Dark Knight [A Wattpad Featur...

By ShrutiXT

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Once his nation's most beloved Prince and famed General, Aaryan Singh Shekhawat now lives in disgrace, accuse... More

Phonetic Pronunciations of Names/ Places
Chapter 1: Angels & Demons
Chapter 2: Sliding Doors
Chapter 3: Fractured (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Fractured (Part 2)
Chapter 4: In the Name of Love
Chapter 5: Adversity Makes Strange Bedfellows
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 3)
Chapter 7: Smoke & Mirrors (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Smoke & Mirrors (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Dusk to Dawn (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Dusk to Dawn (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Entangled (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Entangled (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Serendipity (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Serendipity (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Desert Blooms (Part 1)
Chapter 11: Desert Blooms (Part 2)
Wattpad #Featured & The Blue Awards!
Chapter 12: The Abyss and The Apex (Part 1)
Chapter 12: The Abyss and The Apex (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Old Wounds and New (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Old Wounds and New (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Eternity is a Moment With You (Part 2)
Chapter 15: The Paths of the Righteous (Part 1)
Chapter 15: The Paths of the Righteous (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Perilous Revelations (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Perilous Revelations (Part 2)
Chapter 17: A Sojourn in Hell (Part 1)
Chapter 17: A Sojourn in Hell (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Blood & Gold (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Blood & Gold (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Oasis (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Oasis (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Your Solace, My Salvation (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Your Solace, My Salvation (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 1)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 3)
Chapter 22: The Winds of Change (Part 1)
Chapter 22: The Winds of Change (Part 2)
Important Announcement - Getting Published!
Chapter 23: The Homecoming (Part 1)
Chapter 23: The Homecoming (Part 2)
Chapter 24: The Sphinx
Chapter 25: Sweet Sorrows (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Sweet Sorrows (Part 2)
Fan Art
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Chapter 14: Eternity is a Moment With You (Part 1)

364 36 39
By ShrutiXT

The pale light of the early day timidly sneaked in through the Haveli's windows, as if loath to disturb the two figures collapsed in rest. Aaryan's eyes opened first, coming awake to the sensation of dull pain, muscles screaming in protest and a slightly pounding, but cogent, head. Memories crowded through him, overwhelming him with a mind numbing fear of Siya being killed or taken, but others took over, hazy but contradictorily crystallised with diamond- like clarity. He recalled parts of the frenzied ride home, Siya bending over him, her soothing hands and her lilting voice, full of suffering and fear. She had anchored him to life, and allowed him sublime peace on feeling the hot rush of tears on his scourged back, and the touch of her lips, which had managed to make him feel entirely renewed. He shut his eyes again, savouring the words of absolution she had spoken; they had been a benediction, a blessing and bliss he had not believed could exist. He looked over at her; bent over in exhausted slumber, as if unable to stay on guard anymore. She had tended to him with a care and devotion that he had no right to expect, but which he received as a literal consecration.

Aaryan yearned to lean over and hold her, to tell her how he felt and voice his gratitude, no matter how inadequate it would be. But he acknowledged he wanted so much more. Therein lay the problem. She must not know how his emotions were raging out of control. She would be appalled, frightened, or even worse, repulsed, especially as what could this runaway outlaw offer her? She could only see his actions as a dishonourable advance and Aaryan knew that he could never think of her except with wonderment and respect. He eased away from the bloodstained covers, ensuring he made no sound, despite the shafts of pain that ran through his battered body as he gingerly stood. He had to see Veer, but before that he determined to wash away the vestiges of the ravages of battle more thoroughly than his benevolent carer had managed.

When Siya abruptly surfaced from her restless stupor dominated by images of a wounded and dying Aaryan, she found him gone. She started to rush towards the front door, but hearing sounds upstairs, her feet carried her to the open door of his chamber. She careened straight in, all thoughts of knocking absent and came to a rather uncoordinated stop. She found him looking relatively refreshed, with slightly damp hair and holding a clean tunic he must have been about to put on. He looked up in surprise as she ran up to him, unmindful of anything but him and the angry and red gash she had stitched up so assiduously.

"Aaryan! Are you allright? Why did you get up? You are badly hurt. Let me look at that wound. I need to bandage it."

She laid her hand lightly on his arm, examining the effects of yesterday's bloodbath, biting her lip in distress. Suddenly, it struck her that she was far too close to him. He was bare chested and all to fresh smelling and vital despite his injuries. She stilled, her eyes clashing with his, as he gazed at her with an expression so deep, that her breath hitched in her chest and she almost forgot to breathe. Aaryan let the clean upper robe fall to the bed at his side. He saw a rose tint spread over her face. She was still in her clothes from yesterday, bloodstained and dusty, her face and neck smudged, and with shadows under her eyes. She had never looked lovelier to him. As his eyes roved her face, his glance sharpened on the livid bruise, already purpling, on her fine cheekbone, and the slight cut on her lips. Murderous rage threatened him, and he saw her eyes widen in alarm, not understanding his reflex to her being hurt. Without thinking, he cupped her face with one hand to gently raise her chin. Ignoring her stunned surprise, he very softly touched just under the tender spot, and then near her lip, her slight wince making him furiously protective.

