Legend Of The Ice Dragons

By EnderWolfQueen

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When Natsu, Happy, Erza, and Lucy go on a mission that had too do with the area freezing over at times. They... More

The Mission And The Dream
Black Ice Castle
Dragon Scale Necklace And The Owner
The Ice Dragon Sings For A Storm
Clear Skies And A Dragon's Soul
Presents And An End To The Blizzard
Information And Cold Demeanor
Anger and Retaliation
Singing In The Moonlight
Dragons And The Train Ride Home
New Family And Unconscious Courting
More Unconscious Courting And Galuna Island
Kidnapping And Two Steps Back
Frozen Demons: The Past Returns
The Cold Emperor And Ice Dragon
A/N And News
Icy Powers Clash
Dragon Book: Forbidden Spells
Mates Protect At All Costs
Gray's Past
The Last Battle On Galuna
Land of Ice : Skyrim
Dragons And The Dragonborn
Disturbing Information
History and Horses
School Of Magic and Vampires
No Solitude in Solitude
Shadowgreen Cavern Holds an Ice Dragon
Legends And Told Stories
Four Holds And The Mountain
A Portal To Heaven Means Farewell
Omake : The Yuki Onna
Heating Metal Using Ice

Dragon Pride

330 10 1
By EnderWolfQueen

(A/N : Sorry that this chapter took so long to get out and if you all thought I was dead. But Blue and I both have busy schedules. So please bare with us. If you want make some fan art and read some of my other works. Also the vote is unanimous Gray will be getting pregers and be having twins. When he gets married he'll be wearing a suit. And if you don't like what is happening then guess what you should have voiced your opinion. Thank you all and I love.)

Once the knocked out Gray was taken by the villagers to a safer location Natsu, Lucy and Happy faced the opposing wizards. The girl with the pink hair called her mountain of a rat so she could go and eradicate the villagers. Lucy in the heat of the moment grabbed one of the rat's toes.

She was flying off with the rat but it did a crash landing a short distance away. Happy unfurled his wings and turned to Natsu.

"Don't worry I'll go check on her."

"Thanks Happy I'll stay here and deal with them."

Happy flew off to the crash zone and Natsu turned to the two remaining wizards. Natsu was angry. These wizards had no respect for the dead and their boss left Gray battered and unable to stand, he was going to make them pay.

Natsu bent his knees then launched himself towards the one with the cat ears coming out of the top of his head. Landing a solid headbutt he knocked the wizard over. Still flying through the air with his head pointed at the ground Natsu looked under him and breathed a fireball at the wizard behind him.

He righted himself and skidded to a halt. Looking back to see his handy work. His flames started to disperse and left the wizard in a bubble of blue light. The wizard dispelled the light and started to mumble to himself a little.

"So you can breath fire, I see. Don't tell me you're that Salamander from Fairy Tail I've heard so much about."

The dog eared wizard swung his body back up in a standing position yelling that he was good. Natsu disregarded him and focused on the blue haired male with the big eyebrows; he seemed to be more of a threat.

Natsu just got in his fighting stance ready to take down the enemy. The big browed male continued talking.

"You know we used to be members of a famous guild ourselves. So you shouldn't blow us off. In fact Iron Rock Jura used to belong to the same guild. Surely you've heard of the Lamia Scale."

He had enough of there talking so Natsu just gushed fire from his hands at both wizards. He really didn't want to be here at the moment. Right now he wanted to be sitting by Gray and grooming him as he slept. But he had to make sure all threats were taken care of.

His fire only hit the cat eared one as the blue haired male countered the fire. He was kind of irritated that Natsu wouldn't listen to what he had to say. But Natsu didn't care what he had to say or where he came from he just wanted to be at Gray's side at the moment protecting him.

"You think I care what guild you're from or who the other members are? We came here to help the villagers. And you're the ones that put them in danger. Which makes you Fairy Tail's enemy. And that gives me more than enough reason to fight you."

'Your leader also hurt my intended so that makes this personal.'

The words from his mouth and the words running through his head were firm and he was ready to defend them at a moments notice. The blue haired mage furrowed his brows a bit then called out to his comrade.

"Hey Toby just stay back. You don't need to get involved. I've got this."

After his comrade gave an affirmative growl he put one hand behind his back and pointed the other towards Natsu. A bright blue light emitted from his hand.


