Married special
WGM part 1
wgm part 2
wgm part 3
wgm part 4
wgm part 5
wgm part6
wgm part 7
wedding canceled?


48 4 0
By N0nanaxxx

the days were passing hyo and  eunhyuk were always playing around when they were meeting each other ,everyone could call them as  a couple when they fought like one.....the girls were getting better after the incident with Jessica...they were trying to keep in touch with her but Jessica was ignoring their calls and the girls thought a way to make her see that snsd was started with 9 members and it will end like that ...even if she left the group she is their from their account and sometimes on shows they were giving secret messages to her....

one day at sm 

hyo:edra what we will eat?

soo:anything....nda pegoupa...

hyuk:hyong she keeps on calling me I don't know what to do...

lee:just ignore her maybe she will stop...

yuri:oppa anio... are you ?

yoona:we are ok about you guys?

siwon:great ...just relaxing

hyo:whould you like to eat with us?

hyuk:gree ...(they took their sits )so hyo what will you do next ?


lee:ohh we all saw you as solo  xaxaxa it was nice ...

hyo:gree was nice wasn't it?

yoona:yah you just rapped what is the big deal...?is not like you can be solo

hyo:maybe in the future axxaxa

soo;gree we all can is not only you main vocals you know


lee:the food is here...

iu saw eunhyuk who were smiling all the time with hyo ,hyo got suddenly a call

hyo:nde ...ohh nde komsamita...nde I will be there...nde anioseo...


hyo:yah you remember that program which just started...mush up...?

lee:nde ...whee?

hyo:i am in...

yoona:deback you?

hyo:aa whee..I am good...

yuri;sunny is better you know 

soo;she is already a dj 

hyo:i will learn ok...

hyuk:xaxax I cant wait to see your reactions  axxaxa


siwon:well she doesn't know anything so it will be too much for her...

hyo:aish (hit eunhyuk and siwon hand)I can make it...

lee; hyo fighting..

hyo:koumao oppa I always said that oppa is my favorite among you guys


suju:mbo?yah ...

hyuk:yah I thought I was..

siwon:i thought you liked me more than anyone...


iu was still at the restaurant and started texting eunhyuk ,she was so jealous...


iu:oppa anio....I don't know if I interrupting you but can we meet ?

eunhyuk:oohhh ania ...whats wrong?

iu:i want to see you

eunhyuk:i cant ...bian...

iu:oppa is for an hour please...

hyo:(she saw eunhyuk who has keep on texting )who are you texting over ?a girlfriend(try to see)

eunhyuk;ani...(hide his phone form her,and of course she continue trying to get his phone,iu saw the whole scene and she got mad)

soo:hyo just sit down...

lee:we will leave now do you want to come with us at the dorm?

yuri:bian I have somewhere to go

yoona:greee..(saw soo and pleased her with her eyes)

soo:gree why not...

siwon:hyo you?

hyo:i will go around ....


soo;xaaxxa she means shopping 

donghae:xaxaxa hyong you  come?

hyuk:ani I will go for walk...(texted back to iu)bian iu I cant today ....

iu:what about tomorrow?

eunhyuk:i don't know ...bian...

iu;is just I am alone home and I don't know what to do...


iu:also I remember our past and I miss those good times

eunhyuk read the text but he didn't answer back 

lee:then we will see you later...hyo anio..

hyo:oo anio....(they all left except hyo and hyuk)so oppa who are you texting ?

hyuk:ahh my manager...

hyo:gree....(its not look like it)I will go now too ani...

hyuk:wait I will come with you...


hyuk:you said shopping right?what shopping?

hyo:aaa nde is for the dorm ...but is better to go alone and not cause a scandal again...

hyuk:gree but is late...(catch hyo's hand and went to his car )

hyo:oppa do you know my neighborhood that well?

hyuk:gromio....(parked,when they enter the store they hide their faces ,iu was still following them)

hyo:oppa oki...

hyuk:ice cream?

hyo:gree lets take a rest here before leaving ohhh(acting cute)

hyuk:arraso just stop it ...


waitress:what flavor?


hyo:how you knew?

hyuk:xaxaxxa that's my favorite ...


waitress:oki(gave the first to hyo and then to eunhyuk)

hyuk:how much?


hyuk:hyo hold this...(gave her his ice cream)don't eat mine too

hyo:oppa I will play mine is ok....

hyuk:yah shh...(payee up)which is mine?

hyo:which one?(start playing around) this one?

hyo:ani...neither the mine...

hyuk:yah ...(they start running)

hyo:ah oppa they will fell stop running...