"I want to kill those bastards all over again." His voice was his usual steady rumble, but the look in his eyes was electrifying.

Siya swallowed, unable to tear her eyes from his. As if he realised what he was doing, he took his hand from her face, and to her shock she missed that warm touch.

"You need to apply something to that, Siya, and some unguent on your lip as well. Do it now."

This galvanised her somewhat.

"Are you serious? You were almost run through with a sword, hit on your head with a felling blow, and have God knows what other injuries. And you're lecturing me about the effect of a teeny weeny slap I took?"

She would never cease to amaze him, thought Aaryan in wonder. He threw back his head and laughed, his throaty chuckle making her frown in confusion.

"Only you would call a blow by a brute more than twice your size a teeny slap." Then he was intent once more, "Siya, do you know how frightened I was when that animal took you? You are incredible, you know that? How can someone so delicate be so selfless and brave at the same time?"

Siya flushed again, not knowing what to say. This was not going at all how she would expect. He seemed to be making too light of his injuries. Memories were also returning of how she had ... Siya pulled herself up short; she did not have time for this just now, especially whilst he stood there, all too handsome with that look in his eyes that she couldn't quite decipher, but was making her feel rather light headed. She covered her growing embarrassment by finding the safe topic of reminding him that she needed to bandage him. His eyes were slightly smiling, as if he knew how uncomfortable she was.

"Tell you what, you go and freshen up first, Siya, and then we can deal with bandages and breakfast too?"

"Should you not be resting, Aaryan, ermm I mean, Prince Aaryan?" Her brow furrowed; she couldn't believe how he could be hardy enough to be standing and talking.

"I think we can perhaps dispense with some formality in the titles now, Siya?" He smiled, not letting the colour fade from her face. "And the fever is down, Siya. It was mainly the blow and resulting concussion that caused the unconsciousness and I know the shoulder wound bled a lot, but you have stitched it well and it looks clean. Unless it infects, I will be fine. I have taken far worse battle wounds."

Siya wanted to believe him. Seeing him like she had yesterday had terrified her more than she had ever experienced before.

"Hmm, I will be back in minutes then. I will just bathe and come back with bandages and medicine. You stay right here, you hear? Lie down until I come back."

Smiling at her fussing, he watched her dash out as if in a race. Aaryan sat on the bed as she had dictated, resting his head back contentedly. He felt so many emotions churn through him, but he was too tired to fight the euphoric feeling he experienced; knowing it was all down to the effect she had on him. He sobered when he recalled the confrontation from yesterday and processed the implications of it with his meteoric intellect. "So we have today", he mused. He knew that despite the assurances he had given Siya, he would need today to recover enough to undertake another hard journey. The rest he had had and Siya's solicitous care had worked wonders already, but he would have to set an easy pace for today.

Siya was true to her word and bustled in again in a remarkably brief time, bathed and changed into more of her simple clothes. Aaryan made up his mind about something and wondered how to broach that with her. She meanwhile placed a range of bandages and some more of the potion she had made yesterday, along with some emollient. He knew she was discomfited with the incidental intimacy of their situation but was being brisk and clinical. Tender amusement washed over him and his eyes sparkled mischievously. He kept his gaze on her as she bandaged his shoulder and arm, enjoying her nearness and the surprising frangipani scented fragrance from her wet hair she had washed hastily, but left in glorious disarray. He obediently shifted for her to better wrap the linen around him, and noted her slightly quickened breath and stained cheeks when this brought her into even closer contact with his muscled frame. Her fingers were gentle, but shook slightly when she applied the balm to his various cuts, and he began to struggle to keep control over his all too amorous reflexes.

When she was about to get up, he laid his arm on hers. Meeting her enquiring gaze with his deep one, he simply picked the small jar of cream from her suddenly nerveless fingers. He dipped a long finger in and very gently, ran it over her hurt cheekbone. She flinched slightly but tilted her face a little, shutting her eyes involuntarily. Still staring at her, he took another tiny dab of the lotion and placed his finger to the side of her mouth, against the split skin there. Her eyes flew open, tangling with his, wide with shock and an uncomprehending awareness that only fuelled his already simmering desire. A hush spread around them, and Siya was the first to look away, unable to withstand the heat in his eyes. She sprang up frenziedly and almost flung his tunic at him, causing him to feel rather tickled. He no longer wondered at the quicksilver reactions she inspired in him; he was enjoying himself far too much. He donned his upper garments without jarring his arm too much, seeing her immediate concern when he winced for a second. She began her stream of chatter that he now recognised for what it was - a nervous reaction.

