Identity Crisis (BWWM) COMPLE...

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Naomi Washington's life was perfect. Her parents only sent her to the best schools that would stretch her bra... Daha Fazla

Chapter One: Challenge Accepted
Chapter Two: Identity Realizations
Chapter Three: Clear the Room... Again
Chapter Four: Let Me See You
Chapter Six: I Love You
Chapter Seven: Work, Sweetheart
Chapter Eight: Feel It
Chapter Nine: You Win Over All
Chapter Ten: I Am In Love With You
Chapter Eleven: Eight Or Zero
Chapter Twelve: Dog To Its Vomit
Chapter Thirteen: There's A World Out There
Chapter Fourteen: Thank You
Chapter Fifteen: The Pool House.
Chapter Sixteen: Surprise
Chapter Seventeen: Monday Morning
Chapter Eighteen: You and I
Chapter Nineteen: Surprise Gone Wrong
Chapter Twenty: Honey We Need To Talk
Chapter Twenty-One: The Talk
Chapter Twenty-Two: Loud Speaking Movement
Chapter Twenty-Three: I Love You Too Much
Chapter Twenty-Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty-Five: Mama Bear Loves You
Twenty-Six: What Are You Saying, Matthew?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Birthday Number Two
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Mr. Prince Charming?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ollie, DNA, and Water Guns
Chapter Thirty: A Halo for Superwoman
Chapter Thirty-One: Out the Bag
Chapter Thirty-Two: Claudette, Charlotte, and Solomon
Chapter Thirty-Three: Back in Business
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets and Guns
Chapter Thirty-Five: Fear
Chapter Thirty-Six: Hints, Text Marriages, and Therapy
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Beauty of it All (Enough)
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter Thirty-Nine: You're My Baby?
Chapter Forty: Masterpiece
Chapter Forty-One: Saturday Night Live?
Chapter Forty-Two: Breakeven
Chapter Forty-Three: Happily Ever After... Finally

Chapter Five: Grow Up

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Grow Up

Elliot sat at the table with Helen Shrifer across from him, and a bottle of wine along with plates of pasta between them. What was supposed to be a professional dinner turned into a more personal dinner once Helen invited Elliot to her loft in DC. He had flown from New York just to make it, he had been securing the endorsers- telling them if they didn't pay their promised money, he would kill them. Easy as that. Helen had become a little touchy, but Elliot didn't mind it. He hadn't seen his wife in years, considering she had left him, and he could use some relief. He had hoped she would invite him to bed where the two could continue their childish flirting, and hopefully, it would end up being something more. But, his dreams were soon forgotten when an ad screened on the large tv that hung in the dining room. As soon as the two heard the name Joshua Livingston, their eyes became glued to the screen, and they both took in the new ad his daughter had sent out to the world. This one was scarier than the predecessor, but not too scary. The American people could use some tough love concerning their voting choices, and they would get it. It was their turn to be scolded for not choosing presidents who were nice and yet stern- it was always either or- and that annoyed Elliot more than anything on the face of the earth.

Helen watched with wide eyes as the bombs dropped and the foreign soldiers marched, mumbling their allegiance to their ruler, and their deep hatred for America. Then, just before you thought it would get worse, it cut to Livingston who is surveying army forts and greeting the soldiers, depicting the perfect image of a hero, a president. Somehow, Naomi had managed to get Joshua to an army base just before the soldiers were heading back to their rooms, and they had met him with pleasure, hoping he would win so their benefits could continue. Elliot and Helen both smiled at the end of the thirty second ad when Livingston's picture popped up, showing the world his pretty face. Helen turned back to Elliot with a smile on her face, ready to talk business.

"Send more money," Helen stated simply, smiling widely at him.

"I could, but I feel we should talk about something else right now. Look Helen, he can only get so far with defense-"

"I know, and I know he has other points."

"And we need to start running ads for the other points."

"And what do I have to do with that?"

"I need you to talk to some people, I know you have friends, so talk to them."

