The Blind Games ✔

By allisonislost

350K 14.9K 2K

Bella Jones is the definition of broken. She lost everything in a matter of minutes- her best friend, her par... More

{1}The Rejection
{2}The Bet
{3}Landon Parker is a Donkey
{4}Sweet Dreams
{6}Landon Gives Up {Almost}
{7}Dinner Party
{9}By Chance
{12}Two Steps Backwards
{14}The Note
{15}She Bit Me
{17}The Voicemail
{22}A Talk with the Doctor
{23}Just Say Yes
{24}Well, At Least She Said Yes!
{25} Forgotten, not Forgiven
{26} The Human
{27} Christmas Tree Fiasco {Part One}
{28} Christmas Tree Fiasco, Part Two
{29} Meeting Nate
{30} Truth Comes Out
{31} Earn it
{32} Intentions
{33} Disappearance
{34} Leah?
{35} The Sight
{36} Escape and Rescue
{37} Come Back To Me
Authors Note
{38} Freedom
Raffle Winners!
Sequel: Update Announcement


9.2K 391 46
By allisonislost

Bella Jones

I flopped onto my mattress with an exaggerated sigh. It was lumpy and nowhere near as comfortable as the guest room's mattress, but it was home. I swear I spent half my time just laying around on this bed. The events of last night flickered behind my closed eyelids, so I forced them open.

I felt so pathetic and disgusted with myself. Asking him to stay in the room with me was completely inappropriate, and of course I regretted it. Thinking of this made me growl in frustrated annoyance. I tossed and turned for a good five minutes before I finally got sick of it. Getting up I followed my string to the door and exited my room.

Unfortunately upon doing so- I bumped into Dahlia. Almost forgetting my dear cousins were visiting today turned out to be a grave mistake.

"Watch where you're going mutt. Or actually, maybe I should just call you human. Because you can't shift!" Dahlia cackled, slamming her broader shoulder into mine. I sensed someone else other than her in the hallway and sneered at both her and my brother.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going. But I guess you can't see anything past that giant ego." I smirked back in victory, quite happy with my witty response.

Dahlia only huffed and I swear I heard a muffled chuckle from Ben. Ignoring both of them, I slid towards the stairwell and carefully made my way to the first floor. I was starting to regret skipping school today- because now I was completely bored. I mean, what else was there to do in such a small town other than school on a Tuesday morning? So I did what I usually do when I get bored- I eat.

I found myself seated on a bar stool and eating candy, aka gummy crabby patty's. Thinking back to what happened a few moments ago- I tried to remember a time where Dahlia wasn't such a jerk to me. But there was only a small margin. When we were little- very little, she used to worship the ground I walked on. That was until second grade when Bobby Brock, - stupid name, I know- started to like me. Back then Dahlia had a major crush on the youthful Bobby, and was exremely jealous of me.

And that my friends is how the entire feud between us started. Stupid, I know.

Finishing off the entire bag of candy, I decided to visit Beta Hex's burial site. I had been neglecting this ever since I learned the heartbreaking news. We were as thick as thieves back in the day, and now he's just... gone. Just like that. No warning, nothing. I found myself wondering about his mate. He never really spoke of her much. I always assumed she was just a stay at home mom.

With a resigned sigh, I sat up and crumbled the trash up. I found what I assumed was the trash can and dumped it inside. I found one of my parents staff members, Eddy, and asked him to please drive me to his grave. Twenty minutes later, my back was pressed against the cold concrete of a tombstone. Tears streamed down my face as I clutched the bag of skittles tightly in my hand. He loved skittles, they were Hex's favorite candy.

"Well, are you happy? You left me all alone you jerk." My voice sounded like a strangled cat as I sobbed into the plastic baggy.

"You suck. Did you know that? YOU SUCK!" I screamed, pouring the skittles all around me on the ground.

"Wow. Thanks friend."

I immediately recognized Landon's voice and wiped angrily at my tears. I really just wanted to be left alone for one day, was that to much to ask of him?

"What are you doing here, Parker?" I grumbled, not in the mood for any shenanigans.

"Well, I came to visit my uncle's grave. And instead I find a very emotional Bella Jones, sitting on top of him." Landon rambled as I feel him settle down next to me. I could feel his warmth hitting me, and as much as I would like to deny it, the feeling was quite nice.