"Siya," he interrupted her monologue about tasks she was listing. "Do you have something for a headache, maybe that tea you make?"

Immediately considerate, she came closer, laying her hand on his forehead to check for fever. "Oh no. Is your head hurting? I will make you the tea and more medicine too. You were knocked out for so long yesterday, I was worried."

"I was indeed, but I didn't totally sleep I think. I mean, I could hear someone's endless chatter, you know? I wonder if it was a dream."

Siya looked at him with trepidation.

"Errr, did you actually hear things, like, I mean - actual words? Or do you just mean you heard things in your mind?"

"Why, were you talking to me?"

"No! Of course not. Why would I talk to you when you were unconscious? I was too busy trying to treat your injuries."

"Fine, fine, I'm only asking." He raised his hands in mock surrender. "But I was sure I heard ..."

"What? What? Tell me, what did you hear?"  Siya worried her lip, before she realised it was stinging.

"Well, I was sure I heard something about you being sorry I was hurt. Must have imagined it. Shame, as I hoped I had heard that." He had his eyes lowered and as he had hoped, she fell for his ruse at once.

"Oh, that. I said that as, of course, I felt terrible about you getting hurt and I was just talking a little to myself."

"A little? Then it still must have been my dream as there was someone there who would not stop. They went on and on."

Siya felt dread and alarm in equal measures. There was something very suspicious in his face and voice, but surely, he could not have heard and worse, felt, everything? She tried again.

"What did this person, in your dream I mean, what did they say?"

"I don't remember everything but there was a lot. Some of it rather nice."

"Like what? Tell me."

"Well, you know, I don't want to sound boastful, but there was a woman saying something about my eyes and how nice my eyelashes were? Had to be a dream right?"

Siya's face resembled the deep crimson of the upholstery on the chairs. Her fingers played with an unused strip of linen bandage.

"Y.y..yes, of course, how silly! You must have been delirious."

"Hmm, must have. Because I also heard this angel saying she believed I was not a traitor and that she believed in my innocence. Despite all the injuries and pain, hearing that meant so much to me, I can't quite describe it, and if only she were real." He looked straight at her, the teasing overlain with sincerity. Siya felt blood rushing to her ears as she helplessly murmured,"I do believe in you ..."

A triumphant look came into his eyes before he tried to mask his emotions. They were both slightly shaken and Aaryan knew he had to regain the lightness.

"The dreams you get sometimes, huh? But tell me, was there a butterfly in the room too?"

"What?" Siya was so bewildered, she moved closer once more, wondering how delirious the poor man had been, despite having heard some of the nonsense she had so unwisely spouted. "Butterfly? Why would you think that?"

"No?" His eyes were bedeviled and yet intense.

"Could it have been some nymph then?" Seeing her frown deepen, he continued,

"See, when I felt the strongest grip of despair, which made me want to give into oblivion, I felt a miracle. Some divine creature was there. I felt someone's tears and they touched a part of me I wanted to keep hidden forever, but those tears were magical. They gave me something I had given up on - peace. And I felt the softest, but most beautiful, of kisses on my scars. If it was no magical butterfly, it had to have been an angel? Or perhaps a nymph princess?" 

The look of dawning horror on Siya's face coupled with her changing colour to every imaginable ruddy shade, was so humorous, he could not hold back anymore. Her hands flew to her face in mortification and she madly dashed out, his rich and deep laughter following her.

When Aaryan sauntered downstairs, a very shy princess banged pots and pans in an enthusiastic pretence of making breakfast. As expected, Siya looked everywhere but at him and he knew that the delicate colour on her face had little to do with the heat. The space, which despite its size, felt suddenly too small to her. She began to talk but he smilingly interrupted.

"Siya, aren't you forgetting something?"

Her blush deepening, she turned to the stove.

"Forgetting? No, no, I am making the tea. Why don't you rest and I will bring it in with the food?"

"Sure, but I think we need to address something else first?"

He almost laughed aloud at her frightened look, before he relented.

"I meant, I must see Veer. Would you like to come too?"

Siya looked stricken. "Oh no, Aaryan. Poor Veer! I totally forgot. I am so sorry. I was so worried about you I ..." she trailed away as he indulgently looked at her.