"Hmm..." Helen trailed as if she had been in deep thought. She knew she would talk, and talk all the way to the bank, along with Livingston and his campaign manager. She liked the guy, and she knew he would protect the second amendment, as well as America, meaning D-PAC and it's members would never go broke, and she also knew it would take money. "I'll talk with a few friends, mainly from defensive companies who are big on health and family and such. We'll get her the money."

"Thank you, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my -"

"What is with you two?"

"What do you mean?" Elliot questioned as he stood, and buttoned his jacket.

"I mean why are you so concerned about Naomi Washington?"

"Because she is handling my client. I'll see you next week, Helena," he nodded, turning the knob, tipping his fedora down, and heading out of the loft.

The room was thick with tension as every employee of the campaign sat with notepads and pens. It wasn't their worst nightmare, but it came in a close second, and Naomi hadn't stopped throwing out suggestions since the story had broken, but none of them would work, so she had finally gathered the team, and they had been working nonstop for six hours straight- no one came in the conference room, no one came out. It was a leak. Someone, who Naomi quickly identified, fired, and replaced, leaked Joshua's plans to visit the Middle East, along with a picture if Naomi and him speaking with one another, looking deeper into each other's eyes than they should have been. It looked real, it was, but the media didn't know that, and they ate it up like it was tossed meat to a lion. One person had leaked two stories in less than ten hours, and that sent Naomi into a fit of rage she was hardly able to control. When she had identified the source, she drug her into the conference room, and gave her the worst tongue lashing she would ever receive in her life, along with a threat to ruin her. The girl was gone in less than an hour, being replaced by an African American young lady whom Naomi intended on hiring, if she did well on the campaign trail. She had already saved her, twice, but she would've liked to sample her skills before she was added to Washington & Law's payroll.

"Okay, so, we visit the Middle East in two days, before anyone else can get there?" Sheila spoke up, shocking the whole room quiet. She had been fetching coffee, lunch and pens all afternoon, and no one had noticed her until now. "I mean, the money's there, we just got a new wave, so we have enough to rent a jet. We send three people, meet soldiers, examine the weapons, show our disproval, and problem's fixed," she shrugged, handing out the various cups. Naomi stared at Sheila as well as everyone else, their mouthes almost agape.

"Get her a notepad, a pen and coffee. I don't care if we have to hire someone to do it, do it," Naomi clapped, opening the conference room door for one exception, and a young clerk all but ran out of the room.

"So, who do we send?" Joshua asked, leaning forward towards Sheila as he tapped the pen vigorously.

"Anyone, but Ms. Washington." The room filled with 'what's, 'why's, and 'I don't understand's from everyone except Naomi who was listening carefully, somewhat resenting Sheila for even suggesting it. "If Ms. Washington goes, that could just lead to more pictures, more articles, and more rumors. I'm sure Jack and Regina could handle it, they've been in the business long enough."

"And where am I?" Naomi piped up.

"You are in Denver, working. You call and ask a school if Mr. Livingston can come and speak with the children. We'll stage something four hours earlier than he would be arriving, he heads to the Middle East, you step in his place, rumors are put to bed," Sheila nodded, scribbling notes on a pad as she spoke.

"It's perfect," Damien, who never spoke, said, tucked deep in a corner, probably already searching for schools to visit, and the next flight to Denver.

"Alright, we'll do it. Jack, Regina, you're going to Saudi Arabia with Mr. Livingston. I'm taking Sheila and Alexis, whom, by the way, has replaced Heather. Sheila, get us that jet, Regina, find us a flight, please, and Jack, start writing for me. Mr. Livingston, could you please begin writing a speech for the troops. Damien, pull some strings. I need a bomb scare on a base somewhere in Saudi Arabia, you're staying with me. Let's go, people!" Naomi commanded as she exited the conference room, everyone shuffling out behind her.