"Visit him another time. He's busy." I croaked.

"I can see that." He grunted, placing something soft beside my leg. With the touch I could tell they were flowers.

"Beta Hex hated flowers" I sighed, feeling the soft petals beneath my fingertips.

"Did he now?" Landon retorted, snorting. Was it just my imagination, or was he crying? I simply nodded and traced the lettering on the tombstone beneath my fingers.

"What are you even doing here, Jones?" Landon suddenly sounded less friendly.

"Spending some time with my friend. That's what." I grouched, not liking his attitude.

"Yeah right. How could you possibly know the first thing about him? You just got here."

This made my hair bristle as I quickly rose to my feet.

"Well, Alpha boy, even if you and the rest of this cruel pack don't remember... I lived here for most of my life. I went to school with all of you until I was fourteen! Until I... I...," My voice shook a little in the end.

"What, until you what?" Landon snapped back, probably anger that I had insulted his pack.

"That's not any of your concern!" I griped, turning around and stalking off in some direction. He was up lightening fast, grabbing my hand as I faced away from him.

"The hell it isn't. You're my mate, for goddesses' sake!" Landon snapped, gripping my smaller hand in his tightly.

"I am not your mate, nor will I ever be." I shouted, not even turning around. I took his shock as my chance to slip away from him.

Landon Parker

Her words hit me in the gut like a semi truck- and she couldn't have been more right. I watched her hair flounce behind her as she made her way down the hill, stumbling all over. I was pretty sure she was going the wrong way. I growled and jogged after her, just in time to steady her before she rolled her way down the rest of this hill.

"Okay, okay. You're right. Come on, your going the wrong way." I tried to sway her, but she wouldn't budge.

"No. I'll go which direction I want to go." Bella snapped, pulling my arm of her upper arm and stomping to the right. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and quickly followed. I wrapped my long arms around her waist and through her over my back. I won't deny that the contact between the two of us calmed me down. Being completely honest, if I was in this situation with any other girl, I probably would have taken advantage of the situation. But, this wasn't just some girl.. This was Bella. Her tiny fists pounded into my back with slight pressure- and she was stronger than I would have thought.

"Hey, put me down you big dog!" Bella growled. Her feistiness made me chuckle, I wasn't even upset she had called me a dog.

I carried her all the way to my motorcycle and sat her down on the back, waving her driver off when he tried to protest. I grabbed my spare helmet and placed it on her head- luckily it fit snugly. I'm sure she would have fought more if she wasn't sitting on the motorcycle. Probably didn't want to fall off. Her lips pouted in an amusing way, and once again I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Stop laughing at me you Oaf!" Bella shouted, trying her hardest to make sure she didn't fall off the unbalanced vehicle. Her insults weren't really hurtful to me, if anything it was completely adorable. It was comical- this girl who weighed a buck and a half soaking wet was telling me off! How absurd.

I sat in front of her and placed my own helmet on.

"Wrap your arms around me so you don't fall off." I instructed. In response she simply wrapped her arms around herself in defiance.

"Bella." I growled, growing impatient.

"In your dreams." Bella huffed, hugging herself tighter.

"Bella you're going to fall off."

"Maybe I want to."

"Bella, just do it already!"

"Make me!" She snorted.

"Gladly." And with that, I forced her small arms around me and took off. All I got in response was a yelp as she spread her tiny fingers across my chest. Bella hugged herself to me- and to tell the truth it felt amazing with her arms around me. So good, that it became increasingly harder to focus on the road in front of me. I ended up in a part of the town that was unfamiliar to even me.

All I could feel was her thin arms clutching my body, and my muscles tensed under it. The warmth from her body against mine sent me on cloud nine. The road before me could have been an ocean and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.

To my surprise, I heard a honk from my right as I ran a stop sign- noticing a little to late. I turned my head just in time to meet the eyes of a horrified drivers face before the truck slammed into us.

Hey guys!! It's been a week, wow. Don't be angry with me. I have a excuse- as always. My niece was just born! She is totally adorable; all 7 pounds and 4 ounces of her. So everything has been kind of hectic. But luckily she comes home tomorrow. Her name is Charlotte Edea (E-Daya). I love her middle name, it's just so creative.

Sorry it's missing about 400 words lol. My bad, kind of rushed this one. Tired...

Thank you friends!! My fans are number one.

You all rock.

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