hyuk:then which is mine?

hyo:nda boula...

hyuk:then this is is mine(he take one bite form each)

hyo:oppa that was mine....aishhh

hyuk:then don't play with my food..

hyo:you monkey ...(the ice cream fell on one of her fingers so when she gave hyuk's his ice cream she took an advantage)oppa you have something here(she went closer )

hyuk:what is it ?take it off(she then put her finger with the ice cream on his face now he was dirty)aish kim hyoyeon...come here(he run after her)

hyo:aa oppa......(he catch her and he did the same to her.....)


they continue a few minutes before

hyo:oppa peace?

hyuk:gree I cant take it ...

hyo:ohh ...oppa lets go and clean our faces and meet here to leave ?


after they finished hyo came outside with her bare face 

hyuk:wow you are not wearing makeup?

hyo:yah shh...gree I didn't bring any with me...what about you oppa?

hyuk:well I am man after all so its ok...


hyuk:lets go...

at the entrance of snsd dorm

hyuk:do you need help?

hyo:ani is ok ...oppa you can go ...I can take it from here...

hyuk:you sure?


hyuk:ok then I will leave ...goodnight...(she is so cute even with her bare face)

when eunhyuk left hyo opened the door to get inside the building but iu stopped her

iu:you wait..

hyo:mm nde?

iu:nde you..stay there

hyo:ohh nde anioseo iushi...


hyo:what are you doing here?

iu:i wanted to inform you to stay away form eunhyuk oppa he is taken

hyo:mmm from who?

iu:oppa is stay away...

hyo:iushi oppa and I are just friends ,and he didn't told me you are his girl

iu:gree we ....

hyuk:hyo you...

flash back

he drive away when he notice that hyo left her phone in his car so he returned back to give it to her

end of flash back


iu:ooo anio

hyo:mm oppa why you (hyuk show her phone)

hyuk:youre phone

hyo:koumao...(take It form him their hand touch each other and they both blushed)

iu:oppa hyo

hyuk:ohhh iu why you came?

iu:i came to ...(what I say?)

hyo:she came to tell me about something happen to her...she is so exited

iu:ooo(why she is helping me?)I will leave now...(left)

hyuk:i will see you around then ...goodnight(he forgot what happening or where he was he got closer to her and gave her a kiss to her forehead)

hyo:oo good night(run inside with blushing face)

hyuk:why did I do that?(pabo.hit his head,iu saw it so when she  got home she search her things...she found a photo and posted it on her account..)

the next day was everywhere ....the fans started saying bad things about them and making a big  mess around their idols agencies .....

hyo:what is happening why they are a lot of them here?

manager:ahh well they came for that scandal...

hyo:what scandal?

manager:is not you this time so don't worry

fans;this cant be true...hyuk is not that kind of man ..please explain us...eunghae is true don't make up this kind of things....what about hyohyuk?

manager:please let us pass

hyo:excuse me please....let me pass...(the bodyguards already surrender hyo in order to protect her and take her inside the building...but while they tried to do so they hit  two fans a boy and a girl,hyo saw them and immediately went near them)

hyo:kenchana?(give them her hands to pull them up...the fans and the two kids saw hyo in amaze)

fans:wow is kim hyoyeon..nomou ipoo...deback she just save 

boy:komsamitta...woow(helped his sister)


hyo:(smiled)ani  I am sorry in their seat ....they didn't mean this to happen they just wanted to keep me save biane.. ok we understand ... we should be more careful

hyo:ok then (search her bag to find something for them)where is it?ahhh oki..(it was a pair of sunglasses) this is for you (put it on the girl's head)and this is (get her hat which she was wearing and put it on the boy)for you....

kids:anii we cant accept them ..

hyo:just take them it is as a sorry gift...


hyo:oppa is dangerous to let this kids alone here ...can you take them home?(eunhyuk saw the whole story as he was inside  the building)

bodyguard:nde miss kim...

hyo:i hope you to  travel back safe...(smiled and waved them as she enter the building)

donghae:yah boe?


donghae:aaa she just gave her things to the kids wow she is deback...

hyuk:she is ...isn't she...?

hyo:who is what?

donghae:you..what you did out there...

hyo:aa it was nothing ...our bodyguard did a mistake so I had to help them out...


hyo:oppa (look at hyuk in an agry face)its your fault ...right?

donghae:hyo is not like it is...

hyo:i don't care ...just don't let people you love get hurt ,especially that littles should protect them..oppa you disappointed  me...

hyuk:hyo I didn't know that it would happen....I...