The bus had never been so filled with chatter- everyone had a phone attached to their ear, placing calls, and scribbling different things. A few clerks had their laptops, pecking furiously at them in efforts to make this campaign successful, and as Naomi scoped over things, she was satisfied. Naomi walked with her cell phone, laptop, and briefcase back to the conference room, opening the door, prepared to set the next two days up perfectly. But, upon entering, she noticed Joshua sitting at the table with his eyebrows furrowed, and a deep frown set on his face as he sat in front of a piece of blank paper and a pen. He hadn't acknowledged Naomi, though he knew she was in the room, and instead kept his eyes on the paper, trying desperately to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach, and focus on writing a new speech. Naomi cleared her throat, still standing behind Joshua as she watched him stare at the paper.

"I don't think the speech will write itself," she attempted, and it was a horrible attempt. Naomi added a nervous chuckle as she came and sat on the right side of where Joshua was- the head of the table.

"Yeah, well, I figure if I sit here long enough, something will happen," Joshua shrugged, sitting back in the chair.

"Oh..." Naomi trailed. She had never used two letter word that served as sentence fillers, and yet, when she was around Joshua, she couldn't help but! It all confused her, and she figured she would write about her insecurities later, the ones concerning how she acted when she was around him. "You know what, I can't do this," she sighed, beginning to stand up before he caught her wrist, causing her to pause and sit back down.

"No, you're going to do this. How am I supposed to go to Saudi Arabia without you there?!" He whispered harshly as Naomi looked away. She knew it was going to happen, but she hadn't suggested that, she simply took the advice she was given.

"You're going to smile and make friends with the troops and the generals, considering they're voters too, and you're going to show how much of a great president you can be," Naomi finally met his brown eyes again, cringing when she saw how he was looking at her with so much concern, not for her, but for himself. What he didn't know was that she was thinking the same thing. The two were so used to stealing at least a few moments to spend together, smiling whenever no one was looking, and having closed meetings in the conference room where his hand rested comfortably on her thigh, and they worked then better than ever.

"Don't give me that," Joshua scoffed, turning away from her, and standing up. "I'll have to be there for two weeks, bare minimum."

"Maybe if you were president, but you aren't yet. You'll be there for three days, and you come back, it's that simple. All you need to do is check out what you will be working with in the future, and you let that be known every time you do an interview, or speak with the troops. After three days, you get back on the jet, and we meet in Denver where we'll have dinner with the governor and the congressmen, just you and I. Of course, there'll be cameras, but we'll arrive at different times."

"So it's just that easy?" Joshua glared at Naomi, almost shooting daggers at her.

"I don't see why not-"

"No, I won't do it."

"Why?! Because I'm not there to hold your hand the whole time?! You can do this, Joshua, you are a better politician than I! You can sell the message, so you don't need me!" She screeched, causing Joshua to fly over to her, and spin her chair around swiftly.

"That's not the point! Listen, I would like to be around you as much as possible. If we separate, even for a few days, you know how I'll get. I'll be irritable, and nervous, and unless I talk to you before my appearance, I'll have a panic attack," he growled in her face, his lips almost brushing against Naomi's.

"Then grow up," Naomi spat back. She was right, she knew she was, and she knew it would sting him. If he planned on becoming president, he would have to learn that Naomi wouldn't be there for everything, especially not with his wife in the picture. Once he was married, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to have secret meetings, or sneak over to his room- definitely not in the White House. She would've much rather handled the situation than to become severely attached to someone who wasn't hers, and would never be.

"Grow up? You want me to grow up?" He chuckled darkly as he walked away from her.

"Joshua, I didn't mean-"

"No, you mean I need to grow up, I understand, but I think you should grow up. Adults can face themselves and their emotions, and deal with them. You, Ms. Washington, on the other hand continuously avoid your heart, and refuse to acknowledge how you feel. That is childlike, so maybe you should do a little growing up yourself," he spewed back as he neared the door, and exited without so much as a glance back at Naomi.

