15 Days With The Possessive B...

By oneperson100feelings

394K 12.2K 847

"You are mine now. Just remember one thing nobody gets the privilege of bringing that smile on your face and... More

You use my money to buy condoms?
OMG! He is a Greek God.
I do not want her in bed.
You got a job?
Shorts and no bra work.
I don't need your help.
I am glad she is in my bestfriends life.
Keep your big fat ego in your pocket
Reality check, I am not yours.
I likeeeeeeee youuuu
I am going to make it upto you.
That was your first time?
I am going to cut those balls and feed it to dogs
You believe in love?
Was I jealous?
Making you happy makes me happy.
I am not like other girls
I want you all to myself
You haven't kissed him?
I am always going to be there
Something just like this
Tonight sex on the beach?
You're on your period?
You removed your T shirt?
You're my favourite human
I want to be with you
Thats my girl.
You're the best thing that happened to me
I loved him
Where is Ayan?
I love you
He is going to kiss me
I got pregnant
He pressed his lips against mine
I am very possessive
We had sex
I was so wet (18+)
I had a boner (18+)
What are you doing in her bed?
She had to know he is mine
Two boners in few hours (18+++)
He took me against the wall (18+++)
I still love him
He can't meet his daughter
I wanted to pamper you
He threw me on his shoulders
He unhooked my bra (18++)

Stay with me.

6K 237 13
By oneperson100feelings


"How dare you even touch her? You piece of shit. When a girl says no it means no." Ayan said while hitting the guy.

The guy did not hit him back that was because Ayan didn't give him a chance to. That man was not responding at all and it scared me. What if Ayan kills him? This could be big trouble.

"Ayan, please stop!" I tried to stop him but I knew it was not going to be of no use. It was very difficult to control his temper. His eyes were red while he continued beating the life out of that man until he was unconscious.

"You will kill him if you don't stop. Please let him go. We can call the police and it will be fine." I told him literally trying to pull him away from the man. He did not budge at all.

"Stay out of this Cookie. He needs to know what he has done." Anger was clearly evident in his voice and this Ayan scared me. Luckily some people came running and pushed Ayan away from the man.

"What kind of a hotel do you have? This girl nearly got raped and you know nothing about it? I am going to put serious charges on the hotel. I am going to call your owner. Don't you have a proper security facility? What if something would have happened to her?" He yelled to the manager who had come with the police. I pitied the poor man. He was facing Ayan's anger without any reason.

"Please Sir, Don't do any such thing. It will be a very bad reputation for our hotel. I will personally look into the matter. Ma'm are you alright?" He said looking at me.

It is then when I realised what had actually happened in the last few minutes. I looked down at myself to see my clothes torn and red marks on my wrists. I did not even know when tears started flowing from my eyes.

I felt so embarrassed, I was almost without any clothes in front of so many people. I just sat down and started crying. I didn't care how many people were watching me.

It was just unbearable for me to remain calm. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and in no time I was covered with a jacket. I looked at Ayan and he looked really sad and guilty. At that time all I wanted to do was subside his pain forgetting all that I had been through.

"Please take me up Ayan." I literally begged. Right now I just wanted to be away from all the people and be alone. I missed mom. I missed Jake. I wanted to hug mom so tightly and cry all the pain out. I needed Jake to tell me that everything was going to be okay. I needed my family.

Suddenly two pairs of arms wrapped around me in the tightest way possible. He hugged me like he was going to lose me.

He hugged me like he feared losing me the most. He hugged me like he cared for me. He hugged me like he cared for me the most. As soon as I hugged him back. All the tears flowed out. I cried. I cried my pain out. If I didn't do it now it would kill me.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I don't know what to say. I am sorry. I really am." He said as his voice shook. He was upset I could sense it in his voice. He lifted me up and carried me up stairs. I was too tired to protest.

As soon as we reached the room he placed me on the couch and I wanted to thank him but tonight words seemed difficult to come out. He came near me and sat on his knees on the floor and held my hand.

"I am the biggest idiot on this planet. I am sorry I stormed out. I am sorry I screamed at you. I was just so confused at that moment. I was being selfish. I can't help it when it comes to you. I feel selfish. Why did you come downstairs this late?" His eyes looked as if he was going to cry and his voice was all shaken and hurt. I had to tell him that it was not his mistake or he would keep blaming himself all the time.

"You stormed out so angry. I was worried. It was really late and this is an unknown city. I thought you might get drunk and do something really stupid worse you could hurt yourself. That's why I came looking for you." I said trying to speak between my tears. A part of me regrets saying this because I knew he would blame himself more after this.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! All this happened because of me. If I didn't leave in the middle of an argument and rather sat down with you to talk about it, none of this would have happened." He said leaving my hand and getting up frustrated. I now missed the warmth of his hand. I wanted the feeling of warmness right now. That was all I wanted.

"Ayan look at me. It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. Can we please stop discussing this? It is making things worse. Please." I said hugging him tightly. More than what happened today seeing him hurt was hurting me. I didn't like seeing him so hurt and miserable.