hyo:enough...I don't know what is the scandal for but ...(just then a video came out  on tv)

donghae:hyo you didn't knew?

hyuk:you didn't see it earlier?

hyo:ani I just hear this for the first time...(hyo don't will be ok)oppa you and iu .....

hyuk:ani...we are not ...we never were ....well actually we were holding a party and that photo taken back then hyo  ..

hyo:oppa is ok why you...

donghae:gree...we all were there...she got so drank that she never let eunhyuk go from her side... until he promised her to get a photo and then to go for sleep....(hyo looked at donghae)of course she was staying at the living room and hyong in our room

hyo:i didn't ask for explanations(hyuk saw hyo in worried eyes,he was afraid to lose  her for this)just take care of your fans and the lover once ok?(pfff now I can calm down that is not true)

hyuK:ooo don't worry I will take care of it to stop this ...

donghae:good ...because its huge...

hyo:gree....iu must be shocked by it..

hyuk;what you mean ?she was....

donghae:hyong...mmm(iu just came next to them)


hyuk;what is it?(angry)

iu:oppa I(saw hyo)am sorry I don't know how it went on internet....

hyo:mbo...?iu it was you?

iu:ani I just wanted to post something but in the end I accidently posted the photo bian...

hyuk;hyo please leave..(he didn't want her to hear the conversation)

hyo:ooo of course oppa you two should talk alone ...(try to get donghae with her but eunhyuk stopped them)

hyuk:donghae stay you know it ..

donghae:oo (saw hyo leaving in sad way)

hyo:(while walking away)mboo...?hyo leave donghae stay you know it? you hide things from me lee hyukjae?

tae:hyo mboe?

hyo:well I just learn that eunhyuk oppa is hiding things from me....he just push me away so I cant hear do you believe it?

tae:xaxaxa ...hyo you hide things from him as well...aren't you?

hyo:of course not...we are friends why should I ...(stopped and blushed when she saw tae give her love signals)aish that is different ..I cant tell him that .....

tae:well maybe is about this and he doesn't want you to listen about it....

hyo:aa whee he know everything about my past relationships...

tae;hyo if you have a relationship would you like him to know about?

hyo:ani...I different....

tae:axaxa you are cute...lets get going I need my know..


back at hyuk

iu:oppa why you did that?

donghae:she is right ....I should leave as well...

hyuk;ani you stay...iu I told hyo to leave because I cant let her see this...

iu:oppa what to see?

hyuk:iu I am mad at you I know you did it ,even accidently but I don't know if its true....

iu:its true oppa you can trust me....

donghae:then go and say it to the reporters....

iu:gree..I will go...I will tell them how much I love eunhyuk oppa ..(eunhyuk shocked)

hyuk:iushi...I....look you are my friend 

iu:oppa I love you ....that night I got drank in order to confess to you but I didn't make it ...yesterday you avoid me ...even I wanted so badly to see you...


hyuk:iu.....bian I ...

iu:do you love hyoyeonshi?that much?


iu:i noticed it ....and yesterday when you eat together and went for ice cream I saw everything

donghae:you went for ice cream?you didn't told me ....hyong...

hyuk:hyong is not  the time...iu you followed us?

iu:nde...I was jealous oppa answer me do you love her?

hyuk:nde I do...


iu:oppa (started crying)why I cant be the one?

hyuk:iushi biane I tried to not love her but I didn't make it, it grew even bigger inside me....sometimes I wish I could control myself but I cant ...I do things I would never do if my mind was bigger than my heart ...biane..

donghae:your mind isn't bigger than a 5 years old child 

hyuk:seriously now?

iu:oppa ...I ...don't care I want you are will be ...(got off)

hyuk:will she do something bad?

donghae:who knows...

after few days iu told everyone it was an accident that she posted a personal moment with hyuk and it was wrong she also said that they are just friends that were hugging out ,and the photo was taken a long time ago....

iu:oppa can we meet?

hyuk:at sm 


hyo:oppa  do you want to go for a movie?

hyuk:(I want I definitely want but...)hyo bianee I have to meet iu for some reason ok....I just asked because I am alone home and I don't know what to do...

hyuk:xaaxa then if is ok I can come over and see the movie there...

hyo:what about iu?

hyuk:i will end fast....

hyo:ok I will keep you a spot...


hyo:oo....kaishi and mingu are here with their girls ...I feel so lonely oppa....oppa came quickly...

hyuk:ok...(she is so at sm and saw iu in front him)what is it?

iu:oppa all settled  cant you ...we try out?