She hated it. She hated not looking over to catch him staring at her, not smirking at each other whenever they had come up with a superior plan, and it had only been a few hours. The bus was still moving as they drove to a private airport where everyone except the clerks would depart, and Naomi finally looked over at Joshua who was furiously scribbling away. She yearned to speak to him at least once more before the two went their separate ways, but he was right also. They both had some growing up to do, and, though it wouldn't happen in the three days they would be apart, she hoped they would at least reconcile before they went to dinner with potential supports, in efforts to be on one accord and not seem disconnected. Everyone continued to work, even as the campaign staff piled off of the bus, and into the lobby where they would wait to meet their pilots before taking off on their separate ways. Naomi sighed as she walked to a resting area where everyone was sitting with their different electronics, most still working. Her eyes were closed as she thought, something she did often, when she heard pressure being applied to the seat next to her. She snapped her eyes open, looking next to her to see Joshua with papers in hand.

"What are you doing?" She said through gritted teeth as the two pretended to look over his speech. Her eyes caught a few sentences, and she was overall proud of what was written.

"I know this isn't the best time, but I don't want to go to Saudi Arabia while I'm fighting with you," Joshua said as Naomi's eyes looked up at him, then back to the paper once she remembered where she was. "So this is me saying that whenever I get back, I promise to not be upset with you, but for right now, I am not in your favor." She wanted to at least giggle slightly, but she couldn't. He was serious, very, but she understood that when he was upset, he just needed space, and that's exactly what their hiatus would give the both of them.

"And this is me saying I will try to not be upset either." Now he wanted to laugh, turn to her, and press a kiss to her lips, and happily board the plane, and work on his speech a little more, but two of those preferences weren't going to happen.

"Good. If we were in a hotel room with takeout and chocolate cake and CNN, I would be kissing you," he mentioned, scribbling a sentence on the pale yellow paper.

"Well, we're not, so let's keep the comments to ourselves."

"Still kissing you."

"Don't be cute, you have to leave, and I would prefer you don't make this hard for me," she nodded as they continued their hushed conversation and decoy proofreading.

"Oh, now you're becoming attached to me," he smirked to himself, but quickly wiped it away.

"No, I am not. It's just nice to have someone to be a friend on this campaign other than Regina."

"Shut up, and just admit it. It's okay. I-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way with your corresponding pilots and fellow passengers to the planes, and we'll get you all in the air as soon as possible," the young gentlemen who worked the front desk announced, interrupting Joshua.

"Well, I guess it's time to go, huh?" Naomi conjured a smile, but sending it in the young man's direction.

"I'll see you in three days."

"Make me proud," she whispered as the two separated with a handshake, which was acceptable, and the rest of the campaigners loaded their individual planes.

Denver wasn't as cold as she thought, for it to be fall, but she was still prepared for the snow that seamed as if it could fall at any time. Naomi let out a deep sigh as she grabbed her small bag and purse, and followed everyone off of the jet, being the last one, besides the pilot. Once they were all put in a few cars, the driver drove them to their prestige hotel, where Naomi and her select helpers found their respective rooms. Naomi smiled when she noticed Regina had booked two rooms with a passage just for Naomi and Joshua, and her mind filled with memories from their time in New York. It was always fun, something she didn't have often, when she and Joshua spent time together, well, when they weren't worrying about the next year or so. But, she couldn't help but cringe at the thought of anyone finding out about their rendezvouses besides Regina- that would be the thing to send their campaign tumbling. There was a knock at the door, causing Naomi to jump from her deep thoughts, and she went to answer it seconds later after ridding her mind of Joshua and their forming romance. Naomi grinned as she saw Alexis standing in front of the hotel room door with a pad and pencil in her hand, along with a cellphone. She looked like an employee of Washington & Law already.

"H-hi Ms. Washington. Uhm, I believe w-we should be heading out in a few minutes to g-go to the elementary school," she informed with a shaky voice.

"Alright, thanks," Naomi nodded, closing the door softly, and picking up her purse again. But before she stepped out of the room, her phone chimed, signaling an incoming call. Naomi stared at the unrecognizable number, and decided to answer it, bringing the phone up to her ear.

"Naomi Washington," she answered as professional as she was.

"Hi, Naomi," Joshua whispers filled her ear through the receiver as she groaned.