Natsu engulfed his forearm in fire getting ready to tear the magic apart but at the last second he jumped out of the way. The former Lamia Scale member spoke in a condescending voice mocking Natsu. Natsu just ignored his comment and sent a stream of fire at the blue haired male. But he just deflected it with a wave of his hand.

"The pulsing energy that's coming from my hand diffuses all types of magic. Which means that none of your spells will work against me."

"So that's why my fire power couldn't destroy his barrier. I get it."

Natsu wiped the side of his jaw. This guy was starting to annoy him greatly. When a dragon couldn't catch or destroy its prey it mostly got swept up in a rage destroying all things around it. But with just having the magic of a dragon Natsu was just getting more irritated. The wizard put his hands to his sides as he continued to explain his magic.

"I specialized in anti-wizard magic while I was with the Lamia Scale guild. And I'm sure you can understand why. No matter how strong they might be, all wizards are powerless against me. Even you."

Two tone white magic circles came to the blue haired wizard's hands and he shot waves out at Natsu. To avoid them Natsu jumped into the air out of their reach.

With a growl Natsu launched himself at the wizard, fist coated in fire aiming to hit the wave user. But his fist was stopped by a blue wall of light. The waver user just exasperatedly told Natsu how he wouldn't be able to beat him.

But Natsu just grinned and pulled back a hand not coated in flames to punch through the blue wave. Natsu happy (?) he was able to force his hand inside but when it started to be filled with pain he kind of started to regret his actions.

The wave user just told Natsu that what he did was utterly stupid. Natsu just ignored his words and pushed his head and shoulders through the wave. At the blue haired wizard's shocked expression Natsu gave what looked like a Cheshire open mouthed grin showing all of his razor sharp teeth.

"You may be stuck in my wave but still can't use your flames in here."

"But I can still use them outside. And you just gave me a great idea."

Natsu's burn orange magic circle formed at his elbow making his fire spit out at that point. Yuka was shocked that Natsu thought of such an idea. The force of Natsu's punch hit Yuka and sent him flying threw/through the air like a leaf in the wind. Satisfied with his work Natsu gave a victorious smile when Toby's voice caught his attention.

"Man you're awesome."

"Well you're about to see just how awesome first hand."

Toby bragged how he was stronger than his teammate. His nails glowed. After glowing they got longer and turned a dark green in color. He then told Natsu that they were paralyzing claws. When Toby asked Natsu what they did Natsu answered the obvious.

"Paralysis you."

Toby looked shocked that Natsu knew the answer and asked if Natsu had ESP(extra sensory powers). Natsu just couldn't believe this guy.

'And people think I'm dumb? So this guy must be a special type of stupid.'

"No you're just real dumb."

Toby got mad that Natsu called him dumb and started to hack and slash at Natsu trying to paralysis him. But Natsu being leagues ahead of Toby in any kind of brain power just said one simple sentence and did one gesture. He lifted his hand to his forehead and told Toby he had something there.

Toby being so simple poked himself with his claws and knocked himself out. Natsu just walked over to the grave for Bobo set it up right while promising to fix his village.


The sound of chirping birds made Gray open his eyes. He was in a tent and it was morning. Moving his fingers he felt something soft and warm. Turning his head to the left he saw a ball of black and white fur covered in gold and red spots.

Gray smiled he was happy Eclipse was by his side again. Straining his neck he saw he was covered by a thin blanket. Taking a deep breath Gray lifted himself to sit up. While pushing himself upright he felt really stiff in his stomach and a small twinge of pain.

Since the blanket fell he could see what the problem was. His stomach was wrapped in crisp white bandages restraining his movement and a bit of his breath. Moving around a bit to get used to the bandages and loosen them up a small bit. Gray then turned and picked up Eclipse placing her on his lap.

Gray ran a hand through her soft warm fur taking comfort that she was alright and with him. Eclipse was sleeping soundly but had a small grimace on her face.

'Her body must still be trying to get rid of all the excess moonlight. Hope it doesn't take too long or give her any permanent damage.'

The sound of the tent flap opening made Gray look up. In his view was a woman walking in. She was fairly attractive having short black hair and a sweet face. But the most notable thing was the necklace she wore.