"Go to sleep. You need a nice long sleep and if you need anything I am in the next room." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. He tucked me to bed and covered me with a blanket.

"Ayan, can you please stay with me tonight? I don't want to wake up to nightmares." I said fidgeting with my fingers. I was really nervous about asking him. Didn't it seem a little desperate? Would he get any wrong ideas?

"Okay don't worry." He seemed a little confused and shocked by my question. Maybe he never thought I would ask such a question. Did he think I was like the other girl?

"Um Ayan I didnt mean it in that way. I mean just to sleep you know like not.. um like-" He put a finger on my lips to probably tell me to shut up.

"Do you really think that low of me? Just after this incident, you think I would want to have sex you?" He said a little hurt. You're so stupid V. He must have felt so bad.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I just thought you shouldn't get a wrong idea." I know my apology would not make a difference but a girl can try. He just nodded and tucked me to bed.

I knew that he was still upset about what I said but I was too tired to convince him. He put the blanket on me and just like that sleep took over.

I woke up next morning with a hand over my waist. I turned around and collided with a hard chest. Ayan was sleeping peacefully with his arm around my waist. He was holding me as if I was going to run away. He was still really upset about yesterday. I really needed to talk to him about it. The thought of yesterday night still sent shivers in my body.

If Jake came to know about it he would kill that man and then me for roaming around this late alone. Ayan almost killed that man yesterday. His angry face is really very scary.

Look at him right now. The Ayan Brooke who people called the bad boy was sleeping so peacefully on my bed. I don't know why but I blushed. It's happening too much around him.

My phone beeped and I realised that I had not even checked it since yesterday night. There were nine missed calls. 5 from mom, two from Jake and 2 from Nicole. My phone started ringing and I saw that Dylan was calling. I totally forgot that I had to meet him today.

"Hey bitch. We are still meeting right?" He said from the other side of the phone.

"There is something called as good morning which you can greet." I said clearly annoyed. Firstly because this guy lacks serious manners and secondly because I am not a morning person at all.

"Stop annoying me and meet me at The Morning Place. They serve the best breakfast. So, now move your ass really quick and meet me there in half an hour." He said and hung up the phone. Typical Dylan. He had to always have things his way.

I looked at Ayan and he was sleeping peacefully. I did not want to wake him up. Yesterday night was too tiring and he deserved some sleep. I slowly tried to get out of his grip but he did not budge. Then I slightly lifted his hand and slid out. Perks of having a tiny body.

I quickly took a shower and when I came out Ayan was still sleeping. I was about to leave a note for him when I saw that it was already twenty minutes since I had spoken to Dylan and that meant I had only ten minutes to reach the restaurant. I quickly grabbed my purse and rushed out of the room.

I took a cab and luckily the driver knew that restaurant or else I was going to have a hard time finding it. I was so excited to meet Dylan. It had been so long. I really missed him. Though I was never going to admit it to him. Soon I reached a big fancy restaurant and I checked the time.

I was late. Dylan was going to kill me. As I entered the restaurant I saw him sitting in the table. I was so excited to see him that I rushed towards him and hugged him so tight. It felt so nice to meet someone from home.

"Woahhh easy there. You are going to crush my bones." He said and chuckled. I didn't care. I was just so happy to see him after so long.

"I am so happy to see you idiot." I said and broke the hug. He hadn't changed a bit. The same old Dylan. He had wore ripped jeans and though he didn't say it his eyes twinkled when he saw me.

"I have missed you idiot." He said and I was surprised that he actually confessed something like that. Dylan was a person who would never express his feelings. I was stunned that he did today. We sat on the table and ordered for what Dylan said was special here.

"Are you here with Jake for a holiday or something?" He asked and I suddenly felt nervous telling him about Ayan. I didn't know how he was going to react when he heard about Ayan.

"Umm actually no I am here with a friend." He gave me a confused look, maybe that was because he thought I was lying.

"Is she hot?" He asked with a spark in his eyes. Didn't he like breakup with his girlfriend recently? Veronica that was before you came to New York, idiot.

"Actually um actually he is a guy." I finally said out and I saw him with a raised eyebrow. Be ready for the rapid fire round Veronica. Here it begins.. 3 2 and 1.

"You're here with a boy? How? When? Are you dating him? Why didn't you tell me? Did you already have sex? Are you happy with him? Does he trouble you?" He was literally screaming. The whole restaurant looked at us and the waitress bought him a glass of water. I was trying to control my laughter so hard.

"Will you just calm down? He is just a friend." I said. I think if I didn't mention this he would have probably had a panic attack. Why was he reacting so much? That's probably because I have never had a guy friend except for him.

"Tell me everything about this trip of yours." He put more emphasis on the word trip because in his mind all the dirty thoughts were going on.

"Before you answer me. Why is that guy that the door sending me death glares." He said pointing towards the door. He looked so relieved when he saw me.

There stood Ayan. I am dead.

A/N- Hey guys. How are you guys? Thank you to all the people who said that they wanted me to continue. This is for them.

Let me know what you like about this chapter.

Love you guys.

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