"You're not supposed to be calling me," she whimpered. "This is dangerous."

"Relax, I just wanted to know if you still have that speech we finished in your briefcase? It's not on this jet," he chuckled slightly as Naomi paused to look through the organized briefcase, and found the slightly crumpled paper.

"Yes, I have it. I'll fax it over, and it'll be waiting for you whenever you get there," she nodded, prepared to hang up.

"I'll miss you," Joshua stated, still in a hushed tone.


"I know, I know..." He trailed with a long exhaled breath.

"I-I'll miss you too, okay? I have to go."

"Make me proud." She could picture his perfect smile as she hung up her phone, and continued her way out of the door.

The children were excited to meet Naomi, even if she was only the campaign manager. They were inner city children who attended a magnet school, so it was exciting for them to be around people who made it to where they were striving to get. Naomi shook hands and waved as she walked through the hallways with her employees and security following closely behind. Children took pictures with her, and whole classes wrote letters to Joshua, explaining what they would like to see him accomplish in his four year term. Even the first grade kids had eloquently written letters that were beyond moving, and they inspired Naomi. It was only to be a publicity stunt, but Naomi felt herself becoming ensured in the love the children were showing her, along with the amount of trust and hope. They trusted her to run a campaign that put a man in office that could rejuvenate their school, and offer better teachers and books, and they hoped Mr. Livingston won so they could attain these things. Naomi rounded a corner and entered into a classroom where a teacher had a radio placed on her desk, and as her students worked, the sounds of breaking news flooded the radio.

"Today, there was a bomb placed at an army base in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Joshua Livingston was there in hours, without his campaign manager, Naomi Washington, and was prepared to speak to troops about what they would like to see change, and their concerns about security. Here are a few of his words," the host said as Naomi knocked on the door. The teacher invited her in, turning the volume up so she was able to hear Joshua's speech she had proof read.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of this great nation's army. I would like to first apologize for the chaos and confusion this has caused. As you all know, security must be renewed and enhanced to benefit all of you, as well as America. This is the prime example of why we, as a nation, need to be under new management. As president of these United States, I will improve the security of this nation to create a more safe and protected America..." It trailed, leaving the rest of the speech unheard, as Naomi held her smile.

Naomi greeted the children in the classroom where she was before turning on her heel, and exiting the class with waves on her way out. She walked across the hall, meeting Harper and Sheila as they read a book to the kids. Naomi quietly stepped in, and walked over to a desk where a man was sitting, his chair turned and facing Sheila as she read. Naomi politely cleared her throat, and waited for the man to turn, and was shocked by what she saw. Naomi's eyes shifted down to his name plate once she noticed the man's smile and his bright eyes that were staring.

"May I help you?" He whispered, slightly placing his hand on Naomi's. She flinched slightly before lifting her eyes, and meeting the soft brown that at stared back.

"Yes. My name is Naomi Washington-"

"I am very aware of who you are, it's nice to meet you," he flashed another smile as he stood, shaking Naomi's hand. "Shall we walk, and speak about the students?"

"Sure," Naomi nodded once before following Mr. Truman, as his name plate indicated, out of the classroom and to the hallway.

"First, let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Rollins, the principal. You must've thought I was Mr. Truman, I apologize. I try to sit in on classes as often as possible," he continued walking down the long corridor.

"Yes, I did, actually. Mr. Rollins, I am astounded by your faculty and staff here. You all are running a school filled with so much potential."

"Thank you. The state will only give us new teachers who don't have much experience, but once they begin teaching, they fall in love with the children, and I believe that is what makes this school as special as it is- whether it hosts inner city children, or not."

"Well, that's the reason I'm here! If Governor Livingston were to be elected president, the schools would be renovated by the beginning of the second year. Of course, there are bills to be passed, but with a little fundraising, schools across America such as your own will be just like new," Naomi lifted her eyes to Mr. Rollins and flashed a friendly smile as his eyes bore into her. Her smile faded soon as he continued to stare at her with those chocolate eyes that Naomi found quite interesting.