She was very nice and looked over Gray and Eclipse seeing if they needed any further treatment. While doing this she engaged Gray in some small talk and told him where he was. With the inspection done Gray thanked her and got up with Eclipse in tow to find the people he came here with.

The woman pointed him to the tent they were staying in. He thanked her again and walked to it and opened the flap. Once inside he saw an infuriated Erza sitting on a crate with Lucy and Happy tied up on the ground with tears falling down their faces.

"You made me wait, not smart."


Gray held Eclipse tighter making her let out a breathy squeak that made him loosen it quickly so she could breathe. Erza stood up from her crate telling him that she was brought up to speed.

"Now Gray since you and Eclipse were taken here against your will I'm sure the master will go easy on you. So for now we are going to find Natsu then we shall leave. No questions and no complaints. Are we clear."

It was an order not a question. But instead of answering Gray just tilted his head down making his bangs cover his face. When he spoke it was quiet but firm.

"No. . ."

The clank of Erza's armor stopped as she neared the tent flap. Catching what Gray had said she turned around her voice humming with anger.

"What did you just say."

"I said no."

"You are going whether I have to drag you back to the guild hall kicking and screaming, Gray."

Erza grabbed Gray by the shoulder harshly turning him around to face her. Gray let himself be turned. His hair casting a shadow over his eyes. When he lifted his head his eyes were steel in color and just as strong. His voice was firm and held power.

"No. If I leave without helping these people I'll feel like a coward. And dragons are anything but cowards. I may have been brought here against my will but I will not leave until this mission is over."

"Gray if you don't come back to the guild right now I will have no choice but to tell the master that even if you were forced to come here you stayed. You will face punishment and be thrown out of the guild."

Erza equipped a sword and pointed it at Gray's throat. Gray's eyes stayed firm as he grabbed the blade threatening him and pointed it at his guild mark over his heart.

"If you see me unfit for the guild cut this off right now. I joined a guild so I could help people. If I have to disobey your rules in order to do so then so be it."

Letting go of the sword revealed Gray's hand bleeding. Gray held Eclipse and started to leave the tent. What he said was true. A friend of his mother, someone who saved his life was being disrespected by her own student because of his ambitions.

This was more than a mission now, it was personal and he would not let this disrespect for the memory of the dead happen. His pride as a dragon wouldn't allow it. Dragons were creatures of pride and power they didn't bow easily to anyone.

Not even to their own kind and especially not to their own mates. They only bow when humiliated beyond words and even then they hesitate before finally admitting defeat not wanting to show weakness. Erza bowed her head.

Gray's eyes and voice made her internally shake. They showed no sight of backing down even when faced with a deadly weapon pointed at him. He simply moved it, spoke his mind, and left.

She might not have known Gray for very long but she felt like he belonged in her little rag tag band of misfit guild members, her family. He'd been through so much and yet he held his head high.

He was cold but showed compassion. Hard and yet soft like a mother soothing her children. He was all that and more. The perfect example of him was a snowstorm in the middle of summer.

Lucy uttered Erza's name worried but that quickly changed to frightened when Erza raised her sword and brought it down multiple times. Lucy closed her eyes in fear but suddenly felt the ropes fall away. Opening warm chocolate eyes she saw Happy and herself freed from their bonds at the moment.

"We're going after Gray, Natsu, and Eclipse. But don't think this gets you out of punishment when we return home."

Lucy's relief died but she followed Erza not wanting to be in anymore trouble than she already was. When they left the tent they asked where Gray went and were told to go to the temple. When they reached the outskirts of the temporary village they saw Gray walking up ahead and jogged to catch up. Once they were all walking together Erza asked.

"So why won't you leave this mission unfinished?"

"My own pride, what Isis taught me, and when I knew was causing this it became personal. So even if I had to leave this place to save my own life I wouldn't leave till it was completed or I was killed."

The way his tone held little to no emotion, his face didn't change, his eyes set on a goal only he knew, and body poised and ready to fulfill his mission. Not knowing what to do or say to break the silence Lucy said the first thing that came to mind.

"Why is this personal?"

Gray stopped and took a deep breath. He knew this question would and come he didn't want to answer it, but he felt he needed to. It's not like she asked for his life story so he would only give the essential details. Releasing a heavy sigh his shoulders sagged and his eyes showed a shimmer of sadness.

"It's a long story that I'm not ready to tell, but I'll only give you what you need to know to understand."

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