Outside, an excitable Veer cantered up to Aaryan, neighing his delight and sniffing his beloved master all over as if to ascertain his well-being. Aaryan joyously hugged and patted his valiant steed, telling him how proud he was of him and how brave he had been. Siya watched with a beatific smile, her eyes misting at the selfless bond between man and beast. Aaryan beckoned her, jokingly saying she needed to give Veer at least one pat, with Siya all too happy to oblige. As soon as she stepped near him, Veer whinnied happily and much to Siya's astonishment, began sniffing her too, even giving her a loving nuzzle for good measure. Her mouth agape, Siya stood stunned for a second, before tears welled up in her eyes. She shot Aaryan a look full of such childlike delight, that he literally had to force himself from crushing her to him, and flung her arms around Veer, almost sobbing her thanks to him. Aaryan knew he was being silly, but he felt such pride and deep-seated joy seeing them, he had to grip Veer's saddle tight to prevent himself from giving too much away. Siya's chatter was now devoid of her earlier awkwardness, and she blabbered about their ride and how Veer knew the way and had kicked a bandit, at which Aaryan was suddenly alert. He immediately inquired what she meant and Siya regretted her disclosures as his eyes hardened once more at the thought of the bandits. She tried to casually summarise what had happened, but as she described those hated events, the unwelcome memories she had conveniently buried, surfaced. She stopped mid-sentence when she got to her recounting of stabbing the dacoit, her eyes horrified.

"What's wrong, Siya?" Aaryan peered at her anxiously, standing very close, both of them holding Veer with one hand each.

"I..I killed that man, Aaryan. I stabbed him and there was blood everywhere and his eyes ... I murdered him!"

Comprehension dawned on Aaryan. Her survival instincts had kicked in yesterday but of course she would have never killed anyone before and taking your first life was always harrowing even for those trained for it, as Aaryan knew.  His voice was urgent but calm, and he placed his other hand on her arm.

"Siya, look at me. He was a looting rascal. He would have killed us, or worse, and he was scum; they all were. It's necessary to kill sometimes. You had to kill him and you were so brave ..."

His words made her feel too many things and she reacted with unjustified anger.

"Don't say that! You would say it is fine to kill of course. You killed my father's loyal guard that day." Aaryan took a minute to understand her seesawing emotions and decided to finally set this straight.

"Siya, do you remember seeing me kill those men yesterday?"

Siya glared; surely he would not dare taunt her.

"I am talking about actually killing them after shooting them down with my crossbow?" He clasped her arm to stop her stomping away in disgust and Veer shuffled, not liking the sudden tension between the puzzling pair. "No, listen to me. I know you saw me shoot with the crossbow. You might not have taken it in, but I went back to then finish them off with my sword. That is because I had not changed the darts in my bow - they were ones I had in the palace. They are tipped with something that only stuns, not poison used by some. And whilst yesterday I shot to kill by aiming for certain nerves and points, I had to make sure just in case. At the palace, I only tried to stun and NOT to kill."

Siya gaped, trying to digest this. "So the guard isn't dead? You didn't kill him?"

"I suspect he woke some hours later, feeling rather worse for wear but if he is dead, it certainly isn't my doing and as for ..."

It was Aaryan's turn to stop mid-sentence. Her smile dazzled and that look in her eyes - he could only stare magnetized. Siya looked at him as one does their childhood idol, and gleefully clapped her hands.

"You didn't kill him. I knew it! You couldn't be so heartless to kill an innocent without reason."

Aaryan jolted out of the daydream she had pulled him into; unable to believe how she could be so naïve about things, and yet so aware on others. He didn't have the heart to tell her that sometimes soldiers had to kill innocent people too. He basked in the warmth of her admiration, however misplaced he believed it to be. His acute regard penetrated through to her and she looked away again, making him realise he still held her arm. He reluctantly let go, and Veer, sensing all seemed well, rewarded his new friend with another affectionate nicker. Siya was diverted again.

"He likes me," she stated as if making a new discovery.

Aaryan responded with a quirked brow, "Yes, I suppose he does, well noticed."

"Don't tease, Prince Mocking. You be careful. The next time I try to run away, he might just take me." She childishly stuck her tongue out.

He couldn't resist. His voice deepening, he looked straight at her.

"I wouldn't bet on it, Nymph. He would never take away anything precious to me. Besides which, I remember a promise made to me by a warrior princess that she wouldn't leave me."

Siya discovered the supreme urgency of finishing the preparation for breakfast and escaped his once more glinting eyes and twitching lips.

Author's Note: Hey all! Please do share some love for this chapter, if you felt it!:) It will make me super happy as all your comments and feedback does. This is a very long part - the next one is long too but not as much as this. And a massive thanks to helping DK cross over 5000 reads! The coming chapters are very special to me in the overall story so I am excited to share and so hope you will enjoy them. Have a good rest of the week and see you all Friday!

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