"Ms. Washington, may I just say that you are absolutely gorgeous," he winked as Naomi blushed.

"Well, thank you, but-"

"Do you plan on attending the dinner tomorrow?" He questioned, raising his light colored eyebrow.

"Yes, I do. And, my sincerest apologies from Governor Livingston. He had a problem to handle in Saudi Arabia that I'm sure you're aware of," Naomi sighed, taking a much needed step back from the handsome man that stood in front of her.

"Oh, I see. So the rumors are true?"

"Excuse me?"

"The rumors about the two of you. Are they true?"

"No, no! I am his campaign manger, nothing more."

"Oh, well, I just thought since you dismissed me so quickly-"

"No, not at all. Mr. Rollins, as much as I have enjoyed our talk, I believe I have a meeting soon. My colleagues, however, will stay until the assembly later is finished. Again, thank you so much for your time," Naomi smiled again with a nod as she turned on her heel, and began to exit the building.

Quinn Rollins watched as her hips swayed with each step, the halls reflecting the sound of her heels off of their walls. He couldn't help the smirk that rose on his lips as he now looked forward to the dinner with the governors and congressmen, the only reason being Naomi Washington. From what he had gathered, she was a woman of pure business and that she was independent, but he couldn't help his sudden attraction to her. He felt himself stirring as she turned and tossed one more grin over her shoulder before pushing the double doors open, and stepping through them, her phone to her ear seconds later.

Naomi didn't want to be bothered with planes, a driver or even people for that matter. Well, in actuality, the only person she wanted to be bothered with was Joshua, but she knew that was impossible. She couldn't believe that Mr. Rollins had complimented her, and her automatic defense was to bring Joshua into the conversation. She had to be careful. She couldn't always divert to him every time a man looked her way! Sure, the two had been seeing each other, and she would have liked to think she meant more to him than a friend, but she had to realize that other men would be interested. She hadn't, however, figured out how to decline those gentlemen without throwing the fact she was seeing the next president behind closed doors in their face.

Naomi sighed as the rental car appears in front of her in minutes, the driver stepping out, and handing her the keys to the SRX Cadillac, and he disappeared. She slid into the vehicle that was almost identical to the one she drove back home, and inhaled the fresh leather scent. She needed this- just a small piece of home to get her through the day. She cranked the car, and pulled from the curb, her eyes focused ahead as she fought the urge to call her friend whom was halfway across the world. She was sure he would call once he woke up and, considering the time zones, should be soon. She had already decided she wouldn't speak about the principal she met when he'd ask. She would just focus on the brilliant and bright children along with their caring teachers who invested so much into their students' future. Naomi continued her drive to Colorado's state capitol, and pulled into a space. She leaned her head gently against the headrest, closing her eyes for only a few seconds before her phone chimed. Her hands lunged for the slender phone, but decided to allow it to ring twice more before she brought it to her ear.

"Naomi Washington," she answered.

"It's me," Joshua chuckled, bringing a smile to Naomi's face.

"Are you alone?"

"For now. Regina should be up in a few to make sure I'm awake."

"Good, so how's Saudi Arabia? I heard a little of your speech."

"I made you proud." Naomi's smile stayed put at the mention of their private moment before he boarded the jet. "Really, it's going well. I think I'll be in Denver tonight, actually."

"I thought Sheila said three-"

"She did, but we've already fixed the problems and such. Jack suggested we come back and allow the other candidates to come. I thought you would be happy about it." She could picture his frown.

"I am! I am very happy about it. Our rooms are next to each other," she smirked on the opposite end, still buckled in the crossover.

"Great. It should be around eleven your time when we get to the hotel. I'll come over and say hello, then we have to sleep," Joshua sighed.


"Where are you?"

"Parked in front of the capitol, in a rental. I figured you'd call, so I didn't go in."

"That means you miss me-"

"No! I just didn't want my phone to blare the Star-Spangled Banner when I entered."

"You are so patriotic, it's almost sickening."

"And you are too," she giggled.

"Well, you could've turned it off," he chuckled as Naomi blushed slightly.

