Moonlight and Chocolate (A Yo...

By hp_flash

328K 9.2K 16.4K

Y/n l/n is a muggle-born sixth year Gryffindor who is best friends with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Ever sinc... More

Chapter 1: The Sorting
Chapter 2: Sixth Year
Chapter 3: Potions
Chapter 5: Hogsmeade (Quick A/N)
Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: After All This Time
Chapter 9: Together
Chapter 10: Halloween
Chapter 11: Living a Nightmare
Chapter 12: Remus' Condition
Chapter 13: Notes
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Revenge Plan
Chapter 16: Crucio
Chapter 17: Explanation
Chapter 18: Why You?
Chapter 19: Hear Me
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: I Solemnly Swear
Chapter 22: He Wouldn't Want This
Chapter 23: Missing You
Chapter 24: The Lupin Household
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: Work It Out
Chapter 27: The Holidays
Chapter 28: January 1st
Chapter 29: Seventh Year
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pick-Up Line Source
Chapter 31: Valentine's Day, 1978
Chapter 32: Spider-Remus?
Chapter 33: Quidditch & Lockhart
Chapter 34: Cliche
Chapter 35: The Beginning of the Prank Wars
Chapter 36: Smooth
Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter 38: The Last Game
Chapter 39: Sketchy
Chapter 40: The End of an Era
A/N: Reflections and Looking Ahead

Chapter 4: The Plan

13.2K 363 503
By hp_flash


~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

I slowly awoke and saw two pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Lily.. Remus.. What happened? Oh my god Remus how the hell did you get here, what happened to you, are you okay? Do I need to fight someone?"

Remus giggled, "Y/n I'm fine, kind of, I'm in the same condition as you.

"Severus used that spell on you, didn't he," I sneered, "he thinks he's so much better than everyone because of his blood status, he's not even a pureblood."

"Actually Y/n, it was Mulciber that used that spell, Avery was about to use the Cruciatus Curse on me but McGonagall came just in time."

I felt horrible. Because of me, Remus had to get hurt, he's so good of a friend that he always feels the need to defend me, even if it means getting hurt.

"Y/n," it was almost like he had read my mind, "you don't have to feel bad, you're my friend and I want to protect you, I'm sure you'd do the same for me."

He was right, I would do the same for him. I put my face into his chest, "Remus... Thank you so much. I really do owe you, you could've died... I could've died!"

"Y/n," he smiled, "you don't owe me anything."

Madame Pomfrey walked in a few seconds later, "Miss L/n and Mister Lupin, you can leave tomorrow morning when breakfast starts."

"Thank you Madame Pomfrey," Remus and I replied.

Madame Pomfrey left us alone and there was silence until three familiar voices were heard.

"Hello Moony, Y/n, Lily," Peter said, greeting us.

"Hello my Lilyflower," cooed James.

"Potter," Lily scoffed, "I'm not afraid to hex you."

"We have a feisty one here don't we?"

"Black, I will hex you along with James."

Remus, Peter, and I giggled.

"Y/n" began Peter, "this is a bit random, but are you an animagus?"

"No," I lied, the truth is that I'm unregistered and I don't want anyone to know.

"Oh okay." Peter, James, and Sirius looked a little disappointed.

"Why are you asking," I began, "is there something you would like to tell me?"

"Y/n," Remus interjected, "it's probably nothing, it's most likely just a random question. Peter just does that sometimes."

"Yeah true," I replied, a tad suspicious.

~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

After the rest of the Marauders minus myself and Lily left, Y/n and I were left alone.

"Remus," she began, "why do you have so many scars? Don't get me wrong they're not ugly or anything and I realize it's an odd question, I'm just wondering." I had no idea how to answer this without telling the truth.

"Well you see," I was about to tell her the truth but I decided to only tell half the truth, "I uhh I'm an idiot and I get hurt a lot when I go outside."

"Not surprised."

"Y/n," I began, "are you an animagus? I promise you I won't say anything, not even to Peter."

"Okay Remus," sighed Y/n, "yeah I am an animagus, I became one over the summer but I want to remain unregistered, especially because there might be a war coming up and it can help a lot."

"Y/n," I marveled, "that's bloody brilliant! What animal do you turn into?"

"Oh," she looked taken aback, she probably didn't think I cared too much, "I turn into a wolf."

I felt myself blushing even more. Remus keep it together, that doesn't mean she loves you and that your Patronuses are the same, it can be a mere coincidence.

"Y/n," I asked, "what is your Patronus?"

"I'm not sure, I've never tried conjuring one.

"Oh okay." I was a bit disappointed.


The rest of the week went by fast, it was Monday again. We'd be going to Hogsmead in a week. Was I excited? Kind of. Was I going to ask Y/n? Probably not, I'll probably still hang out with her though. Sirius caught me thinking about her during breakfast.

"Mate," he began, "you should tell her, you have a bloody good chance of getting with her."

"Padfoot," I began, "I can't, I'm pretty sure she doesn't feel the same and I want to protect her from me, I'm a monster."

~~~~~•Sirius POV•~~~~~

Why can't Moony get it through his thick skull that Y/n bloody likes him. He's not a monster, Y/n wouldn't care about his furry little problem. You know what. I'm gonna get Lily, James, and Peter to help me get them together. After that, maybe Lily might realize that Prongs isn't so bad after all and maybe they can have a little Prongslet. Sirius Black, you are a genius.

I was already forming a plan in my head. Lily, Wormtail, Prongs, and I can leave Moony and Y/n alone in Hogsmeade. They'd be forced to spend time together. I walked to breakfast, Moony and Y/n weren't there yet. Perfect. I sat down with Wormtail, Prongs, and Lily. The planning shall begin.

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