hyuk:bian....(got text)

hyo:oppa palee...they ...will kill me from the high blood

hyuk:cute xaxxaxa(answer back)I am coming high on...

iu:who was that?

hyuk:i will go ....

iu:oppa answer my questions...

hyuk:i  wont try out with you anything I don't want to hurt you more please ....

iu:i wont give up...(hyuk left)

at snsd dorm

mingu:hey noona what we will see?

hyo:well I don't know you guys choose I am busy here getting ready...

kai:noona what is there to get ready is just a movie...

hyo:anii I will meet your girls and its a movie...of course I have to  get ready drinks sound...and view...(the bell rang)

kai:i get it....(open the door)hey honey...(kiss)

hyo:no kisses on the door....

girl:(whispered to kai)you didn't told me noona is home...

kai:well I ....sorry she wanted to meet her futures sisters

girl:sisters?who else is here?

kai:well mingu and his girl is coming too (hyo got out the kitchen to see the girl)

hyo:yah don't you just stand at the door  get inside.....(saw the girl)

krystal:hey uniee...

hyo:omg...krystal..kai...???sindja?axxaxa (hug them)I am so happy for you....if you hurt her you are doomed...

kai:mbo?i am your brother...

hyo:she is my little sister's sister...

krystal:ohhh nde....

hyo:oh batta...krystalshi..this is my brother mingu......

krystal:nice to meet you  I am krystal

mingu:nde I know  anioseo...(door)


kai:arraso...(open the door)

mingu:(run over )honey...(kiss)

hyo:gosh stop kissing at the door and get inside...

mingu:arraso...come in...(hyo got out with a bowl of chips)

hyo:anio..I am mingu's sister kim hyoyeon...nice meeting you....

girl:nde anioseo weiwei immita...(the others introduced as well)

hyo:so boys what you choose ?

krystal:they are choosing ?gosh ....we will be bored...

hyo:axxaxa believe me we are not ....mingu like horror and kaishi a bit of romance to say...?


mingu:gree you are right 

hyo:lets sit until they get ready...

mingu:i have the perfect one...

kai:ande that reveled too much skin...

hyo:edra?(door,hyo got to answer it)

mingu:phew we are save...hyoung lets just watch it it will be interesting...

kai:gree ...

hyo:oppa you came?

hyuk:oo oki(got a battle of  wine)

hyo:koumao...but it is not the right time for this axaxaxa 

hyuk:kamsakia...(saw the living room full)

all:anioseo...(introduce themselves except kai-mingu krystal)

hyuk:krystal how?

hyo:they are together...lets sit..(drag hyuk next to her to sit)


hyo:arra hyuk oppa want tell I promise to you ...

hyuk:gree why should I ...(why I came again with this couples around us?aaa gree because hyo asked for me)

krystal:then since we all are couples uniie and oppa are...

hyohyuk:ani...(look each other )

hyo:we are just lets begin this movie.....

kai:noona close the lights first(hyo got up and close every light in the room it was so dark that hyo couldn't see through she accidently sit on eunhyuk ,he felt her so he hug her and whispered to her)

hyuk:hyo where are  you siting?i am not a chair...or 

hyo:(stand up immediately and sat next to him while blushing )biane I cant see...(phew is so hot ....luckily the lights are off)

kai:noona can you move your feet I need to have my back behind..

hyo:yah ...just keep watching the movie and shh

hyuk:hyo it seems right that way as orders  put our feet on the sofa so the couples have their space...

hyo:oppa(hit him with her pillow)

mingu:shhh I want to hear...

during the movie there was a scary moments and some more loves one(18+)

at a scary scene the girls were screaming ,catching boys hands ,hide behind them close their eyes....while the boys were taking advantage the situation...


hyo:(hide her face on eunhyuk's chest...)ahhh mingu- kai what movie did you choose isn't it too much(whispered so they cant hear her)

hyuk:(fell hyo on his chest while listening her ,he was so happy she did that ,he took it as a chance and hug her)hyo you know they did it on purpose right ?

hyo:what purpose...?

hyuk:so their girls and them got near more than you think,like you just jump

hyo:(let him go)I didn't ,still its too much ...will the girls sleep..?

hyuk:(got hyoyeon back to his chest)don't worry they will have a good night ...sleep xaxaxxa

hyo:oppa(hit him )

hyuk:aaa hyo you got stronger

kai:yah you two stop flirting we cant hear....

krystal:(saw a 18+scene)yah you did it on purpose?what kind of movie is this...(hit kai)

kai:bian ....bian we just thought that since we all are that age we can see it ...