"Okay, okay. But, if it's fair, you miss me too."

"How so?"

"Well, you said you'd be here early, and the first thing you thought about was coming to see me- not shower, not unpack, not eat, but to come see me," she smiled triumphantly.

"Alright you caught me," Joshua paused as there was a knock at the door, signaling he would have to end his phone call. "Listen, Regina's here, but I'll come over tonight with chocolate cake."

"I should go too. There are paparazzi who are probably dying to know who I've been speaking with for the past ten minutes, seeing as I haven't stopped smiling," she laughed slightly along with Joshua.

"Alright, sweetheart. Goodbye!" He called as Naomi ended the call, and stepped out of the SRX, shutting the door before rounding the corner where the reporters and paparazzi stood, shouting questions at her. David, her go-to security guard, was awaiting her as he tugged her through the mass of people.

"Ms. Washington! Were you speaking to Governor Livingston?" One shouted, and Naomi paused. It was her chance to stop the rumors, and make a political comment or two.

"Governor Livingston and I are not romantically involved in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I run his campaign, he runs for president. It would be extremely messy and immature for he and I to become involved when America has many other things we could spend our time on, rather than waste it on each other. We are working to make a better America, nothing more, nothing less. Thank you all," Naomi concluded as she turned back around with David holding her arm, guiding her through the crowds and to the door of the capitol.

Naomi's head was held high, as it usually was, as she walked into the capitol building, meeting and greeting the governor of Colorado. He flashed a large smile as he took Naomi's hand in his, and pressed his lips to her knuckles. Naomi flinched slightly at the gesture, seeing as his wife was standing next to him, and the fact that she and his wife were friends. Naomi tugged her hand away, and turned to Patricia Growth with widened eyes, and the two shared a friendly hug. Patricia pulled away, gripping Naomi's shoulders as she grinned at her, proud of how her mother had raised her.

"Oh darling, your mother did well," Patricia smiled.

"Thank you! She's not giving you too much trouble, is she?" Naomi questioned jokingly. Naomi and the Growth's were the only ones who new where Naomi's mother fled to when she left her father, and they planned on keeping it secret.

"No, no! Not at all! Actually, I believe she would like to see you, so she may be in your hotel room when you get back; don't be startled," Patricia said in a hushed tone, and Naomi silently thanked her for that. There was no telling when and where her father would show up, and she preferred he didn't know about her mother's whereabouts.

"Thank you for the warning. So, Governor Growth, let's talk business, shall we?" Naomi nodded as he turned, and headed toward his secluded conference room.

Naomi was suddenly worried as she drove the Cadillac to her hotel room. Her mother was supposed to be waiting, but Joshua would be there soon also, and, though she hadn't seen her mother in a whole year, she also wanted to see Joshua. She had hoped and prayed that the two weren't already waiting on her, having some awkward conversation about how Naomi's mother had been in hiding for so long, and exactly why Joshua was waiting in Naomi's hotel room with flowers and chocolate cake. That inspired Naomi's foot to be a little heavy on the gas as she continued her way, and pulled roughly into a parking spot. She pulled her purse from the passenger's side of the car, and entered the hotel, immediately pressing the button that opened the elevator, and signaled it to go up to her room. She counted the floor numbers as the elevator ascended, and stopped at number five as the doors opened, and she stepped out quickly. Naomi sighed as she slid her card through, and her door popped open, revealing her mother who was sitting on the sofa, waiting for her baby girl.

"Mom! I am so glad to see you," Naomi sighed, pulling her mother into a bone crushing hug as her eyes darted over the room, making sure no one else was present.

"I'm glad to see you too, baby! How have you been?" Her mother, Ruth, cooed as she pecked Naomi's cheek.

"I've been great, just very busy."

"I bet! That young man could win the election, especially with your help," she smiled widely, sitting back on the sofa as Naomi sat next to her.

"I have faith in him; we're working hard."

"Well, you know as the saying goes: work hard, play harder." Naomi paused as she stared at her mother. She knew there was no lying between the two of them, but she didn't think the fact she was seeing someone, and denied it publicly meant she was lying to her mother, yet she knew her mother could see right through it.