hyo:yah ..close it too much ....(it was a scene where the boy took the girl to the room and started doing things)ommo...(closed her eyes)yah turn it off...


weiwei:oppa you are too much can you put that...

hyuk:well we are man so we are seeing this things...(got hit by krystal,while kai was opening the lights)

kai:ok ok bian...

hyuk:hyo...?open your eyes...

hyo:yah  movie night is boys get out...

kai:ooo come on said that sometimes the girls were watching too this kind of movies...


hyo:nda was your sister and tiff sunny and soo oh and sometimes tae 

hyuk:ehey come saw didn't you...

hyo:ania...I was always out on dates ,parties ,with friends,practice I never saw 

mingu:then how you knew they were watching?

hyo:when I got back home I saw the dvds or what they were watching at that time...and then I just went to my room for sleep

weiwei: now can we watch something else?

krystal:nice...we choose

kai:wait lets finish this and next time we will not see something you don't want ok?

hyo:yah ..(shout at the boys who were laughing)

hyuk:(grab hyo and make her sit back)get down and lets  just watch is not like it will make us do the same thing....

hyo:oppa you like it too..pervert(hit him with the pillow)

kai:gree lets just watch ...(continue the movie)

hyo was blushing so hard by hearing the moarns ,hyuk saw it and he thought how cute she looked by that ,he got near her and whispered her after he blow in her ear

hyo:(shocked)o ooopa

hyuk:you are blushing ....didn't  you said you have done it why you...

hyo:(hit him again)oppa its different much ....

hyuk:mboo...too much ?you never did this things with your...

hyo:(closed his mouth) was one time that I did it after that I was ...(hold her pillow and she was facing the floor) never did that after you lost it?(so how hard hyo was blushing now)xaxaxa ok ok

hyo:aish....I will kill them....(eunhyuk hug her ,since the kids were having fun by their own,hyo try to get off but)

hyuk:stay still and don't play games ....its hard as it is..


when the movie ended the couples wanted to be on their own so they asked if the can you a room


hyuk:hyo...let them is already late to leave....

hyo:ok but....please don't do anything  weird....

girls:we wont ...

hyo:i can trust you then ...krystal you don't mind use your sister room right?

krystal:you still didn't move her things?

hyo:no we said we are sisters so we are waiting for her ......


kai:gree but is your room as well...

hyo:dont worry I can stay to another one...since there is nobody here for two days....

mingu:we will go there ok?(grab wei wei)

hyo:yah mingu don't....

mingu:we know....

hyo:aish...those kids...they don't think clear at all after that movie...

hyuk:well me neither

hyo:oppa...(hug her and push her on the sofa)

hyuk:axaxxa ok I was just kidding...(let her go)lets clean up...

hyo:i will you must go home...

hyuk:ani is ok..(got some glasses and took them to the kitchen)

hyo;koumao...(they keep on cleaning)

after they end they both sit on the sofa and they were awkward .. only ...did it once...and it was only in out ?nothing else?

hyo:(blushed)ohhh is hot.....why you are asking....?

hyuk:well it seem you need a teacher....(got closer,in order to play around more with her)

hyo:i...(got away)just wanted to loss that...and after that I never found a boy to make me feel that secure....

hyuk:what about me?(hyo saw him in shocked)xaxxaxax I am kidding ,you should see your face xaxaxaa

hyo:(hit him)oppa...

hyuk:okey okey ...I will not say anything like this I promise you...

hyo:good is too awkward talk to you for this things...

hyuk:gree?ican talk about every moment and things I have done with my girls in the past with you.....

hyo:dont you dare...pervert

hyuk:eheey.....what was that?(they heared strong noises from the rooms the kids were inside)

hyo:ommo (shout)yah mboe?keep it down and out you boys

hyuk:xaxaxa then how can they ....(signal to her )

hyo:you better not....(got stopped by hyuk )

hyuk:just let them be...they love each normal....

hyo:well yes but....


hyo:oppa is time for you to leave ....

hyuk:aa whee...?is not I have things to do...also you will be alone listening to this?

hyo:well I can do something about the noises ,when I sleep I will ot be able to listen to them ....(just then hyuk got near her and put head phones to her ears...they both were listening to music)

hyuk:now is better right?

hyo:mmm but how we will sleep?

hyuk:(got the pillow and put it behind his neck, then he hug hyo and make her fall on his chest)better?

hyo:oppa is too much...

hyuk:then you say that we go inside on a bed and sleep?

hyo:(widen her eyes)anii here is ok

after few minutes the fall asleep

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