"He's here?" Naomi cleared her throat as her mother nodded.

"I told him to give me an hour, and I'd leave you two to it," her mother chuckled, patting her daughter's knee.

"Mom, I promise we're not sleeping together we're just-"

"You're hanging out, having fun, he told me."

"You talked to him?"

"For thirty whole minutes. He's an interesting guy, and I think you two are made for each other."

"He's going to be president... We can't-"

"Sweetheart, I have waited all your adult life to see you happy with a man, and I'm glad I finally have. Listen, I know it's not orthodox, but if he does marry-"

"Then I should do the modest thing and leave him alone, I know mom. It's just with Joshua, I'm not sure if I can do that. I've waited way too long for someone who finally has my interest," Naomi frowned as she sighed.

"Do whatever you think you should. Remember I taught you to trust your gut, not your heart. Your heart will lead you to do irrational things, but your gut will always sway towards the right thing to do. And if your heart and gut correspond, it was meant to be," Ruth spoke encouragingly as Naomi nodded along.

The mother and daughter couple spoke for another hour before sharing goodbyes, and Ruth was off into the wind again. Naomi stared at her mother as she waltzed down the corridor to the elevator, recognizing where she got her powerful walk from. She closed the door, and turned back around to be startled by Joshua who was almost in her face with flowers and cake, as she expected. He tossed the two items on the table before pressing his lips to Naomi's in a desperate kiss, cupping her cheeks as their lips moved together. He was winded thirty seconds into the kiss, and decided to pull away with a large smile, one Naomi had never seen before. The two grinned at each other for a long time before Joshua pecked Naomi's lips again, and spoke.

"I missed you," he frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers came around his neck, holding him as close as she could.

"I missed you too, but you scared me."

"So, you kiss all your intruders?"

"Not all of them, just the ones that meet my mother," Naomi smirked as Joshua pulled her to the bed, each sitting on top of the cover.

"She was great, but I wasn't expecting her to be here," he chuckled.

"She told me that when you knocked, and she opened that you almost kissed her," Naomi grinned up at Joshua as he lifted a piece of the cake to her lips.

"If that doesn't indicate how ready I was to see you, I don't know what will."

"It definitely does. Are you tired?"

"I am, but I would rather be siting in here with you, watching the news," he looked over to her, pressing his lips to hers quickly.

"My mom told me to go with my gut whenever the time comes," Naomi shrugged as Joshua nodded along.

"She told me she trusted you to follow your gut. I don't think she knew that it would be harder for me to trust you to follow your gut."

"I haven't given you a reason to not trust me," Naomi furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up to him.

"You haven't given me a reason to trust you either. Listen, I know we're not exactly a couple, but I would like to think that I mean something to you-"

"You do."

"Exactly, so I need to form some sort of trust factor. I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt me, but if I do get married, I won't have the right to keep you."

"I thought we were just having fun," Naomi groaned, leaning against his chest as his arm pulled her closer.

"We are both doing something we've never done before. I'm just preparing for the future, Naomi. It's going to happen soon: we're both going to make a decision, and I want you to know that no matter what we decide, I will always care for you, in one way or another," he kissed her nose, then her cheek, and finally her lips softly.

"Are you sleeping here tonight?" She questioned, throwing the conversation to the side, something she never had done, as she closed her eyes, inhaling his scent.

"I guess I am now," he chuckled. "I'll go shower, and I'll be back." Joshua hopped off of the bed, but not before Naomi caught his wrist, causing him to pause.

"Only stay if you promise not to leave early," she murmured as she hovered her lips just above his.

"What if-"

"Just stay, okay? I could use a good cuddle," she pouted as he kissed her lips with a nod.

"Okay, I'll be back."

A/N: anyone think Mr. Rollins will be an issue? And he met her mom! That's one person that knows about their relationship, so do you think it'll be hard to keep it a secret?! Leave me comments babies! See you guys soon!

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